Page Twelve \ THE BARRIE. XAMINER THE ADLET COLUMN FOR SALE Five well-bred Leicester ram lambs, D. H. Minty, Craighurst, 43 FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur. King Block, Barrie. 48p FOR SALE--40 {t windmill in first-class condition. Apply to Examiner office. 40-45 DEER. Mowe, Beaver und' Trappers Li censte for Apply to R.H. Webb, , 4243p ------ TO LET--A furnished house; all. conven- ae Hemsantly situated, Apply at this affiew 43-43) | TED Refined young girl to assist WAN' ; Apply: Mrs. Cecil. 55 w ---- HOUSE AND LOT FUR SALF--Central Juestion overlooking bay. Apply 184 Dunlojy street 38-43) ey FARM FOR SALE Lor 12. con 4. Oro, 90 eres, 7 acres hardwood bush W Jamieson, Edgar 38-43p JUNK AND POULTRY Wanted, Prices paul Harry Levit, 66 Bay! street, Phony 384 = le jigs 6 weeks old. Apply Penetung Road, Bar: 397131 42-439 AUTO LIVER Town or count Collier St Phew or 80. N COTTER Fine Boot and Shoe Repair- lass work done at bis home strvet, Barrie 39-449, ity of mangels and Apply to JW. ayer street 42-4 FOR SALE San lor 16, con, 1, Innisfil Mareuret Quantz, Craigvale N half of N half lote 2.3, 4, Apply to 39:50p ONTARIO WINTER WHEAT. BRAN, and SHORTS FOR SALE. Government. pri Bech | Mills, Lid. 42 4c EWES FOR SALE Six pure bred Shrop res. two years up Bred to first el: reo) Gow Crawford. Minesing 4243p) ay Rhode tsiand Red Ala one black robe Muleaster street 42.47) FOR SALE Two G6 it, choice buildiog fots on Wath St. Allacutale Api Mrs JA. MacNeil, Allandale RR. No Apply Gaol residence Hy LO Powell, care Priel & Ce #45 Hae high FURNISHED ROOMS and Apar Trot vhe unfurnished fits of two, four or fie comms Arply Na. 1 Maple Altice Your old * to look Row Blovk, FARY FOR SALE Bh half of tor 17. con 3. Flue, consisting af 100 acres For further partentars apply te han Phelpeten Ont MANWELL Jone less thy condita: you $290 Rox "W FOR SALE 400 acres. 150 under eultwn ton, clay lon; 100 pasture. "halance good fash loek or sph lit PO, 42.47), FOR SALE at Gti Maple avenue, oak hed Foun suite, refrigerator, stant frow, 2 handsaws and other ar Must he sol by Oct 28 48-43e South east half of infil. consisting of aeres, good buiklings. Apply to W. Elfiort, Panswick P.O. or on the prem isex 38-43p aE FOR SALE. Mason & Risch mano, direet from the saving com to A eurt, Box 'ollingwood. Ont.. whe is the Com W's wholesale representative, 4344p 7 or 8 rvoms, in good con- Fepnir. at _,maderate price. Anewer hy letter. giving full particulars tut best terms. to Box."W", Examiner 'ALE-9 rooms, all location, furnace ¢ heats bath; large lot, le room for tw Teasonable. Apply Box "B office 2 -42ptfe ALE OR WILL BX LANG three ym. old; a 3-yr,old home, well bret Clydesdale' All are with: cut a blemish. Will sell very' reason: | able. half concession 4, lot 2, Merlonte 42-tfe | -------- CO TO LET--The store at present occupied by | 1. I. Vair. confectionery, ice cream and Tight Junch parlors, will be vacant ina few months Secure this if you want one of the best business stands in Barrie, Ap. ply Mrs, R, MacDonnell, 111 Hilton ave. nue, Toronto, 35ptfe DISTRICT AGENT WANTED -- We are now muinufuety Perfect Synthetic Filler to replace air tubes in Automobile tires. completely overcoming all. tire troubles from punctures. blow-outs and ein offer desirable contract to respon? sible party ax agent for the district of Barrie comprising the counties of &i coe, Muskoka and Parry Sound. This isa real Filler and offers a future to every agent, (C RUBBER & TIRE CO, LTD., 163 King St, W., Toronto, 3c" 4 Ute | 41-43p | _six to returned soldier. terms! tree: Examiner] avenue, for 2 brown mares. Percheron, well| foundation which coult readily be altered every possibility of a scarcity in Tea about the be- ginning of 1920. Keep a good supply on hand. We will be glad to fill your five-pound orders at five cents a pound reduction. | T.N.HOBLEY | "THE HUB" Tea and Coffee House -------------- FOR SALE--Registered Berkshire Bour, Thos. Susith, Ctopis, 43-43¢ |HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE for sale. Ap. ply 39 Toronto street. 43-13¢ FOR SALE--Coul range with water front Enquire Examiner office 43.430 [FOR SALE--Cow und culf, quiet and eas- lp milked. Apply 87 Rose street. 43-45p {FOR SALE--Lut year's birds, bso pullers. |" Apply apposite Harris' Green House | Ts 43-43 WANTED. Mei for light duty, Ober help key a 5 Mrs WANTED Good general maid; good wag: es. Mrs. Wo A. Lewis, Collier street 43-430 LARGE BRICK HOUSE to let. furnishes. all conveniences. Apply street VFOR SALE, thoroughbred: Shropshire ram ; Raikes. 43-44p also four grade ewes, Apply C Harrie. $$ ie __ ie COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM to | rent. with or without Apply ut | this office. 4343p TO LET Furnished house, centrally lest | el Modern conveniences. Apply 37 | McNonald street 43-43p-tfe ae SIE FOR SALE--New electric fireplace. parlor suite, bedroom rug. mutting rug. pictures ete 68 McDonald street 4343p LOST In Barrie, on Thursday nigh!. Max onie ring with letters engraved inside Reward on leaving at Examiner 43-43), LADIE LEATHER BELT lost Dunk F Worsley street or at this nffice REFINED YOUNG would like ition ti da Bgl hom return for boar, Would want evenings free} 0 Box O88, Barrie 4043p) FURS WANTED Highest prices pau 1 guarynteei! Will eowthin Uriveng distance HL Barrie, Phone 384 TRAY | From. jirend on Oer AS. tromerk al Bell Br ter Thuinpsan, VAM f STRAYED onto tor 15. con hour Oct. Trek and white hy ber may have ame hy proving ty and) paying expenses COMFORTABLE front room with -- gand rd, suit two young nien attending Col ate, Apply" afternoons. Monday or wediy. 8 Francis street 43-43 |HOUSE POR RENT. comfortable, seven tonne Vety central. $9.00 per month, ciate possession, Apply Mra D. H jaten. 1 Bertliy: treet 43.1fe LOST Child's Gold Extension Bracelet on Thankseiving might, in Collier street Sunday School, or Between Church and Finder please return to this 43-43¢ uffie Ip eee ee RAM ESTRAY ~ Aged Shropshire. register I. came to my place on Oct. 21. Ow. y have same on proving property ving expenses, W. AL Luck, lot con 1. Oro. 43-43p Tenders for Snow Plowing i lel tenclers will be received by the undersigned till noon of Friday, the ist day of October, 1919, for the snow plow. ing in the Town of Barrie for: the Season jof 1919-1920. Snow plows will be supplied jby the Town and tenderers" may tender jfor the plowing in all the Wards, except jthat portion done by the Town Team. or for each Ward separately, Spesifivations of work tu be done muy be seen at the office of the Town Clerk, | The lowest or any tender not necessarily | accepted. A. W. SMITH, Town Clerl TO RENT AND FOR SALE TO RENT--Cottage, four roonm, garden, corner Maple and Dalton, seven dollars, [FOR SALE--Part of grounds at residence of Jute Mr. A. E. H. Creswicke, consisting of two splendid building lots facing Bay- field street, well covered with old forest Also four back lots facing Mapl of which corner lot has on it double four-roomed, rough-east cottage, stone foundation, ' cellars. woodsheds, brick stable with solid cement floor and into s dwelling house; the other three Iota are good building lots fifty foot front each running back to same depth as cor- ner lot ALSO--Nice building lot on Essa street, Al- landale; corner lot. Elizabeth street, be- low Vair's greenhouse; well built clap. boarded building suitable for either ice house or chicken house; large three-com. partment oat bing Barnet refrigerator, large, central ice-compartment, double glass doors on two side' compartments, in perfect order. suitable for emalfeero. cery Apply to Mrs. A. E. H. Creswicke, 190 Bay ld eS 41-43p '_ Dr. J. A. KEARNS Physiolan and Surgeon PHELPSTON, ONT. Office fours: 12-2 and 7-9 p.m. nniversary -Services in Cen- tral Methodist Church, Sunday, . nae At the meeting of Barrie Lodge No. 63,, on 'Tuesday, Oct, 28, Alliston Degree team will be present to exemplify the first Degree An Old-Fashioned Tea Meeting will be held in Central Methodist Chureh on Monday evening, Nov 10 'od program. Admission 50 cents. The Horticultural jety tue lips have arrived: and an. effort ix being mare te have them de. livered this Week to these who have seer today than aml to eurse and swear--a storivtte on Fred C, Fle ford, Dominion Pauliry Husbanil in RURAL CANADA, Oelohor Geo, Cameron shipped a car of hogs ant a car of lambs and rattle on Tuesday. The CEO shipment was a ear hogs and a car of cattie and lambs. Hogs Were quoted at $17.00 per ewt, The annual meeting of the corporation of the Royal Victoria Hospital will be hold in' the Police Court Chambers on Mon- day afternoon, October 27, ab 4 erleck The publie is cordially mvited A class nunibering enty ed the Confirmation at Chureh oon Mea Ay morning Archbishop MacNeill administer. ed the rite and eloqu Work on Harry Bryson's new garage on Bradford St. 'opposite the West Ais pron gressing favorably. The sidewalk in front of this new buildin being moved ont t the tannery to High st your Chureh a and "Pawer™ speek makin, Heeached an sermon reneern ---an Bele by Bred 0. Telford CELE Chew in REAL CANADAL Oe Veberoot great vale te von and feathers an yen eliatreh No former Barrieite writing fren Rdiionten reports secuie in thal rity the moving pet phen a Bari cit the Detenat Pathfinders' four dast nach IMavir spocth aril al other netsh Pads Wan ehareh. Pert Hane, Vas exterbel qoealh te Rev F Wo Andersie mepiy ot Geib Vel Chstpelaen every Terie of ted ' tnmedre coe Cennty divers Whe serve mm France The Detrot News gives a num her of views of the probable teof the (920 Michigan Pikes sseettion tour. Phis as. the association that sent a Path finders" party through Barriv fow weeks ago, and il is expret- ed thal this town will be ane af the 15 party which will come this way next summer, Plurality The standing of the ing parties in Monday's eb as contrasted with the s when the 1 solved, is: test rlions, anding gislalure was dis. Then W Labo! Varant POA siccwwses ceEy 1 BORN DONNELLY--In the R. V. Hospital, on Monday, Oct. 20, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, T. A. Donnelly, Churchill, daughter, MILNE--In the R. V. Hospital, on Thurs. day, Oct. 16, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Milne, a daughter. MARRIED CAYLEY--McBRIDE--In--8t. Mary's Church, Burrie, by Rev. Dean O'Malley. Oct. 1, 1919.' Miss Veronica McBride, daughter of Mrs, Margaret McBride, Ves- pra, to Mr. Joseph Emmet Cayley, of Valcartier, Que. KNAPP--HILL--At the Central Methodist Pareonage, Oct. 15, 1919, by Rev. TH. Moore, Mr. Andrew Knapp of Minesing to Miss Mary Mabel Hill of Barrie, THOMPSON--DAVIS--At Central Metho- dist parsonage, by Rev. H. Moore, on Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1919, Mr. Fran. cis Arthur Thompson of Penetang, to Miss Verna Jane Davis of Barrie. IN MEMORIAM who died Oct. 23, 1918. Tread gently o'er my dear son's grave, Let fall a silent tear, For underneath that green grass sod A mother's love lies there. --His sorrowing Mother. IN MEMORIAM at Chicoutimi, Que., Oct. 18, 1918, died Oct. 21. 1918 We often think of you, dear Howard, But not with outward show, For the hearts that mourn sincerely Nev. 9. Preacher, Rev. G. R. Turk, of Toronto, will preach Mourn silently and low. --Father, Brother and Sister. | curb, from) ar. | Ke eitigens were easily! the stopping placés of the big How Parties Stand--u.F.O. Have, ANDREWS--In sad but loving memory of | Lambskins and pelts Pte. Howard Andrews, accidentally shot |Wool, unwashed are Preferred for Fall = "I really like Lisle Hose for Eall. They are so Pretty in dark shades and feel as fine as silk when the weather is cooler, and of sourse, with high shoes one has an opportunity to save on the price of Silk Hose-- when Lisle as fine as these look as pretty as Silk." _ This is one of the most frequent bits of conversa- tion at our Hosiery Department, when women see these new Fine Lisleat sc. 2... 90c a pair. _ Mercury, full-fashioned, 5 amless, colors Black, White, dark Brown, Tan, Navy Blue, Taupe, Grey, Raspberry 7 You should see this line, Ladies' Penman's Black Cashmere Hose, prices $1.00, $1.40, $1.75. _ Ladies' and children's ribbed wool hose; these are big value at the Price and cannot he replaced at the pri- ces, size 5 2.00, | i p -.. 50e | Size 6, 61, ++. 75e | Size 72,8 ., see. 90e Size 9) - $1.00 DESIGNING YOUR OWN WINDOW HANGINGS is a delightful task when you chouse from our new Scrims, Casement Cloth, colored Marquisette, Muslin, Tapestry. easy price 306, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.25, WE SAVE YOU MONEY -- With every dollar purchase we give youa en (,/ WHERE MOST PEOPL IN MEMORIAM { In sad but loving memory husband, Dalton G_ McConkey Oct niger who died) 1) Mumba h 'it : . spent a short holiday with 1918 from jweumoms, -- Sudly'|frienda in Bond' Head M Mra, Roy Sto Wie and little children. er ar tuititn Ray Stove are home again afer a-visit to the lagger's home im Blyth, 1N MEMORIAM | Mr. H. Robinson i 'spending a few dj ' | with ber daughter. Mrs, R. Griffin, Sev. In loving 1 'who departed mory of Edward D. Switzer, this i - Oct. 24th. 1918, Deurest futher, you've been absent, ~WIFE AND FAMILY. }|----_--___WFE_AND FAMILY. _ Dorothy Riddell. who bad her tonsils re- IN MEMORIAM moved on Saturday. was taken ill with : - .. | Wpendicitis the following day und had to!) ce whet Be Tats, B AE eo an 'operation, © "a? am be Four years bave passed and still we miss! ) him, |Never shull bis memory fade, {Loving thoughts will ever linger Near the grave where he is laid --WIFE AND FAMILY, jBrampton four years ago. Deceased wis a 1N MEMORIAM [member of the Presbyterian Church. She SMITH --In loving memory of my dear ie survived by her hucrond ung oe daugh | brother. Harold) Egerton Sui 'ana |ters, Mra. Wm. Corni | i --_--- s The Late Mrs. J. Armstrong Ehgabeth Ann Armstrong Armstrong, 41 Tiffin street. died on Fri. | fey. Oct. 17, after an illness of over a She was 62 yeurs old and was born dian Army Dental Corps, who died Oct. jof this place; slo two brothers and two 23. 1918. sisters, jOften we think of you, deur brother, 'And our heasts are sad with pain, Ob. this earth would be a heaven Could we but bear your voice agin: But peaceful be~thy rest. dear brother, "Tis sweet to breath your name. Death of Thos. Walton Hospital on Monday, in the pemon' of In life we loved to breathe your name, [yom | ie Benes sieht a oe In deathh-we do the same. - Years later entered the service of the G. T. | ' Saully missed by sister Nathalie. {Rat Port Hope. He was 18 yeurs in | jLindsay and 15 years in Allandale, being i Card of Thanks jS spring-muker in the shops here. Two | ject; and Mrs. Will E. Brown and family |ycar ago he retired on pension after forty- desire to thank their many neighbors and {six years of faithful service with the Grand | friends for their sympathy and kindness |Trunk, When he retired from active duty, fhown 'them in the recent loss of their|hr was not in the hest of health ant home by fire. [the doctors advised x chunge he spent 1 ver THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRices |health, 'Two Merk ago. Bowever. was , : taken with um illness which he was unable 10,2 Fall Wheat (Gov't Price) .. 1.07 |(aken ith um ill is survived by his wife Barley" ~ 85-900 a i tnd four children: John, locomotive fore. So |iman at London; Melville, « brase tout $1.25. $1 30 3 Ottawa; Mra, Whitelaw, Vernon, B.C $1.20-31.35 and Mrs. Shaw. Desmoines, lows. The sone 5 "550-600 (Feacbed home a few days before their far ther's death, Mrs, Whitelaw arrived last i {night and Mrs. Shaw to-day, Deceased was 0c [Mrs. Scott. Montreal; Mrs. Hayward. Ver non. B.C.. and Mrs, Rose, Torrance, Ont. Mr. Walton wax a member of Port Hope Lodge, 1.0.0.F., for over 30 years and ulxo 'of the Sons of England. He was an elder j Calf skins Tallow ...... Horse Hides Horee Hair n Church, man of many sterling qual. Kips ie and universally respected, Interment takes place at Port Hope on | Ef Friday. Wool, washed . Hay : Barrie Baptist Church The speaker for the day will be Dr. Ralph ) eet Ge eS Be at, eee |M D.CUBITT-NICHOLS Clarkson House, Barrie, Subbath. sage worth while, PLE TRADE Tuesday, Oct. 28, Frid wife of James | Tuesday. No a ngewe ' Debs eitieA Ga: caleeeatieeeeeme ent of thi lee pane cee TE YOU WANT TO BUY OR with his daughters in British Col. gg ; uumbia 'and Towa. About six weeks ago °5, BARRIE MARKETS iri soz. sz, eo © te eates ig, Craiber of Oliver Walton. Allandale; pricy fetes, "24,100 apples trees ..$4,000 Brick House, Shanty 'Bay, wi orchard... and manager of the Allandale Presbyter- goog Frame House, n. wa. Brick House, Allandale, Gloves Silk Gloves, Ladies' double tipped, colors black, white, grey, brown, special price ..... $2.00 Ladies' Grey Suede Gloves, silk lined; these tre special value. . $2.50 Ladies' light Fawn Gloves, with pearl but- ton, special ...... $3.00 Ladies' and Misses' wool Mitts, with short and long cuffs, colors black, white, grey, brown, red, fine quality, easy priced, Children's and Ladies' Toques, nice range of colors, fine quality, price $1.00, 75c, 60c, 25c. Do not miss this line. at the small prices. BUY MEN'S GAUNTLETS Mitts with one finger, split Horsehide, good val- ue $1.25, special price 75 Do not miss this line- They will not last long at this price. -- 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices, CREDIT SALES Extate of the late Ane drew Graham, ut lot 23, con. 4, Oro, farm stock and implements, Sale at { W. A. McConkey. auctioneer, '. Nov. 3.-F. E- Howe, south half lot 10. con. 4, Innisfil, farm stock and implements, Sale at 1 p.m. L. M. Rute ledge, auctioneer. No Larry Phillips. ut lot--, con, unnidale, farm stock and im: From our midst a year to-day, plements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Meo How we miss your loving presence Conkey, "auctioneer, i Aching hearts alone ean' say. land, is paying an extended visit to. her Friday. Nov? Gey Morris, north half lot 8. con. 4, Innisfil, furm stock and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. H.-A. Grose." auctioneer, Jas. Speers. clerk Nov. 10.--Mrs. Herb. Fillingham, 22. con. 3, Oro, farm stock and implements, Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer, Thos. 8, Reid, lot 13, farm stock and imple. tents, Sale at 1 p.m, W. A. MeCon. key, auctioneer, _ iy near Ripley. The family moved here from |Wednesduy. Nov. 12.--Fred ©. Heal at lot 25. con. 2. Oro. farm atock aud im. Plements.¢ Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Me. Conkey, ductioneer and Miss Clara | Wednesday, Nov. 12.--Wikkon Kell, lot 4, con. 11, Essa, one town, farm stoék. A. Grose, auctioneer, north of Cook: Sale at 1 pm. Hf REAL ESTATE Consult M. D. CUBITT-NICHOLS Farms for Sale 100 acre Farm, Innisfil. good building, larze orchard. $7,600 Anten Mills. near school wnd a Tee $1,800 acres, Iunisfil. « first-cluss kitchen iene den $2,500 Small' payment 100 acres, Innisfil, good and, small bush, will sell cheap $4,809 $1,000 down, $00 acres, Oro. good building .... $3,200 10 acres, Oro. good building. + $3,700 Houses for Sale ine Brick House in Penetung street, 'with ick House, Bradford street, seven toon large hall, all conveniences, electra light, gus. furnace, stable, garage and cHicken house g : " 10 John street, $800 2,500 ine Double House on Brasiford street. Will accept any good offer, 'These are just. a few of my Farms and Houses for sale. For list f Farms Services Sunday, at 11 am. and 7 p.m! Houses coh Ga perce, lato bis Phone 62 ) i ontop tieeteapespestentectot