Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1919, p. 8

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, THE BARRIE EXAMINER SHS AE A Ti 2 : heat SALE OF LADIES' WINTER COATS 'It Is Holiday Time all over the Store, with lots of Useful v- | and Pretty Things from Everywhere. $18.50 Green, mater & & 2 J zB --up-liedate goods. 2... z 2 & 5 & ay Clearance of Habutal Silk styles. but th a S25.00 de qualities * For Household Use :Damask Table Cloths ies, UL We asstire van we presentable TONRK. ail f dozen Napke iseful gaft A more pract than a dozen different lines tu select from -50, $1.65, $1.75 -- 2 rd 76c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35. $1 x We ar s snre you will splendid in all tines of Soft enler-dawn covered with enn fle & & > & Do panas' or taghiy mer x & & @ Fo] rized tins. size 66x72 Cotton filled Comforters & DISHES rad Cups and Saucers, Bute Aw. ter Tubs, and Covered x: Dish Sugars B Creams. cake | Plates. Keead a Plates, Bowls, W@W Frail Sets, ete Pa NOVELTIES a Ceuta F Loon Picture Frames /.2) 250 Mirrers, asserted. BM otuiod Rattles 460, 200 ' Ete & WwooLs 2 We endeavor to show 2 all the wools that are in demand and our prices us low as if is pose at e sthle to make then a] * and only one ofa ue Certainly we cannot show ven pre-war inal- Union and all Linen Cloths $2.76 to $9.76 ea. al value in Pure Linen Sets-- Table Cloth FANCY BATH TOWELS al gift eonid not be given, More EIDER-DOWN COMFORTERS hal our values iopallerns and trimmed with Xmas Price $15.00 $3.50, $5.50, $8.00 and $10.00 Cream, Taleum Powders, foilet soaps Palmolive Soap 2 for 250 Grey and nil styles $18.50 ea. Blouses at . $2.75 ea. the anal to $8.50 ea. oe) and Sets CUSHION COVERS Sie variety of Cushion Covers dir from En colles and materials, nearly all of Hem beantifalty embroidered with k 750, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50 oa. Some lavely Round Cushions made of faney Chintz, Tapestey, ete and trimmed with Safin lo mateh ihe eslorings. oo... voeeeesss veces $3.25 and $3.98 ea. eee GLITTERING TABLE COVERS These Covers are mae trom Metallic or coll Cloth and hear severak omental designs making them distinctive and diferent. . $1.50. $3.00 and $3.50 ea. ee FANCY LINENS Phe Tinen "display is new complete and at will be easy to find a gilt le your liking Cloth Tray Cloths, Pillow Covers, Bed Spreads, Sheets. Towels. Faney Doyles. Cusiion Forms and almost any Tine yeu require for your linen ward. risbe Moderately Priced ave best-values } have bestwalu eland, 'These are assorted @ ms 2tiveha, oA $16.50 per set Comfort high grade sa sateen, and sa- TOILET @oops pays fo visit, the einent when in ilar Vanishing Some are plam ders and ha Powder, Tooth Paste upeos far the hair, expensive gift la We sell the large size HANDKERCHIEFS ARE ALWAYS -- ee NE ALWAYS ACCEPTABLE Why not give ethers with Ene hraidered Intlials, colored dare Ml embroidered des IN signs A surestooph Hundreds te choose from, all shown in Handkerchief Booth on Baers first flowy... Be to $2.00 each ---Moore & Armstrong Special Lovely Collars for Gift-giving Styles originating in New York are here aad bear the desirable. touch ef clistinetfon, Various shapes and materuits, The sealloped Lace is very miich Tavored, 760 to $2.60 ea. SILK AND SATIN LINGERIE What voung lady well not he det reeolve from at mntimate "ni Washable satin Night Gown, in ei ee While Sane very pretty. sty les here hted to t Sik or ther Pink SHk Ribbons in wide willl SALE OF LOVELY HATS IN JTHE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT For late buyers we offer some excep. tional values, Not Hats that are un becoming, but our very best lines and you may choose any one in the Department and get it ata reduced DrICe Lee. ee, BO to $10.00 for faney 1 werk in great asserts Display Booths CAMISOLES AND BOUDOIR CAPS Thexpensive, y lines of apparel, ( a special booth you will ative of their Chene. please appr wnspireusly displayed ranee Materi puloi amd Taffeta We Crepe tetesseeevae sieges $125 to $8: 1 the lady that eanney find a Beudor an to her Viking here would be hard te We bave seurns of thom 600 to $2.25 Alive. are these useful " find Camisoles in in thea French ay wee Wash Satiy: de 75 ____ A PARTY BLOUSE Slirred fronts with lace trimming, others | Perfectly exquisite are (heAiey lines of tine WHE hei stilvhed scans, $6.76, $7.98, $9.50 alu s fe i ioltdas: ae fieurget ws Combination or Envelope Chemise in Pink vr fake first plier and the good qualities White Crepe ile Chone or Hahutar Silk i range in price tram $8.75 to $12.00 1... $5.25 and $6.98} Mainly ( de Chene Blouses in best styles -- ee, Gliveable Gifts In Leather Handbags Manufacturers find ified in p rocuring $4.98 to $11.60 These Warm Wooly Sweaters are Useful fine Ieathers and handbags are vere veatee | Phe Coat and the Pulleower styles are beth a oaresull. Some niece tines received this here uni inay be had in desiralje colors weeh however. and ire very meaderately ' . $5.00 to $8.98 ieod, Vitrieus shapes... 85c to $6.50] Especially re bles a dedties all wool i Frames for flee fastionahle Silk and Velvet piece Skating Set. all white. white with geld, Hatbass are at $2.00 each and Rose, "Warren" take. .... $3.88 set Handhereh iets Ase and ine THE MORNING Sa Moore & Armstrong... ROL ERAESRALAERALSSRALARALADAEE PMALRQALSVALEE DALEY VSVAUERAESPALALRALGARAL be SAD Spa us fo describe these goods We Invite You mm you pieces will NOTE (mly at Xmas and duv- the Holiday ke a specialty of arel se lines suitable fift giving at the low- Barrie and Guelph FOR THE MEN XMAS TIES goods ar At this are able to SCARFS Knifled silk or Knitted Wool may selected here. 1 not parmit ROBE BLANKETS These are heavy w Nyy and ae red FARM FOR SALE Ke bE lots 23 and 24, con. 4, Oro, 200 ners, On the property are brick. house. | \\ two bank harms, 106x40 and 60x40. anil |, ther out buildings. Well watered, about 175 eres under cultivation, rural tail phone, one mile from 'Guthrie Chureh and one and one-half miles from 'school Reasonable terms, Apply. to Alex Graham pr Shanty Bay. R.R. No. 1 xecutor ALM. Gr UL FARMS FOR SALE rreetved the und up) to Saturday the 27th December. | 1! for the purchase of the north west | quarter lot number seven, concession three, | l Tink. Ai , Ore, Simeoe County V property is well fenced there are ereeted therein a good substunt aru. stable and dwelling house, Postes | 11) sion Even on closing sale enwirily yecnpted, Dat December, 1919 at Barrie Ist Boys & Murchison, CREDIT SALES Ih Saturday, Dee. 13. stuck and implements at Marrin's Yard Barrie. at 1-pm. W. A. McConkey, Tuesday. Dec. 16.--C. J. Garman, lot 23, con, 3, Sunnidale. near Brentwood, farm stock and implements, Sale at 1 p.m, W. A. McConkey. auctioneer. Wednes Conkey, suctioneer. Thuret con. 11. Vespra, farm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer Tuesday. Dee. 30.--Dee J. Barclay. lot 16. con, 7, Innisfil, sale of 20 acres of timber. See bills. auctioneer. =| tic The Weather Low High Rain Snow ex 06 1.6/in 15 in W. H. BUTTERY. Critlin Memorial atl, as the lease of the! ita Abont, the myndiie ot Maar Wi: Wiel ts efforts were exerted. for | Guth the bene thepiters nv net v Dave hernia dculivated and {plished by the leeal GAVAA IW} stnee ats « No tender nee {4 y. rived hy ore their + handling incall 60 ¢ R. Smith, farm | ter th soldiers. their dependents ows and mothers, There |tax exemptions he granted on the jay. Dee. 17.--S. H. Broley, at bot) he 17. con. 9, Tinisfil, farm stock and im-[1p fo the sum of 83.000 for plemenis, Sgle-at 1 p.m. W. A. Me-| period af ten years. He deplored held in the Town Hall on Dee 19 the evident change of sentiment] ini 35 and 20 *% 7 Dee. 18.--John Johnston, lot | hy tbe fonaral son close of the war, claiming that |tice appears on page the soldiers were not getting the support they had previously en-| ALMOST A. WHOLE FAMILY A. McConkey, |Joved fawns were granting lax exemp- fall in line, --] "Last Saturday, between 4 p.m, consumption, and the plague bad yo{ (Md midaight, casn, cheques, ete,| Marked these (wo girls also for ita F9]to the value of nearly $500 were Pound Pe tyortuastely they were sojsioien from A. J. Turner, mer! "One of them 'seid: "t t608 hie Bps- chant, Craighurst. These in-] pital has done me a great deal of 0. cluded cheques, money orders,| good; everything Is lovely, and t most of wh Mr. Turner ready to take to the|! Will be able to go home for good ban The ecnet ing wh without being "5 12 = gg[oticed till closing up for tae 7 "night. Orillia G.W.V.A. Months age. just before he turned A delegation fram the Great over the post alfire to Mr. Turner, br Veterans' Association waa Mad about $55 1 eash stolen. ntoat the | meeting off mined OW GUTHRIE ara Hihe Couneit for] Dee, 9. The Girk' Helping Hand Club grant of S10,000 ty erect ayheld ther social evening wt the home. of the president. Miss Martha Burtholon jon lay night of lant week. A mo oyable time was spent by all present | During the afternoon a Chris'mas cnke was eopernfed out that the GWM ALT made for the Mission Home in Oshawa, ms epen te all retarned men Don't forget the concert to be held in e Church on Christmas eve. salboultinisnn.actiisdh The Smilers" met at the bome of Mr il Cine i and Mrs, Chas. Hastings on Friday. The bs e K was most thoroughtly enjoyed by vent home, Af ome ee ees Smith seeretary of the GWT" Quite a number of our A. reviewed the work tended anniversary wt St An ws Church, Oro, GRENFEL ti the 'Gre floquarters would) be ity anivation in Orillia Vebruai 4918, and gaye sta. Hes shiowir benefit de] Dee. 9. arned) soldiers and pendents from its efforts served from § to 9 0 in the bue whieh after which a good enteriainment he object of {a kiven in the schoolroom, which was 8 ath at. {Well filled. Roy Hiekling of 'the Seventh jon was to look af-| Line Club. occupied the chair nnd o part | tirs of all returned of the talent was provided by his Club. wid-| The Christmas tree und entertainm 350] will be held in the Methodist Church on ent in the loral} 19th inst Miss Emma Cloughley underwent an operation for ber tonsils on Monday. She masked thal]is doing fine. MIDHURST A concert and Christmas tree will be id a social even- school. Tea lized mes of all returned sold the public towards the inter~| 'The funeral of James Coutts on Wednes t of refurned soldiers since the jday wi lurgely attended. PERISH, Two sisters, sole survivors of a mand thoaht Orillia should] once happy' famiy, zreeted us pleas. antly, a8 we visited ina sunny ward at the Muskoka Free Hospital, The mother and several other members of the family had died of He stated that other $500 Stolen at Cralghurst Press orders and pay echeques,| ike it awful well." The other: "I h were endorsed by | have gained twelve pounds, and think ba . on six months." a o about $100 in: cash.) "sium is the work of the Muskoka Stolen property was in a] mree Hospital. for Cofsumptives, y in a room of the dwell-| chousands of grateful patients cai h adjoins the store, and| :cstify to the help they have received a place not easy of access] Ler It costs a great deal of served by those sent to ir WillianrGage, 84 Spadina avenue, IL is said that L. Addison, sontel roronto. sr George A. Reld, 223 College street, | |-ive local 1 : [and advertiseryents that will save | Mysterious Subterranean Chambers Under six fect of snow. T% Nakimu Caves at Glacier ous subter- asbed out of the marble heart of a Canadian Rocky Moun ain by a giacial river, are reached in summer from an Alpine meadow six thousand feet high, sur- rounded by béautiful snow-clad peaks, though the meadow Iteelf is gay with flowers. [n winter, how- ver. the snow falls deep, and ip rly spring Mr. Deutschman, who originally discovered these caves, and who Is employed by the Canadian Government to show them te passing tourists, has to prospect for the en- trance, which may fle ten feet under @ snow drift. All around are the tracks of wild animals which pass this way in winter over the Baloo Pass to the heights where only the keenea: hunter is likely to follow them-- grizzly ybear, mountain lon, wolf, caribou.' goat and mountain sheep. In summer, of course, the flercer ant. mals are but rarely seen. but the|been discovered in the waters of the which rages through the caves. Tt Under the binze of a mag-'does not find any exit in thé Ilecille however, there is waet Valley below, but there are to snare--the |strange springs on the mountain side contrasting jforty miles away, which Mr. Deutsch- whistling marmots come and play around the cabin door, cheelily be; river, nestum ging bread from the Incheon sand-! scenery enough, ani Our showing in Men's Ties is large and the new, A Silk Tie inva faney bex will please him, 76e to $1.3 50 ksearfs of Faney Silks, ott ine * best Jol we have ever shown $1.50 to $6.1 00 ht mi- realy Path Robes, for men A Useful (Gift VALERA Mr. Deutschman digging for the main entrance to caves. ribbon, wiches, while overhead ine eagle files, marble flowered walls in tireless watch for bis own prey. 'The caves themselves are entirely un- inhabited, and so far no fish have wenty pages in this ixsue, WS on every page. you time and mone: one of them. 25c Buys a Thrift Stamp. thiv subterranean river. Don't miss son's. Pre-war quality, {50 cents per pound. strangely with the water torm floor.|man suspects to be comnected with 'Up to the present no one bas dii covered what becomes of the torrent oo to carry on the work. Will s ® you help? er esneeteneeeemeemeetemeeetrteeeeeememeemeeteeiemtieeneneeeeeeenn pen ee the stere. Its loss was not. Contributions may be Order your Xmas Cake at Bry- i9 and 50-506 1. C. 4, B,

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