Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1919, p. 4

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Page Four Oh, Ye Flower . Lovers HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY Notwithstanding the big ad- vance in the price of bulbs, The Barrie Horticultural and Town Improvement Society In order to increase its mem- bership is offering a COMMENT 0 Take tw and spend it with your friends at Barrie's Big Fair. nO... ; A woman in Western Ontario promise of marriage. SThat's equal rights for woman, all right. 'The Citizens' Liberty League seems to have a hard time con- yincing the public that its name is not a camouflage for the liquor interests, Greater production is the best means to bring down the cost of living. Scarcity is the greatest booster of prices either in man- ufactured articles or foodstuffs. Very Special Fail Premium 20 CHOICE TULIP BULBS § each of following varieties: 'Cottage Maid, rosy pink, sha- ded white. Cardinal's Hat, dark red, bord- ered brown. L"Immaculee, pure white. Emphatic denial is made by the Farmers' Sun of the report that the-United Farmers are seeking thé leadership of Adam Beck. "Barroom intrigue,"~the Sun calls it. That grey suit of President Halbert's, which he says ha bought for $10 twelve years ago, must be like some of the plug hats seen on the Twelfth of July, appearing only on rare occasions. arma, orange Dues oe hi ae OFANBE| Members of tha House of Com- 4 red, bordered yellow. jmons are working hard to earn Bought at retail these | that extra sessional indemnity almost as hard, in fact, as the would cost you $1.00. |members of the County Council These are given as a spec-|al the November session days off next week recently was sued for breach of F THE WEEK i wonders to what extent the boys and girls appreciates the cost of thate education and the value of it, Dressmaking Department Now Open MISS SHANNAHAN IN CHARGE MISS E. BRENNAN, DESIGNER AND CUTTER If you contemplate having anything made in this department come in now as orders are piling in very fast. In the Dress Goods Section you will find a good assortment of NEW SUITINGS-- NEW DRESS GOODS Hamilton has: joined Toronto to carry an appeal to the privy |, council against the decision of the Dominion Railway Board Sranting the Bell Telephone Co, permission to increase its rates. Subscribers would not so much object to a ten per cent. increase if the service were improved in Proportion. Since the rates went up the service has been notice- ably worse and naturally the sub_ seribers are not inclined to Pay the higher rates without protest. After struggling along, under various, managements, the To- Bem) eae age rag NEW SILKS AND NEW TRIMMINGS against steadily rising publish- ing costs and went out of busi- ness last week. It was suggest- ed that the U.F.O. buy the plant and publish their long-talked-of daily, but the object lesson of the Times was too plain and the | United Farmers decided to leave ithe daily proposition severely ; alone. _ Many lines of silks are now very scarce and all limes.are advancing in price. We have some real good qualities in Silks at last season's: prices. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Children's winter weight Vests and Draw- . e Ladies' Vests and Drawers, vests with ers, Vests with high neck and long high neck and long sleeves, drawers sleeves, Drawers ankle length, in sizes ankle length, size 38. Prices .....,, 10 to 32, prices 25¢ to 60c per garment ....,........ $1.25 and $1.38 each Children's Wool Vests and Drawers, made Ladies' Vests and' Drawers--Vests have V in same style and same sizes as above, neck and long sleeves, medium size prices ...... 75c to $1.15 per garment only, made' in 3: different weights, Pri- Simcoe Reformer:--We ought to congratulate ourselves upon the fact that we are living in a small town, where most of us| own our homes, and those of us who do not, have landlords who the accommodation of the in- creasing numbers a large dor- Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruft . ial Fall Premium as an induce- Ate FRBRAE annual meeting of @7@ human. In many cities the wy = . ces $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per garment : ment to pay the annual fee of :the U.S. National Shoe Retailers' Pepe meet livenin fats, Heed a bia Mais pe wens Size 40 at oe. ceee eee eee ees GLAD = < "adaiti H ssociation, st tow i ' I ite, made wi low ne i ome A . $1.00, In addition there will /anspe sin ceect aL eae. and: ere: alte: merey (of vent sleeves; sizes46 ont rae is bo. me Ladies' Vests and' Drawers with high neck be given the usual big value) of iijes soid thie winter wus CE ag A ele a Be ee S100 ew and long sleeves'or low neck and elbow Spring Option. By paying this ye from $8 to $12, and (haracte' 'oronto from ten tu filly periff Ladies' fall and winter weight Vests and sleeves. Prices'. ..$1.75 and $2.00 ea. Fall, you get BOTH FOR ed as absurd reports of 820 cent, And the worst of it ix that Drawers, low neck and short sleeves, | adies' Mi ombiarati ay st ie 4 shoes and upwi ¥ : adies' Wool Combiirations, in sizes 34 to ONE DOLLAR. Payable on, jflats are so scarce, that the drawers ankle length. Price 75e¢ each 2 'low , : ' , ii 42, some have'low neck and short sleev- or before the delivery of the; A leading U D. speaker in People must either pay the rent| adies' F ) e y lent tenting UFO, sp demanded or move inta the Ladies" extra large-sized Vests and Draw- es, and some: are' neck and lon Fall Option ws 'ealling attention to the need of i j Pri 1 See oe j more education, urges the mem. Street. Pity the city dweller. | ers. Prices 75¢, 5c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 sleeves. Price $1.50 to $4.00 { * [hers to read more in order that} " A FAIR BOOTH their lives may be onriched and + a was high Meet oote| T Society ses ' er sia 1 _ hree cil Lo consider the local prosecu- . The Society: purposes avn ther vision. widelied.. Then "eit foreanides Iie local arasem MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS AND gat booth at Barrie's Big Dehra tavern home and first: she Vehicles Act. Persons have been sar. Flowel sire asked jinees the hoes vr, the other hauled to court for minor " i, Peay leves pee plese INE Ne Tee ead oneae offences which did no harm to| OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN ts c vuE ihe Tartans: oreents s. anyone, while reckless driving ship is not confined to Barrie." (he farmers! organizations, Tavtiie, | witile reckons driving Th 15:08 suilines 5 . 4 People outside the town are! tn Toronts the public schools aiher motorist and pedestrian € samples of suitings and overcoats are now in ' de fi ba addy: i oy Cus iw e rate of has be eda ie pre Susie Fe te Rae gets FP at, Cie ies Cae eee ae th ee stock and there are some very natty cloths amongst i of the big Fall.and Spring op, everape for collepiate students /areed tor tose corner than of a . F 5 tions, leave atlaag Memes ae not | loxire {6 have a beakouante ake them. Come in and select your Suit or Overcoat while a | stinted these days in providing. <ervance of the motor laws. ' | al éy J. A. MacLaren Tr. Young, | purational advantages for the | Narcie Council should lend every the assortment is good. We guarantee every suit and baal \ Pres. Sec'y-Treas. | rising generation, One offen' encouragement to motorists to overcoat a fit. i ) Young Men's Suite--Made in the: Waist line 'or belted iy style from fine tweeds and worsteds, in neat pat- R terns--sizes 35 to 38 only--Prices mil8#6| 7A ++ +++++ $20.00, $22.56; $25.00 and $27.50 t R Men's 3-button Sack Suits--Made: from tweeds and a R worsted--Trousers with or without cuffs; sizes 36 Ss a to 44. Price $10.00, $15.00, $25.00 and $35.00 5 3 in & Mar hi 5 R eviin & Murchison ||. a e R « Les) 2 es) visit the town instead of permit. mitory is being built, It is sat- Dancing Class 0 | Returned Soldiers ec ey Seet rw eta) mewcwem | . Ihe petty prosecutions of a fee-/men turning to the agricultural {ial attention peea"Gse Bh, Oot "slamecs, | js) ja grabbing official college to obtain the training it | Have 3 ghildren leara to dance and givs affords. Their action bodes well|them the right kind of amusement in their ; ' ey i homes. Make applicatio Because the farmer is enjoy-|for Ontario farming. It means | °r2 pplication st once as | 1.) . law ing high prices for practically; (hal agricullure is winning | fuses sre bare Son Mn F. Gui } sorvihi rt " { ig; Young men of-education. Ag: s . ; } wit t e rea everything he ean produce thal is I . a no reason for placing him in the pulling begins, to be felt by the EE : LJ ° hd " r i rofessions and commercia' us~ profiteer class, "As the President e 8 = War Veterans' Association Pay he Eo ny pomtea| es a veal torte atraction ee "ts oul when speaking in Barrie, the ight young men of goo rin le: 'ou farmer has practically nothing to)Schooling and laudable ambition, J) 2 _and protect the principles y Ren fixing the price of his! he choice made by these young UNAVOIDABLE IF' : land products--the «reat law of supply| fellows shows that their. own i) fought for in Flanders. Pa ees ii ioe wot vopele| iond tare tbat thelr own IC mor eran of ving ctor, When eggs were eight|their advisers give the preference||| *pecified time--IF he could frvwe | ' bes} . fs) eae jain afdirbuticn tecivel to farming, 'That ites ie signi- whoa Cereal could de i | i THE ASSOCIATION has comfortable club-rooms PRA | cents @ pound the farmer had to fleant, Ht xpsaka such 'for the] f] ment of uncertainty" enters asd in almost every City and Town in the Dominion. a tale tess priseang mailer wat farm industry. and it presales {| maker the Sree ae ot 8 or k 1 la when the present. recard_prieos|mueh for the continued progress make Life Insurance so invaluable, rn : ¢, . --which th umer | 9 at industry. Where do these fe Policy is the one certai; 2) « YOUR MEMBERSHIP is needed to make this ia ror which ne foes sorkamnee young men come from? Mectell| gaia fe certain way { jation * " ill have to|from farm homes. Their choice : association "The Leader. |) ed--the farmer wi ave to} fr intelligent aad délibeae oe R accept the lower rates. On the|!* intelligent and Tepper : ther hand the manufacturer|has in every sa- z CALL AT THE CLUB ROOMS, over Brown's ior | and. the manifacturar| bay. tn) svary exe the endoras. R fill j ication fornt; or R indludes' print, Gf eee ince | farming sia eee found Seed Store, and fill in your application : cost of labor. overhead charges|senial business and is anxious m, fberal and clearly expremed, H 2 iT . By inati ith} to see his son continue under and the profit returns to policy-hold. i =) write the Secretary, Box 572, and form will be and profit, By combination w conditions even better than 'he||| ex are oo cacaanny pouey bolt } others or by specially favored ¢ at , | za mailed to you. conditions he may be able to| enjoyed. bath ratifenton ach to) ezprem of . completely control prices and returns under he pa, t | } R R extort exorbilant profits. This The Forward Movement Full particulars of suitable Policies & } R EVERY ONE MAKES US STRONGER. : ~) makes him a profiteer. A. meeting of the Forward Movement {ff Mill Be maled to an able, Poli a | R roe F PR | Aviston sieraia--tne ontario Sema Bars Peren ww ldo |] "THE GREAT. WEST . Alliston Herald--The On! St. Andrew's Church on le e % a i ' cultural college will begin absence of the chairman, Rev. Geo. A.|I] LIFE, ASS! 2 b R FRED V. MQRREN, C. R. KENDALL, R the fall termi'@ith w lorget nen Brown, Rev. Norman MacGillivray of Or: |URANCE CO. President. Sec'y Barrie Branch. ber of students than it ever had is. prided, Gees nantes Beapant wore A. H. BROTHER - on ie poll before. T's, expect | mcning, K MacLien iad Alee District Representative. ed that the first-year me (Rev, Jas. Binnie of Parry and . be not fewer than 250 and that Supt. Byrnes also were present. Arrange- the classes for the other years|ments were made for the Inter-Church R will also be unusually large. For|Campsign which opens Oct. 5,

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