Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1919, p. 10

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LADIES-~ Don't trouble making your Xmas Cake--We wil! supply you with a first-class Cake, almond iced and decorated or plain as de-- Ad AL ee cece e eee Ib. Z : Bnd tii os Asie a" sideration by the officers of this 250 Bank. Arrange to Open a current BROWN'S BAKERY account and every banking facility ' is assured. aaa ----) Your Reading Needs Are Well Supplied ~-at - Seott's | Bookstore | PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $1 RESERVE, FUND - . $1 BARRIE BRANCH, H. M. Lay, Man: THE MERCHANT The banking requirements of merchants will receive full con- THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. almost uppealing, in her eyes. Granet took her hand and patted it kindly. Her response was almost hysterical. "It's very sweet of you to trust me like this," "he said. "'Jarvin will bring you in something to eat, then I'll take you round to your aunt's. Where is it she lives---somewhere in Kensington, isn't it? Tomorrow we must talk things over." Sbe threw hemvelf back once more in the eusychair and glanced wround her. "'T xbould like."" she decided, "to tulle them over "iow." He glinced towards the door "Just as you please,"" be said. "only Survie will be in with your sundwiches directly." She brushed aside hia protest "Twas obliged," she continued, "to say that Twas engaged to you, ta save you from something I don't know what {The more f have thought about it, the re terrible ity has all seemed, ain 5,000,000 5,000,000 ager, a Che Kingdom ofthe By E. Phillips Oppenheim Copyright, 1916, by Littl, Brown : = | Jas. Arnold | Fire & LifelnsuranceAgent | Mea! Estate and Money to Loan Anum Vatuahie Farina! Bud Town Properties for Sale on the most reisenuhle terns MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING | * BARRIE (Mber sinew quite ny he hy (Continued from last week! whatever," Mayor Thomson re volly Without wishing tie in oaaibie to to begin a py te Tatht that fare pany of nen competent to sup A ak ivr minutes dirrction of a country at war gy that 7 By ylvcing cv will thut you will Muryue and Chapel (a Connection weft the have done well sider you matter hotter his over and tank ove WARKIE, ONT Pho shill ne te inerfere "Then, for his Me Gori at quite stil far sev they die tot finn i IEE | veal tioments Avot oure,"* sbwy or Thomsen tend ni watch SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS ': BARRIE Woh Betian, 7 KG Mave Mgr" Jo Monuments Then he The oeteev at fiat rane one nics 1 al used and how question, whether Briss Tab wee itor nat The | er which sou brave once. altro Se Se Alfred you cuslun'r proosibly find ny fvalt witht armless aeearently a qquite Mor Thamson Of coupe "te Vhaven't you that night Grane wha hat heen st mothe mantelii Blind | & Co. father haw been olive with He ways art of hie work all over way personal, Tomight say that there | e t Smith & Co Apne ta Fuk Gawetanene he i really did do some dasige, YOU Must accept a certain a Pheri td aUs Ly if reaaonmbility, whi) hai at largely nodded, Lweking at hin for a mom 2 HLAesitEge . instrumental an bringing 'his hideous dan: . UNDERTAKERS Ff) the vountry. As as company of ack meledael, ihe sd wiakers yout tent ae may tot " sony one <The 'i ' Hace ws hike mw fortrem iow. They nay af cellent pe that is, E supye i ' te " vw onay a Yoen ay and Mgbt Tglte RES PONTE Gut nil the other man who helped mo ohe will be shor in with arette frome a box sake. let ue hope that Hn revvarkedd saul suftly her atest burning in his. fingers way und It another wens full of naveluatt vw ns horribly greedy that Eo shoaht like clined Do you aeopse 1 any ne seehwmareRene Wie aRS CLEANING | tiencon ae we egg BAR Satme strateht feom the station Thy ie wathin nr diseretion. sun." Thscewaseal," Your Clothing will be }), Ne fener genre amt then properly cleaned inside and "Loach hs he saul. with ai atten eee ditt The | i sor humuur, "yor enn at feast aban | Oy. SN MM tle abe aly outside at W- Firth's. Hon he ofheist stritude for a manent wath | life \ time. in fet not W. FIRTH [shee ie foe Phone 229 ur sesevely to tyke me account the & re amet Eres la word to . sf the situmtion 'Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. T tusde no reply Me hail risen J si His manner clearly indicated interview at nn end. | Alown his dis: ter pust ten considerent the Gordan Jones eho "When you are wanting a civil joh, Ma: | he concluded. "come and | Gaol morning' i vou something to [the hell "Do yo iMr The Barrie Planing Mill © nrant 1° should much she declared, oT res ye Thomson," cuer Sophia and Mary Sireets Five Ww weal longer ners! ut the elock per 7 PTE | she met his guze witha hin linings and 'tise of. yous | oe so Soe we Mee tr (OD ye lh ad eat clothing; are as important as |S) \) " hreke weyers aml be ine' cativertel i * nitty te he expan the outside. Why not have | 71» very." Thoniron reed AAT nn ntnaly fools Tae egg them done right when you | jit im any rcher way rgcrt etevaty, ft Teen T wrn't aay thst they | are having them done? All J. »' vi x ea renee Soo wine any are ae Le ata ee ; f airi reseed elie fo formation gr te Abin ak ee saiiek oh biel hai ites rare ta'hen an avacin Rec aieal {TAeR hat night the thing would have We know how. Ayirutaaemwarkeesl:te. thant: ai ea jhayvenel. Lan watched the whole af the | as osoul his ssid a civil you left, Trou vay without anying Tt was a "Well, the first thing to do ix to got! thing here or would you like to gn tow ig n't | L pucked uy this | hot going (» esed wk you for any explan- wtion TT daren't."" 1" Granet looked at hie cigarette for a nom Jont thoughtfully. Then he threw it ante | the fire. "Perhaps you are wise." he said coolly. All the seme. when the time comes there lis an explanation," VT is he present which hus heennge sveh on problem." she went on. "Twas deven te leave home and I don't think 1 an gn buck again ere atply fur ne with I place ser semehow to blame nther meht That seem te nw oa bre unjust. he an idea that Tam + what happened the to have fone about the | BARRIE TIME TABLE © (In effect Dec. 1, 1919) Times of Trains Leaving and Arriving at Barrie From Toronto No. 41. daily except Sunday, Toronto to North Bay, 10.52 s,m, | No. 45. duily except Sunday, Toronto | venhurst, 7.50 p.m. . 9. The National, to To Toronto No. 48, Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday | und Sunday, North Buy to Toronto, 6.13 | am, No. 42. daily except Sunday, Gray burt to Toronto, 8.40 a.m, No. 10, The National, Mondays. Thurg- \lnyx_and Saturdays, Winnipeg to Toronto, 12.57 noon. No. 44, daily exeept Sunday, North Bey to Toronto, 5.10 p.m. Hamilton-Meaford Line 63, to Meaford, 7.45 p.m. musio = MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M, PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In vocal work spectal attention is giv Voice Production. Pupile prepared fer A.T.CM. degree in buth piano and vocal; 'also elementary exuma, of Toronto Conser. vatory of music or University exam. Studio: King Block. Phone 424, MYRTLE V. RICE Organist and Choir leader of Collier Street Methodist Church Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory Examinations 4851p Studio at Collier St. 8, 8 Phone 568 W. H, THRESHER Organist and Choirnsaster of St Presbyterian Church Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, On and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination, practical and thr. Voices tested free 88 Worsley St Apurew's . 7 tical Readence wu Studio, Phone 510 S4uyrly LE@aL ALEXANDER COWAN 395, to Mesford, 10.10 a.m., mixed No. 396 from Menford, 5.25 p.m.. mixed No. 60, to Humilton, 840° a.mn. | AM duily except Sunday. "This is fron Allandale. [from Burrie Station Penetang Line No connection Hpratet "hy 1 cunjust at nll" she replied N "Dye told them all fies and the Hive got to pay for them Peame to you well there really wasn't irae bse WE for mete do. was here TD hope \ owt think that Tm horribly for wee Loan quite willing to admit that Vhhe von, that PE liked you from the first moment we met oat Lady Anselman's Beschouan fe same time, if that swful might Neda) changed everything. T shoul have behaved juss Like any other atnnlly ued eraerly Gronght in young wean wunte! cat hud and made an adet of biveel{ wheneser yuu were vy tte eal 1 Yorn see fae rather ehin ut That te invent our pneagement to save vou aml here Tom wided, with litle ervone touch. turning her hen the i Jarvis scdwiches nd arranged thers ony anall ible by her wid Poured ott we for her snix wd himself cowhiekes nt aml took a spnlaich gles fr vl New tell one She hein. as sann as Faris Now wored. "what is there the dark of your ond about ny presence | Marker Rueuhess, that night She hud down her saubwieh Far the Fist rime her vine treated Gene' re heed th wth atinetnose of derseanons 4 volenwe was threatening Tohave tel yan tht 1 de not wane te othink of thar might." she said firmly 1 sentiy i y wes y your mind he lon') believe -- really Was. whe was found the loon wi othe aight" she earl wane par ar yeu and t Posey tuare than tell vin thie isk you for na exnd ia. ngether hat 1 Hine of Byehiediet Trust wont one thing, about the rest T simply don't eare. tue, te anyeell, uitire, tw iy own | rm ois very slight wioto he onvthing ele but ow Only yon know naw very selfish vernn that Pohave hed, tndly and." he eid Finish your cal Twill take yan to your jaunts. Tomorrow Twill write ta your father? She drew x lieth igh Twill sly whetever vou any," she hie wrnets, look at only ph stooped down a little, She seize her vo ax suddenly hourse retending altagether** eat." hee nisl, ringing,» "yomake me feel a ver: ou mind baving some You did care a litle You n't just talking nonsense ! 4 have drawn him further prefer having it here. am not fit to go any- of Doors, Erptues, | Bleles ul ire Fhunng, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, CHAPTER XXIX Pine ae tam ti . Tanks, ete | "A day a0 ace you. ai." Jarvis n+l sider, The gic] stood ny before the I We carry ay tock a large assortment of nounced discreetly. Rough end Drrsed Lumber, B.C. Shingles! Granet turned and Prepared Roofing, Wood Turning avd chair, Alni gluse, took off hor = pulled do are which he 1 insti wf absalutel Kila Meying « Syeeiaty, Drewing lone thr rll tay of "he heh promptly. was seated. Then he rose to his feet lar gia" he sche Consult ux with your bnildi aad held out hie hand, He managed with shy hone hee h t to conceal the consternation which "T have n dees THOS. ROGERS Phone: Office 163, Residence 363 | jr.x0. - cots | by irae came towurds him confidently, her houds outstretched, slim, dressed in sober HY blsek, her checks ae ple ns ever. her eyes | tin the | little more brilliont, She threw her muff |" linta a chair anda moment afterwards | = jsunk into it herself. - "Yon have been expecting me?" she asked eagerly, wie a litte taken aback, 0 hoping to hear from you," y told me. if you remember. (turning neon, wer Your Family Your Busine. Your Future Withean Annual Divi- dend Policy in the J peated blankly Sun Life |", of Canada |... .ier es aes | { the least of it, were com- | | not to writes Ss. "Tr was etter not," she assented. "Even after you loft I had x great deal of trouble. That odious man, Major Thomson, T had te What?" Granet That we were engaged to be marti confessed, "There was really no other out of That Granet re- ions -- well, they werr necessary -- , F which, to say Canada's Greatest Life promising, 'There was only on way out of it decently for me, and T took it. You; don't inind "Of course not," he replied. "There was father to be considered.." | ovivep went on. "tHe was furious at first | deteriorate Insurance Co. f J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis Mgr. as all ba - use. ted, "Thad to." her nun. "He wan there all the. time Fl ! . URS! that Thomson ian was cross-exumining CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED | ™«: "Then your father believes in our en- MISS M. McKERNAN gagement, too?" '58-Small St, Barris, Save the cst of a W. L. "He docs,"she answered drily, "'or: sam afraid you would have beard a little Phone 328 wore from Major Thomson before now. 'Phone 655, quickly around in his ihaie with her hunds had suicceoded hie firat impulse of SUF | downstairs ony tunica uke cai the man to stop his engine uni] Thad seen you fefal attention 60 that it -wi hat and smoothed her he had the sir at home. "Dil vou came up without any luggage wm rather in love wih xome one el A nelag und a fe things T told nd wait for whe added, usw very slight stile upon her of something that wa STATION SIMPLY PHONE 655 When you lay your car up ior the winter, lot us cen a man to get your buttery for storage. It will re- not atteries do when not in | "You told your father?" he interrup: {Repair work will bé made if necessary and 5 ._ fyour buttery delivered to che explained. amootbing | full of pey and power. 'ou in the epring new battery and Phone 655 for Real Service and Attontion IRENNAN Between Barrie and Allandale 122 Bradford St. idown but he kept awdy ister" he aaid, "when Tell you that Tam geing tw write te your father tomar row. vou know what that menue. For the rest. must think, Perhune thin is the only way ont, OF course, T like vant but the truth ie hest, ien't it? 1 hadn's W isles of this, As a matter of fact. T he cuught xt her breath for mom half f eyes to shut out agine ed. don't cure," she mul Come." she added. springing up, ay wunt goes to bed before eloven. You can drive me down there, if you like. Are ping to kise me?" "'hent, over her a little gravely and {his Tigw toniched her forehend, She caught his fare suddenly between her hands and ,kisseel him on the lips, Then she turned to- wards the door, | "OF course, T om she exelsimerl : [self. Come along, please." ; He followed her down into the taxi J they dreve off towards Kensington "How long have you known the other nil?" she usked abruptly. "Very little longer than T have known you," he answered (To be continued? horribly ashamed." wll, T | The cup which Qi Elizabeth guve to Drake after the lefeut of the Spanish Arma covered eup in the shape af a lobe wich a mnp of the world ws the In glish knew it in the Sixteenth Contary en- eroved of cher vuetion in Lond OF new uses for end, Tt has now been reported shat av i c ubove the xea can tletect fish that nre invisible to the lock out oni fishing vessels, It evidently ix not impossible thot the naval uir service somie- time will cooperate with the fishing fects Ry using wireless telephones to -report schools, or by droppitig buoys to mark their whereabouts, iviators could save the fisher- men much time' and fuel that now are ex- pended in cruising. Now All power Lies in this golden text: This is my hour-- And not the next--nor next. and T From Pene:ang, 5.25 p.m, | To Penetang, 10.10 a.m. | A | THE MARKETS SAAS SATURDAY MARKET | A huge offering of deeaeed fowl was on [howl at Lay's market and. ehippnes jan private householders noon depleted he nitike wf the choice hints. Chicken wm Largely 4 muyority, with geese -next baccery fw iluek ani Fiver if turkey coarse, the choie ast paniee. t still slimmer nuns This latter bird war, uf ath, there ¢ woseet to be wg to buy then ie ska handled yew judiciottdly 880 to Sie per dozen. Butter ie main fvining on very uniform price this ast Fee menths. arwuned 68¢ be figure The «up his season The usual good disp "a fa dleeided smart in the dressed meat Tine saeveral wagons of beef. pork and hen! ¥ on hand in spite of the eald diy Hors were S271 to 8225 bug A pen Jef chickens were 8100 euch, There wis [2 fine display of fish alko on the square [Burter Fars. er do Chek n. dre [Chirkea, bye BO ce were th wright. each Duck, th Gorse, Ib, Tirkey. Ih. dA, owt ilressed, Ih. hag «ok Potatows, | Boers, basket. h. each Carrots. husket Citrons, exch Cabbage, ech basket barrel pie per basket, qt Milk, quart . May. ton Onions, NEAR-BY MARKETS (December 11, 1919) 1.90 $1.90. peas rye $1.30:81.35, lutter 49 50, fresh + potators $2.00, garke ants 900. reas $2.00 butter file. patatons live $14.75. dressed Alliston" Wheat $1 $1.30, outs Sic, pens $2.20. toes $2.00, turkey 35-38e, ter a 'BA.BRe, 75 $2.00, hay $25-$90, hogs, je-- Wheat $1.85-81.97, rye $1.30. . peas $250 $3.00, one 900, barley $ butter Bbc. egus 60-65c, | dressed chicken 22-25, turkey 2034c, geese 28. Oc, hogs $21, dressed beef $18, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &¢ Ee eT NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the Surrogate Court of the County of Sinicoo. In the Fstate of John Srighy, deceased. Notiee is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that nll persons having chutus aguinst the Estate of John Srigley, late of the Township of Innisfil, in the County of Sin armer. who died on or 3 November, 1919, are requested ta send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the SIst- day of December, 1919, after felich date the Executors will distribute the rts of the estate among those entit Wed there:o, having regard only to the clans of which they chall then have notice, and that they will not be responsible to any person for the assete of said estate Nose claims shall not then have been viv 5 Dated at Byrrie this 11th day of Der- cinber. ALD. 1919. ( ALEXANDER COWAN, Exeentors' Solicitor. Barrie, Ontario. PIANIST ACCOMPANIST C. P. FARRELL Orchestra furnished for Dances and all occasions 3} Herbert Ave Torontt Granulated Eyelids, YOur Senin oy cae sure to Si Your Ds or by mail 60¢ per Bottle, | For Book of the Eye free* write bis | --Belocted. Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicage Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Bi \Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of (wills, guardianship and administration, and ;General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete | Offices: Hinds' Block, No 8 Dunlop sireet | Money to loan, | BOYS & MURCHISON jBaersters, Sobicitom, Notary Public, Com | Money to boa 2umett® Bt ' aey Co loan at lowest rates of interen Olfwes 18 Owens Gin the premivn ten jmerly secupinl Ly the Bank of Toroats Branch offier, Kinvale, Ont WoA. Boys, KC USPC. Murehison PLAXTON & PLAXTON | BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC fhe 707% end Building Torunty, Out G Gorton Plyxean | DONALD ROSS, L.LB. | BARRISTER, SOLIerTOR, Ere COW. Plaxton | Bawk of Toronto Building, Bareie Money te tous. | CRESWICKE & BELL | BAIUSTERS: Solicitors for the Supreme Court on ow jeature of Ontario, ociora, Notaries, Con. ts, ete, oney to loan ces in Kes Block, Murrie ALS. Bell, We | MEDICAL | $$$ | DR. H. T. ARNALL 'Office and Residence Corner of Toronte and Elizubeth Streets, opposite Elissbeth St. Methodist Church. " Telephone 167- ee OR. €. G. TURNBULL Graduate of MeGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Brudford Sts, Burne. Office hours @ wo | 10 am, 1 to 3 p.m. 7 t0 8 p.m. Phone 108. W. A. LEWIS, M.D. CM, SUKGERY AND GYNECOLOGY espect Phone ti] St) Colliwr 8t, Barrie, DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, slo Eslinburgh and Glasgow. Special y-- Vineuses of Stomach, Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Bite. Office open until ¥ p.m. daily L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Colher St, corner of Giapperton St., Barrie, Phoue 235." oO DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St,, Barrie, every Suturday, Disenses of Eye, Ear, and Throst Consultation hours 11 au, to 5 pan" ana by appointment, ¢ Phone No. 2. Dr. J. A. KEARN! Physician and Surgeon ' PHELPSTON, ONT, Office hours: 12-2 and 7-9 p.m. LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874, 59 Yonge St., Toronte HL J. Welch, C.A. G. D, Campbell, CA T.B. Lawless, CA Engineer WS. Mulbie, wer © DUNN & BROTHER Veterinary Surgeons J Surgery a Specialty. i, 244; night S11, Capt. J. Dunn, VS. Inte of RAVE. A._H. Brothers VS =----__= = MISS L. E. WILLERS Successor to the late Miss Doane Agent for the Spirella Corset Company solicits orders from ull old customers and as muny new ones as possible, Address Churlotte St., Barrie, Ont nee ablliashitillly ai iS THE SUPERIORITY OF OUR SERVICE Unless a funeral director can lake charge completely and re- lieve the of the deceased of the many annoying details connected wilh such an oceasion, he does not de: © to be en- Irusted wilh such a sylemn re- sponsibility. "We invite your atlention to our record of un- broken snecess in this respect, W. D. MINNIKIN 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former loestion.

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