Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1919, p. 5

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i a POPES VALEORALAMALARALS RAT ARAL ARAL AN PARSORALAVALAROR fan- b with 16 up hind bs and 95 pr. with faney 18 pr, B. oe ~ \ ; -Thursday, December 11, 1919 *__THE BARRIE EXAMINER : BARRIE MEAT MARKET DUNLOP ST. Phone 51 for the choicest of Fresh, Cured and Cooked Meats. Choice Fowl-always on hand. Our prices are right for the best of Meats. Give us a trial. 3 | Service is our motto 3 3 i for both old and new cus- tomers, M. J. BRENNAN Res. Phone 655 WHAT A NURSE FOUND. While muking her visiting rounds one morning a nurae of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Cousumprives dis- 'ered a parilcularly sad case. On a dingy street, in a hovel which they called 'h "she found a mother dying of consumprion The howe was ina filthy con- dition, sciled garments, unwashed wvout, even in If there stood a lout 4 bread aud an uncovered bottle of on be lett alone. r died before an ambu- © could be surumoned. This is but typicul of the wastag 4 consumption; the poor ure its especial victims. Too ili to work they ity unnble to supply evcn the necer sites of Nife, You will wish to help. This can beer oe done by os sting ei Hospital work: Contri Be ay be '0 Sav Willa Gage, 84 av George A, Held, 2 Torento. Spadinu uvenuy, } College sireut, CHURCHILL Nee, 3.- Miss Wilma Matthews is home fiom Barrie Hospital, Mis Agnes Allan spent 1 Meaford, the week-end Miss Winter of.the Manse is away on a! sit 10 her home in Fordwich, Mr. and Mos, Morley Réive of Fenelon Falls were recent visitors here Prank Wallace returned on Wednesday from Toronte General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Watt attended the wedding of Miss Ina Watt in Toronto on Saturday. A new roof has been put on the wkut ang rink lately, and ice is being male Skuting coon. if cold weather continues A lot of damage was done in tbix neigh: hothood during Saturday's hursicane, N Wi Watt lost part of the the _ Presbyterian demolished und very ison and S. W of their barns, church +hed was partly trees and telephone wires suffered much. Bradford Witness, Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, & CREDIT SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS IN BARRIE The undersigned has received in- structions from A. R. SMITH to sell by Public Auction at Jos. Marrin's Yards, Barrie ON SATURDAY, DEC. 13 the following: 4 leam horses { driver, 3 yrs. Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due to calve by dale of sale. Polled Angus cow, 6 yrs. old, due Dec. 25. Roan cow, . Moreh. "Old, due in 'oye 4 Roan Cow, 6 yrs. old, due in Mareh. 1 Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, due dan, 15th. 2 Heifers, due in February, 4 Durham steers, 1 yr. old. 4 calf, 6 months old. & kood store: pigs, weight about. 5 pounds. 4 ost & Wood' binder in good repair. 1 seed-drill cultivator 1 dise harrow get sloop:sleighs, new. *iumber wagon 4, single plow set iron. harrows cutting-box, Fleury extension ladder 2, wheelbarrow cream separator, nearly new, set double harness 1 robe set single harness. Also forks, doubletrees and other articles, All will be sold without reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. 'ms of Sale--6.,months' credit will be given to parties a perl ing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash, "AW. A. MoCONKEY, - CONSOLIDATION Dr. S. B, Sinclair Points Out Some of the Advantages of this System. * (Orillia Times) jag The Orillin Women's Canadian Club on | Monday, Deceniber Ist, had as ite apeaker Dr. 8. B. Sinclair, of Toronto, whose sub. | dect was, "Consolidation of Rural Schools."" [ Pr. Sinclair has been sent out by the De- Partment of Education, to the rural pap- ulation, but was given special permission to address the Canadian Club, Many. jdoubt, who went to hear Dr. Sincl {felt that the subject was perhaps of little interest to them, but it is asfe to say that after bearing him speak, all felt that it | Was of vital importance to us. indircotly {8nd direerly us the boys of to-day are the jten of tomorrow, Every Indy present swho either attended a country school. or more especially taught in o1 ould s.1fee| ly 'say in a street-phrase, ""them's nif jsentimenta, too,"" [van n are born equal. but women superior." said Dr, Sinclair. in opening, and women understand better the need of the child. He who would spiritualize democruew vill save the world, and the work of the school of the future ix for this purpose. by teaching people that they | may be free." It is true that auch men {M4 Abrubam Lincoln and many others re. | cecived their education in w log exbin, but | just ae the log hute of pioneer days are being replaced by modern mansions, 80 niuat the need of the child slong education. al lines be ret The apeakdr showed views of schools of | both types ta illustrat= his arguments anid left no support for those appoxed to the ronsolidation of schools. Many sections | hove adomted this system and have found them measuring up to the needs of the community, Anon the views were those }of schools at Guelph, St Anne de Belleuve j Welland, Harlem ond New Liskeard | | The consolidation of schoale ie no new £4 being imposed gn the fartners. hut or iginated among farmers of Massachusetts who. feeling.the need of ich w achool got together Forty-five yeary ago and es tablixhe! the first consolisla etl school, At the present tite there are over 13.000 of these schools in the United States. most of Indiuna and 90 per cent, of Mnseachu tts having 'het, Jn Manitobu there are hungred such schools, in some eusee children being brought twelve miles to at tend them. Where the nced of # commun ity shool ix felt a survey of the county 'y made, the point of location decided unon and pons arr suggested by the Depart ment of Education, The popular plan srems to be that of the one-storied school, but the Departmen: ie now busy jsrepuging plans for 4 typical school 10 suit the wv erage ned, After surveys have heen mde and plans selected. a vaivroute is mapned out The Vurs may be of different types from the ordinary xide-neater, to the up-to-dute mo for yuns «sed in many of these schools. There cun on scherlule time and xeldon vary and tht ides ix not «0 difficult in pructice | as it would seem. Law alltime children | to walk not more than three-quarters of a tile oil in exes where children must be jbrough' to mect the van, the person bring ing them is ullowed payment for such ser- vice. Some of the views xhowed pictures of children with dog-sleds. evidently enjoy. ine the wiventure very much. The chief objection to these schools, that of getting the children there, is thus very enaily over. come. und a new purpove acconiplished, supervised journey to and from «chool The schools themacives vary greatly in structure und equipment. but are as ar. 1 ventilated ax the Keever, Poll whee in Div. No. 4, E. H. Johnson, D.R.O. 'The Council met on the Ist inst.. with Ronald Orchsrd, Poll Cla il all its members present, the Reeve jn the) Div. No. 5, Thos. Walton, D.R.O. . one aa ai ' WA. G. ge oll Leg e mmiunications were ret irom W. A.! Div. No. 6, Mc » D. LF . Boys re 14th line water trouble; 6ec. im Clerk. a ad Treas, Hydro Electric' Railway Association Fe appointing a delegate; Deputy Fuel Ad- miniatrator for Ontario re appointing fuel Commissioner; A. W. Campbell. commis. sioner of Highways re Edenvale Bridge. The following sccounts were passed: Jas. Binnie, work on Col. Road no, 4, $101.00; Geo, Beton. Vespra's hare culvert opp, con, 8, $12.00; Thos. Pattenden, G.T.R. jon Donnelly Award Drain, $38.00; Stanley McLean. Mrs. Pratt's portion Don. nelly Award Drain, $200.00; Thos. Ma. guire. road scross lot 4. con. 12, $10.00; Geo. Crawford, re approach to Marl Creek The council adjourned to meet accord- ing to statute on Dec. 15, at 16 a.m. (By Rev. M. V. Kelly, C.8.B., in the D.R.0.; A. B. COUTTS, Clerk. "Educating Away from The Land. Catholic Register) "2 ; | c | Page Five " " RURAL SCHOOLS " VESPRA COUNCIL --'|_ Div. No. Shas Nash, D.B.0.5 B. Me. |p een ene | A Delightful Musical Treat. Don't Miss It. A SACRED CANTATA "THE STORY OF CHRISTMAS" _ will be given by ST. ANDREW'S CHOIR under the direction of W. H. Thresher, in St. Andrew's Church TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16 Over 40 voices--Exceptionally Fine Music In addition to the Cantata there will be several solos and organ numbers ission, 35 cents ir, | Brid, Tf you arr one of those farmers carried z away by the foolish notion that your boy printing account, $100.00; Jas. Torpy, fill-| would better his porition in life by leaving ing washout. con, 9, $8.25; Thos. Pat-| the funn and adpiring to a learned profes tenden. work opp. lot 9, con. 9, $6.007) gion. I must say thst I can bardly blame John Parr. rail on culvert, con. 2 and; you. Your not feeling that way would be drawing plank to Minesing, $8.16; Wm. |iitle short of mimele. Everyone about Adams, wire fence bonus, $9.40; Wm.) you dors. They have been made to think Dunn, wire fence bonus, $3.90; J. A.l:9 by every influence from_every quarter. Brence. wire fence bonus. $8.20; Margaret | Everyone in the neighborhood whose np. Goodfellow, wire fence bonus, $6.00; A. |ion you are supposed to respect commends. B. Coutts, Clerk's fen, Jus. McCracken | the ides and commends it highly. The award drain, $400; Laabells Ward, wire | local physician, notary. banker, editor, par fence bonus. $5.00; Wm, Hamilton, wire liamentarian and other distinguished vis. fence bonus, $4.20; A. Dixon, wire fence| itm to the home all agree inthis With bonus, $6.00; Jax. MeCracken. asst. en-| nothing very definite in' their promise. Fineer. $10.00; 1B. Campbell. asst. engin-j thoy sneak to the boy of a brilliant. fv. cet. $1.00; A. B Coutts, Clerk's fee. Don-|iure and praise parente who make such selly award drain. $13.00; J. A. Donnelly. | noble efforis to advance the future of the iD. H. Maw. amt. | family. 'The wtmoaphere uf the high xchool . Melgughlin. cheep |i, charged with this sentiment and with| ved. followed by songs, speeches, eto, The Killed by «loge, $20; Louis Carson, work | o5 other. The press of the land, public| new officers are:-- opposite lot 8, con. 6, $30, ulatforms. pulpite and similar oracles re | WM. A Bylaw for the appointment of Deputy |fer with pride to the large numbers our| -- D. $4.00; Barrie Examiner, part on try were used for some other purpose. There cowl! be nothing more absurd than 'the present situation, All classes feel the necessity of erying "back to the land!" The drift city-ward ia considered u nation- al calamity, and meanwhile what is called the eciucational eystem of the country, from kindergarten to university, is busy influ. ing the youth to look for a future in other spheres. Why cannot you and your fellow-farmers do something to change those ideals? NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Surrogate Court of the County of Simcoe, in the estate of John Srigley, deceased. Notice is hereby given to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Eatate of Jobn BSrigley, late of the Township of Innisfil County of Simcoe, Farmer, who died on or about the 30th day of November, 1919, ure requested to send particulars of their cisims "to the undersigned on or before the 3ist day of December, 1919, after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the estate among those entit led thereto, having regard only to the 'laimg of which they shall then have notice. and that they will not be responsible to any person for the asset of said estate whose claims. shall not then bave been Cookstown L.O.L, Post County Master J. J. D. Banting installed the 1920 officers for Cookstown Lodge. After installation, supper was ser- Pursuant in the Da ----t Da) = jet f DE rad Jared, Y = fe = fal wd cities, The covers all the subjects taught schools, and a pupil may pre- pare for University without leaving home. Emphusix ix given to Household Science and Agriculture. so that the girle may be taught the dignity of doing things that must be done, und the boys are taught gar dening, ete.. 10 be applied Inter to Home Projects Dr. Sinclair showed views of different garden products that had been raised by children he bad met, and apart from the utilitarian side, the results ob- on the child himself and. as Dr. Sinclair said. was better than "raising Cai Teachers in these schools ure given apec- isl training to meet Nye needs of the school and sre filled with iteentive to teach in rural achools instead of teaching in a school where ull enthusian on part of teacher and pupil is lsckine on sccount of «mall numbefs. std boarding in a house where he is bot wanted. The teacher has an in- crensed attendance of from 15 to 25 per cent., because the older pupils can go, and 8 cottage or room is provided for him, where he can make his'own home and have a garden besides. The plea of these schools is not all for work, the artistic nature of the child ia-de- veloped ss well, and the adult side of the community taken. into consideration. These rchools are provided with a community hall where lecture courses, debates, mov- ing pictures, musical entertainments, house- hold science courses, ete.. may be held, and here again the van is called into service in bringing "the parents to and from such meetings. To encourage the rural population the Government is offering a grant of $2,000 to each school constructed before Decem- ber 1921, teachers. antl twenty per cent. of cost of building and tennsportation is paid. 'Thus are the objections met and over-come. Ontario has ever been a leader in mattera educational, but here she must follow the ead of 01 and rise. to"meet her great opportunity, 1 CUNDLES On Thiitaday evening of last week a meeting was called to organize a branch of the U.F.O. here. H. Bertram was pres- ent to give instructions, There was a good attendame and sixteen members were #e- cured. 'The following officers were appoint- ed: President, Geo. Shannon; Vice-Presi- dent, John Ferris; Sec.-Trens.. Chas, Mil- ler; Executive, R. Bell and M. Hunter, Card of Thanks The W.A. of the R.V, Hospital desire to thank the canvassers and all those who in any way contributed to the success of the 25-cent campaign op Thursday, Dec. 4, The amount collected was $240.00 . Don't forget to-read the advts. Sale at t p.m. Auctioneer, --live news from live merchants, tained must have had » wonderful effect |' Special granta are made totp is -- pred Y i = Y mae je re E drs Lr -- (ete PO MS ed me, Ey f = feu $40 to $680 imioiotatoies Genuine Victrolas peapeaheI Fe bred ered, ; VICTROLA XI, $225 Mahe k jogany or oal Will There Be a Victrola In Your Home this Christmas? : We ask you not to delay as there is bound to be a shortage of Genuine Victrolas, true other makes of talking-machines are plentiful--but there's a reason. If we could supply the demand for Vic- trolas there would be no other make sold to any appreciable extent. LOOK FOR THE FAMOUS TRADEMARK "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" It is on all Genuine Victrolas ay AIS: SSI Site 'GEO. VICKERS Jal ele eel ee rel al et el MASTERS VoIce" "REG JAG DEPT Any "His Master's Voice" dealer will gladly demonstrate the Victrola. Berliner Gram-o-phone Company, Limited, Montreal Returning officers and Poll Clerks for the |wchool system: ix advancing in the higher| Oh sacle, election to be held on the Sth day of an.| walks of life. The family, therefore. are Dated st Bare this 11th day of Dee | 1920 (if any) was given its three readings [convinced beyond « ¢hacow of a doubt saben Abe ae. and. passed. that wisdom lies in aspiring to profession- Div, No, 1, Geo. Baldwin, D.R.O., A.|al and business careers and abandoning the ALEXANDER OOWAN, Debenham. Poll Clerk moral, mental and lea promising. future Lecturer. Ene, Rainey, 8, New Exeeutor's Solicitor, viv. No. 2. R. Monteith, D.R.O., H.|x rural district ean provide om.--Geo. Carr, Dan y, 8. Nev. . Fieldbouve, oil Clerk It in about time the schools of the coun-| ills, Geo. Nevills, Dr. Bunting. 50-52¢ Barrie, Ontario, rs ered Wes are It's Sold on Easy 'ierms if desired fe au ~ DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE siacage a

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