Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Nov 27,1919 To Our Customers in Allandale and Vicinity | SOME OF THE LINES WE SELL: FLOUR--Five Roses, Purity, Cream of the West, Build- er, Golden Key and Monarch (Pastry). FEED--Bran, Shorts and Chop of all kinds. Mixed Grain and Scratch Feed for Poultry, Wheat, Bar- ley, Oats» Buckwheat and Corn, Wodehouse's Poultry Invigorator and Supplies. BALED HAY AND STRAW Also a Complete line of fresh Groceries at all times. Our days for delivery in Allandale and vicinity are MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY of each week. Brown & Co. Reception for Rev. and Mrs. Orders by phone are very satis~ factory, but orders given in per- Beverley son and much more so What was hike a happy family fillkd to eap Trin- ity Parish Hall on Monday night when the congregation assem_ bled to weleome the veeently ine stalled virar, Rev A. R. Beverley, and Mrs, Beverley. His Honor Judge Vaner presided and a de- lightfal musical programme was given by the choir under the dir- eetion of Dr Arnall. In short addresses Rev. Canon Reiner, the Hector, and Judge Vance voiced nd Mes. Beverley. In ing the kindly words, Gall in and took over these | Nr. Beverley said that the cor. BISCUITS diality of the people had made 'pire... cease .fthem foe) immediately at home 'Toasted Marshmallow. .fand wih this spirit permeating Apple Blassem the congregation the very best re- Mayfly Cream ol 0 loll, sults may be achieved for the up- Spanish Fineip on building of God's work in the Old Fash'd 'Thick Lomon .| parish. He then went into dif- arian. .[ferent phases of the work and eaubppeies J) showed how everyone, young and pel Res Mineeineat .[old. might fake a part and con- New Mixed Peel z Clean White Beans .. SATURDAY ONLY Hest Canaan Cheese ... Refreshments were served' al the close. During the evening, Mayor Sprott presented to Miss Lena Stotesbuey a parehment from the Reyal Humane Society in recog- nition oF her noble und Weroie j act im saving the life of Miss PAT. IVORY is the most! Jessie Moberley, who was in peril line of Toilet goods of being drowned, last summer. made eh article has a beau- --___ Hful grained surface not obtain ALS' able in any other brand of Ivory. On Su DA STON H. Brad. | Oriental Ivory has the distinc={ 0" § iene woldie, Soill spouke Ab the Han of being the original] sethodist Church, Crown Hill, st 2-30 p.m ivory goods which you always 3e¢]On each nigh on thee of the week following (Sat ssing fable. It may] urday excepted) meetings will be beld, be cost a lit more than others, gone at are alfa to ba sven Ld but it is genuinely . the following: Dec. 1 and 2, Rey . senulnely. good Smith, B.A.. Orillia; Dec. 3, Rev, AE ES | Owen, BA. Allandale; Dec 4, Rev F Minurd's Liniment Co., Limited. N A. B.D. Angus: Dee. 3. Gentlemen,--In July 1915 1 was thrown| Rev. W. Howey, B.A. B.D., returned sol from road machine, injuring my hip and diers, Ardirea. A male quartette of preach. back badly and was obliged to use a crutch | ers will sing every evening. On Sunday, for I4quonths. In Sept., 1916, Mr. Wm.| Dec. 7, services will be conducted nt Outrid& of Luchute urged me to try MIN-} 2.30 p.m. and at 7 p.m ARD'S LINIMENT, which I did with the Biost satisfactory results and to-duy Tam as well as ever in my life. Yours «sincerely, Colonel R. Hargraves, the new Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army for the Hamilton Division will visit Barrie on Monday. Dee, Ist and will conduet a special meeting at 8 p.m in the S A Cit Everybody weleome, his MATTHEW x BAINES STORAGE mark del. Township of Vespra = Notice ix hereby given thut 9 Court ry VOTERS' LIST COURT 4 @ will be held.quursuant to The Ontario Vo (1 ters' List Aarts His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Simene. at the Court House in the Town of Barre, on Monday the 8th day of Dec BATTERY ember, 1919, at 11 o'clock in the fore. errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Vespra for 1919. A. B. Coutts, Clerk of the Township of Vespra, SERVICE STATION Store your batteries with the Official] 48 48 Exide Battery Service Station this winter, = Tt means longer life to them. Repairing al] | -------------------- ase makes of batterits and recharging our spec-| BARRIE'S boys, iakty. Ford magnetox recharged. The on-| BARRIE'S money ly Battery service station north of Toron- to with factory service and electrical ex- Helped winvithe;.war. In this, the reconstruction [period, citizens united can make for electrical systems, If its olee- | HARRIE A BIGGER AND BETTER TOWN, * Join the COMMUNITY ASSOC- IATION and wateh BARRIE grow, Barrie Business College All work guaranteed. W. L. BRENNAN Between Barrie and Allandale Phone 655. 122 Bradford St. | Poultry Wanted We require a large quantity of Turkeys, Geese, Chickens and Ducks. Highest cash prices paid for fancy quality goods. From past experience goods marketed in time for Northern trade bring better prices than later on. We will have buyers on Barrie Market SAT., NOV. 29TH SAT., DEC. 6TH SAT., DEC. 13TH IROQUOIS FALLS MERCHANDISING CO., L' Local Representative é Iroquois 'Falls, FRED. C. GRASLEY ; Ont. Phone 357 - 96 Mary St. ac a et .| tribute to the life of the church. | noon to hear and determine complaints of CHILD SAVING. IS A GREAT WORK (Continued trom page 1) Possible Premier "No one knows but among the little chaps lying in their cots in the Shelter y be a future premier of Ontario ." said Warden Todd in express his appreciation of the work the Aid is doing. He hoped the County Council would continue to lend generous aid. Mr, Todd then read to Mr. Drury the congratula'ory, resolution adopted by the County Council and said that he felt sure ery generous measure of support would BE accorded him by the people of Ontario and that efficient administration would | | chow that the confidence in Mr. Drury and | his cabinet is well founded, . Square Deal for Children The Children's Aid. suid Supt. J, J. Kelso, stands for a squure deal '0 every ebild--justice tempered with mercy, in recent years the estimate of the value of | children has changed wonderfully, The! future of Canada depends very Larg-ly upon he way we care for and educa'e our chil: , ren. Nothing is too good for chil'iren even for those who have hed poor surceund. | ings, They will live up to what you give j them, The better their environment the: | higher will be their aspirations. There | | used to be two methods of handling un fortunate cbildren--in orphanages und re. formatories, These no longer find favor The best place to bring up children js not in institutions but out on the farms, where they get fresh air. wholesome 'ood and | enoneh work to keep them :trong und beulthy Interest in the Children's Aid grows from year to year ag the people get more knowledge and apurecinte how niuch it means not only to the children but to [the province. In develnping our material resources muny forget that the welfare of the people ix of first importance, Under Mr. Drury, he wax satisfied, the work for | social welfare would get uw fair chance. In conclusion he congratulated Simcoe County upon its fine Shelter and upon [having such » good inspector ax Mr. Jus tice, "Although one of the best in Ont ario, bis salary is third from lowest and | Mr. Kelso hoped that a well-deserved in crease would soon be given him Officers Re-elected The old officers were unanimously re. | tained in their positions, Very. xatisfac tory reports were given for the different | departments. | A solo was given by Mrs, Heath and a | duet by Lamb and Evans, The ppointed in an accompunist and Mr. MacDonald of Winnipeg. sister of the Premier, very kindly volunteered to play for them, A very hearty vote of thanks was con- ed 0 the spenkers, the singers und the Womun's Auxiliary, upon motion of Rev Geo, A. Brown and Very Rev. Deun O'Malley, At the close of the meeting most of those present paid a visit to the Shelter. COOKSTOWN Mra. Thos. Wilton had an operation for appendicitis in Barrie Hospital on Wednex | day of last week. Dr. Shier operating. Dr. R. Hu-and Mra. Leadlay attended the j funeral of the latter's aunt, Mra. John | Ralston, in Toronto on Friday of lust week |The deceased was u sister of Mrs. Joaeph Kidd of this place Karl Kidd of Toronto spent the week jead with his parents, Mr, und Mm. John | Kidd. | Win. White, who has spent the summer j with fmends in Ireland, returned to town Jon Friday of last week. and a8 stopping with his sister, Mrs. Chas, Patience, A large stock of mbbons on hand wt Fisher's for men, women uel children Mrs, John Readman of Barrie hada \pperution for nppendicitis last week Mr. and Mrs J. M. Pugsley spent over Sunday in Toronto Mr Alf Ingham hus moved to her new [house, west of the Mechodist chyreh Miss Barton of Alliston wis the guest jof Miss Hazel Arnold on Friday: Inat | The Cookstown Hunt Club secured 12 'The District meeting of the Alliston Dis- | trict Methodist Chueh was held on Wed: nesfay of this week in the Methodist church The remains of the late Job Fildey. who died in Beeton on Friday of last' week, were brought on Sunday to the home of his nephew. Geo. Nevills. where the body | remained {ill Monday afternoon, when inter | ment was made in St, John's cemetery. The late Mr. Fildey was born in England 84 year ago. The greater part of his life was spent in Canada in the township of | Tecumseth where he was engaged in farm- ing, The deceased at one time had in his possession as much ax 450 acrey of land, He was a very quiet inoffensive man, The friends from a distance who :t tended the funeral were Mrs. Birchel and Jus, and Alex. McFadden and son of Elm- vule; Geo, Fildey and sister of Newmar. ket and Joseph Fildey, Creemore. The pall-bgarers were his four nephews. Alex and Jan, McFadden, Geo, and Joseph Fil dey and Jncob and Wm Holt Consult H. T, Rankin on the Intest im. proved phonograph now in stock--perfect You will be proud to own one of these magnificent instruments. Ellesmere Lewis is visiting with friends in Toronto this week. Rev. W, and Mrs. Creswick attended a meeting of the Anglican Forward Move- ment st Thornton an Tuesday Joseph Howard has purchased farm near Brampton, Arthur Rowe returned home after » two- weeks visit with friends in Toronto and | Ripley. = Mrs, John. Rainey is seriously ill with pneumonia. BARRIE MARKETS PRICES THURSDAY WHOLESA' No. 2 Fall Wheat (Gov't Price) Oats . i | '| p 1 | in tone, beautiful in design and finish, i i] ' ' kf ! j i] | SHOoooorerooroooosroooooooooooooooooooooooees IT PAYS TO SHOP AT VICKERS' - 999090000000000000000000000 ALLANDALE NEWS Mim Mary MeLennan ut able to be out aguin after her recent illness The Auxibury to the B, of L.E. as giv ing a dance in the Town Hull on Friday nigh', Noy. 28. Albert Lines was a delegute from the Presbyterian Church to the Forward Move- ment Convention in Toronto this week * Orillia Packet--The people of Atherley are disconsolate. Station Master MeCuish, after eight yeurs service at "the Bridge," is under marching orders for New Lowell the move being considered of course, in the nature of @ promotion. While depree ating the slang. we give the estimate of one Atherley citizen who has had intimate business and social relations with Mr, Me- Cuish for years: "He has been," he suys, "absolutely everything w station, master ought to be, und then some," If ix not the business of any omployce of the G.T.R, to give lewons in English to the general public, or Mr, MeCuith, would no doubt bave cured Atherley even of slung. This Page shares the general regret, and heartily WE ARE OFFERING TO THE BUYING PUBLIC LADIES' CLOTH COATS--Over 100 of this season's best and newest styles at ii clearing prices, boon - $22.50, $25.00, $27. | FUR-COLLARED COATS | to $45.00 Every coat now offered at a | from the original price. portunity. FURS Electric Seal Coats, plain. Alaska Sable trimmed .... Badger sets from ... Flannelette A FEW OF THE MANY EXCELLENT VALUES it | | | have to purchase a coat this is your op- FURS Marmot and Muskrat Coats from oN we ++. $75.00 to $175.00 Seal Saison $150.00 . ... + $250.00 to $350.00 Canadian Raccoon Sets $22.50 to $38.50 Australian Fox Sets... .$18.50 to $37.50 American Grey Fox Sets $20.00 to $38.50 $10.00 to $38.50 | Hudson Seal Coats, plain and' trimmed ! } Natural Wolf sets from $10.00 to $35.00 Blankets at Less 50 pairs only standard Canadian-made ette Blankets, largest size | 2-4 72x80 inches, white or grey, pink or blue borders. - Pair =< - - A rare chance, take advantage GEO. VICKERS 990090000 Wishes Mr. MeCuish happiness and prox perity Boys Stealing Grain Three boys, esch 14 yeurs old, pleaded guilty before the P.M. in Midiend last week of stecling grain from the G.T.R. Tt is not an unusual thing for children to tke sweepinge from the cars but in this cuse the bins were robbed and the grain taken away in a wagon, We J Justice, Inspector for the Children's Aid Society, made s strong ples for the boys and suid the Children's Aid would try and reclaim them. They were each fined $5.00 and costs, H. MeMorran, special agent of the GTR. from Belleville, succeeded in getting the names of two of the parties to whom the boys sold grain and prosecu- tions are likely to follow. =e BORN MINGAY--At 169 Moy avenue. Windsor, on Wednesday, Nov, 26, 1919. a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Mingay (Arthur Hammond) -50 to $35.00. from $22.50 quality) big reduction If you. still .... $200.00 prices. \ MEN'S HAT SPECIAL Sample and odd size hats worth up to $5.00, on -. $2.50 $2.50 to $3.00 $5.00 sale at........ Genuine Velour Hats at... piSiceseae 88, on We carry the Borsalino, Christys, King, Hawes other celebrated makers. SIMMONS & CO. - SALT'S PLUSH COATS (Esquimette SALT'S BABY-LAMB COATS at $28.50 50 CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS from $5.00 up to $16.50 We have really wonderful values in Children's and Misses' Coats. FURS - $4.10 9OO00404000000000000-00006 | CREDIT SALES Friday, 'Nov. 28.--W. J. Goodfellow, lot ber. Sale at 1.30 key, suctioneer. Saturday, Nov. 29--A. Cook, ut Market Square, Burrie, farm stock' and imple- ments, Sale at 10.30 u.m. sharp. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer, Wednesday, Dec. 3.--J. Kidd, 'south balf lot 1, con, 5, Innisfil, farm stock and implements, Sale at 1 pm. L. M. Rutledge, auctioneer. 10.--Estate of Jno. J. con. 5, Innisfil, 1 mile . farm stock and imple- ments. Sule at 1 p.m W. A. McCon- key. auctioneer. Thumday, Dec. 11.--Mrs. A, J, Thompson, at lot 10. con, 3, Oro, farm stock and implements, Sele at I p.m. W, A. Me- Conkey, auctioneer. . $38. 1 i ; ! FURS : THE LARGEST STOCK OF FINE FURS TO BE FOUND IN SIMCOE COUNTY i] | Also a large range of Mink, Sable, Fox, I Beaver, Oppossum, etc: Our prices are lower than the city fur stores. i | i { ! { ! ! FURS MADE TO ORDER Collars and Cuffs put on cloth coats, etc. RAW FURS We will pay higher prices than any local or outside buyer for No. | prime skin: Send your furs in if you want the big and FURS : MEN'S HATS LADIES' CLOTH COATS GLOVES AND MITTS

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