Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1919, p. 9

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CIRCULATION THIS WEEK * 3625 COPIES i ' ARRIE.- EXA WITH WHICH IS THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING AMALGAMATED--_____ MINER 16 PAGES - SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 J. A. MasLAREN, Editor W. C. WALES, Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) ------------ No. 39 Broke All Records Ernie Marks Stock Co. broke ail records of his thirteen years' stage career in the attendance at the Opera House on Tuesday evening. 'The house was packed to capacity and) many turned away. Wholesale Ice Cream ||| = = FOR GARDEN PARTIES,||] Next General Meeting PICNICS AND STORES ||| wit be held Thursday, Customers are not requested | to send in their order ahead-- ||] Oct- 2nd, at 8 p.m. just phone up whenever you want it. OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS Phone 303 Dunlop St. All members are request- ed tG be present. C. R. KENDALL, Secretary. | our ambition. SANFORD-MADE-CLOTHES | | __. Besides, in order to commemorate this big suits for Fall. shades. $22.50 ors that we guarantee, going at BN Bi oo entra RECORDS BEATEN THO' WEATHER BAD This Year's Barrie Fair Drew Big Crowds--A Fine Show, Is General Verdict. {Continued from page 1) live Stock Show Excellent The agricultural features of the Fair have never attracted more attention, the live stock. poultry. grains, fruit and vege. tables being commented upon by Competent judges as among the hest seen at any county fair in the Province. The cattle were, possibly, the best ever exhibited, the Durhams, Herefords and Holsteins being a| particularly fine showing. The excellent market for cattle for the past few years has been a stimu- lus to breeders and farmers in }eeneral to add to their stock, and} the better showing at the Fair {his year denionstrated -- that farmers of this wunty stand SARJEANT & KING, Limited Alteration Sale of Next week we ate changing our store front, putting in yet another window to display our Gents' SSS] holding an ALTERATION SALE next week of Men's and youth's These suits are in brown, grey, blue and other desirable Some have belts,,roll lapels, slash pockets, etc., while others are plainer and in more conservative Styles. And the price is only Also, dependable tweed suits in plain sack style and in good col- $15, $16.50 and $20.00 DON'T FORGET--SERVICE IS OUR SECOND NAME. SARJEANT & KING, Limited BOYS' CLOTHES A SPECIALTY Continued on pa seed pre ee ee | ' ! i ' $ | ° 3 i ' @ 3 @ i H 000 i i . 3 ( | i Owing to an increased business and 3 i { consequently a demand for floor-space we | i] ' i ~@ have altered the interior of our Men's i] Wear section, decorating and installing ' | new fixtures, cases, etc., doubling the ser- 3 | ! ving capacity of thedepartment. Under j | Pacit) i i the new management of Mr. Fred Sar- i] jeant, our aim is to give the men and ' } boys of Barrie a service which cannot be ! 2 equalled in the community., We are in a i ' an osition to carry the stock and you ma Pp y y y {be sure it will be-both up-to-date in style ! and reasonable in"price. Satisfaction is ' | i furnishings. O9O000000000000006 alteration we are POCCOCCOCCCOGS Alleged Insurance Frauds BETTER BABIES Crown Attorney Cotter was in IN COMPETITION | cottinewoou yesterday conducting the Prosecution against Matthew . . Johnston of that town, who is Allandale and Oro Station| charged- with defrauding insur- .| nee companies out of money by Won First Honors--Forty. double insuring a number. of Six Entries. buildings which later were burn. | led. A second charge of perjury 'The second Better Rahy Com-| hax been laid in connection with petition held under the auspices! proof of claims against the in. of the Darric Agricultural Society | surance companies, it beint alleg- avunsed a large amount of inter-/ed thal Johnston made a swoea and brought out $6 entries.! statement that but one company hese were well distributed) held insurance on the buildings 'mong the six classes, there be-|hurned and for which he collect. ine nol fewer than six competi-/ed the insurance, The fires have In the seetion | oeeur since early last year, Jtors in any class. boys from 6 to 12 months| six ¢ s of insuring in' two Were F3 entries. Premier) companies being preferred When ~ among the boys fell tilone of the companies refused to Hawley MeMillan, of Allan-j<ettle a claim after one of the and the girl the | fires, he is said to have threaten- ws was Lorna Marion ed legal action and it is said this Mant, af Ore Station.| led to disclosures causing the Af the babies secured 98 out/arrest of Johnston, One of the of 100 points and it was an ex-| buihlings last insured js said not peeedingly ditt 1 task to pick! to helong to him [the mest perfert two. 'The scer-| rhe pretimina hearing was [ime was veey close, all thee alicurned to Octoher 4, John Intnts making froin 87 to 98 Hine and Robinette, of Toronto, Weints, "It was haped ta have al rspresonting the accused. Pheta of The winners. bat th Was nat owing t weather condifians Jo De Spatay peassible MI the pupils of Ovenden were ecessful this dune. EB. Raikes emi fate mite a Hospital completion of addres sriudua tes Wares from the WY an the me and ported out where some ef the babies last point nel nevessarily. the whieh gets the ding ta impor by The part a Sef the primary ob. jects at siipetition 1s ta Imipart oniformation that will he} efovalie to both ctiliren and! nothin Arrangements for carryi aut SO. {he vampetition wer Hent amt brought forth net a few commendatory remarks In addition te the three eash fortune. Then entrust them to a in-each class and the two akes, a handsome diploma en fe each of these winners as well as tin the ehild whieh stood ith in each class, These diplomas will he forwarded as sean as they can be signed The Winners Roys from {4 to 6 months--t, Howard Penny, All Orval James Wm. MeArthur, Oro Station: 3, Jack Veiteh, Barrie; 4. M. BL MeCauley, Orillia firls from 1 to 6 months--1, Lihan Isabel Stranaghan, Barrie: 2, Norma 1. Wort! -R.2, Bar- . Edna Ruth § a. i, Novine Priest, Pald-ap Capitad 5.93 Reserve und > * s2omiae Resources = = = 220,000,000 MeMillan, Gordon Lloyd Geo. i, Gordon Lloyd Webb. B Girls between 6 and 12 months Alma nees Bebb, Barrie; "Marie Katherine Boyd, Stroud Evelyn 6 Paterson, 5, Masie Cr No. 1, Allandale; Boys between 1 and) 18 months--t George Barrie Norma Carter, = Fy 3 je; 3, 3 borne, Barrie: 4, ton, Allandale, Girls between 12 andAis8 months--4, Lorna Marion Isabel Graham, Oro Station; 2; Norine Marion Grav Barrie; 3, Gladys rman Apple- i | 'Homemade Candies We are now manufacturing Home-made Candies, Choc- olates, etc., and to interest you in the goodness of Bry- son's Candies a special price will be made on a different candy each day, commenc- ing Thursday. Watch for daily display in window. badigsene } Confectionery '| Ovenden Matriculation Successes |} Barrie Stére, Elizabeth St Allandale Store, Essa St. ro Ww Fal, ; ots ¢ : ae Ns formerly of Rar (vhuuned coinplete matriculalion) 8 aennemrerennnerssrereessnncees iii his stead and did) Sh 3rd Class Honours in liter -------- 'ie Neier was the ature: Flora Hill a partial ma-| . Mt 'fare Deph. nism avaiable, |{tieulation eerlifieate, passing in] Pref. Pilcher of Wyecliffe Cole bet her place was most rpt- (the fen subjects she wrote; H.| lege will be the special preacher ably filled by Mrs 1 Otten) Palli dH. Lawson completed] for the annivergary services in who had for' assistants: several | Ubeir matriculation, | Yespra Parish next Sunda: ' Your Savings Mean Much to You They are as important to you as his millions to the millionaire--perhaps mére They mean the beginning .of your independence, the founding of your Bank with a reputation for 87 Years of reliable and courteous service. \ We accept deposits from a Dollar up, and pay 3% compounded half-yearly, Bank of Nova Scotia AG, MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch Oe ee neem Barrie Liberal-Conservative | Association Convention | Will be held in the Barrie POLICE COURT CHAMBERS at 8 p.m. nuchines atnpaie" "| 'Monday, September 29 Sweepstake---Most perfect hoy in the competition--Geo. Hawley McMillan; most perfect girl, Lorna M, I. Graham. Charged With Motor Theft Norman de Tonkey -- was brought to Barrie gaol on Tues- day, to await trial, charged with stealing a motor car from John J. Dowling, of Stayner, at Colling- wood Fair on September 18. He appeared before W. J. Crayen, J. P., at Stayner, Crown Altorney Cotter conducting the prosecu- ion. It is alleged that he took the motor to Midland, where he was arrested and there abandon- ed it. Enquiries are being made into a report that he is the same boy that escaped from Mimico Industrial School. Prof. Pileher, of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit in Trinity Church next Sunday, | F. C. Lower, Sec'y SC aommomncmncancancenvenvemeen renee amram envenvmsvencmnemnverven ces sansa: for the purpose of organization of _ LADIES' COMMITTEES * FOR THE COMING PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS and appointing delegates to attend the CENTRE SIMCOE CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION to be held in ELMVALE, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 6TH Ladies especially invited to attend this meeting GOD SAVE THE KING John Little, Pres.

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