Page Sixteen \ Brown | & Co. BURTON AVENUE' METHODIST CHURCH aaa ALLANDALE NEWS SEE Our Assortment of. FLOWER POTS HANGING BASKETS FERN PANS, ETC. CROCKS FOR BUTTER AND Alex Scott hes been seriously ill for several days. Miss Edythe Catlin is spending a few weeks in Toronto, Jas. Dinning spent the week-end with relatives in Hastings. Mm. C. MeNiven and two children spent the week-end wither mother in Toronto, W. H. Black is visiting friends in Chic- ago, Detroit and Toronto for a week or so. Mrs. Wm. Hill and daughter Neola have returned home after spending a few days in Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. B. Perkin of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mra. W. Wiles for a few days this week Mimico and Allandale shop boys played a baseball match in Queen's Park Inst Suturday, the visitors winning, Mre, Howard Garvin has returned home to Georgetown after spending two weeks with her cousin, Miss Violet Hill 'The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will hold a sale of home-made baking, Saturday, Oct. 11, in the Poucher Block, begifining at 10 am. 4141p Kenneth North of the stuff of the Mer- jchants' Bank, London. Ont.. is spending }his vacation with his aunt and uncle, Mr. |and Mrs. MeCausland, 115 Burton Ave. Succedfubharvest home thankagiving xer- views were held in St. George's Church last Sundsy/ Appropriate sermons by>Rev. Canon Vernon, bright inusic by the choir and artistic nutumn decorations combined to make the day of special interest, A colored prisoner being taken to King: jston from Bracebridge jail, made an at- tempt to regain his freedom through the window of the early morning train one day last week. The man hnd been sentenced for slashing another colored train porter with Ju knife, following a card game, He was in charge of u sheriff and guard, and as the early Cobalt train stopped in Allan. dale station, he deftly jumped through |the window. but his bulk was too great and Ihis body stuck half way through, With considerable difficulty and the los of some of his clothing he was pulled back into Rev. A. E. Owen, Pastor. Ithe coucheand proceeded on his journey to Portsmouth Penitentiary, A' rather 11 am,--"'The Call of the Cross."" {strange coincidence was that a colored pas 7 pm.--The Atmosphere of Prayer." You are cordially invited. BARR FISH SHOP Now Open for Business Selling all kinds of WET AND DRIED FISH ALSO EVERY DAY Fried Fish and French Fried Potatoes Served at Tables or Sold Over the Counter to Take Home Opp. Bryson's Store i senger sat right behind the prisoner and helped the authorities to drag him back into the car. Hayes--Murray retty wedding was solemnized in $1. Mury's Church, on Tuesday. September 30th, when Annie. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Murray of Toronto was junited in marriage to Stephen Jerome 'Hayer. son of Mra Mary Hayes of Barrie. Rev. Dean O'Malley officiated, 'The bride wore her travelling suit of navy blue jwith black ostrich feather hat and white fur. She way attended by her sister, Mabel. while Erma" Faran acted as best man to the groom. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold pendant set wih dismond; to bridesmaid a gold ring wet with stone; to the best man gold initialed inks. After a dainty wedding breakfast the huppy couple motored to Newmarket where they took the train for Toronto, Hamilton and other places, On their return they will reside at 165 Bradford street chers' Convention Over 250 delegates to the annual con- vention of the North snd South Simcoe Teachers Associations are in session here to-day and tomorrow. The meetings op: ened this morning in the usembly hall of the Collegiate. conducted by R. Principal James Marlin, of the Central School, was chairman to-day, and gave the opening address The balance of the morn. 'ing session was taken up by reports of representatives to the Ontario Educational Association, giver by D, A. Norris of Pene. tang and Mrs, Greene of Thornton, and an address by Tygpector J, 1. Garvin, B.A. ees as CREDIT SALES marked by addresses of welcome by Sprott and A. F. A. Malcomson, chairman The onening ofthe afternoon sessio 1 Tuesday, October 14.--Max Niman, at lot lof Barrie Boant of Education. The freedom 22, con. 1, Sunnidale, farm stock and f the town and hearty greetings were ex- implements. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Me- tended to the pedagogues. Conkey, auctioneer, Miss Ewing, of Toronto Normal School, Wednesday, October 15--Robert Muir, at|held the undivided attention of ber hear- Jot 19, con. 12, Vespra, farm stock and Jers in her instructive address "on 'The implements. Sale wt 1 p.m, W. A.[Place and Scope of Household Science in} McConkey, auctioneer. the School Curriculum." y, October 16.--R, M. Coulson, at 17.--Miss h. at No. 4 Collier street. Barrie, household furni- ture. Sale ut 1 p.m. W. A. McConkey, auctioneer, "Education in Germany and Ontario oon, 4, Baik, - Compared."" was the title of s most inter ge aire Kei owe sed lasting talk by Dr. Santiford, Faculty of ei oRibeE. Education, Toronto University. The great- jest interest was taken in Dr. Sandiford's |, reading of a stenographic report of 1 lesson given before a class in a German school in 1913. The scope of Germany's home prop- aganda was displayed in the undisguised at- Wednesluy, Oct. 22.--Frank Wiseman, on tempts to instil in the minds of the young the Martin Johnson Farm, east end of [German students that the Kaiser was the Barrie, stock, etc. See advt. W. A. Me-|"Great Father' and France the Conkey, auctioneer, enemy of the Fatherland. The maj N.B.-Where the bills are printed at this|tion of the lesson was recital of es as| geographical position of France in rela- office, no charge is made for ni jatural por- the above: otherwise, full rates are. cbarged. |tion to the German Empire and the most NOTICE feasible way of access to France from Ger- any. Tonight a musical and literary, program, including a lecture by Dr, Sandiford, will Re Change in the Date of As-|be given in the Awembly Hall of the Col- legiate, Mr. Malcomson will be chairman, sessment of the Town of [and the public is cordially invited. Barrie NOTICE is hereby given that the Coun- Pointer for Mrs. Brodie No plsce for bachelors, this! If an en- cil of the Town of Barrie at a meeting gaged man in the Argentine Republic dallies held on the 20th day of August, cided to have the date of taking 919, de-|beyond' a reasonable time in leading his ' ie Assess- /fiancee to the altar he is heavily fin * ment changed so that in future the Assese-|if a resident of the republic should f to ment of the Town would be made between | m; he is taxed until he reaches the a4 the First da? of May 'and the Thirtieth of eighty. . = day of September in each year, in order that 4 -- complet and revised Assessment Roll would be available for tax- 'The Ontario Election Act ation purposes at, the beginning of each |The Temperance Referendum Act, 1919, year. To givé effect to this change the Assessment Roll for the year 1919 as made in the Spring of this year was adopted as the Agessment Roll on which the taxes for 1920 would be levied. This Roll is now subject to revision in the same way fore, who desires to make an Appeal against his or her assessment, or anyone who de. sires to have changes made as to owner. as a new Assessment Roll. Anyone, there ye prov Railway Employees' Polls Electoral District of Centre Simcoe To Wi Notice is hereby given that pursuant to isions of The Ontario Election Act, 19, section 14, a poll will be opened on the 16th, 17th,-and 18th days af October, 1919, from the hours of 9 o'clock in the ship in the new Roil should forward netics |{0Tenoon to 5 o'clock in the @eernoon of of same to the Town Clerk, not Inter than |°%8 day, at Orange Hall, dale, for the 15th day of October, 1919, being the |eceiving the vote of Railway Employees Inst day for receiving appeals, and there- whose employment is such as to necessitate after all appeals so received thall be con, [their absence from their ordinary place of sidered at a Court of Revision on » date to be hereafter fixed of which all appellants will receive formal notice. residence, and who have reason to believe that they will be so absent upon the day fixed for the General Election and the Temperance Referendum, namely: October A. W. SMITH, Clerk. !the 20th, 1919. Barrie, Sept. 18th. 1919 38-410 Dated at Barrie, this 8th day of Oct- SSS ees | ober," 1919. © Victory--Bought but not paid 4 ARTHUR JARY, Returning Officer for Electoral District Jor. Centre Simeoe. Shop at Vick ers' -It P ped WHITE FLANELETTE White Flannelette yoes in the WOOLENS making of garments for many pur- Buy warm, winter Underwear poses and this Special will prove and 3 of interest to many. ter part of. 1917 and at 1917 price. | ing lines in Women's Underwear in Heavy weight, smooth surface | both garments separate and com- and good wearing quality, full 34 | binations. They are old stock and inches wide, and soft, ready for the | of extra worth--at prices about 25 LINEN TOWELLING FOR KITCHEN USE 45¢ This is a heavy Linen Crash Towelling, full 20 in- ches wide and splendid drying cloth. It is a good wear- ing line and much in demand. A limited quantity only to sell--Bleached and unbleached. Yard ........ 45¢ DARK COLORED FLANNELETTE Mid weight Flannelette in Dark stripes, chiefly grey, a good line for shirt 27 inches wide....250 Same weight, 32 inches PICTORIAL PATTERNS AND MAGAZINES Please Note: Patterns not exchanged The Lightest Wood heavy as this wood. It can easily be ident- ified with the finger nail. It is treated with paraffin and used in making floats of life préservers and in constructing life rafts. Tt bas recently been used in fireless cookers. ce, "French kid? "Well, I Fa) the irate ans-| The waiter in the fashionable hotel hand- Walshe Sarmy own 'child, born righ (od him' menu in French it mer seesine:| Spend sparingly--Save for Vie Fancy Typewriter The most wonderful typewriting machine was once made by the former Csarina of 'All the parts ordinarily enameled jhere in Barrie. Superb Millinery 'When on your shoping tour visit our splendid Showrooms, filled to capacity with examples of Fash- ion's latest requirements in Women's Headwear -- a gathering of the newest in Ready-to-Wear Hats along with some bewutifully made Dress Hats, the work of our own artist, Miss Browne (late of Murray-Kay Co., Tor- onto). For authoritative styles, workmanship and value this is your Store. Misses Marshall and Lawlor in charge. Ladies--See the New Coats They evidence the latest of Fashion's Fancy in styles and Color- ings--Silvertones, Bolivia Cloths, Velours, Kerseys and Tweed effects in Browns, Greens, Blues and Greys, and all faultless in make. They are beautiful and becoming--on account of the disturbance in Cloth- ing Manufactories through the 9 weeks' strike only recently ended, there will be no repeats. It is an advantage to see them early. WARM WINTER oid the possibility of sick- It is the bal- | ness and extra expense later on-- overs, Gloves, Mitts, Stockings, ance of a purchase made in the lat- we are showing some very interest- Toques, Tams, etc. In our assort- Sevie ois emRIC 35c | per cent. less present values, Scotch Fingering Yarn in Black and Buy it by the piece (60 yds.), 50c, 59c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25 Grey, and Black and White in the at, per yard .. . 33¢ and $1.50 | finer grades of Wool. --MEN.- terns at last year's prices. Per yard............ 00 sees e ee 5 ie eee cinveir aera even ae ' A GOOD WOOL HOSE FOR BOYS' WEAR Made of fine imported Singering yarn 2xt Rib with elastic top, seamless foot, | fine appearing Hose for rib to toes, color absolutely fast. This is rare value. Sizes 7,74, 8, 83,9, 94,10 | Sizes 5, 54, 6, 64 7, 74 Prices 900. $1.26 Price 650 75c, 800 WHITE CASHMERE HOSE Fine ixf Rib Cashmere Hose, seamless foot, a very with double knee, warm = stocking for wear--these are 1917 Children's wear! black were a brilliant blue, and wherever Boys, Read This! lines of" the menu and said: fst wood, in weight, that is|gilding is commonly used was inlaid mother 'The Russian mother, in the average |#ome of that." alsa". Cork is three times as /0f pearl. The keys were of ivory, encircled |home, does not believe in washing her| "Pardon me, sir,"' answered the waiter, by bands of solid gold. children, When an American woman once|"but that is the musical 'selection that the asked a Russian mother why she didn't |orchestra is playing 'now, sir," Not a French Kid Idegped baby, she answered with horror in want a 'pair of shoes for this little |\in jt,' id the mother. am,'" answered the shoe clerk. needs them, Barrie Boy in Paris the Fight. "Bhe i \less to him. So he pointed to one of the| tory Bonds, YOUR STORE FOR WOOLS The knitting season is on and you may need Wools for the mak- ing of Scarves, Coat Sweaters, Pull- ment you'll find a full range of col- ors in Monarch Floss, Monarch Down and Shetland Floss, also When we say ECONOMY it does not mean to buy the cheapest or lowest priced Clothes, but Economy is in what you get out of your money spent, in the way of Service. The Clothes we sell are good Clothes, reason- ably priced and with a satisfying fit. Come on in. R. MALCOMSON, Mgr. TILLICOULTRY SHIRTING--WHAT IT IS It is a strong Scotch Twist Union Shirting, made for wear. very hard to tear it--the patterns are all grey It does not shrink--it does not fade--it is mixtures with colorings of Red, Gold, Brown, Green and Blue worked in. It is put to many uses--for the making of Shirts, Women's Dresses, Children's Dresses, small | ~ boys' clothes, etc., and for the maximum return for your money it has no equal. We have a full range of pat- BLACK CASHMERE HOSE FOR CHILDREN Made of Fine Pure Wool Yarns in {xt and 2x4 and much less their worth. Sizes 54,6, 64,7 7!. Prices 60, 60, 65, 68, 79, | 76 = "What! wash s baby? You'd) Watch those dollars -- Victory More Bonds 'to buy--Finish