S NITIES lege , x , \ - 4 qe 4 on all ng. prices --= 9 turn ¥ ft Cheap Coal Only $7.50 Per Ton Do you know that you can get 200b Ibs. good Hard Coal at $7.50 per ton during this month? It is Buckwheat size, but if properly used 2000 Ibs. of Buckwheat should throw as much heat as 2000 Ibs. of any other size. It can be used with good satisfaction in stove or furnace by putting it on separately at suitable times for banking fires at night or in mild weather, and in fact can be used to economy in any weather in stove, range or furnace. Get a half ton or ton and try it. The Sarjeant Co., Limited Phones 88 and 94, or in the evenings 317 or 151. SOR OROR OR OI OTOROTOR IR HIRI TORII FRR 0K ok ' NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 5 CEL ESE ECOL Eee Pee ee A a STROUD HAWKESTONE Pre. Jack Murshall is visiting his sister, | Nov. 11, The marriage of Miss Mattie Mrs. R. Thompson Burtt, formerly of this pluce, to Mr. Stark Mux Mary Pollock, Cookstown, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. F. Ness Mrs. Pollock bus returned home after vunting with her daughter, Mrs, F. News: Jor Ferrier, Sault Ste. Marie, is visiting |them much happiness. his brother, Robert Ferrier. | Mr, Butler's residence w progressing nice- Muss Hetherington, Barrie, is the guest of ly Miss Elsie Harper over Sunday. ! Mis. Spearin, Allandale, visited her moth cr, Mrs, Givens, last week the home of Miss Helen Smith. |Mrs, Stark will reside in Toronto. of his loss at Burka Falla, whea his mill wus burned Mise Ida Mathers, Toronto, spent the Mine Leggutt hax returned to Toronto. weekend with Mrs. F, Jobbitt | Mrs. T.-H. MeMaion hss Leen quite ill Wilfred Booth and Blythe McConkey. ! with rheumatism Toronto, visited their parents for the week-' Rev. Mr. Knighton und Mr. and Mra vend Brandon of Engar were Sunday guests of | Miss Low Todd Gilford, visited = Miss'Mr and Mrs. [rwin MoM nN wx were also) viniti Ww. Murguret McConkey Inst week Mrs Adame of Bare and Miss Crothers | Att Rowe of Cookwomp is visiting Mes. Lee Pratt and daughter, Irene, of lof Guthne Tee es <Ginisiand "Waveenle Toad 'Burne, were guests%of her daughter, Mre, | Ruse! Webb, for the week-end {hon Mrs, Pringle, Allandale. visited her daugh. | ter. Mrs. Sherring, over Sunday Mr. and Mrx, W. Goodfellow and family of Barrie, spent 'Sunday with the latter's 'vrother. Mr. Faris. Miss Mildred Green, 'Toronto, was the Friduy guest of her uncle. A. W. Green, over Sun-| George Reid. who hae been away day |north travelling for the Bible Society = rere H ss Guest spent the week-end at her , Big Bay Point Wm. Johnston anc children have been visiting friewls at Rugby Miss Allingham entertained a few friends von the evening of Nov. i hrna: of Mies VBurt., whose matiisee took lace la up re one Inst week, He reports " - ready sale for God's Book still IF YOUR SAW 2 | Robt, Red's arm is now much setter . (,) fthengh he isnot free from pain Does not cut just to your lik- ' Fpsaeeditr Tes alesving prey mee P i wes pel in ate Methodist Chiireh on Sunda: ing take it to the Saw Filer at Cryin by Rew tte hs aed 97 Collier St. He will fix it. gar Tes very helpful sermons wer lie tened attentively by all, Shanty Buy Remember it is Satisfaction or k. teeta eee a aaaaaaetaaadaem eae eee chor ed 1b el three sp 0 sging for the even y Money Bac iL é me me = nT Liha Gish in DW Griffiths "A ROMANCE of HAPPY VALLEY" ASATTICRAFT Prsure OPERA HOUSE-FRI-SAT., NOV. 14-15 D. W. GRIFFITHS' "ROMANCE OF HAPPY VALLEY" with Lillian Gish and Robert Harron » "Romance of Happy.-Valley" is a powerful story of humble rural life. It is filled with stirring action, suspense, thrills, comedy and surprises. If you have seen Birth of a Nation, Hearts of the World, Intolerance and' Greatest Thing in Life, don't fail to see this latest Griffith production. Comedy also. Prices: Nights, all-seats, 27 cts. First show 7.30, second 9.15 p.m. BARGAIN MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2.30 As ah inducement for you to bring the kids to the Mat- inee, the price will be reduced to 11 cts. for everybody. Bring the Kids to the Matinee COMING Wed., Nov. 26.--The musical farce, "Glorianna." " Dec. 4.--Stuart-Whyte's English pantomime, "Little Red Riding Hood" ' -- of Toronto took place on the 7th instant at Mr. aud The | Imany Hawkestone friends of the bride wish Mr, Jordan's friends were sorry to hear THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Five Robertson presided at the organ, giving o benutiful voluntary at the comniencement, 'The special collection was for running ex- jpenges of the Church, and goes to the La- dies' Aid. Thanksgiving envelopes had pre- viously been sent around by them, The supper and concert in St, Aidan's [Hall beld by the Anglican Church, on Nov. 5, was well attended and a success. Mrs. | (Col,) O'Brien of Shanty Bay presented | 'he Church with the silver trowel with | which abe laid the corner stone, \ gave an address. Others taking part were | Rev. R. Johnson in the chair, Mrs. Reevigt | Misses Lynds Kirkpatrick and Hilds Craw-' ford. | MIDHURST | Nov. 10.--George Dunn, who has beea in the/R. V. hospital. Barrie, bas returned home. but is not very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cameron and children of Orangeville «pent the weck-end at A Cochrane's on their way home from the West | Mise Hattie Boltom of St. Mary's is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lynn. who were married last. Wednesday. |Nov. 5, at the home of the bride's parents. and Mrs, Charles Horton, Big Bay 'They have gone to their new, home on the 2nd Line { Mrs. J. W Cook hax returned home , after visiting friends in Waverley and Pen- etang, Mra. R. R. Hermon bas returned home Jafter visiting friends in Toronto Threshing and potsto digging are nearly finished in this section. The farmers are II busy drawing potatoes to the cars for | shinning, | Mise Mary Boyce of Flmvale has re turned home after spending a week with Midhuret friends SHANTY BAY Special services will be held in the Meth jodist Church commencing Nov. 18 at 3. Jind each evening of the week including 'Sunduy at 7.30, Ministers and other of |the neighbouring churches will cuniluct the meetings. This ix part of the Methodist campaign. Everyone invited Mr. H. J. Packard has returned heme! after spending a few days with her daugh- | ter, Mrs, A. Morrison. of Midland | Rev, Mr, Knighton of Edgar delighted \the congregation in the Metbodiet Church last Sunday™ His subject was the two | jchoices in life--Chriat or Barabbas, (Matt. | j27:221 | Mrs, Moore. mother of A. T. Moore, baa | gone for u visit to her daughter at Bridge. burg. ORO STATION tute met at the home of A. A. Bell. There 'was u large meeting to hear Mr. Jobnaton, M.P.P.. who addressed the meeting. and Mine Belle McCunig. » returned nuree,,who gave an account of the work in the hospitals in France Willie Brown of Orillia and P. Fell of Toronto were week end visitors at Mr. Mac Lelland's Mis Jean MacLelland of Orillia hospital staff spent 4 few days at hershome here Crawford has gone to Trow Creek to hunt imme Crawford is buying a carlosd of Mrs Cavanagh of Burrie ix spending a week with Mrs, G. B. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shelswell visited friends st Newmarket. over Sunday The ir heef ring held meeting 0} of the president. Jos, Cockburn Vincent Hayes has gone to take a posi: tion in Orillix Ursil Slesser is home from Penetang Mis. Barnhardt has returned home after spending some time with her daughter at Thompsonville PARISH OF INNISFIL. The members of the Women's Mission Society! of the Presbyterian Church, Stroud, wee the guests of the WA. of St. Paul's Chureh at u recent gmeeting. The Rector. |Rev. R. y. Perry, gave a short talk | doctrine of "Our Heavenly Father. Miss Goodfellow presented somethirig of the claims of our western land to ward off 'the menace of Mormonism which is getting such a hold in Alberta, Mrs. Charles Rob: jertson gave s survey of the work done |by the Presbyterian Church amongst the [Jews in Canada; while Mrs. Sutherland spoke of the work in the boarding schools. fix Boyes took churge. This, together with the regular business and devotional |part consisting of prayer and hymns con- nected with the Forward Movement, pre: ceded lunch, which was served to about 60 | in the. basement. Mis Jack favored the company with a violin selection and the Indies were jnterested during the social hour in inspecting the outfit prepared by | . for the girl in Le Pas Boarding | All enjoyed themselves with a} jpr afternoon. The outfit for the| balembeing ready, is to bé packed on Wed- | Inesday at the regular meeting' of the W. fa. Liberal Donations for the Children's Shel- ter, Barrie, were presented by the members of the congregation at the last meeting ahd |were delivered by Mr. Perry at the Home. | On Nov. 2, the fifth anniversary of the opening of St, Paul's took-place with very interesting, helpful reverent services at 11 am, and 7 pm, The Rev. Dr. Hallam, Professor of New Testament Greek in Wy- cliffe College, was the special preacher, and made a deep impression upon many and ap- pealed to the large congregations present. He spoke in the morning from the dual standpoint of Christ our Corner Stone and the great crowd of witnesses, In the even- ing he followed our Lord as revealed in the}, Gospel with the message, "My Father loves you." The choir, ufder the splendid lead- 'ership of Emest Carr, enabled the large congregations at both services to worship and sing praises reverently and heartily unto His holy name. In the morning the anthem was, 'Fear thy God, O Zion;" in the evening, "Fear Not. O. Land". The Rector and people of the Parish de- sire to extend to the Rev. A. R. Beverley, |' wife and family, of Quebec city, recently come to Trinity, Barrie, 'heir best wishes for a helpful ministry. suecess of any lone part of the ehurch of God has its re- {flex influence on the whole. We confidently look forward to Mr. Beverley doing his [part with power and consecration. Many of 'St. Paul's and St. Peter's were privileged ito worship om Sunday evening at the open- business Shaw, two of his choir boys, gave on the|t© producers and lower prices to con-| ducte Friday evening. st the home -gew memorial organ recital which ws |Sumers. MOORE'S Great Clearance Sale of Women's Fhe Footwear - It is little wonder that Moore's November Sale has proved such a success when you consider that they are offering such High Grade Footwear at greatly reduced prices, and'in spite of the fact that the prices on all Footwear are advancing by leaps and bounds. It isn't often 'pat women haveea chance to get Footwear in the cream of the season at.such low prices." We intend making the week-end a period that will be remembered in Barrie--a period that will over-reach any former footwear event held at Moore's. Another large assortment of finest quality Boots, including Empress, Sorosis and Hagar"s well-known makes, all grouped together at one price $7.65 pr. Values up to $11.50 These include Patent, Tan, Chocolate and Black, in various Leathers. Also a collection of cheaper grades in many up-to-date models in Choc., Grey and Black Kid, Patent and Tan ......... $4.65 pr. Values up to $8.50 pr. These are broken lines--not all sizes in each line, but all sizes in the :complete assortment. MOORE'S House of Good Shoes ing service of his ministry and the special hymns, was given in sddition to several thanksgiving selections by the boys, It is great priv- ilege to have one of Dr. Doward's sbi St, Peter's ity and personality rendering the services At the close of » very unfavorable day Jof the church, 'There was a liberal offering. a goodly' number gathered in St. Pete Church on Tuesday evening, Nov, 4, when Dr. Doward of St. Stephen's Chureh, Tor- onto, together with George Culler and Perey BURTON AVENUE Rey, A. E. Owen, Pastor. Sunday, Nov. 16 When city schools ax food practical plan hat is working and giving higher prices Read ubout it in RURAL CAN- nie much uppreciated. A shortened form of |ADA. November. nolds of Davisville evening prayer, together with well-known Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheri You are cordially invited. ftnmuiiiny, Uy Gy, Ly A Pealing Anthem - Swells the Note of Praise From Music Dealers, and from hundreds of people who have bought Curtiss Aeronolas since we Placed them on the market afew weeks go, there has come to us a spontaneous note of praise for its musical quality and artistic beauty. The Uy ing 2 Uy My, ly yy» De %Y, Uy UN g g g g YU, METHODIST CHURCH Anniversary service to be con- d by Rev. C. W. Rey- igefine talking machine. When you see and hear t you will agree with u 'st express it, perhaps, by saying that every refinément in the talking has been successfully incorporated into the design and manufacture of the Curtiss Aeronola. 'The Reproducer, the Tone Arm, the Tone Chamber, the specially designed Horn and the motor are the finest that money' can buy. And they have been so blended with perfect cabinet-making as to insure a musical instrument that is truly "'The Last Word in Talking Machines,' 'Bat there ls nothing that can be sald about any musical Instrument that g.co Juatce to itt qualities or defects, It must be eT tock, tefl hem tor us 'him on the day bis Write for Catalogue DOT TTL EEL ees CURTISS AEROPLANES AND MOTORS, Limited TORONTO s