Page Twelve ursday, November 13, 1919 orkshires. Apply re Oro Station. 46-46p | New » New Dates, Newly Shelled Walnuts, New Al. THE ADLET COLUMN FOR SALE. -Two team of heavy horses, (GIRL WANTED--Apply Ed. Bryson's Con. Apply at this office, 45-47p|_fectionery, Elizabeth sreet. 46-46e/™ONds, Shredded Coconut. We ANTE -- have all these for you, O ye fair WANTED--General servant. Apply Mra, |BOY WANTED--Apply manager F. W.) cooks get bu your husbands ee: the American Hotel, 46-46¢| Woolworth Co., Ltd., Dunlop street. and gathers and brothers and the URS REMOVELLED and Repaired. Miss | REGISTERED Leicester Rom for sale. Ap-| Kiddies will appreciate the result M. McArthur, King Block, Burrie. 48p| Ply Duncan Bros.. Shunty Bay. 46-46p| of your labor. |. Find. "THE HUB" 6-46 WANTED. Mat for light duties Other | WANTED--Good general maid, good wag. Tea and Coffee House help kept. Mr. Cecil. 55 Peel street,| ¢ Mm. W. A. Lewis, Collier street are: wwe! T. N. HOBLEY FOR SALE A quantity of corn in the| MAID WANTED--Young girl to assist with shock. Apply to W. G. Kennedy, RuR housework. Phone 871 or apply 44 High | EIGHT thriving 3-months-old pigs for sale. Allandale 45-46p | street 46-48¢ |W. P. Gill, Midhurss, 46-46¢ BULL FOR SALE --High grade Shorthora, STOVE FOR SALE--Grund Jewel, wood|FOR SALE--Pasture and wood lot. east am old. jure bred, A.C. Currie, | cook stove. perfeet gondition, 11 Sophia| 65 acres of west bulf lot 10, con. 2. 46-46p| Innisfil, Inspection on application to Ir. ving Nelson, (opp. property: or Rich. FORD CAR in good condition, $300 buys |LOST--Penny Bank Book No. it, Apply RoR. Urry, Barrie. 4646p | _¢F please leave at Examiner office. two Oro Stution 45-30p| street. Phone 4 AUTO LIVERY--Day or night service, | LOST--Lady's gold wrist watch, Finder] gail Drury. phone 630. Barrie. 46-47p Town or country. V. R. Finlay, 126] Will be rewarded on returning to Mrs Collier St Phone 30 42ife | Cecil, 55 Peel strpet 48-46 |FOR SALE--Bay mare, healthy and sound, --. weigh round 1000, Good wherever TO LET--5-roomed house, situated oppos [TWO PERCHERON C for wale, one hitched. price reasonable. Would ex He Cundles School Apply, 94 Clap- ef 2 and one rising 3. W. A. Clarke.! change for young cattle or half grown nreton street. Phone 778 4449p | 2 Stecle street, Barrie 46-477! igs. Apply H. Harrison, RR2. Bere rie. 46-469 FOR SALD--N half of N half low-2. 3. 4,[RUG LOST Between Shanty Bay and fn Hot 18. con 11, Innisfil Apply to] Mawkestone, Sunay night. Finder nlease|FQR SALE--Oue general purpew home & Margaret Quan'z, Craigvale 39-50p | leave at Shanty Bay P.O. 40-47] yeurs old, sound and in good eondition, ONTARIO WINTER WHEAT. BRAN, and [FOR SALE 'Buby cwerioge in firet-clase| Rb about 1300 eer SHORTS FOR SALE. Goverument pric] condition swith leigh runner. Phone{ 2, fFeeh Abou di Le Meine etd. Fisher Flour Mills, Ltd. 42-4he| $71 44 High eireet SO4GC | can. 14, Incl 46-46) | FOR SALE Quantity of pune Make | FOR Young. registered Shorthorn 2 + Bret ger! Wghtwood, Hardwood, 12 inch cut. | Bull. nod quality. Apply to Fred M fae etd et etre eee ul Apply Walter J Teeadale 45.50, Warmea, Allandale RRO No. 1. 4651p Speanoll holer ix Sieh 1 roxe-comb Rhode Islund Red $8500 Tors nuntern nine roam brick howe, |VARK RED YEARLING STEER atrayed | eter 3 £1050 or sonal six | fron lot 5. com 12, Vexpra, about Nov. | coekerel and 3 pullets, Apply 60. Owen ' Box ONS Exatn ice. Finder please nv Walton, Mine | treet or phone 61 A6tfc 45 51p|_nne S648 ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Man wanted _whu FOR SALE Bred tu lay Rho {Ret FOR SALE Combination heating and! will represent Jn@ Anverican cotfkern fowl, Gurleh strain. Alw one black robe, | cooking wood staves also one wood beat | m turing aurtifievil Limbs 10 make (oud residence, Muleaster street.) ef Both in good condition Apply 39] collectum, plaster custa and chart druw 42-47) Collier street 46-4p | ings: new Tins will be supplied at res. cael onable basis und full inatrue one, goal FURNISHED) ROOMS and Apartments to FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE --1 pure bred | remuneration paid for part or whole tit rent, files unfure of two, four Durhum Bull. 3 years old. dairy struin;) Box Z muner 404Te five fons. No le 1 bull calf" Apply Fo M. Freek! | - avenue. : Mane RR3. Barve 46tfc TO WHOM TP MAY CC Take no- {tice that in default of payment of prin FOR RENT. comfortable. seven cipal and interes: on lien note, also bill CLEANING AND ING-- Your old HOU: wt cat be made to look foots Very-central. $0.00 per month, | far repairs and storage. on certain chop like new hy Flurry Twins, Rose Block, immediate pomebsion. Apply Mrs Dy HL ping mill machinery now on the property Dunlop St, "MacLaren, 1 _Berezy xtreei 43-ffey of Wo OH. Martin. Churchill, Ont.. the =e muchinery will be sold to cover the A LADY with a very comfortable houw, FARM WANTED to buy, near Barrie pre [ queMine' wil he. | 44-460 " eoone our twa hearders from Give full purticular of buildings, | 0 f week in Decemiwr Apply P situation, terms, Must be uo agents NOTICE TO CREDITORS (1. hex S02. Barrie 45.470 tal, Box "F" Examiner. 45-47p | NOTICE in hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons having claims against the Estate of Andrew Graham, late v of Oro, in the County of FARM FOR SALE North bulf of lor 17, 25 BRED TOLAY Barred Rock Cockerels, on 8, Flos ting of 100 veres Bor bought from Guild when baby chicks pee) from hig hes $2.00 each. 10 20.50) clissy Buff Orpington Cockerels. $2.50 each SL Anderson. Crossland, 44-48¢ apply te G yenisth day of August. 1919, are re nd particulars of their ¢ gned on or before the tw uinth day of November, 119. which the Executore will slietribute the as of the estate among these entitled thereto. having reganl only tw the class sf which they shall then have notice, anel Mr. Victor Pat want strves, Allandale e lsbour eraployment in town Has had three vers uf ser: work om farm ex | vue at the front 48th. )RETURNED SOLDIE rick W elon well take other wark, if |------ Woukl seerpt work drivng | WANTED Exchanger for goed hight ear tothey will ner isthe te any ee $5076) Fete tiated twee tind lots un Transeane [pers far the Menitit arorte and taxes all fe atl Shuuhi be San. ur Nu SEU sburtly Tht « t DONALD ROSS: : t lies Executions Soliene 46048 Barre, Onturio. m. It's Good Business To buy a supply of these Shirts while the color, range WJ) and sizes are so complete. They are really too good to miss. Made of fine, woven Percales; some have soft collars to match. All are coat style with attached soft and stiff cuffs. Sizes 1314 to 18 and they are away underpriced . .$1.50, $1.75,-$2.00 BUY MEN'S FLEECED UNDERWEAR , NOW while you can get it, sizes 32 to 44, special price. .$1.00 Men's Ribbed Wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 50, these are big value ...........000% . $2.25 each Stantield's Fine Wool Shirts and Drawers, sizes 34 to 44, special . oma om re . $3.00 each Men's Heavy Ribbed Wool,Stanfield's Shirts and Draw- ers, special price 2.00... -- $3.25 each Men's Heavy lined Mitt, old prices 75e, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.75 Boys' Heavy lined Mitts, old prices ..... 50c, 65c, 75c. Men's Lined Gauntlets, Gloves, Calf fronts. These are MY VALUE os ca ccceay 1 84 6 Beale ce econ . $1.90 Men's one-finger gauntlet Mitts, big value $1.25, spec- ial price 75¢ Men's lined Cape and Mocha gloves and Mitts. These wre extra value ....., $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 Men's Fine Black Wool : ' é Sox, size 10, 10%, 11, special price ... 85¢, 95¢ Men's Fine Black Sox, Cashmere, Penman's and Mercury, sizes 9'%, 10 Hors. 14, 142, good vale ue $1.00, special... .75¢ Men's Fine Mocha Silk lined Gloves, special ..... $3.00 Men's Wool Mitts, special values ...... 50c, 60c, 75c. Men's Wool Mackinaw Sox Special s: scaccx $1.50, $2.00 Boys' Wool Mackinaw Sox, prices ..75e, $1.00, $1.25 WE SAVE YOU MONEY With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices. STANFIELDS ~~ Casi Stroneens hxinRable- UNDERWEAR = Weer" HURLBURT SHOE CO. |} ARE YOU PREPARED FOR' COLD WEATHER as . il Iles Coming, ste as Amas--the indications are for an early and extreme- il Is cold: winter. t f> > rea ~ "cle , oy Hf WE ARE PREPARED WITH AN IMMENSE STOCK OF FELT i AND KUBBER FOOTWEAR AT INTERESTING PRICES. ii Would advise early purchase of your requirements, as supplies with i! Mianutactwrers are limited, and in many lines it will be impossible to il repiice. MY) \Women's Plain Fell' Boats at aes ca en es BBER ; Hi Baw o> estonia os sat $2.39, 2.49, 2.79 RUBBERS RUBBERS Qa Women's Leather Foxed Felt Boots at.. RUBBERS [| ce eee a $2.98, 3.65, 4.69 Seems as though we could neyer let t ieee pita 2: . up-when we start to talk about the splen- i Misses' Plain and Foxed Felt Boots . 5 | did assortment of Rubbers we carry. We () on $2.19, 2.59, 2.€9, 2.79, 2.89 have sold different makes of Rubbers, but @f Children's Plain and Foxed Felt Boots .. [€o far as we can find out from the wearers be eee eee $1.75, 1.98, 2.25 and 2.89 | the Maltese Cross Rubbers have proved ' i Men's Pliin and Foxed Felt Boats $2.59, the most satisfactory. ' 2.75, 3.19, 3.69, 3.75, 4.50, 4.75 pair Women's Rubbers from ..59c a pair up Misses' Rubbers from ....65¢ a pair up We have such a nice range of comfortable, Child's Rubbers from.... 55¢ a pair up cozy Slippers at prices to. suit every a9 ' pocket-hook, at 98¢, $1.19, 1.39, 1.49, | Men's Rubbers from .... 98¢ a pair up i] 1 al | 1.59, 1.65, 1.75, 1,89, 199, 2.08, 2.28 | Boys' Rubbers from... 89 a pair up i { i { ! ' ' 4 and 2.39 a pair. Youths' Rubbers from .... 65¢ a pair up 4 ---- Men': 1-buckle Overshoes. -$1.95 a pr. soe Boys' 1- buckle Overshoes. .$1.69 a pr. {| THIS IS A FOOT COMFORT | Men's Leather Top Snag Rubbers from. . 4 4 i i STORE -- | _ situs tensa agrrey - $3.50 a pr. up t WE FIT SHOES SCIENTIFICALLY and F i offer the footsore public a highly efficient MOCCASINS ! ' Foot Comfort Service through having in- We have them in buckskin, pigskin stalled a complete line of Dr. Scholl's Foot | and horsehide, in child's, misses', youths', Comfort Appliances and Remedies and boys', women's and men's, 'a_ splendid adopting the Dr. Scholl Method of Foot range to select from at prices that will Correction, a merit your consideration. The Hurlburt Shoe Co. 32 DUNLOP ST. Ki EOPLE TRAD popes "ORGANIZING TO B LOCAL NEWS fy BOOST BARRIE |" areas . WIT be obsery . % MOOT OOO i RE aE (Continued from 'page 9.) Sunday." and on th al date the Gann le at thy Selo the vant dK daeks on, loeal clergymen have heen asked cut pit Heth ae H H. Ropert. 1 preach" special sermons on Tn the window of Milne & Son's Shear, Dr. fhristianity, in community and Rollt, ALG.) foWn work, and on civie right store is an interesting oll plate x showite the fashions im men's! Weteheliin, ALR. Wearables in 1859 Det Fred Arksey. af Hillsdale, wha) atul Mr. Cameran wore made seco and Seusness, "With a definite prow MacLellan [2m ef work." said Dean O'Mal- ley, "and active memberships, funds to carry out that PA A fine of S800 for a breach | reliry and treasurer of (he eam. Oe dab OF the OePAL hae Ae idctnailisht uk ING ROL it Werk The organization is already standard betel Ticense cancelled,| quarters, Tuesday morning. rt John returned | Arrangements | been made Hohe trip fe the West and ts!to have a smoker meeting for the, & Seat for the Premier tin. He men af Rarrie and te surround. | Toronto Sta Town Hall nest!) What constituency will be pep: Musie and resented ins the sare being aged for! Premier Ec Sheller purpose serving | the eeeasion, and there will bes earlier su afternoon te: ew home tne lission charged nov will himself th en the day of its oficial open-|there be any solicitation of mem. electors in tr meoe, which ing, date to be announced later, !herships or funds, and the com. iG. I. Murdoch, 0. member Silver collection. Milfee promises a goed dime ands by a omajerity of 1400 now rep, At the annual county tay sale, !eood smokes seems. Mr. Murdoch otter Held last Monday, inest of the; Following {he men's me sail to the future Promise lots in the townships were Ts omeeting will be arr lay when the latter was picked ip, few Port oM vos the Association is tolehosen to dent the TRO. Rat Nichol lots were sold. Prove werepen to all and is in simee that complications have amounted to over S800. ne sense restricted te the busie whieh To: the Centre AM refurned omen whe intend Ss omenof Dunlop Street. Ree somember ta suggest that (a apply for voeational training '| ql Mr Drury Glaewhiors, so hefor eho j town amthorities, sel Mr. Drury, has express Wiens should; tradesmen and workin eda desire that the affer of an radidressed to the District Vos / already exp interest }oppertunity to ge ta the cational Officer, Orillia, jin the pee, al wo. in fhat riding be net withde Potatoes are bringing good re--jinen's commiltee is to be named, | He st furns lo the growers and prices | wit dy chairman, On account [considered by the U.F.O. execn- have been advancing during thejof the Vielore Loan work there |five in that riding. Cont past w VAL Garvin, even) Will be ne public meetings this |the fears expressed by Mr, Hhongh he sold at 81.30, realized | week, hut literatnee is being sent |doeh that a defeat for the U.F.O, S1200 fromeight acres of spuds. |oqt concerning the ideas and| standard might result, Mr. Fo1i0 hogs shipped by the) ideale of the organization, In| Drury is said tv have stated that shipper this week the price) ihe Armistice Day parade nine{ hw felt that his election in Gen. back fo the business shipped about 100 hogs \ © Ladies' Awd oof the Chile | pr 1 rsts thal the matter he of $16.50 F.0.B. was oblaimed.|signs hearing mottos Ire Simeor would he realized. Cattle also sold about fifty eents!yeur eonntey but don't The present momber is also said per ewd. better than last week.jvour town." "Join the Commun-|to be of the opinion that nothing The runs of lambs continue] ity Association," and others were} shoul have heen said of the heavy with prices about steady|carried, and the headquartors} «lier publicly until the constitus from £13.00 fo $14.00 per ewt, along the line of march decorated/ents had been consulted. While a number of motors| for the oreasion. -- were following the fire reel to} 'The finance committee consists] The question is, where did the the fire on Tuesday, a Little lad| of Sarjeant, A. G. MacLellan,|Star get any such information? named MeConkey was knocked} C. 't. S. G. Underhill and|There «is no question but Mr. 'own by a car on Elizabeth St.{R. Shear, while Dr. H. 'T./Prury would be returned for He was carried into Dr. Turn-/Arnall, Dean O'Malley and J. H.[ Centr 4 bull's where if wax found that he| Robertson have been named on] ability by acclamation. | was uninjured, receiving only ajthe speakers' committee. A f sinall scratch on the face, public mass meeting will be held] 25¢ Buys a Thrift Star iJ ia Mgr y = Simeor--and in all proh- ~