Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1919, p. 10

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LADIES--- Don't* trouble making your Xmas Cake--We will supply you with a first-class Cake, almond iced and decorated or plain as de- sired, al i +.» 450 per tb. Order frius sur drivers or Phone 50 BROWN'S BAKERY --> TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear- er to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. oan ' Your Reading Needs| |! THE CANADIAN BANK | OF COMMERCE --at-- | : at | , { PAID-UP CAPITAL. - . $15,000, 9 | RESERVE. FUND 4 $15,006,000 Seott 8 | BARRIE BRANCH,-H.'M. Lay, Manager. | | Bookstore = -- - " - : e i ----~\ Jas. Arnold | Che Kingdom ofthe Blind fire & Life Insurance Agent | ; By E. Phillips Oppenheim Meat Estate and Money to Loan, Copyright, 1916, by Little, Brown & Co. A jutmbar Varuabile Haris Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, aud Town Propertins for on ' oer: ; Aare Ar : the Hie eSWCORUREeee dl through special arrangement with owners of copyright. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING | \\-- BARRIE (Continued from lust week) Wir sorinwhal! Th Bishops leaned forward frou due] Bot this in thy " Uwonters Was my faney ; Are noteworthy words of youre, | ot did T hear tonight the first mutters 6 if S$ th &0 {Sir Alfred." he ssid. "There ax nothing | OF the stu _ Or mi 0, e whole world su utterly mefiective eee en Cah tasetly aniaeet," Ge WN pastenate gratitude muss seem | Hecleres he one whe cout have infl wy hstabllatied 1800 THBEICEN bea Gee kof all those [eu fe xeerabe Nour immunity. from UNDERTAKERS nig fellows ctor soldier. yuu know, | censors! Tr must have tu see: ; {tut young men of py fond of pleas Hoh oy . nae thawte her] mate Alon, mate as Iie, passing into the /eaeerly "Phere tay tw ayes Morgue and Chapel Bs itey of sn Totwe. have seen those | oT Mitt reentered the Larger tn connection cee mie, A td wae ae severed mutiites W at oob thee aawwie uns Phone 82 his Hee h Th woe Mint SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS \\« ae me h L hack fur a few slays fro nephew Grete Me seitonens At Mer Pine ine' rates iat ékehon " ie Monuments ' hie uncle with aan rely coal used and Wad never thin' wtwnt that sve, fo eta suersiaen sien Suite ; Mae aw agmetites: Erie MiNi be ight have e thing tel Lavorty abet ---- hum; serious, ethene fally theyll ( nglishinen Englishmen, | Me ie Ine i ' ies the vision, There wis net one] pontine finger. ftonnie though" wey i DYEING AND thent wb. had "nat few anceyted | toe it out. any rie Thine eh [is mv itatow there w not one af then | ferent now Y serious, Tay | CLEANING nud so sit at his cable, | Y st Amerien? ane of them who did not} ; 1 U anitnity Your vthing will be Woe ote af the props of Fe cone chet tet ly poe a Sie properly cleaned inside and | There was a litle rustle at ane of yhel Sit. Alfred frowned ; ot . ' 4 tw wert ids walker smoothly te his re are plenty wild enterprises * outside st W: Firth's, The |" reirer aiker cate ate} he admitted. "ut Elon Gene sand inside of your } snk ingle he il wth Mu particularly to i A 5 & yomon sly oanel TT clothing are as important as wich the figgere eli Veso't hang abot here much lovgsr the outside. Why not have bw siete Alor wires ihe ihre epibled, E get the fer % . ig io jit es enn juity oony Pte be doing something hak them done right when you | fe" te thie morning nett are having them done? ovr The say iw Hs unete locke! at hin f ' are having hem done? All aie ' Bh caine Re ne Cae aiaey - Kinds of Repairing done: iirghe owes lie igual i thease his heaves hit aeis 4 Tre was frowis upon his fi , We know how. river st eho etic a [tees me he is . i "the you about," he , W. FIRTH [ow ree ante | . ears Me tanked of any wy avons Pp itty bis nuxed. ouble T fine * _f hone 229 | mae Jiwself an Tgot out af thar affair down a Opp. Burne Hotel, Barrie. te |Morket Burnhum withagt the lea trouble, 1 in rom fram w feud then, astyun kvow. the War Ofiee en iw. We wos himeelf again di | ent him dawn. of all the people on arth. letter was there Mr Garden doses. 0 in on inquiry My . ' whe hit been 1 te the b ith he suspects n B: Pla M ll p wards hin and poiatel re the liewl tament on "efielsd The Barrie Planing MIN i'r fate 'SM 8 mcs he Leg Scr sortie sont Mary Streets hat voure, Sir Alfred?! the eke, fo nit was just ufter ' tree ul mn Frames, © AMeowl tiuteled come lmek across the lines, 'The 6 Coking, Mesiurgs, Water Troughs, |" Reeaming a little man stringent, Tlthy well, TE told yo about that, Teahel He hee whetved, holding it tmp. Worth saved me or T don't know where 1 * awortment of | "1 thought the mark," the [rhowld have been. think T shall kill B.C. Shingles | other roptied. "4 most outrezeous mis. [tbut nan ! ated Ron' Wood Turning and take' Tom very el it of vader |W did you say his name w: Devine ¢ Specialty, Dressing dome |-ny notion | Yen utely free from {Sir with sudden engornrss. promptly un Sir Alfred : . Vonsult us with your building. {thought se myself." Sir MMfret re. ee, was a moment's stagh Sir Au portal "Howsver, Launpose an ocene. [fed's exorewsion wae curiously tent He : THOS. ROGERS (ional? wilstalee. cane senvenle he tania leaned! woross the table tmwards hic nephew Phone: Office 163, Residence 353} a", Don't worry them nbout it, plesse Thomson?" he repeated. "My God! My Daveh letters are simply reronts of [T knew there was something T meant to \ __ the hilances at my different banks, nere tell you Don't you know. Ronnie ---- aC me but of cones you don't. You're sure it's | AY AM the same." Mrs Gordon Jones in- | Thomeon--Surgeon-Major Thomson?" sisted, "there has heen gross neglect some- | | Thut's the man." " 7 : where, Twill see thot it is inquired into] "He is the man with the new post. ' {omorrow, morning Sire Alfred yleclared hoursely. 'Te is. the Sk . | "Very kind of you." Sir Alfred declaced, [head of the whole Military Intelligence De. * As you know, 1 have heen able to iv0 | sppeeamrmenneaniias tenes | Your Family Your Business Your Future |! z = .. Wd Taiuld be sceuired . one thing only, and that ix our iden of With an Annual. Divi- {}) y iminutes. Phe little jarty.-- 7 | What is due to the public safe Mr. Gor : Dalicw § Jit was a inen's dinnerparty only'--broke |, Dr. R. M. Smythe, President and Super- ou Geant pain words, Peed dend Policy in the tp. Very. soon Sir Alfred ans! hie "reeks jintendent, Dominion Sehoolaf Nursing, Tor | ot, Jonte xeluinind. "that no, erquesta ; ' rites: ""T hew rom me or «ay, for instance : ow were left uldtg, Sir Alfred's onto, writes: © have much pleasure in send- woul hove any' weight with eS Sun Lite |: of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insure :ce Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED spat. MISS M. McCKERNAN 58 Small St., Rarrie. Phone 323 i | [ike this is nothing." 'There you fragments of information now and then which would cease at onee. af eonree. rae) ° if my correspoudence as a whole were 'ub. || Superintendent of Nursing iret to eermorshin' An occasional mix oke |! School Says Internal Bath. ix || ing Gives Best Results in || Constipation. 'as another interru Ls ve set up' ut the ey,ve practically given him unlimited powers!' = . "Why, I thought he was inspector of | Field Hospitale!" Granet gasped, "A blind!" his uncle groaned. "He is nothing of the sott. He's Kitchener's jown man. and this,"" he added, looking at j the letter, ""'must be his work!" ' CHAPTER XXVIII Surgeon-Major Thomson looked up al- most eagerly ax Ambrose entered his room the next morning. The young man's man. ner was dejected and there were black lines under his eyes. He answered his chief's unspoken question by 8 little shake jof the head "No luck. sir."* he announced, apent the whole of lust night at it. too -never | all" V've tried it with Then T've taken the first and tried every possible went 10 Is thirty one end line or two chonge" "Teouldn't muke anything of elf." hamson couferswed, Inoking at the sheer rowhich even at that moment wa out before him. "All the sam Ambrose, 1 don't believe in it. either do 1. sir." the otber assented egerly. "Tam going to have another try this oon Perhaps there'll be tin then and we ean tell any icnilueity,"" at feeling. Ambrose." he Vt hove many of these by telephone, just before vou anti rome 1 jerean wae on hes Ministers don't hap pinet eohine. and this Alire ay sir? he groaned can expert nx th the ervibure hut bke. hes want if detarnvent wheerver they save te comitiy ind they're tie have the erediy for at There wie a kaiek a the dane A hay Ms cont enter without A gen se he setthed ete paved. r vrstanding aul y Bere te ven rt vivir Chet. thar Yonah wath at romibtary qouint Ftwo very must elim te - yon k has Hr Fora wheels We have todat, We rt Pr Was pment wy. tank same time T have that this son mide no sign rece dette hy mstgritry i 1 evecutingly well owl it my bu j ot, | "will Kune same ¢ Teun eof jor has been af the in Hews patrio'ie | first and most | and 6 He met the well-sntisfied | soon af his visitor without eamment "Tam hoping to hear." the latter eon cluded, with some slight asperity in his the circumstance to whie! as uceidental and will nner. "that ve alluded not be repeated." Major Thomson glsnced thonghtfully. nt a little pile of documents by his side. Then looked ealdly towards his visitor and 4 hin. perhans, with one of the m te complete surprises of his life." "Loam sorry. Mr, Gortion Jones," he anid, "hut this is not a matter which T can discuss with you The Cabinet Minister's fuce was a xtudy. Not discus it?" he repented blankly, Major Thomson shook his head 1 responsibilities."" he continued with regard to 'the safe conduct have bwen haniled 0} authorities, which in. thie "1 represen', We ure in ion for amenities or courtesies, Our country ix in the gravest. danger and noth: ing elw "is of the slightest possible sig hifieanee, The churge which we have ne copted we shall earry out with regard to auietly of this country, Pages. per agra Chirket, dremel. Duek, th, Tob Wh. Potties. ae Potatinn, jock Rewte, bracket fs. riveh /Punupkine. eae: Taesket _--_-- {perfection that the human hand could not [without dowht the most wonderful of oll jof relief, as he tore open the He glanced through the ined and breathed n sigh shook for a momel seal of hix letter. few Tines it conta jing you a letter recommending the J.B.L, | Minister. Cascade. I shall also be pleased to do #o per. |" 'sonally or by phone, From personal ex. | perience also from my various patients who | (To be continued) "he invited, jae using the JBL: Cascade T have no} Come this Ronnie ascade in recommending it to anyone 'They left the dining-room ind. eschewing |hesitation the inviting Inxuries of the billi rd room (with constipation or any trouble arising and library. passed into a small room he. therefrom. Its benefits in such cases are hind. pleinly furnished ox business man's jfelt st once, in my own case as well 8 study. Granet seized his uncle by the 'others that have come directly under my | (notice. It hus certainly heen the means jof bringing about muny wonderful cures Sir Alfred nodded of constipation and various other troubles, "It's coded. Ronnie, and between vou /1 have much pleastire in sccommending tho and me T don't believe they'll he able to Cascade," i 3 read it, but whose doing is that?" he add-}, If you are troubled with headaches, bil- ed. pointing with his finger to the cnvel- iousness," bad breath, rheumatism, sallow ope. 4 complexion, or any troublo ing from "Tt miust have been a mistake,"' Gran- imperfect elimination, we would urge you muttered: ;to_ try Internal Bathing by mexns of the Alfred glanced towards the closed |J-B-L. Careade. This wonderful health- door. Without » doubt they were alone. :Siving appliance is shown and explained "T don't know," be said, 'Mistakes 'et Wm. Crosalen"s Drug Store. of thi sort don't often occur, Ax T looked | Phone or aé them for free booklet sll around tonight, Ronnie, I thought--I shont itor write Tyrrell's Hygienic In- couldn't help thinking that our position 'titute, 168 College St.,. Toronto, arm "It's coded, T euppo ot Charged with Perjury On Thesiay, i brought back trom Niag Onk. Jacob Roseherg. with perjury, 'The charge arose ont of a case tried be Judge Vanee Jast summer jwvhen a man named Flynn sued Roseberg for breach of contract. At the trial he stated that he had paid the firm for whom he was buying the 8210 represented by {his gon- tract. Now it is alleged that { amount was nof paid over to his firm. Henee the charge. Rose herg was remanded until Dee. 12 and released on $1000 bail, Buy advertised gands tt pays Vf CLEAN--yes and disinfected too! likes bed-linen blankets, etc., to be super clean -- immaculately fresh The best of all soaps to use is Lifebuoy--it actually dix | infects on 1¢ cleanses LIFEAUCY HEALTH SG AP Everyone A 5 THE MARKETS a SARA BR | SATURDAY MARKET 1 unl for fowl was abune ou Saturday mornin big offering of hawewet are ably being ke market, For chie ti and dick was 30 0 be ve in fair quanmty fier Bg tale dl to having achen stud duck Geexe. Herat Chrictnsa 2s it np ree Sher uy these rie Pork and Lami, 1 gamnd buenos, ital ond were not « Everyone sleghing being nit for iv fall Rutter euch husket barrel per ba Wm. tee Milk. quart . Tay. ton Hogs A Remarkable Machine e pe ix Regarded (ns the Most Wow'eriul Machine Given fy the Work f the Line alin theset that eet up anuiner every week The following apprecistio Spe vem wei veh of the type for our jab printing vartnen', and those who love machinery hever cease wondering xt the marvel af this "mad mach that Mergenthaler ade During a init to. one Gf the reont greates: American textile weaving estab: Iishments, [stopped in fascinstion agin and again to wateh the great Jacquard and ins and with 9 looms weaving the inost elabo trievte patterns at top-speed T thought that perhaps no rtnachine in the world was s0 ingeniote in she performance of so many lifieult and complex. motions at once, bly rival, manager, "Tt is he said, 'Although [have been sin the textile business for years, T myself never weary of admiring it. Indeed T think i the most wonder. ful machine ever coi by man, At least, T thought so until a few years 0. Then I saw a machine thut ix even more wonderful." "What was that.' T asked, * "LT went inte ® newspaper plant, replied he, 'and saw a machine called the Linotype. It made me jealous for my Jac- auards, for my technical mind bid to init," unconditionally that, wonterful though my looms are, there ix in exist- ences machine truly far beyond them in marvellous operation. The Linotype is machines thit have been given to the world." GRAND TRUNK 8vsrem, THE DOUBLE , TRACK ROUTE between ° TORONTO MONTREAL DETROIT and CHICAGO seeping cars on night trains ang Parlor Cars on principal day 'rains. Unexcelled dining car service ; Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or G Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ; J. E. BILLINGSLEY }and Ehzaberh jSt. Methodist Chy Bradford Sts, Burne. MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T, PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal work spectal attention is given to Voice Production, Pupils prenetede feo AT.CM. degree in bth piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser' vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Block. Phone 424, MYRTLE V. RICE Organist and Choir leader of Collier Street Methodist Church Teacher of Piano, Organ and Singing Puyuls prepared for Toronto Conservatory . Exa 48.5 Stutho at Colher St. S$. 3, Phone 308 W. H. THRESHER Orgouist aid Choiritaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Teacher of Voree Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any ¢xamination, practical and -- theoretical Voices tested free, Residence and 88 Worsley St Phone 510 LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Succestor to Lennox, Cowan & B: Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of Will, guardianship and adaiinistration, asd General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ote, Offices: Hinds' Block, No @ Dunlop sect Money to loan, BOYS & MURCHISON Barruters, Sulictors, Notary Public, ton Money to wun at lowest ee on 1 toun at lowest rates of eres Oltiwes, 13 Open St tin the wretilese oe. y the Bonk of 'vronto? himvale, Ont HP D.C. Murchison W. A. Boys KC PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC Oftwes 707-8 Ket Bushing Torvuta, ou: COW Plaxton G Gordon Piaxean DONALD Ross, L.tp BAIUUSTEL, SOLICITOR, ETS Bank of Toronto Building, Barre, Money to lout CRESWICKE & BELL . BARKISTE RS: Bolicitors for the Supreme entre of Unt OR. H. T. ARNALL and Residence Corner of Toronte Streeta, opposite Elisabeth jurch. " Telephone 167, OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduute of McGill University Office und Residence, corner Elizabeth and Office hours 9 to Span. Phone 105, --------__--_-- W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SERGLRY AND GYNECOLOGY espectal Office 10 am. 1 to 3 p.m, 7 to Sa ete Phoue Collier St, Barria, OR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, alo Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialy --Diseases of Stomuch, Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Ste Office peu unl 8 p.m. daily L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. SIAN AND SURGEON ° Colter St, corner of Clapperton St., Burrie, Phon DR. MORTIMER LYON 1 ]122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St. Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, «and Throw Consultation hours 11 a.m, to & pm ape by Barrie Phone No, Nort Dr. J. A. KEARNS Physiolan PHELPS Office hours LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phon\ Main 5874. 59 Youge St. Toronte H. J. Welch, CA. G. D. Campbell, GA T. E. Lawless, CA, Hulbig, Produc DUNN & BROTHER Veterinary Surgeons 'attle Diseases oncl Surgery a Speeialty, Phones: Day. 244; night $11 Capt. J. Dun . Inte of RAVC, Vi A. H. Brother. V ---------------------- ss MISS L. E. WILLERS Successor to the late Miss Doane Agent for the Spirellu Corset, Company solicits orders from all old customers and 35 many new ones ax possible Addrese--8 Charlotte St... Barrie. Ont. 18 THE SUPERIORITY ' OF OUR SERVICE Unless a funeral director can take charge completely and re. Neve the family of the deceased of the many annoying details connected with suc i he does not trusted with such a solemn i sponsibility. We invite your attention to our record of un- broken snevess in this respect. . W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 34 Mary St. Depot Agent =: 3: t Phone b 2 doore south of our former location. r \

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