Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1919, p. 19

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= & ae RO EF be mM ~~ eS SE ENA ee AEA AL AY AL AL AL AAO iNT dless lease reas- } gg 1 few "days last rajent Sunday 10 Barre with nd spent a few Wanless ert is to tw ber 22. in the schoolt equijs eens R SALE ponts, elvetrie ose $1,100 conveniences, lin for quick ss. $2,300 hous, large an Frit, a money $3,500 twenty acres use atid barn. vs. $2,900 towh proper- in und look uit you, of god eliy three barns, les from Bur- of wood and +++. $9,500 er pf choive 40 'acres, Tt over before ~ < s Thursday, December 11, 1919 THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Nineteen' wg | WHEN IN DOUBT WHAT TO GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS i Say it with | FLOWERS Maximum is Raised to $900-- Two New Teachers for B. C: --Nurse Resign. \ | West Ward School | 'The Building Committee reenm mended the ayinent of num tgcpemeeey gue . ber of aecounts eluding $15. _ We carry a full line or (gan te the Ball Planing Mill. Go Christmas Plants and Cut BOGE Lightin Flowers. Book your or- Frank Carpenter eritend tt ders early, so that you DiI for $165.35 be nee of will not be disappoinied, | P's cuntraet of S515 he Rise {hiss eonneetion pre- CARTER.BROS. | boil nt StTaa front J Renisden & Roxhoroush. the wir FLORISTS 163 Dunlop St. Barrie \ CRUSE UE UE UR RUE D UTE ine fer expen and time of aman sent fren Te ronte fe repair a defective fivtirs which they claim. was put out of] order hy workmen after this} firm's men left, HW owas decided tu pay penter's Account : amonnt eoutenetors: *The Government House Farmers' Sun The site occupied by the ill edojlar palace af the Licut-Gover. sf was jwuirchased from the estate af the Balance of BET tote dicho Hallam in 1909. "Sneureh in =p ! the fi alk the fet that "1 the nite wow Me prvades that far 20. yi he tontt ahah Be ined if re puucelian weebatert thie Rear ins ye tand shall be used only as a atte " ' for the residence af the Lis 5 eg cere ats has, beg ann bs + for 9 single private dwelling house cust: THE Plsavene | MI eh Una tlie ire not lest than $7,000, Tithing Wauhh net be fiken aver) al details cansilered | were attended: fe Faken by the meat the This res' rietion eet un the op nukes the wboltton of 1 WY RaEoPe ane ipl tluring aml eheaning of the fhe inane with the Tarte. There r tiummong thar duey han! ne t the restriction quoted that com Hieed ent whl thie speenieatiy | Province to keep oun the ealled fear, f order fo perndt free aise nthe Row went intel ra one cman a hes eeanaietttow canal ther lering tone left adle for another ni icaley tees MHL uf fottael b meds a rein. 'The inere: Me itInotian instructing the Seeretiey Low betwren now vn consad [fe Write filets ta notify pur Hie Ball} Mill Ge. eatlins te ound at the end [ther fo the several] the Ho hy the Proviner wt ths Hand contd be | tye salisfactory | at a handsome prof of Ontario would ; sivag the wilace Novenne Mffendanen und an ened wall 1 tHE Keegan Centeat tae a WA | iffietal 1 elit te na wh a Miss given t digulay wel extrava 7 an oS Ting 1 amt possible, too, af) Matestatl ty dlernanve were qa {the Halla ADs~ i i 1 stare would be areparet to waive ares Miss Chatter So. Mids Sqr netion that should never PAs Niven fh Miss MeTtolae! nutieds In any case the Wa, Mess Mare oe Wart A GOOD POSITION ears AWAITS YOU Soe al f you are thoroughly trainer Ave oF eae a Ta Barrie Business College Miss dstiee 80, Mi Veston 10 Miss Collins a, Miss] Prepares ils students for Fintlae 14 | REAL POSITIONS. jis bank Pepe: Cenbeal} PREPARE NOW. Bast) Ward 88 We A position for every graduate. Wand san Burton wwe, 88859 | 22 plared in Good) Pasihens ee in the Just six weeks WA. Honey. Keep im touch with the Adlets Nog Prin. on page 12. TAVEIRGRYAVLTOUYERTGVENAVEAYEINYRYAPRYAIRTOTYEROAVED 'only world' With guide buy Berry Spoons Cake Forks Tomato Servers Sugar Tongs Butier Knives rhe am," "Patrician Patterns. Vhese are very DPAVCOQIAS ORI CI AY C DI RGED RV OIAGEY NIOOIL GOING OE IAY EIRECING BYIPIRIE AY AGFENRIOVAGE safely as the silver expert. Butter Spreaders in the 3 best. itas your you just Sugar Shells Cold Meat Forks Pie Servers Soup Spoons Pickle Forks Cheese Scoops {hove can be had in the "Ad- ee "Old Colony hard present IN SILVERWARE WE SELL THE 1847 ROGERS BROS. --and-- COMMUNITY PLATE Knives and Forks in Sets, $7.50 to $10.00 set Tea, Table and Dessert Spoons, $3.00 to $12-00 doz. "Ba ROGERS BROS. 'This is the mark that for over 60 years has distin- guished "Silver Plate h that Wears." \tstands for all those excellent qualities found Vhe prices run according to size of article trom $1.25 to $3.00 ea. CUTLERY See our Special Values in ENGLISH CASE CARVERS and a large stock of RODGERS POCKET KNIVES to get at "Your Christmas Shopping" Just think---only F1 days more to do it ! We have so many Moderate-Price Gifts Hundreds of articles that make Suitable, Useful and Beautiful Gifts not enumerated BRASS WARE assortment Pots, Jardinieres--beautiful de- signs, from .. A splendid Tea Pots--C; a much app oles, ete. Vhe best value ROYAL Assortment of at prices to suit step in. Beautiful Cups Otton Hardware Co.,¢" Suu: NICKLE WARE sseroles with Brown and White Linings, and also Pyrex Linings, very reasonable in price. Also an Excellent Assortment of PYREX WARE The Clear Glass Cooking Ware Pie Plates, Bake Dishes, Casser- Prices run from Nothing More Appreciated Than a GOOD CARPET SWEEPER We have Bissell's Prize, ALSO THE EUREKA AND CLEANERS $55.00 and $60.00 Have them demonstrated to you. If you want to see the Largest Fancy Decorated China No trouble; We are pleas- ed to have you loo Bon Bons, Berry Bowls, Etc., from ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES of Fern - -$1.00 to $6.25 ; ELECTRIC IRONS ... $6.00 up Toasters ..0......... $6.00 up Grills for small family cooking, s++eete... $10.00 and $12.00 way MAY TAG ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES $110.00 and $175.00 get demonstration. Pa MAJESTIC ELECTRIC HEATERS $7.50, $9.00, $10.00 to $15.00 reciated gift -. $1.10 to $3.50 in town for $5.50 SPORTING GOODS Such as Skates, Snow Shoes, Sleighs, Hockey Sticks, Skis, Etc. VACUUM make Acceptable Gifts. Skates for Boys and Girls 75c to $7.00 pair 3 2Re your pocket, just Hockey Sticks .... 15¢ to 75c ea. yay a Sleighs for Boys and Girls 30c to $2.75 each Snow Shoes for Ladies at $4.25 pr. Snow Shoes for Men at $4.75 pr. and Saucers 60c and 75c BAEGEVAVAEVRALOVATEVALEDAL AE VOHEEVALD PLIGBOIRGRY LO6IIRIR RV RFR RVR RIR $1.25 up VALERA GAULVALEVAD EH VAUEEVU PAT OVALE ORAL VAL ADRAL ARAL ORALA cm B.C.I, Students Re-Union in Toronto S (OF RAILWAYS A sere plewant evening, wax vent on | 4 ; Thursday ber 4, st Brunswick Hall, PUNE Toron heing a re-union of forme Tnstitute atu: ents, prese and the time was spent in dancing exeress.. G3) t Refreshments were served at ol OTENS. i HIPS: + | The mittee in charge must ; gratulated on the great success of their lu U E Le G A R Canada at the National Chemical Exposition, Bs Chicago. }° 'The importance and magaitude of our Chemical Industries form a sensational Shapiee in the J) ri known the world over. Development followed ir anapie during the e wre with am: M position at the Natfonal Chemical Exposi admitted to be the greatest industrial e In addition to th M nal Railways had en exhibit illustrating tke mincral, forest wealth, powers and raw materiuls of the country. During the Exposition two addresses were delivered by C. Price-Green, Commissioner, Industrial & Resources Dept., Canadian National Railways, on Canadian National Resources and the great ficld afforded in Canada for enterprise and investment of 'Capital, which were widely 'reported in. the Americun* Press and many scientific publications, Coutts. foot, ence Touchette. Lightfoot. er uhours, Mevsre. Parkhouse. Ward and Misses Greene constituted the committee and to then niust go the eredit of bringing about thi most plesant reunion. faculty in the Uni represented. to hold a skuting party in January. party broke up at on nificant that Collingwood Collegiate held reunion Thursday night at the Women's It is intended, o'clo inion, 85 St. George St. Lit of those present ; Messrs, Trewin ara Parkhow orne Campbell. jordon Coutts, Durewn MeOua Walter Wanl, David Stone, Harold Hunter, rthur ex, Sibbald, Percy Shrubsole, Vernon Wikon, Gifford urry Rickaby. ride, Walter Toucherte, id Tarner. William Frank Manuel. Coutts and 1" Fletcheryaround the Practically every ty of Toronto if possible. The Tt is wig- . Leslie Kir sock, Alfred Dyer, Floyd Dyer, Jack Kell, MeMaster, Carr. ig. Wallace Shepherd, Jyck Rod- girs, Geruld Fitzgerald, Otto Gullagher. Roy Ker 1 Jarmain. man, Robert Russell, Robert Ingram, Wil. fri Missos Mable R. Young, Helen W. Reid, yrtle Dunnett, Helen Jurmai vmpbell, Beulah Wright, jarion Fvans, Edna Wright rater, Boss aster, Birdie Russell, Fern Forster. Kay Coburn, Alice Pratt, A Wonderful Speech Maisie Noble, in. Beatrice Mndeleine Francis. Cora L. Jeffs. Rewie Me. n, Ruby Nogar. Groce Fisher. There is a wonderful speech in "The Rocky Rond to Dublin" which comes to the Opera House on Wednesday next, do- livered by Barney Gilmore. who is once more stirring in thie great Trish play. Gilmore has been' delivering thi many years before the Prohibition party speech' Mr, Me: | Gordon Long- becwne w factor in the affairs of this coun- try and always received rounds of ap plause at its conclusion. The speech ix us follows -"Mr, Master: non, as ye drive down the roud the little driver of the jaunting car will show you ja mise in the ground with a big tree on. it, On thut «pot, and remember this ix Ireland, the world's groutest temperance japeech was delivered; and from that wave of temperance started which «wept ld und eurried men from gutters into comfortable homes. That speech is still aweeping the world and will until the end of time, When you aguin speak of an Inshman drinking, please MEAT | | SUPPLIES | BEEF LAMB BACON PORK SUGAR CURED HAMS T THE-- LOWEST PRICES Have you tried my SPECIAL BREAKFAST SAUSAGE? A specialty. TRY R. H. HEPPLESTON Late Supply Butcher to 30,000 Canadian troops. "No! to Liberty League KNOCK i Cobalt, Dee. 6. Dee, 9,--Our school ebildren are looking forward to 4 good time at their Xmus tree on Dee. 19 in the Grange Hall. This is something they willingly gdve up for the last four years in order to help the Red Cross but" now that the war is over Oli Sunta will return again with all his mirth uy joyousness, Miss Margaret Reynilds ix visiting Mre Harry Reynolds, ot in the north Ik or muke speeches, but to listen, not making promises, he said, be: we them he would carry h made him cautious, hia attenti ats hem out, 1 t wats on maple timber for fuel purposes. oho Walt, Jr... who wae operated upon s banquet in the sown hall Hix about two go in Barrie, is improving ively thut many of the sugees- he had heard ulready could be ear- out. but there were «ume with could not agree. He would not be sto return home this week. Grabem and Mrs Shaver a ca frients from the he said, if he held out any hope of success 10 the --_xgitation erred on by the Citizens' Liberty Leugue. The Government had been elecied on a prohibition 1 there no} league's demands in power. 'The Best Christmas Present at Any Price How ean you make your money go fur ther for Chri "s| Il ges. its eerious . its FRitorial . ite intelligent and trustworthy com great and tragic events of the ti its wit and humor, There is nothing quite like The Companion in literature, f you subscribe ut onee all periodienl will get Jy-River during | of Cuna: of Lib SOME CLASS TO A DASH Hin a modern bathroom. The bei will receive ieaues in| fiful poe m with 1 ixtures ma 1920. jhandseme in 2. MI remaining weekly 1919 issues (just a plain y of han 3. The Companion Home Calendar for! face and nack a lak (o be linger 1920. . = a fa ° just for the pleasure vf All the above only $2.50 anywhere in the} i Yan waht to live such + -- . ' basin in your bathroom. " c Jput il indy! ! Commonweulth Ave., in the added pleasure the basin will afford, MOFFATT & PARR 'Sole Agents for "Hecia" Furnaces triotism und valor, 1920 nion--52 New aubseribers 1, The Youth's Cot Mass, Boston, New Subscriptions Received at this Office, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S 887 Plumbors, Phone 531, Barrie CASTORIA ee,

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