THE BARRIE EXAMINER THAT SALE OF KID GLOVES AT VICKERS' ror NEWS $.0.E. Officers Sen.) ev. Ee B. Taylor . ney on . . . ' K et Taglar It has been the greatest selling of Kid Gloves in the history of this store, and it is going to continue until the last pair is sold. 'Treas WB. Webb Wst comme W. Armatrong Read this--look for the size you wear--if it is here don' t delay. - fied tn ee tek In size 544--We have plain White, plain Black, Tan, White with Size 734--Plain White, Tan, White with Black | points, Black points, Black with White points, Grey and White Washable Kid. Size 534--Plain White, plain Black, Black with White points, Grey. Size 8--Plain White, Tan and Brown. These Gloves are worth from $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.75. Sale Price--Pair $1.17 Three Pairs for $3.10 conn fan, White with Black points, Whutney Stiarstie. sages E { Size 6--Plain White, plain Black, White with Black points, Black ' Six Pairs for $5.95 Twelve Pairs for $10.90 Trustees W. Wisk, J. Bebb, J, with White points. . - . . . fs Miles Size 6%4--Plain White, plain Black, White with Black oints, Black There's to he no reserve. Every pair a bargain, j I Pp soSfares as visiting ree with White points. Pagoniy Te week Size 7--Plain White. - ven Nuniws cake, 4 Size 74%4--Plain White, White with Black Points, GEO. VICKERS in oat Nort Size 74¥,--Plain White, Tan, White with Black points, Was Nis with lus pa ee Ee Butecen, ce atintidate _ pectin s ul . a : ID, toe Ms ie" satan fee Poe Beron Ave Method Church | Collier St. Methodist Church Bayi Churn ___Indvualty of Toe ais ae ra ; ee ne ate iaditintet, megzassepeano, Rev A. E. Owen, Pastor Sunday. Dee 14, 1919 ata con, I whether 1 be i Piano, By = parents over the wane. Sto Ge Mew tu. Rev, Archer Wallace of Toronty. 1 an. The Pantor ns iy et be. pee ieee ig oe foliday fall, Monday, T 15, The Call to: the: Minatry 3 pam. The Sunday School ' 7 Come und fin and try ane « Order af Bry Mimissi\inn 34 cents You are vordially invited. A pan Rev Archer Wallace of Torunta ldemonsteste thet = -- --- | i ( -- (ase i RRR RY eS As ' <y ® Merrill & Hubbard's Store N ews for Xmas « ay OUR STORE IS OVERFLOWING WITH A WONDERFUL VARIETY OF EXCELLENT GIFT SUG- ae < GESTIONS FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS, GIRLS AND BABY, TOO. COME AND SEE THE DISPLAYS AND CHOOSE YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WITH EASE AND SATISFACTION. ee 2s wpe ay THERMOS BOTTLES i COAL OIL OR j ee as i ii stati Wh sty te " wiot i ELECTRIC i Poniehie i HEATERS ' ro ae ' Pant sizes eee errr! teoe | The Perfection, thw # ae | | ut Mest coat ail heater | aitSise Poobissers carpet Swenpens ' A weellent stoek of Japeinned tromining Per a WoOSTENHOLM's 1 XL carvers ! | si seo | . $4.78, $5.50, $6.00 ge ae Shitriont tak | Viele plated... §7.00 1 Bissel's, Visvim Sweepers $11.50, 513 se [These gon mlaonally | | | Cadillac Electric Wacuusr Cleaners PA . . quality and exces Saco lo sizoo | MERE {RMN Elecivio: Va an \ ay Hy eases As cot [on $4.50 to $12.00 | . CASEROLE i a ger He} anal: Tein $1.50 to $6.60 | is Very. useful aweteede | VELOCIPEDES, P Proves . $3.50 to $12.00 | i wacons iS 1 HOTPOINT 1 ! auromosites i ELECTRIC IRONS | 2 4) Velocipedes with i 6 Ibs . $9.00 | J ron or rubber i Princess Electric 1 Price . ne . ae A USEFUL GIFT FOR BOYS AND MEN {| Irons, 6 Ibs... .$4.75 1 $4.50 to $10.00 et % They weriate a dark knit. § ' } Wagons, with iron or rubber tires, . 20c to sed i i i Prive - $3.76 to $7.50 ae sy Knives i j i ee ones rs seieseete a= | les. A wheel, ay i The Malestlo radiates weal like the i Bin ous an br. Haha se ; 13.00, $14.00, $15.00 ay Any Boy or Girl can get a lot of | | \ Be Sure and See These * re Pleasure out of-a Hand Slelgh. This | | Sens 1 ts the style of s 1 thie: e for hobs BF Nae tr eeues | S. | aqcGET HIM aN ee Ihis seuson--so buy ! INGERSOLL WATCH Pau "s from 25 to $6.50 | SAFETY izone | FOR XMAS ge | We have a large stock of these, ! oo . We have a complete Be {This is an ideal gift for a young mu i EVER READY FLASHLIGHTS stark oF Mean in nickle 3 J and one af the most user presents injmany riylon and Sian Bites elt sae a Le SKA | Pasa pie mansion game | ge ef Ounces lighter ae oe "Ever ft $125 re) ay MOOS cece eee ea eee 4 £ Keen Ku z ' = -moemoms Gillette. $5.00 \ . a ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS Aute Strop fas ent $6.00 gee \ Reautiful designs from $7.00 to $25.00 Se ee ee ee i as "ROGERS' 1847" and "COMMUNITY" re) PLATED-WARE fri $1.50 to $40.00 ay FOR THE KIDDIES : | oe By Rocking Viethen 8 nets 2. 3, 4, and G-foot Toboggans | ge i R i Sets, ete. ete, ete. PHIOO i. comers $2.00 to $4.50 __! . ee Bt THE WISESSHOPPER SHOPS EARLY uy | fsa ge ice, 5 By | In Shopping Early you obtain better and more prompt service you i Self cleanable and white enameled. More than 300,000 women ae obtain a better choice, while assortments are most complete e | use a THOR every week. Nothing would delight 2 woman more. y ig ay | advise early Christmas shopping for your own benefit. | Other Washing Machines at various prices ge ae Grose smnnenienenemcianiliniassesisanicmsiasiia Setneteenctili eee aise mca re MERRILL & HUBBARD