To Reorg: Band Mayor Sprott has called a meeting 'of all citizens interested in the reorganization of the Cit- izens' Band, to be held in the Police Court Chambers on Mog- day evening next at 8 o'clock. A special' invitation is extended to all bandsmen and former bands- men resident in Barrie or in the vicinity to be present, .and it is hoped there will be a large num- ber of ona hin mo citizens Lo help along this most laudable project. Barrie should have a good battd--the nucleus we have already--and if organization can be completed now, we can, by spring, have a musical organiza- fion that will measure up well with the high standard always set by this town, A large representative gath- ering on Monday evening is need- ed to give the project a start. If you want to see Barrie have a good band come to the meeting | Monday night Mr. ant Mrs. John Parrie wish to annons gegement of their daughter Beatrice, to Mr. Lawrence Bi Niagara Falls, x epard, of » the en-| Nell en, Fri.-Sat., Nov. 7-8 Also Harold Lloyd in "Swat the Crook" VIOLA DANA ---IN-- "THE 'MICROBE" A slice of life--one of the most human, ap- pealing stories ever screened. Monday-Tuesday Matinee Tuesday BULBS | For Fall Planting } | HvacITHS | { TULIPS CHINESE LILY | NARCISSUS, ETC. Pauline Frederick --IN-- "THE FEAR WOMAN" The Secret Chapter of me Woman's Life in which Love Triumphs in spite of all. Wed.-Thurs. and Special Comedy SSS SSS SSS STS SSS SSS HURLBURT SHOE CO. | A TRUCE TO ALL THIS CLATTER AND RUSH FOR MERE CHEAPNESS People are finding out that after all, the be. pay a fiir price for good shoes. Anything that comes into this store must Our succe: That is why our business is gro can be made for. upon these things. manufacturers are asking for the same shoes. Here are a few examples: Men's Mahogany Calf Boot all sizes, Good- n full lasts or r toes, y's buying this shoe should sell for 810.00. We have 60 prs. we offer a wae 7.95 pr. Women's Mahogany Calf Boots, made on a nice sport last, all solid, in all sizes, on nearly. water tou: buying this shoe could not be make leather sold' for less than $9.50. We have 45 prs., While they last will sell for $7.25 pr. for ways keep sc asked 86.75 for the same Every knock is a boost. The public appreciate a good thing when they see it. That explains why we are selling so many burt's Cushion Sole Shoes, for Women, Misses and Children. Not possible to get this line at any other store in Barrie. RUBBERS -- RUBBERS - RUBBERS We are acknowledged the Rubber House of ry such a large assortment of the Rubbers made--MALTESE CROSS--and are satisfied with a very moderate SEE THE POINT Men's 12-inch Leather top rubbers, best top and bottom procurable leelebration on Returns District Objective to date % Barrie $300,000 $311 Collingwood... 300.000 250. | Vespra. { |Sunnidale 7 | [Essa & Toss'tio. \Tee'seth & Ad'in 2 totals co Tuxt night. Quality will always speak for itself and the better cl quality and style and it must-be sold at as low a price in business depends on our in hot necessary to pay big prices for good shoes, ei- ther. Lots of lines we are selligg to-day at 25c and 50c a pair less than Men's White Elk Working Boots, will al- while they last is Men's Plain Chrome Wor We are going to THE BARRIE EXAMINER _ OVER THE TOP ; WeBel (Continued from page 9) bunch big enough to beat Col- lingwood. Barrie was over the top, thereby winning the Prince of Wales' Honor Flag, which will he presented to Mayor Sprott on Armistice Day, Tuesday, Novem. ber 41, Collingwood has written, chal- lenging Barrie to race for 8500,- 000. This means we have to gl 8200,000 in a liltle over a week, Let every citizen do his part. Every man, woman and child should be wearing a button. Let's show the rest of Ontario that when Barrie starts anything they finish if. Wateh the horses op- posite Victory Loan headquarters on Dunlop Street and do your part to keep the Barrie horse ahead. 5 foot Lance Tooth .. 51% foot Lance Tooth . AXES--Defender, 334 to Lion, 334 to 5 lbs. ... Jubilee, 334 to 5 Ibs. Handled Axes ....,. eee Arrangements are in progress for a big Vietory Loan parade and Tuesday -- next, Armistice Day, when the Prince of Wales' Flag will be presented fo the Mayor. There will be a parade headed by the band and the day will wind up with a Vie- tory Loan Dance in the Armouries unde WAVLAL auspices The Georgian Bay district, of Which Barrie and West Simeve | form a part, has the honor of| heading the list for the whole| Province in percentage of objec- tive, and Simcoe West stands eighth in the list of sixty sub. districts, Up to noon today the returns of canvassers for West Simcoe were ax follows | Lots of 5 Get Your Roof Nottawasaga Innisfil 1 ply, 35 Ibs. t West Gwill'bury "2 ply, 45 Ibs. t Burne total up to 3 p.m. to-day; other 3 ply, 55 Ibs. t Thus Simcoe West has a total of SEG O snub thed of their) objective of $1,850,000, being nearly 626 Shortly before last Sunday morning the firemen were ealled to Rerezy Sh, where r of houses belonging to iraham, Worsley St. were ze, apparently through ine ndiarism. The houses had nol been tenanted for several years d. though nearly fifty contained a ronsilerable | quantity of building material seven o'clock Special doz. lots years | & will find something of interest in our weekly store news. This week, to offset the high cost of living, we are going to have Mme. Rambeau tell you how to make Pumpkin Pie without eggs. Extra Quality Crosscut Saws For Saturday Only Tungsten Lamps, and 40 watts .. Horsehide-fae: --onenmennennomeemcmewencmmrencmmwmmene Water." Mush uni rub thrush ty tt Winter Sets In. Barrett's Everlastic is noted for its long life. Very pliable--easy to lay. VICTOR GAME TRAPS ire well known. Merrill & Hubbard Thursday, November 6; 1919 ieveEveryLady Watch for this Lady Each Week 5 Ibs. (Without Eggs) fed pumpkin, My pts, boiling ty cup of teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cin 1 teaspoon ginger Peal and cut the pympkin into smull pieces und boil until tender in very little © Milts $1.25 pr. ander. Pour the boiling milk over the nil). add the sugar, molasses, alt and spices Mix well und bake in un undererust in Glass Pie Plates, in Good Repair Before the If you have one of our Aluminum Measuring Spoons, you will have no trouble; they measure 1%, Ve, or | Tea- Spoonful exactly. Price 20c, Glass Rolling Pins are easily cleaned and being cold make pastry better. Can be filled with water or snow. Pric® 65c © square... .$2.50 per sq. - $3.00 per sq. © square... .$3.25 per sq. '0 square. . They are real game getters. We sell the genuine. BUY No. 0 with chain . 1... .28¢ | Victory No. 1 with chain 30c} Bonds No. 1!4 with chain... ... i r No, 2, double spring with chain . . . ==t ALLANDALE NEWS J, Gibbous has returned home after spendigg his vacation in London. | Conductor C. MeNiven ix now rum lhe ¥ Kmail owing to the illnes Comiue or J. Hank [Miro and Mrs. HL [teem the trip 4 to mpend a few ila market | | | iy of amilton have returned and have gone h friends in New st is the cheapest. lass of peopie will aes ! any friends of Jas, Dinn Ito hear that his rec |tion was thoroughly successful a muking satisfactory progress. |_ There wes only a fair turnout nt the 'Song Service in the YMCA. I a stamp of uch a shoe ing wing by leaps and jive The speuker will be wen of Burton avenue Met! It is also expected will be 4 soloist for the service, so come and bring u friend, All men welcome, The service in the Allandale Presbyter- jan Church next Sunday evening will be taken by Rev, J. D. Byrnes of North Bay in the interests of the Forward Movement Shecial interest is added® to 'this service also. for Mrs. Pingle (nee Miss Mossie Crovs). will sing, Mrs, Pingle has been in New York taking 4 coun in voice cul ture, and is topping off here for a few davs' visit, Her muny friends will be de- lighted to hear and meet her again. little son of Rev. W. J. and Mrs. 2. playing with matches in the cellar lust Sunday afternoon. started » blaze which would have destroyed the manse but for the prompt and energetic assistance of the jneighbors und fire brigade, Much of the contents were carried out and this was done with such care that practically no damage wax done. On both house" and 'contents the loss doex not exceed $600, fully covered by insurance, Mr. Wart was absent from home at the time, being in Oro preaching for Rev. Neil Campbell. On * Saturday. Mrs. John McFadden Passed away unexpectedly at her home in Main street. She had been in poor health for several weeks but on Saturday she said she was feeling considerably better so er death that night came us a sad rise. Mrs, McFadden wes 62 years of age. Her maiden name was Martha Scott 'und she was born at Clover Hill. For about 30 yenrs the family have lived in Allan- Mit and waterproof. we wete today from a manufacturer shoe. Our price for 48 prs, -+ $8.35 pr. 38 pr. if sbbetahea. fat it for 8 ; 'Oar pet | | | | pairs of Dr. Hurl- ee an cencmmommomnens Sana BARRIE. We car- ---- advance on cost. vived by her husband and three children, Mrs. Jno. Marlin of Painswick, William. and Epbraim of Allandale, The funeral! ou Tuesday was conducted by Rey. W. J. $5.50 a pr. E. B. Taylor. Watt. avsisted by Rev. Card of Thanks In behalf of Mrs. Watt ard myself, and The Hurlburt Shoe Co. |) 28222 32 DUNLOP ST. We would rather sell 200 prs. at 10c a pr. profit than 100 prs. at 20c b * B ldale, She was of a quiet nature and devot- a pr. profit. 'ed to her home and family. She is sur. deepest gratftude to the many friends who worked eo splendidly and showed such kind- ness to us during the fire at the manse last Sunday afternoon, We feel especially grateful for the splendid work done by the Tf soseseeesesenseressseeseseassessonsecmnoonsonensonsonsenstetonsonseneemsomsonentensonsensrerees 1[r] fire brigades, who saved the property, with \ IF YOU WANT To BUY oR SELL REAL ESTATE Consult M. D. CUBITT-NICHOLS HOUSES FOR SALE Cement House on Wellington street. conveniences, hardwood floors, Soom Brick Howse, Burton av first-class condition, electric lig! nace, all conveniences, veranda, and front. $2,600. $600 cash. Brick House. Bradford Street, all conveni- AND NOW YOUR FURNACE |,' $2200. Cold weather is around the cor-| cash $300, ner but is your heating appara. [Brick House, Penetang street. 9 roo! us in condition for the long win- | tie light, stable. garage, hen ho ler months? If you are about to eres. $4,000. install a new furnace or wish|Stte!-room Frame Howse, John ire. your present system put in! Brick House. Holgate atroet, $2200, | Sood shape for,the winter, let us|Cement House, Grenville street. all conveni- take care of the piping and sheet| ences. $2200. 'metal work for you. We are ex-|Brick House. Collier street, make a fine perts in this branch and guaran- hoirding house, $3700. ites Gur eek bi Semi-detached Brick House MOFFATT & PARR [ici 2". Lots for sule on Owen stree:. from $500 Sole Agents for "Hecla" Furnaces Up, frontage 110 BL feet nein Phone 531, Barrle FARMS FOR SALE 200-uere Farm, Innisfil, roughest build ' 100-20 $9,500. $3000 cush Farm, Innisfil, rougheast howe, very slight loss, working under the great- roug! est difficulty on account of the smoke and | 8 40x60. good orchard $7,600. concealed fire. Ww. J. WATT. | | . 100 Muloastor Cash, $2,500. 100 acres, Innisfil, $1,800 | 65 acres, Anten Mills $1,800 BURTON AVENUE 25 acres, Tnnifl = ert 100 acres, Innisfil K METHODIST CHURCH 300 sores, Innisil $4,500 150 acres, Edgai $5,000 Rev. A. E. Owen, Pastor. 100 ac, Innis h stock and implements, {800 sazi-Chsccmmilon 8 acres fall wheat ..... vs $8,500 7.00 p.m. 1030 'Bape service," "*| MLD, CUBITT-HICHOLS You are cordially invited. Clarkson House, Barri Phone 62 W. S. ROBB BARRIE'S LEADING SHOE REPAIR STORE SPECIAL--Lifebuoy Brand, Snagproof Rubbers, sewn on leather tops, rubbers and work INEUSIVE wees eis o seeeeeees $3.00. NOTE--In justice to my numerous customers and to more ably meet the demand for high-class shoe repair- ing, | cannot in future take in shoes which show exces- sive wear, thereby delaying the work of those who are careful with their shoes. ' Note address: 14-16 Mulcaster St., opp. Clarkson Hotel {¥ ee enema House, Owen street , $900."