Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1919, p. 11

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' . 4 ' 27, 1919 THE BARRIE EXAMIN! ' 27, MINER Page Elevert ¥ where the famil ---- ' lcomes the complete stranger with a Fi ay = simple friendliness that is delightful. %, Uf 5 i j Game ited take off your coat and hat," Wit ff Th R f said Mrs. Drury. and as though it were the Z fi f 24 Years the same most oatural thing on earth. the stranger e eg nement Oo, A beans one of the group. and shortly after, ' ° ; " sat @ith host, hostess, and others about the P; t good" tea at dating urity The group included Mrs, Drury. a sweet a faced woman. whose blue eyes had « half 4S \ amused and, wholly friendly look, Mr. CAREFUL cooks know the value rury, who had just returned from' Tor. i ' onto, his aunt, # gentle little old lady with ; of parity, In the making of bright. kindly eyes looking out from. a ingredinnc, pp eeetry they use those wrinkled face, and the five children, who. ingredients which they believe to be ° a8 8 great event, had been allowed to stay pure and wholesome. up and welcome home their father. after is "i ity" 1s 'ood tea his remarkuble experience of suddenly be Toapply this "insistence on purity coming Premier-elect to sugar, is no easy matter--for nearly | . "I don't quite know what you want, all sugars look alike to those not ex- Sold only in sealed packages said Mra. Drury to whom the experience pert in detecting variation. The safe 1 : ; H | of being interviewed war new and not al: Course is to use a sugar that comes \ z tee eprealing, | Why, I don't quite Hees refineries in which purity is a « know."" and she loughed." "It bux come east. i yo suddenly that I have not quite grasped In the Dominion Sugar refineries it. You ae aymeek neo we had neve the boast is backed by a standing , > , even creamed of such a thing, ave invitati i 'i RELY PRE RGERE RELY RY Gy | er Frepmed of such sh four hours, ine ation to the public to visit and | gy : BH [And have not even hud w chance to talk Goal o plants Jowlich Dominion | on , . about it with my husband. rystal Sugar is made. RON WOMEN'S REAL MPR cme to ee big responsibit: | In Dominion Crystal Sugar the house- } eB gy ity." she continued tering to. analyze her vives of Canada have one sugar that can be | Br e.eeow.eee, eT ere | feelings for the benefit of the visitor, who depended upon for that Purity which is so I RERELELE LG LEN Lege RP RY RE | Mone for the consumed with curiosity. | essential to successful culinary effort, ' "LE think Tam pleased about the honor, is ii i, The Farmer-Premier's Wife at Home | exjual surprise unl nfereat ix the fact that! though I cun't say thet 1am glad because term vedanta arth ay be Fahely By Helen Ball in the Canadian Courier the many wad varie! responmbilsties of the| it will mean that my huaband will have to| We do import the finest raw cane sugar and Unique in the history of Ontario, and | WH of the prenier will thus fall on the | he away. from. home ao much refine it--but our pride is in the product we ' with only one similar ineident so far as the | *Poulderm of « woman who has lived all] ™ Yano] suppose that we shall have to make from Canadian sugar beets. weiter reall in Canva, ix the faet of | Mer Iie on farm. the wife of a sturdy tive part of the time in Toronto, hut 1 Inimesdsate and compelling interest. that a. tHlet of the xo | hate to think of leaving bome We have ini id atraight from the forth ie coor te Hil + th ions had been a few| uo plane at ull yet about. going to the Dominion Sugar Company the lugh and sustly important office of fit would have fallen to the | city, except that 1 shall probably go for a Limited Premurr wf the Province of Ontario. And . lot of Mr- und Mre C Drury. whore | little while sume time hefore Christmas to womtn, f not i men wlo. of almost a two hundred and fifty acre} But no other place could ever really be Crown Hill, to represent this whole; home." and she glanced wbout the rooms, eof people in the official welcome | ao comfortable and homelike in the yellow to the Prince of Wales. And ae matter of emp light. ne though at something she | course, other somewhat similar, if less | lover vdry te | jucturesyue duties, will nece y devolve; Here little nine-year-old Beth slipned | pen thi ww Py ler-elect and his wife. an arm sbout her mother's neck. while Newsnajer have given in detail every in-| Harold. the two-year-old baby. beamed on | F cuient i Mr Drury' enrver. Gut Mrs 106 stesngsr frou the safe forties. of mo | Drury has switucally been legs in the lime: | "her's lap. | hight, 'and there is a pardonable curiosity | "Poor Beth cried herself to sleep when | on the part of the pubhe, to know what [the heard about it She declared she hhuw she "regards the ex. | wouldn't leave the anitnals, She ie devoted ri yi her Thus it happened | to them: So are all the children." said | that the writey of this sketch experienced | Mrs. Drury with a sympathetic amile for) . _ I the alse. ur sensution of seeking out BA Jason bene Bey ; + tan. | = the wife of Ontario's Prime Minuter-elect | A* thix point the stranger learned f4*- | site to war cervice and before November | every important city between Hali wn fam remote from any railway ata-feinating things from Beth ubout her pet |]. ho0 Every appheant for the issue of | Victoria, ond Portland, 'Oregon, ta Bone tion pel void eet eet eee { 4 Crowe must produce such proof of death, | land, Maine. AOE AE HE ule drive from Barrie. on{ ducks. Kittens, rabbite, dogs and hore. | service und eligibility cs may be required s twnially dark rainy mght. along un- about Beth learning #0 help wet: the saile |by the Department of the Naval Service Examiner Adlets are news mes- fanohor roud= was rhe last stage of the! ing and studying runic nd KON t0/ of the Militia Council dupe: Rew h vant to the Drury homestead The quiet, | school "crow the fields | sages ead them on page 12. wef country road was almost un: Doewn't it interest you at all--the iden Little Red Rid Pul your money into War Sav. canny in the deme bluckneas fe ator. fol Living in Toronto." Mes Drury wax 'ding Hood a ae 4 - sien: The eae na Vite tate mbea et 289 "Tattle Red Riding Hood."" the fourth| '9* Stamps and let it work Y i. ie al ie tie eat nights "E fest me? Oh. yes. of course, trem: | of nenes of Engheh pantomimes imported | essa = i i © AN al endously' Tam not w society woman, but fe this country by F. Stuart-Whyte, the Sunlight does it stor ah stent Ue) entenlss ara 9 secay erin sal Batish author niansger. will be the k wm ew Sen Tran elt Boar with offering at the Opers House for one night You who always dread wash AE ilkerable Ds i cron hehe a ee al ol Pe oF ubout what [| Thursday, Dee. 4th ea cae tone, of 'Tete Bnuie' eine. iste: ining Gnd cae all baw inde chenes | ea Wes fy his previous productions, *Aluddin,"* i; chest guint ae the nator raced on into the | all a very: grew respon ital ty for cay hue | "Robitwon Cr and last year's "Cin. damp tester sir, with per Hon into the Santee | dea i Mr. Whyte hus estublished « rep. » and 501 juat forget all thai he car, and it passed through | There is 4 gr et se get dig He seed hie agen rote Musical shows that hue Come into the case and com: seay. lashed | recklessly in [nity shout Mrs Druze, a restful squat | laced hi offermgs in cass by themelvee fort of a Sunlight Wash Day. nd ut mmnongst® trees which brushed the | which even the somewhat sogecring Bee meron whee ied bee erie 3 foot with skeleton besnehes, and with afof che morning hal not disturbed this his latest effort. amply evide the Sunlight Soap Will do the wash-- the o : waa pea enti on | wae che ponfewet-a fi eT) fuer thut "Little Red Ruling Hood' is dea: you can £o out calling or shop- she ie baivin at clang Phave never taken any particnlir interrst | tinted t prove an even renter succes than ' ping. Read the directions. the stranger had time to wonder if| in polities, My life been so full with ba ot preceding hana tees hai! j : fidrin, wiki). aepchnme: his haw been mde possible largely by hsi ! Insiat on getting the Soap you she unit the "motor hail { my_¢ net hax heen the orh nround | Deine on the ground suring the decsociin | @sk for--SUNLIGHT, _ eeeicce Plaats 8 « {nn oe tit Ti Na Been revalveds- and an ition of Ure Inopettal, ten ance women } Neht nur to rou the enveloping blackness | the visitor fooled frum one to the other) War workers, this summer in London 4 | f the ght. and in spite nf the late} of the litle flock. she could rentize how | deeire on the part of muny former punto: | hour, nd the "unknown quantity" of the' true were the words. ~ that there had been | mime artists to see the country which sent | sich wontlerful fighting mien oversnan, Hrunger. a wveleonimg voiew and hand drew | little tine for outside interests, There ix weuth be hospitable roof Chorles. the eldest. a thirveen year wa si utter stranger arrives ata home in boy. hulf- a heud taller than hie) mother, | for an' iggy iMorNeG soe ae Wanled At bles quick und eager, seri-| Canada and :he United States. Before the | brief tlk Mac quiet room usually fous-faced nine-year-old Beth, curly-headed, | expiration of those contracts they shall | wipletes the jneilent. But not so laughing little Mabel who is six. and Harold | huve gained quite a knowledge of the new the woimi-v The city ean never hope tol who « two and a half workl, as their itinerary cove Practically | emulate the open-handed hospitulity of Add to the responsibility of motherhood. the duties cf the housekeeper in a big farm house, and however competent a help- er one may be blessed with, there is little time left, "A glinee shout the rooms with books in the old walnut book cases, a wi dow full of plants, and music on the piano told how ev ¢ spare hours from niore stirring duties would be filled Moreover. if you live on a farm aix miles from shops. you bake your own bread, make your own butter, snd if you are s self respecting womun in the country. cellar shelves groun beneath the weight of good things stored up for the winter. In spite of all this, Mrs, Drury has taken an active interest in the local Women's Inatitute, and, shares in the work of the little Methodist church which is within a few hundred yards of the old homestesd Nor is she out of touch with public mat- ters. She also drives their own motor which is essential "in taking them into Barrie, "Did I vote? Yes. indeed, 1 don't sup- Pose there was 9 woman in this section who failed to vote on the elections," and Mrs, Drury was amazed to hear that some city women had not been sufficiently in- terested to cast their ballots, Mrs. Drury's girlhodt home is within sight of where she bis lived ever since her marriage. Like her husband she comex of a pioneer family. her great grandfather having gone to that section in 1820, the very year thst Mr. Drury's great grand- father also settled there, Educated in the local rural school and in Barrie high school, the taught for three "years in the Crown Hill local school, where her own children tre now being educated. al greatly in getting their signutures the contracts for un 'extended tour ot | Use Less Powder-- Get Better Baking The Curtiss Aeronola Achieves ""A Winged Victory" a few months it has literally flown into public favor, and won self a high place in the esteem of talking machine owners, i Egg-O Baking Powder Co., Limited, Hamiltcl, Canada In sealed airtight packages. ick's Jersey Cream Sodas The quality of its tone and the richness of its volume are better than any other instrument possesses. It brings, from the record, everything that the maker intended should be brought out. Play the same record simultaneously on a Curtiss Aero- nola and another make and you will hear the difference at once. ' Crosses for Mothers and Widows of Soldiers It_is announced that the emblema- of recognition to be issued by the Dominion Government to mothers bereaved of sons and widows who lost their husbands during the war will soon:be ready. The cross will be issued only to the The Curtiss Aeronola is made with all the skill and, precisi with which we made Aeroplanes during the war. Sold fresh everywhere Factory at LONDON, Canada Branches at oo Port Arthur, St. John, N.B. ow of a married soldier or sailor and to the mother of an unmarried soldier or sail- or. The preparation and examination of designs and other details have been com- pleted, and it is expected that issues will commence to be made within the next week. The cross, which is an'inch and a quar- ter square, is of silver, and beautifully designed, und includes as features the Crown and Royal cipher, the maple leaf and the laurel. "It will be engraved with the num- ber, rank, and name of the soldier com- memorated. Only one cross will be is- sued in respect of each sailor or soldjer. If a widow or mother having become entitled to the cross has subsequently died, the cross will be issued to the eldest of her next of kin. The cross will be issued in Fepect of each soldier who was: (a) killed in action; (b) died while on active service; or (c) died or dies from causes attribut- We camestly urge you to go and hear a Curtiss Aeronola, before purchasing any talking machine. You will be charmed by it. Do not let another week go by. Goto a music store and ask them to demonstrate the Aeronola to you, or write for our Catalogue and we will send it by return mail and tell you the name of a dealer near where you live, TORONTO 3 CURTISS AEROPLANES AND MOTORS, Limited ONTARIO.

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