\ THE BARRIE aren eateennenecnenenmanannnnaay [ BETTER ROADS NEEDED Undoubtedly the time has come when all roads shonld be built with a view lo permanency and then "maintained." And here en- ters another phase of the que: tion, for, heretofore, the great- est blunder municipalities have made in road-building was to spend large sums of money and not provide sufficient for main- tenance. The engineer of any new can be made to appear new again. town or county stands in an un- Fabrics that are dirty, shabby or spotted enviable position, for the tax- payer is always ready with a kick will be restored to their former beauty by sending them to Parker's, PARKER'S The clothes you were so proud of when against increasing publi expen dilure, although he wants Rood roads. But the sooner we all face the problem squarely the 'better. It is going to take much |money to build the highways de- |manded by present day traffic and the only solution is to build per- manent roads and then maintain them proper! ) Cleaning and Dyeing ls properly done at PARKER'S Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay carriage one way on all orders The question is of such im- jPortance that the lime seems | opportune to have a County con- ference on the entire situation, and adopt a comprencnaive per- Mmanent roads programme. Every 'rural munieipalily should have representation uccording to ils Advice upon cleaning or dyeing any article will be promptly given upon, request. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limited Population and size, and pre- Cleaners and Dyers liminary meetings should be held 791 Yonge 8t. Toronto to educate the people at large on better roa should® elect fo the County aneil with a mandate to voto for better highways, the necessity for da, inte sections, with men in charge and separate gangs to do the work with proper machinery. 'The whol> shoud be under the supervision of the eee | COMMENT OF THE WEEK J The Ciunty should be divide have all come in for criticism in regard to our reads, but do those We has heen tritely said that! whe criticise consider fully the} County Engineer Permanent the pnblie ofiemt whe pleases task that ix befare those re. t-[ patria leheuid dipeivie: (he eneceyndy tue pi ie a iy Boe ible for the upkeep of our high- ram in their own section, the and im one Line of work as this) ways more true than in the construe. | tee Hane thee Ger ben amt maintenanes of the pubs) 4, maintenance cos would thu fie: lughwavs. here is the crying need[an assurance agains' Wasting T ir PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS AN roads (0 de~ spuirs, We money hy terioriate for want of he County Engineer. town en. | for better roads fo meet the and matuierpal councils | era caf moter traffie, and every owner of a motor ve.|eanearn much from fiele be he farmer. plutoerat of | this respect and with thy jey-rider is ester for good) ernment's Li J reads Tite was w » ane! sidizing fo the oxtent of from 40 CENTRE SIMCOE [reubl"biteh Old Dobbin and jog]! 60 per cent the cost should | Peaeefully ove Fouds that today) nel be more than this. the big ated with the fast. [gest and be wats an Oniard vehiele Any kind of/ean bear values, Gov. meeting of the Liberal Association of Simcoe and in Convention for the |! mnt be te Motor lend pn of a 'ul Candidate for Cet Bune grill be held in Lance Hall, Elmvale, able in| better oon facilities even on Moniitay September 29:h, 1919. at 1.30 Without the flower taxes fir rs Hnpeoven clock, (old tune! sinkone half way to the} ments in the end, will eosud) fren The meeting will be addrewed by HOH.| habs, was gent enough few better permanent roads, to sav Dewart. M'P.P., Liberal Leader, and others. years age bul today farmer | nothin of the brightening of All interested in the Provincial politieal | in four whe 0 ane itfrural life and the comfort to he situation Hing ladies, are invited to | it} not he doy fave this patin | abtained hy having éinintty tugde the Assoc Dates Bevr EDEL LELEESEEEPEPE EELS ETS TS meeting. ed farmer, us|that can be coufortably trave at any seasen of the veag, id the people of the towns. betler roads with 1. September 13th, 1919 ROFT. DONALD ROSS Acting President ary. Buy advertised gonds. It pays JOIN UP WITH THE GREAT WAR VETERANS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (Incorporated 1918) and protect the principles for which you fought in Flanders. The Association has been responsible for obtaining over two million dollars in settlement of claims advanced on account of widows, orphans, sol- diers' dependents and Veterans of the Great War. The Barrie branch has been successful in getting settled seven estates of our Comrades who are buried "over there," four widows' pensions have been award- ed or given, seventeen new medical Examinations have been granted, and scores of gratuity cases, wrongly made out discharge certificates, errors in back pay, eic., have been satisfactorily settled. The Association has comfortable club houses in nearly every City and Town-in the Dominion, and in a great number of villages. "The prob- lems of retugned soldiers and the dependents of our Comrades WHO WILL NEVER COME BACK can he adjusted by the G.W.V.A. with greater satisfaction than is possible through any other organization in the Dominion of Canada. Your duty to those who have died and your obligation to those who are living,warrants your becoming a member of this Association at the first opportunity. Call up at club rooms (over Brown's Seed Store) and fill'in your ap- plication, or write the Sec'y and form will be proriptly mailed to you. up, Comrades, as you lined up in Flanders Fields. FRED. V. MORREN, President, C. R. KENDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ih, Barrie Branch. RRRERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR EXAMINER stration by or doub tien and ov is spreially | Make your competent} ingland on { | poliey af suns -- CHEERFUL OAK HEATERS for Hard or Soft Coal or for Wood { check damper, giving absolute control of the draft. astly nickeled----body of highly steol-- will last polished lifetime. Revolving and shaking gra nutlet hot air allarhed to carry beat to any part of the house, on top of stove to whiet a pipe can ion in oficieney The Acme of pert inthe Cheerful Oak | ed to spending on speedways and MURDOCH OF TINY 1 roads, Jan iiding the (Mer. Martin chants we anybody," he declared emphatic- } ally Wm, Lynn, a former member of the county council, did not} the 0.0.0. orking agai think (hat the 8-hour day should | (he tnlareats of the towns, "T keep the farmers and Labor | is nol so, japart. He was of the opinion {that Labor averaged more hour an wors be. | vale. with it most harnessma all the year round while the farm hours are long in (the summer [bul shorter in the winter, Lron- i ito the farmers, ighter from some of the ts s and quicker the farmers gel together the bet he for the whole of C. M. Hickling' 1) Would accept Wand allow his name to g vention, nda i said (hat he had | been waited upon by a large dep. es when he ran Simeoe as a farmer He did not pathy and support ected and ni tation of farmers and also h been assured of support by Ba rie men. While he had no d sire to put himself forward. heh fell that he should ie nis mame hin even five that immense increase in the cost of |{! Spending of public funds | had gone on at a lavish seale, heaping up the debt. Rigid economy should be the watch. word of parliaments today. P. A. Coughlin was surpriscd al being nocninated. As he was a sort of opposition to the U.F.O (buying stock he did not thin wanted him for a candidate, though he thought he had done as much for the farmers as some of the U.F.0. He had been asked by some Labor men to stand. He didn't. blame the farmers for seeking to get their rights. A. H. Wilson sympathized with Labor; without unions they would The Candidate be crushed. If a farmer can| 4H. G. Murdoch is a make more money by working 18] farmer living near Wyevale. living: Commission for taking ten ¢ per bushel on wheat Lo pa salaries and expressed the ion that the second conventi ihad_ placed footing The Ballots First--Murdoch 32, Lynn 34, Martin 24 'Third--Murdoch 55, at made unanimous. day if they can get it. a Tory, Mr. voted for farmer candidates and] in the Libera! interests. he thought farmers should look after their own interests. He ob- Read the advertisements, I mode portion of size of the fire box to the oven. e the size of the range flues, and ~om- pare with other makes. Li efficieney and Happy Thought is a eredit to any kitchen, and a joy to thousands of homes. fire pots The double heater on the Cheerful Oak is something new-- the air is super-heated in its circulating passage to the hd appearance is found 30,000 a mile id thal $500 IS U. F. 0. CHOICE |" spent on country roads /Re Change in the Date of As- . FO. | would suon ive Martin said he did not (Continued trom page 1) [ns if fis resignation met with Barrie i ' ate farmer | @PPreval or not, but he was sure aie at nea nik Reed Reroretibat 'a 'lot bad' Been eviged he laine ee Town of Barrie at a meeting Be neta second convention, 'held on the 29th day of August, 1919, de said that some mer. |cided to have the date of talting'the Assos. of the opinion that |Meat changed so that in future the Assess. |the U.l.0. were working against he declared, "Welthat' a vised Want to build up the small towns [Assessment Roll would be available fo net and villages, like Barrie and Elin "he rural community sys- [Year To give effect to this change the ' item has been disappearing and HUStiMG of the blackstnittis shoemake: which were of great convenience | now subject to revision in the same way We want them 'as a new Assessment Roll, Vieat 1 | farw fed this il lig Awa th a living. We want to wo: yaa etal SHO Mave Moen Tn ssimail, LORS Ai bee done ites to be in force long 1 Mr..Lynn i h Isat brett te would not |UMhing antagonistic to ther have been loaded down with debt Atle dealing with ex hy spendthrift governments. _ Se oa would |sideréd at x Court of Re: » the con. |t9 be hereafter fixed of which all apjvellante Reeve 'Train gave some of his 5 for PL the sym / x0 to tho hallot, expenses --theugh he didn't ask touohed upon oweveral PUBlel ncn trom ancone! He aecttned ; questions, "He believed in eh to stand, as did also Thos. Ran. good roads for a Ot kin, n-Cine. roads forse tewil ASB Been, noied "with. The recall he considered r made a short speech in able. If farmers wor he upheld the dignity of eight hours i! would mean an mer's ralling, attacked the | things on a_ better Hickling erie] Bole Agent for "Hcl" Furnaces hours a day, let him do it, Labor}is a graduate of the 0.A.C. and|Plumbers, men are entitled to the 8-hour;has been prominently identified Though} with Farmer's Institute work. In Wilson had twice! politics he was formerly active 1919 Thursday, Sept. 2. The Cook's Temper will be Sweeter IF YOU MAKE YOUR NEXT RANGE A 3 is impossible to go into details but see the stove--haye a demon- a good stove man, Notice that there exists an exact, pro- Original patents cover all the dis- tinguishing features of the -- Hanpy Thought. "See these features, 'Ihe oven damper is unique and most efficient 'The parts of the oven are reniforced confining the heat where you Scientific principle of oven radia- n ventilation. The waterfront 'constructed. appearance the next range a Happy Thought he WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS Otton Hardware Co., tinites The Five Points Hardware Store NOTICE sessment of the Town of NOTICE ix hereby given that the Coun- 'ment of the Town would be made between the First day of May and the Thirtieth Stday of September in each ye in order completed -- and' revi tion purposes at the beginning of each 'Asecesment Roll for the year 1919 as made in the Spring of this year was adopted 'a8 the Assessment Roll on which the taxes for 1920 would be levied. This Roll is Anyone, there- ompari- back and will help them: to make 'fore, who desires to make an Appeal against mipari~ with jhis or her assessment, or anyone who de. res changes made as to owner- |ship in the new Roil should forward notice 'of same to the Town Clerk, not later than everal ithe 13:h day of October, 1919, being the he last day for receiving appeals. and there Is, [afterall appeals so received shall be con. ion on a date 'will receive formal notice. A. W. SMITH, Clerk. Barrie, Sept. 18th, 1919 GUTTER WORK will save the house owner much discomfort and a lot of 2 Hickling 29, Wilson 4, Martin 29, €xpense. If your leaders or Second--Murdoch 38, Hickling|gutters are not in first class condition better have us look them over at once. We will On motion of Messrs. Hickling either replace or Tepair them and Martin the nomination was!atq very reasonable cost. MOFFAT & PARR Phone 531, Barrie Dr. J. A. KEARNS Physlolan and Surgeon PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours; 12-2 and 7-9 Pp.