Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, December 18, 1919 all Bs BE OE ROR, TT pact RO RR a ae s ; Ps | MOORE & ARMSTRONG | a On! ne The Last Call for Christmas Do not put off another minute those final purchases which are becoming a worry to you--if you are puzzled over what to get, come * # & ¢ \ ' here and we will try and help you make your choice and we will take ns care of it for you. Our Xmas Sections are a store in themselves. o Buy gifts that are practical and buy them here. GIVE A NICE NECKscAR F by F Distinetively fushionahle Nook 'ee ~ scar! ' ve % NEW NECKWEAR FOR MEN XMAS WEEK SALE XMAS WEEK 8ALE ae ee for Ladies nr a ; fents are here in better assorte FOR XMAS GIVING of Ladies' Gloves, 38c- pair of Wool Tams, Toques, Caps 580 ment than ever hefure, The warm Beautiful designs and qualities Go into our Eeondmy Basement Our price on these goods is less all wool, hroshed uy plain lines ie among our vast showing of Silk anil a Real bargain Wh Cash than manufacturer's cost, Thoy for real comfort, aud the heavy Ties. Beller lines come in fancy mere Gloves. A warm 4ery . "in ; faney silk and knitted silk ty boxes 500 to $1.50 sach able Tine in brown, grey, chamois i W fetory clean-up and in for better wear, A oseful git and black, sizes 6 to elude same onde 7 . ' BUY YOUR GIFTS HERE and black, sizes 6 to 8 n ome wonderful values. alwaya, $1.50 to $6.00 eacn Sale Price 39¢ pair SPOuL 150 in the tot, all sizes Only at Xmas time do we show ~ 590 each Men's Lines in sueh good qual ities. Look them over THIS STORE WILL REMAIN and 24, These 4 . § ¢ 5 a BS a y OPEN TUESDAY AND WED- NESDAY EVENINGS, DEC. 23 JERSEY SILK UNDERSKIRTS Undersiirts ave beautiful and a \¢ iit LUT Sin Sia ae | Apparel--The Practical Gift | Dainty litfle Voile BUY DISHES IN OUR BASE- MENT. SOME PRETTY AND USEFUL LINES AT Less. A NEW DRESS FOR THE INFANT and SI ~ 4 ae PRE ho ea CHIEF SAMPLES ually as good as 1918 values reasons why if will pay you E T fine Luwn t ANOTHER SET OF HANDKER- karment that would give delight to Dresses. Each tr immed hid a way te fo buy these: The prices € | anv young lady Fast faney, enough to make them pretty, sizes 6S months wp. much below recular, and & LINENS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE make them ilistinetive. $8.00 to $13.50 50c to $6.00 each have se many different lines to ¢%9! a) ! ehoose from----Pure Linens. Crepe es The family gathering on Xmas ae de chene, Lissue, Swiss Lawns # day will appreciate these snowy ¥ vay Most of them in fancy boxes, 1, 6 While Linens 2 er 6 ta the box, er on ine o Union and Pure Linen Table HAVE YOU CONSIDERED A NEW SILK APPAREL FOR THE dividual cards.' 100 to $2.00 ea. P Cloths. $2.75 to $9.75 each DRESS ? » PARTICULAR Special values in Ladies' ard ei Towels ny prifnrion 3Bc to §1.75 - Get her a Silk or Satin 'i ' , Gents Pare Linen Handkerchiefs, 7X) __« S . Fancy Towels of all. kinds. Rquisite vies tn Wool, Serge and Camuole . $1.25 to $3.75 We cannat describe, these lines. they 35c to $1.00 each ". Metallic Cloth 'Table rs in Z PaAS ANY hehe iatilwe ONY Wek are Teo numerous, but we know few Hundreds of Children's handker- oriental patterns. .$1.50 to $3.50 you fe compare the values Our ser Net Sik 'Cone as a in stores in towns similar to Barrie ean chiefs 5c to 350 each «Hand made Lace Centres. reasonable prives have made a big ate., a popular pried SHOW a Detlev variety. Ut will pay vou to hny Handker- fy 250 to $2.75 each | inane $13.98 to $36.00 gift 50c to $2.25 A Gift to Suit Your Purse 2 chiefs here, . n - rs ca . : Baas 7 mengommememme Ry THESE WILL PLEASE ' gi MAY SUGGEST A PAIR OF | j ¥ WE Fashionable Ostrich Fans... $1000 to $18.00 ( SILK STOCKINGS THAT WILL GLOVES? ~ eather Bags and Purses ..TBe to $4.25 ° Photo Albuns... 0s. ~ $1.50 to $4.50 | BRING DELIGHT TO THE ' ' These are needful and always Xmaa Stationery'; 26¢ to Tée box | WEARER 4s appreciated \shTrays---B0c to' $1.28." ink Stands «896 a widen . se Chamoisette, unlined or with silk Mirrors . 25 to $1.35 ' One vannat have too. 'many fining. while and colors Palmolive 'Voilet Goods at less pairs of Stockings. 'They make §) 4 BBo to 91.75 Sith Wet Ha els for the Ee to 850 } arveselleat gitt: fn Sik Gloves, wither single or _ ae ... $1.50 to $2.98 the newest line in Faney Silk # ; double. papular lines, $1 to $2 pre wcf Dullover: Sweaters in fine, wool, Huse, something different. se.76 : "Cape Suerte or Eooneh Kid Gloves. Yy trimmed $3.39 and $3.76 All kinds of Plain New 3) Perrin's reliable lines. f Plain $1.25 to $2.50 pr. VISIT THIS STORE , ! ckings Ne ¥, fees ay K f 2 o: G | BARRIE AND -- GUELPH}, oan SORT RORORORTRRRORORROROD fA NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 2 Friday evening, Dee. 12, and was well at- tended, the school being well filled. After an excellent program was rendered by the school children and teacher, Santa Claus distributed the presents off the tree to the children. Then a lunch was served by the | EDGAR A nGimber from here attended the play * at Crown Hill on Wednesday evening and | pronounced. it Mr. and Mrs, Robert Johnaton-have gone and home tal rybody come and en. me, Toronto y the usual good The choir will give some Christmas mu sic at the Methodist Chureh on Sunday SHANTY BAY Barrett of Dec. 15.--Hildred- Martin has gone to| Toronto to take u position. Cliff. Robson hax gone north for a few months. viien. wh h enjoyed by all|% make their home in the city agsin., The Epworth League on Sunday even- | et. ROLMLEROLONO LAY RERPREREROR fat, "an sea eee beac | During tar when aye hey "S| ing aoa ae ees | tr Mina Lr 'Whan, who ook so tmugh in [80M the esteem of eversbody. wan in the hands of the Missionary Com Something you want to turn MIDHURST Dec. 15.--On Wednesday, Dec. 10, at HAWKESTONE Rev. Neil Campbell will preach in the Methodist Church on Sunday next, at 7/3 p.m. the funeral of the late James Coutts, pm, Sr.. took place-from his old home on the H. Newman, who has been suffering with | 3rd Line to the Presbyterian church where lumbago, is getting better. service was conducted by ae Shepherd Mr. Leggate ix now making good prog-|0f Angus, agpisted by Rev. J. A, Leece, rest in Oeite hoapitd alter his secre | the pustor, nad Rev"'A. Strother of Gree for' appendicitis, more, Interment took place in the Mid- T. McMahon gave a very helpful address | hurst cemetery. Mdth sympathy ix ex- at the prayer meeting on Thunday last. |tended to the beresved ones. Mr. Coutts wan an old) and highly respected 'resident of the township for a number of years. Harry Carson of Wealthwood, Minnesota, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Carson, Percy Woods of Toronto spent the week- end at the home of Wm. Andross, Fred Lemoh of Battle Creek, Michigan, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, James Pierce. Mrs. H. E. Fieldhouse had the misfor- tune to fall on the ice last Friday night, fracturing her wrist. After attending the public school Christivias tree and concert in the 'school house, she was coming out Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. y of Big Bay Point spent Sunday with Midhurst friends. Wm. Frankedin of Toronto spent the week-end st Mrs. James Frnkcom's, D. R. Coutts of Hughenden, Alta., a few di Be, meee ol: Dir. and 'Mrs Alex, Fir Mrs. Clifford Ferguson of Ralph, Sask,, who came last We to attend the funeral of her father, James Coutts, intends rod the winter months with Midhurst The Christmas tree and concert of 8.8. No. 6 was held in the school house on terest in training the children and making it success. Mrs. Ralph Crombie of Vancouver, B.C., is the guest of Mr. and Mre. W, H. Miller. BRENTWOOD | Dec, 15.--Christmas ix drawing near. Let everybody try to make every other body happy. Don't forget the kiddies. Messrs, Holmes and Johnson of Gren- fel made a busines trip to Brentwood last wee Jas. Maxwell, who hax been absent from home for the last sixteen years, is xpending his holidays at his old home here and tis calling on many of his old friends and schoolmates. He it returning in a few ya to Hulifex, where he hus a lucra-| tive piwition. | # D'Arey Gauley and little son spent an enjoyable afternoon at. his old home bere last week. David Davidson seems to think there is! Jno, Desjardine has just completed his, house and added much to its sppearance and 'comfort cresting & verandah slong ae fsa of bis kitehe | ry Allen has fie "to Hamilton for te ier He has secured a good job| v. T. Clarke is turning his attention{ to the purchase of homes, . He is buying |. for a company located somewhere between | Greniel and Barrie, A' man does not need |" to be a millionsire to purchase horses there | days. They -don't bring very high prices | in Lak vicinity, 1 i. | 3 Messrs. Hugh and Jobn and Mine 1. Addison have arrived home from the W. Their mother, I regret to -suy, is in poor henlth Roy Emms, while at work in the hush, | was hit with a sapling and had his face badly injured. Geo, Wynes if spending a few weeks here. The Methodist Sunday School will hold | a een tree and entertainment ap 23, "The W. I. met at the home of Mes. J. Lauder on Tuesday afternoon with a good | a'tendance. A keen interest war taken in the business part of the meeting. It | desided 0 porchase a new stove for the | I, Hall, Those taking part in the | proggamtve, were Ms, 'Bete Mon MeAric ur, Mra. J. Kissick and Mrs. G. B. Jam-, imon, 'The next meeting will be held at the | home of Mr. Wm, Hayes on Wednesday sfternoon, Jan. 14. We DALSTON John Jory and Anthony Keat are in Tor- onto at the U.F.O. convention. Gro. Baldwin and wife motored to Game- | bridge Last week. Born on Dec, 11 to Mr. and Mrs. Lee| Hart. daughter. J. W. Brown and G. W. L. Hickling | attended the Fat Stock Show at Guelph. | A concert and Xmas tree will be held| in the ubhe school here on Bee. 28. | A-large number from bere attended the revival meetings at Crown Hill last' week. | ; | Buy advertised goods. It pays mittee, Miss McDonald, the leader. g Remember the annual Xmas tree in| 'Nt money? the Methodist Chureh on Dec. 30. Mise| umn, page 12. Use the Adlet col- COWIE & CO. : The New Fancy Goods Store Wools, Stamped Goods, Children's | Wear, Pullovers and Sweater Coats, to go home when she slipped and fell on I Dec. --Sleighing has come again in) the ice. She had to go to the doctor to lot of Poy tg ad ae feeding thik Sieg, iiouse:nt B d d all li { F ral tare tes | ving: « howwe'et pres bane i st Maes anon and nada ame fd ll have "then | "WE. Brown it moving howe at p eads an ines of Fancy Goeds COWIE & CO. SUCCESSORS TO MISS ARMITAGE