y THE BARRIE EXAMINER' ° Thursday, October 23, 1919 yt nag CENTRE--J. M. Govealock, Lib., HURON, NORTH--J. Joynt, Con., 3: HURON, SOUTH--A. Hicks, U.F. KENORA--P, Heenan, Lab., 842. KENT, EAST--J. N. Mowbray, U-F.O., 200. #: KENT, WEST--R. L. Brackin, Lib., 3700 KINGSTON--Dr. A. E. Ross, Con., Acc. LAMBTON, EAST--L. W. Oakes, 1.F.0., 1000. LAMBTON, WEST--J. M. Webster, U.F.O. AEE, NORTH--H. McCreary, U-F.O., LANARK, SOUTH--W. J. Johnston U.F.O. LEEDS--Major A. W. L. Gray, Con. LENNOX--R. A. Fowler, Con. LINCOLN--T. Marshall, Lib. LONDON--Dr. H. A. Stevenson, Lab,,{ 1849. | MANITOULIN--B. Bowman, U.F.O.. 4090.) MIDDLESEX. EAST--J. W. Freevorn. UFO., 2423. MIDDLESEX, NORTH--J. C, Brown, UF. | 0., . 7a KODAKS AND BROWNIES Keep a record of the events in a child's life from infancy up to manhood or womanhood with an Auto- graphic Kodak. Reward the child who was successful in examinations with a Brownie. These little cameras are easily operated ' and cost only a trifle. They please grown-ups as well as children? Brownles' -- $2.15, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.80. Kodaks -- $9.00 to $60.00 MORGAN'S RE- STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing, it is up to us to get a good lonic,--one thal } will build us up and help us begr the heat. Morgan's Re- storative is an ideal tonic, having all the ingredients as a perfect blood builder. It has been in use for over 30 years) and has helped others,---it will help you $1.00 a-large bottle CHAMBERLAIN' TABLETS To-nizht, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets, and We develop you will feel all right to-} your films at small cost:, morrow also make enlargements 260 for 50 tablets from small negatives. Support the Boys' Naval Brigades v Because these are the only organizations training Can- adian boys for service in our merchant fleet now MIDDLESEX. WEST--J. G. Lethbridge. MUSKOKA--G W. Ecclestone, Con., 200, NIAGARA FALLS---C. F. Swayze (Plural- ity), Lab. 361. NIPISSING--H. Marceau, Lib. | ahd NORTH--G. E. Sewell, .,_ 1277. NORFOLK, SOUTH--J. Cridland, vFO.| being built. Canadians Must Sail the Seas abcshag 7 la EAST--W. Mont. | j and print . i | Because we cannot leave our growing export trade at neon. LAND, | jthe mercy of foreign seamen. WEST -- Sam} Clarke, Lib., 600. ora. NORTH--J. W. Widdifield. U. WM. CROSSLAND Vann : Qa DHGS 10 Canada Needs Trained Canadian Seamen The Naval Brigades Train Our Boys { 3106. OTTAWA, WEST--H. P. Hill (Plurality', BARRIE Con. 985, | OXBORD, NORTH--J. A. Calder, Lib., | 320. oxForD, SOUTH--A, T. Walker, UF! $500,000 is Needed Because the work of the Boys Naval < Brigades and the other branches of the Navy League's activities are financed by 0. | PARKDALE--Col. W. H. Price, Ca | -- |, 3888 PARRY SOUND--R. R. Hall, Lib. 685. PEEL--Major Kennedy, Con PERTH, NORTH--F, W. Hay, (Plurality', THE NEW LEGISLATURE ~ Lib., 1600. = ' puilris SOUTH. Smith, UFO. 2528. NAYY, LEAGUE public contribution: ADDINGTON --W. D, Black, Con., A X. SOUTH--M. C. F See enn oe Me MeteEn) DINGTOD jack. Con., Ace . 8 ox, UF.O., 100.| Lib.. 199. j To emphasize Coneda's ALGOMA Lt. K. Stover. Lib. FORT WILLIAM--H Mill, Lab. 1000. | PETERBORO, WEST--T, Tooms, Lab. apart i TT xOverH_H'E" Nin, (ur FRONTENAC. a Rt" Con a speinauin aed rome | The Campaign Must Be a Success UF 0.. 1088 _ |GLENGARRY"D.4," Ross, UF.O., 1704 PORT ARTHUR--Geo. D, M. Hogarth 5 'i : j BR ; SOUTH. M, McBride, Lab. 97 LE Hon GH. Ferguson, Con.| | Con. 240. | ee feogdt "foes se Because Canada must be assured that r. MeAlpine. Lib.. P Col ichsel, UF. |PRESCOTT.-G, Evanturel, Lib... 1200 i A ' BRUCE, NORTH --W. H. Fenton, U.F.O.! O., 186. ica PRINCE EBWARD_N. Parliament, Lib. seamen, injured in the her increasing surplus products will reach 480. NORTH---D. J. Taylor, U.F.O..| 98. | oe ent I Mpendeets overseas markets. BRUCK. SOUTH. -F. Rennie, Lib, 11S. {RAINY RIVER--E. J. Callaghan. Lib. | of these who were * BRUCE, WEST 4, P. Mewhinney (Plural-|GREY, SOUTH--Geo. M. Lewon, UF.O.|RENFREW, NORTH -R. M. Warren, U.' ity', Lib... 76 FO... 100 CARLETON --R. H. Gtant. UFO. 1000 HALDIMAND -- W_ Stringer, U.F.0.,|RENFREW, SOUTH--J. Carty, UF.O. The Race for Export Markets COCHRANE Malcolm Lang. Lib.. 364 1420. 100 | DUFFERIN---T. H. Slack. UFO. HALTON---J. F. Fork U.F,O., 250 RIVERDALE-Sgt-Maj. J. McNamara, DUNDAS- W, Caselnun, UFO, 1000, |HAMILTON. EAST--G. G. Halcrow (Plur-| Soldier, 1547 | eet Nerd Menke is on. One quarter of the world's ship- DURHAM. EAST -S.S. Staples. 'U.F.O alty!. Lab. 6703. |RUSSELL--D. Racine. Lib.. 1600. \ a ping was lost in the war. Canada can- WEST.--W. J. Bragg. Lib. |HAMILTON. WEST---W, R. Rollo (Maj. 'ST. CATHARINES---F. H. Greenlaw, Lab.. ioe ta not buy or rent ships and so is building DURHAM, 700. over alll, Lab, 2283 1200 STINGS, EAST--H. K. Deynes U.F.0.|SAULT STE. MARIE--J. B. Cunningham. NORTH--R. J. Cook, Con. Lab.. 1190. IMCOR, CENTRE PRINCE OF WALES Dominion President COMMODORE AEMILIUS JARVIS them, and must be in a position to man them with trained Canadian seamen. LGIN, EAST--M. MeViear, UF... 1100, 1H. GIN, WEST -P. G. Cameron, U.F 0. Lab., 1566 SI G. H. Murdoch. UF NORTH-A. 8. Tisdelle, UFO. |HASTINGS, WEST -W. H. Ireland, Con..|" 0.. 14 - MCOE, EAST--J. B. Johnston, UF.O., ate 700. SIMCOE, SOUTH --E. Evans. U.F.0.. 380 RSs SIMCOE, WEST--W. F. Allan, Con, 982. i fii] a '| STORMONT--J. McLeod, Lib.. 800 U If] = |STURGFON FALLS--Z. Msgeau, Lib. i ffi] {SUDBURY--Chas, McCrea, Con. 43 i] a] | TEMISKAMING--T. Magladery (Plural | th) 4 I ity). Con, 156. II fli] |TORONTO. NUE. Hon. Dr, Cody. | if] iil Con.. Ace i if Ee HH |TORONTO, N.E.. °B" Capt, Jos, E. ae roe I tt) Master's V 99 ff) |S Thompwon, "Con, 082 'Canadians ers Voice Hi) [TORONTO. N.W.. "A" Hon, Thos, Craw. iit) : i ford, (Ca: 2588 Campaign Committee for the Province of Ontario: nil Dance Records HH TORONTO. Bie UB! Col: HB, Chit | Chairman: SIR JOHN C. EATON Vice-Chairman: A. M. HOBBERLIN ni fi) (TORONTO. S.E. "ara. W. Curry. Li. | Hon, Treas.: SIR EDMUND WALKER Assist, Treasurer: N. L. F "ay 5148. 34 King Street West, Toronto il TORONTO, S.E.. "B"--John O'Neill, Lib.. | , i "THESE snappy dance records 4380, | qj are ready whenever YOU TORONTO. S.W., "A"--H. H. Dewsrt. | lit ae ori put there on your Lib.. 64! | ictrola: an ou' i TORONTO. Y. --Lt. J. C. Rams. . . , - mighty. diffiealt to ee in Ken |nceestary credits for this purpbse, Kind of Landlord Change in Real Estate feet still. IVICTORIA." NORTH--Rev. Watson, UF. | The money Shae a oper dna hnone "Mra, Flanagan," said the landlord, "I'Vo| All of Atlantic City was once sold for . . ' VICTORIA, SOUTH--F. G.Sandy, U.F.O. and it is entirely necessary to rely upon, decided to raise your rent. 4 cents an acre, or $17.60 for the entire = © 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided WATERLOO, NORTH--N, Asmusen, Inc, OUr own resources. They are ample for the} "Ah, now," beamed Mrs, Flanagan. |tract of land. To-day it is assessed for I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles--Waltz--and--- jpurpose of providing the country with the/"It's the darlint ye certainly are. I wor |120 million dollars and is worth 200 mil- | Burmah Moon--Fox Trot SOUTH--K. A. Homuth, "the secur offered by Gagadinn affaire |wonderin' how I cud raise it meself, eur." |lion dollars | Wm. Eckstein's Strand Trio 216061 second to none in the world; and every ELLAND--R. Cooper, Lib. 2000 WELLINGTON, GAST.-A. Hellyer, ULF. citizen "who contributes his quota aids in 0.. 100. oer stabilising and maintaining the credit of his LLINGTO! SOUTH--Re' Cc. W. country. Wetland Cone * Tesch ou my best wishes thatthe loan 205 SPELLINGTON, 'WEST--R. McArthur, U. may be highly successful. F.O., Faithfully yours, WENTWORTH, NORTH--F. C. Biggs, U. 'That Tumble-down Shack in Athlone--Waltz-- and--Oh, Helen--One-Step Wm. Eckstein's Strand Trio 216060 Eyes That Say "I Love You"--One-Step--and --Mandy--Fox Trot mEckstein's Strand Trio 216064 Ev'rybody Shimmies Now--Medley Fox Trot-- START, THEM RIGHT KEEP THEM Goina! ! (signed) R. L. Borden, P. Write for Vatuable Feeding Information and dollars in his balance, Iast week. Re- 153. YORK. WEST--Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Cor, | | i ; ae tL All Star Trio 18602 F.0., 301. cn Hon. Sir Henry' Drayton, i * * G00 Coo--Fox Trot--and-- -- WENTWORTH, SOUTH--W. A. Crockett, |Miniater of Finance, - : if) pores Mere eee tetas 18601 Lab., UF.O., 76. roeketts | ottawa, ea Cane Mola Saves You the Cost of Expensive Prepared Feeds. cer Gink--One-Step--and--Egyptiand-- WINDSOR--J.'C. Tolmie. Lib.. 4000. ° ¢ Ht ree "Se! Brown ates 18562 YORK. EAST--Hon, ee 8. Henry, Con. | B.B. C. NOTES Successful farmers are constantly es ecceriae f ie Cine tanes sis 'Some ; aide , ; iil Dol Roe fro Aner Fe 18 yous: NoRTH--T. H. Lennox, Con.,|_ Willred Flaherty, teller of the Barrie|f™ quantities. Live stock gain weight rapidly, and loo fo better FF Ruspana---One-Step--and Have a Sale Hedley " |Business College Bank, was out five thous- } i Mi Fox 4 . Pietro 18563 lournin' Biues--Fox Trot--and--Clarinet member, Wilfred, ' i Meccnaleiie Bus Onc Sip 4 787. Bank-Cashier, Girl, Dine. We will send you our booklet and expert Ht . Jeland Jazz Band 18513 Short. caught, doing Time. ' i ing. il Came on Pap Netley One 'Dy Borden Asks for Support of Loan Snare, Gaunt, doing Times tho| ff Sdvice om economical feeding. Cane if Your) Tears--Medley Fox In Letter to Drayton Says There is Ample 'school and has accepted a position. 'Mola is sold in 600 Ib. barrels. | i The Vamp--and--Tell Me--Fox Trots the world to which we have had resort in|, prinell mi Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra 18594 the past are closed. Stacient Whe 90s gut' weleten sete fur 4 il 'eha peenler's stage follows: a certain medicine from the drug store. | | i Victrolas from $40 to $680 (sold on casy pay- awa, Ont. We are pleased to know that Bob Ewing's hy ag fit] « eta if desired). enti free copy of our My dese Heth Frptember: 1919. thealth is #9 improved; be is now able to iti ge Musi isting ir: Hens ae ! ( int S000 is Manta Wesco ints over T hope the people of Canada will fully |*e™d balf days! MAKES = = == ==) SS 'His Master's Josept Dear Old Pal of Mine--and--When You Look in the Heart of a Rose--Waltzes Joseph C. Smith's O- eee 18543 Fidgety Feet--One-Step--and-- Lary Dadd; --FoxTrot Original Dixieland Jazz Bang 18564 Mickey--and--Kisses--(In Fox ie Mary--and--Rock-a-Bye Baby Ft 'Tots Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra 18500 Trot h C. Smith's Orchestra 18533 18532 = 'Manufactured b; Berliner Gormo-bone ¢ Con Limited GEO. VICKERS 'There is ample money in Canada to carry 'on its affairs through the period of re- construction, Premier Borden says in n let- ter he has written to Sir. Henry Drayton, Minister of Finance, in connection with the Victory Loan 1919. Sir Robert emphasix' s that the Dominion must rely on its own re- sources, now that the money markets of | tion, in the payment of the liberal war gratuity authorized Last December, in car- rying out the arrangements for the civi re-establishment of returned soldiers and in providing for settlement upon the land. aan speech, the present fiscal year, for this reason, is a war year 60 far as expend- leurplus food products and other staple com- modities must be maintained and, pending SEeInUTOR, FOR BARRIE DISTRICT: 22, of porn {omen souaiicny Money in Canada for After-War Problems | 'As Sir Thomas White pointed out in his hes 'The exportation of our {wide and 1400 miles from north to south. The students were greatly interested in the visit of George Agar to the school after his tour of inspection of the fall faire, Mr. Mitchell spent the week-end in Huntsville. Jim' McDonald, scrutineer at the elec- tions this week, was greatly surprised to! 'eee so many of the school girls who be- Jcame twenty-one for the first time. Principal: Give example of a written; iil » realize the extreme importance of making | ae ae, I - [sgt ondi team Aegon 0 Canucké Should Be Proud it hs) Hear them at any "His Cee aan occa treet tite ghout Dienes! Tt males ut sem ¥ GO HORSE "amt Mf " The necessities of the country involve |small when'we get it into our heads that BQUALL' OD FOR HORSES, iH Master's Voice ealers a very heavy expenditure in demobiliza. |Canada ia larger than the United States COWS, SHEEP aad BEEF CATTLE by 250,000 square miles; contains one- third of the ares of the British Empire: astarge as 30 United Kingroms, 18 Cer. manys, 33 Italys; is larger than' Austral- 'asia and twice the size' of British India; boundary line of 3000 miles between it and the United States; its seacoast equals half the earth' circumference; i is 3500 miles Do you wonder the Canadians feel proud ?-- 'Ladies' Home Journal. Prepare to pay for Victory. CAVE MOLA® PORKERS Car load of "Corn Mola" is now enroute. Place your orders with our distributor. Local Distributor, Alex. McKee, Barrie, Ont. Cane Mola Co. of Canada, Limited} »; 118 St. Paul St. W. +. * Montreal, Que.