d Thursday, Detember 11, 19 19 THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Sever ART OR ORR Rk RoR kok SEO OR RRR ROR kok oIok % x NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS _ TOR off} for folok SHANTY BAY ' Ponce de wath Use Satheds Fatten A Mehl AAGap H/o START THEM SMALL Make bigger prof outiay by f avoid Selected, Guaranteed 100% FINISH THEM BIG capest way tothe scales. It makes s well with corn meal or ther fond snd reduces feeding costs 'll us what foads you are using and @ you directions for mixing rons all tirwtclaen dealers CANE, MOA CO OF CANADA, LTD. V8 St Pal St. West MOWTREAL OE 'Local Distributor," Alex. Moko ! fii ian Taare, Baek Henase, 4 Stem i $3,700, {1h itl hfe 20 anyway eres. Intiiefil: hank oarn. {rate bere | wren $4,000 | STROUD e. Titishl, dank bare. lunge briek ili $8,500 frane barn, roughest $4,000 1 bank bur new. inod. . Sty Row, bank barn k well located $8,500 * Neres. Oro, bank barn, frame house vod roel ' $5,000 Acre nya, sanidy pk bara. briek 6 miles to Barrie, Bank hen » $15,000 bunk burn, $12,006 | bank Rowl dank barn. $8,000 F juarticulirs of these proper: phone or call, If none of the hit Vou want, write me. stat 18. Tinay have sozne- that would snit- yeu 5. HL BROWN Real Estate. Broker Your -- Porkers Faster: ; Molasses, All Molasses (Ths aie. Mix Cane Moia with all feed. Fatten- «ogthe "Cane Mola" way is the shortest 00) Miss Mary Dunean entertained a few Ok RoR i foR RoR kok oh PHELPSTON Dec $. Mes. DB Jdays un Barrie bust w Miss Mue Gallagher visited friends yn Barro recen'ly POA Coughlin fowied stock an Craig rot Tuestlay of this week spent a few SANS Mota te wed fae heap imitations. A cow is a animal, but all four-legged enot cows. Cane Molass the | E fag site af sore iw the near af the boys are thin! skating rink cl Mr, Charles McConkey and visited her [Snskutomn have band. who came bere a They are staying with hi heart, for the winter, J. Hughe. is progressing favorably. after his recen* illness, weeks ago. Wn. af her friends one evening last week, Jin and Mande Chirk entertained 9 num: er of friends one evening Inst week. All ont gond Mts. Matt Robertson entortain- «of their neighbors Inst week | Brown, who is about to nd. ined of Barrie is attending | anter's son, who is ill with | nly of Orilia. are. the Mrs. Harvey Hughes. Mrs, Murray Hunter spent a few days jlst week with her mother, Mrs. R Metholist, Sinday School cor cert ws tree will lw held Friday evening, Mary Dunean was the guest of Carr, Painswick, for the week-end, | h Guest of Barrie is the guest of Tobhitt. LEFROY Dee, 9.--Mrs. Hugh Donnelly has arrived | home, having spent the summer in the y danghter, Mrs. John Reid. nt lust week in Toronto. «visiting relatives in the} f The Meth hureh will hold their} annive rsyry nex' Sunday, Dee. 13, at TL am T nm . conducted by, Rev, Mr Lovering of Que A number of were at Chn k spent the week- end in Allandale with Mrs, Ivan Grose. Mrs. Leila Crowe and childrens have kone to the city for the winter. Phone 50, Residence 79 High St, a . Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. DE RE EO J. F. CRAIG Gent' SUGGESTIONS FOR THOSE PRE-OCCUPIED WITH THE QUESTION OF NECKWEAR We have been fortunate in preeire £ Neckwear Variety fo choose range Tanee ot sch and Woollen Searts HOSIERY MEW HST Hse. brow. grey aud thie : $1.00 and $1.25 Hhie asters 50c to $1.00 Crshenent sills . $1.00 Shirts--- Sweater Coats-- Underwear --Umbrellas--Collar Boxes--Cuff Links --etc., ete. Articles Boxed in Luxurious Christ- mas Goxes if requested, hy doa W CHRISTMAS GIFTS SOMETHING IN THE WEARING APPAREL, SUCH AS TIES, GLOVES, SHIRTS, ETC., IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED ORL, GLOVES Having cari harh= \ OVERCOATS \ | Thoall styles MIs ! x hand Fori Bitte Deparbuents, wares "Rail | ¢ for' Dece eu = | Thor a aN Fa Pah Eh Fi Oak th Press Gloves with em i} | , tainable. fit, style and qua 4 We invite your Raa Ra ha Pa a Ra Ra aa a a Raa aa a Windstack. Publish Died fram Heart Failure con: |i Harne only a few months, having pur That is how we are able to make you this remarkable offer on stack of lined vm last year, wis at last x and durability $1.50 per pair or without $2.50 $3.00 . $2.50 Waistlines, in=pechan Guns and | eb he prop Taylor, {1 Codisnguot a 1y of Arch. W tian st rt resent "want Ss Sees every family i inCanada to have a Phonograph this EDISON'S NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA Come to our store today, tomor- tow~ the sooner the . better--pick out the Amberola model you like best (prices, $62.00 up) together with a Generous selection of records, and Name Your Own Terms Tell us how mich or how little you tan afford to pay every week or month, We will meet you more than half way in coming toa satisfactory arrangement because we are eager to carry out the spirit of Mr. Edison's wish--which is in effect that money must not stand in the way of any fam- ily possessing a phonograph this Christmas. Then, upon a small pay- ment down, we will immediately deliver your Amberola and records to your home, where this wonder- ful phonograph will fill your Christ- mas with music and your family with delight. The Amberola is Supreme Back 'of the Amberola is all the wizardry of Thomas A. Edison, the world's. greatest inventor. No wun- der the Amberola tone is pure melody-- free from the metallic soundand shrill- ness of ordinary Phonographs and "talking machines". No wonder the genuine Diamond Point Reproducer has solved another phonograph nuisance --the bother and expense of chang- ing needles. No wonder the Amberol Records are almost unbreakable, and last for years after ordinary phono- graph records have broken or worn out. All the world's best music is yours on Amberol Records--the greatest opera singers, the latest popular dance and song hits, ballads, hymns, military bands ~in endless variety. New records issued every month, Don't Hesitate A Minute to accept thisoffer becauseChristmas giving will tax your resources -- remember Edison wants you to have an Amberola. Please don't delay-- our stock of Amberolas may soon be exhausted. We will consider it a favor if you will come in to see ue right away, ' J.G. KEENAN, Barrie, Ontario i ae Furnishings ¢ snl Clothing FOR MEN WHO CARE 'yon, whether 1 be a Piano, Fonte for a ' tar, Buljo, His wife and . 7 or Fife