Te ( WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED--- CIRCULATION * _ SECTION2 mas week" ~ $875 COPIES! tiie BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING | 16 PAGES - ,,%:cT0N? 56th Year Wo Watts tana BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1919 1. Ba eh ae ca No. 51 H.G. ROBERTSON TO RUN FOR MAYOR| i Mayor Sprott Has not Yet An.! nounced His Intentions-- | Has Been Asked to Stay. 87 Years of Service has been very) hin. Mayer this Bank, its steady increase in assets ter Wh hd by "The and resources, are a measure of the aminer on be said id, te fri dl a onerober of rr: sound, consistent, friendly service it fed lim te ron asain but he had | extends to its customers. definitely made up his tind ¥ the matter Tt looks he other men» May we not serve you, too? Mand for oerupied this | -THE Bank of Nova Scotia \ A. Maleomsen and Alex 'Milne Ihe members a the | Misael «it Education whow. forme expire tlits bly: bath I Pad up Capital - 9,700.00 AC. MACLELLAN will stand ' Rarce Hraneh hient ee uf Keenan's Hrvscn eof Almond Pas for yeur own Nias Cake. vents per pound 5 ane ear iui BAU ARANGVAUG DAUAGRALSRATORAROTIOOORGOTR Ps 5 > e e B! © A Host of Christmas Gifts: : $ bad Q: by ee © SARJEANT & KING'S, Limited: "' a ' 9 Qi * @& Le & QQ TTT eb ek. & 2 The Xmas rush is on. Already our stock of gifts for the holiday $ > ps) & is becoming depleted and it would be wise if you buy that little gift q & you were planning about at once if you would be satisfied. Perhaps F | = we can assist you by suggesting a few of the many useful gifts that 3 y lecting. > people are selecting. a! FD pei gy er FI = me val #¥ Blouses . . Up to $14.00 Men's Ties 50c to $2.00 &) ® Fancy Collars . All prices Boys' Braces . . 35c and 50c & & Gloves . $1.00 to $3.00 Men's Garters . 35c and 50c © silk Hosiery $2.00 to $3.00 \ box of Garters and Armlets..... 60c g| © Handkerchiels ...... 5c to $1.50 each Handkerchiefs formen ........... 50c 8 > Fancy Garters $2.00 bites : Mi ey ea & . aT GCL Cnmienine 2... ea ea, Silk Scarfs for Men ...... $2.50 to $3. { By rile 7 ame ; $1.50 to $3.50 Shirts for Men .... .. $1.50 to $5.00 & & Lined Mocha Gloves'........00. $2.50 Smoking Jackets . $7.50 to $13.50 "2 S Fancy Turkish Towels . .$1.00 and $1.75 Bath Robes ................. $10.00 ay | Py Linens Huck Towels, hemstitched. .$1.00° Men's Suspenders . 50c to 75c BS > Swedters, pullover ............. $650 Wool Sets . $2.25 to $4.00 z & Sweiter Coats . .. Up to $15.00 | adies' Silk Scarfs............. $3.50 PS ® | «dies Umbrella + + $1.25 to $6.50 Mens Initial Linen Handkerchiefs. . 50c a > Boys Wool Sweaters - +++ $1.50 to $3.00 Men's Sweater Coats... - $5.00 to $10.00 g a Men's Lined Gloves ...0.....,., $2.25 Men's Silk Socks .. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 4 p Men's Suede Gloves .........0, $2.75 Men's Umbrellas ....... $2.25 to $5.00 Ps) gy Beads - $1.00 to $1.50 Silk Lingerie ../........... All prices pe . eee a & a@ Y Holi g 2 HOuday Sale of Ladies' Coats ' S a y This is the big opportunity for Xmas shoppers. If you need a Z rs coat or if, perhaps, you are giving your wife or daughter one gS ® _ for Christmas, we can save you money. Be \ § 12 COATS ONLY, REDUC g ED 20 PER CENT. VA 3 These Coats are absolutely upsto-date in style, and the 2 ® material is of the very best, all being "Northway" garments. This Ps] g. fact insures you of entire satisfaction in every respect. Here are ; w@ the prices:-- @ =] s $45.00 Coat for . $36.00 a & $40.00 Coat for . $32.00 a >. $35.00 Coat for . $28.00 Be 4 $30.00 Coat for $24.00 a 'ae a rs & , ESARJEANT & KING, Limited ecanonataneeannsandnaneetantenauonsuan' '21 BELOW ZERO ON WEDNESDAY And Didn't Rise Higher Than 12 Below--A Record De- cember Day. Seo far there oh Wits The foundation stone of any Bank's Hite talk of municipal elections ines say success must be service to the public Heo Roberton intendy to try th Wn pecepdied the - but it is v lropping i The 87 years of steady growth of net vel known wito will op we itd anap betow zerea at sa 6 ohelow about nis to Labeve by 10 yom From that on the mercury kept falling till it! pa 1 beelaw inet me OW Wats ve the nine e the ast w Woon meoriled hy Buu Lowest Highest Siow You will fi 3 HEINTZMA AND W PIAN 4 choice hi i line LATEST IN VIOLINS GUITARS MANDOLINS UKELELES TOY PIANOS MOUTH ORG. GARR MUSIC nd at our store some choice XMAS GIFTS N & CO. EBER OS igh of grade PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS MUSIC ROLLS FOLIO AND SHEET MUSIC BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS ANS, ETC, ETT'S STORE Dew 10 ie " te i Baty we fl in pier a acepnetanenne tensa 4 2 Vt bi Me a wi "tiie cams' | meen Overcoats | Anniversary Services i : , Fe Waist Tine Overcoats, $28,001 Next sunday. Dec 21, Rev. S a 7 \ HO value for W. Falls. Perento, will p ie a a un St. Methodist: Ch ; ; ue Saku for these from the PR Laworst diene Wet 200 a ting killed in the war 'a Ma li roan Wil be unveiled at the evening i i service Christmas musie MW Anrte Kids. S25. value for x 8, retirees SLOG vale for 316.08, S35.00 Berrie Community Association ue for 840.00 rate «MASS MEETING ame or the lan City Buresu, (othe organ. Uien. Th was the men present the host with whi ivation of th Ih hy nest 1 ! the Unity Br umews. A preivisional eom- peinted tr ih ke ar- ton ef ay or in. the von Christ. mas nthe membership Mr. Thresher Leaving drive will be resumed with vigor. Wo HL 'Thresher has. resigned se that all warts of the town will,his position as organist and be fully represented in its mem. che roof St Andrew's election ef Ghure leaves about the of January tu take a simi- rst Meth- AU oma city prives ate und, al a Kornan's Karrie f jen to take this step was Pte. N. Hook Home | On Menday night Pte. Norman took pdoat the ha: of his varents, Mero and = Mr ames Dalton St, after being is more than three years went with the 170th "i it A month to Fi re where th the 58th Bn. . A919. He got as furoas the Rhine though he did | Het cross inte Hunland, { 'fieht. United Veterans' League PUBLIC LIBRARY HALL |Saturday Evening, December 20 Gt 7.30 o'olook J. HARRY FLYNN and others will speak on GRATUITY jand Union among Returned Men Come out and help win the Alb ex-soldiers and sailors and their Don't bo without Music in your home this Xma3. Yuu Musie Stu: ieee SSIES, eRe NEE ee RR Ed. Bryson's Christmas S pecials WE ARE MAKING ALL OUR XMAS CANDIES THIS YEAR AND LIST BELOW SOME OF OUR SPECIAL VALUES WHICH WE ARE SURE WILL BE OF MORE THAN OR- GIFT CHOCOLATES ; Our Special Fancy Gift package | s at $1.00 is the best value you have seen for many a day. A delicious assortment of the best Chocolates we have in the store, CAKE DEPT. Xmas Cake, decorated, best fuel Almond Paste, ready to use 450 Ib. Xmas cake decorations. Fancy Biscuits DINARY INTEREST TO YOU. XMAS TAFFIES Family Xmas Mixture. . .+. 350 Ib, 3 Ibs. $1.00 ixture .» BOo Ib. Pulled Taffies .... . 250 tb. In addition to t bove you have a choice of 12 different variclies, DAILY GUESSING | CONTEST DEC. 18 TO XMAS GUESSES FREE TO EVERYBODY SEE WINDOWS FOR PARTICULARS XMAS MIXTURES Special Family Xmas Mixture ae A... 360 Ib. 3 Ibs. $1.00 consists' of Chocolates. Cara- mels, Creams, etc. Plain Mixture 260 Ib. Best. Chocolate and Bon Bon Mix- ture 5Oo Ib. ICE CREAM AND LIGHT LUNCH TWO SPECIALS Homemade Tomato & Pastera Sundae . Tea, Coffee Choco Sandwich, Pie, Cake. + 100 150 ALSO_WE HAVE OUR PARISIAN HANDROLLED CHOCOLATES IN 15 VARIETIES, AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CHOCOLATE CHERRIES AND NUTS, CARA- MELS, PLAIN AND FANCY BON BONS, SALTED NUTS, ETC. kann Barrie St ore, Elizabeth St., Phone 125 Allandale Store, Essa St., Phone 770 Barer Sone RAs CSREES SURES USMS