Page Two In 1868 the Episcopal Church was situated in the grave yard on Berczy street, opposite the Court House. The rector was the venerable Canon Morgan, a man widely known and beloved by everybody. When the present edifice (Trinity) was built Canon Morgan officiated until his de- mise, On Muleaster street, near- ly opposite the county gaol, stood the Reformed Episcopal Church, which had the first pipe organ. 'The rector was Rev. Thos. Me- Cormick. This building 8 razed when the present building was erected on Collier St. Early pastors of the -- Presbyterian Church were Rev. Mungo Fraser and Rev. Mr, Leiper. The church was situated on the hill immed- iately west of Trinity Church. When the present building on Owen street was erected the old building was used by the Salva tion Army for several years until their barracks was built on Col- lier street. Later it was removed across the street and now forms the rear portion of the opera house. KODAKS AND BROWNIES Keep a. record of the events in a child's life from | infancy up to manhood or womanhood with an Auto- MORGAN'S RE- STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing, il is up to us to get a good tonic,--one that will build us'up and help us bear the heat. Morgan's Re- storative is an weal tonic, having all the ingredients as a perfect blood builder. It has been in use for over 30 years and has helped s.--it will help you. $1.00 a large bottle CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS To-night, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets, and you will feel all right to- morrow 250 for 50 tablets WM. CROSSLAND aM, DRUGGIST | eraphic Kodak. Reward the child who was } successful in examinations with a Brownie. These little cameras are easily operated and cosf only a trifle. They please grown-ups as well as children, Brownles -- $2.15, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.80. 5S os Kodhks -- $9.00 to $60.00 we develop' and print your films at small cost: also make enlargements from small negatives, The late Rev, Dr. D. D. Me- Leod came to Barrie as pastor of the Presbyterian Church about 1884 and from the time of his arrival took an active interest in everything pertaining to the wel- fare of the town. Dr. Meleod was fond of a goud joke and to the writer related the following on himself: A meticulous young farmer living about twenty miles from Barrie became convinced that what was necessary to his life was a helpmect. He looked around and finally located) a buxom lass whe consented to sist him to add to his already rneraus pile of worldly goods. (The dale heing fixed, the young man journeyed to town to arrange the (preliminaries and in. due Canada had the honor of settling! tominie ed redunste heen w first} (Me amount of postage due Hie the nuptial knot. 'The. De the first \ few pigeon holes in the! nnd 9 previous appointment, -foorner of Mr. Sanford's store' which he postponed, and arrived were sufficient to accommodate jan lime al the bride's residence BARRIE (By our Western Correspondent Barrie Post otiee established in 1x5 pestinaster Whe vas atse the Peer qe this date chere was ne | the citizens of Barrie and. the! with the aid of a livery horse to Pesta pest attic hearer that] settlerssetor many miles around which an expense hill of $2.50 Weilaai south fit the way of post office require=! was attached. The Denelanguishens si the | merits hes the brute, groan Iu pounls Vhe second postmaster was' guests and oMeiating clergyman Hebreed mail carrer journey. [Jolin MacWatl, whe was suce sal down to a sumptions repast ed ones a week on fat vd by Jonathan Lane, Alfred) and during the process of dere pedal Maree whitr has sen. succeeded bis ition, the bridal eouple were drop of ame geek up a mat dy futher and under his manage-!pombarded with numerous. bo- This rairier was alse | scane| nent a separate room was used.| siete of ortlorieal effulgenes, sprinter. 0 beae recorded that? Fellowing Mr Lane came James) Meanwhile the arrangements. for Bomnetinins (he lett Ponetang: in] Edwards, tHe' gust loice Was imparture werd eine eeeed led the Morning, ceached Barrie at} then located inthe present Ross| and evervthing was ready tee the Tight, precesited on his way t/ building on the south-east eorner| drive ta the depot te calely the Halland Landing and was huck/of Collier and Owen streets. honeymoon special. At the last again in Barrie the next morn-[Later it was removed to more| moment the groom rushed to De i Phere was nu uniform ratelrommedions quarters in the| MeLead and exeitediy asked "How postage in those days, the rate Bank of 'Torento building on| much dol owe sou? The De being governed by the distance, Owen" streal he chief clerk] was taken off guard for a moment The rate to Toronty was itd on was Charles M. Edwards and the| nq sneckie replied that there a single letter, fo Montreal ts 2d{dunior Clerk Col. John Bo Mee was no fixed cha "Oh! thank and Halifay as. To pay the Phe The corner stone of thelyou very much. plied Mr age on a lelter to the old coun-tpresent building was laid on Oct.| Newlywed as Re hurviedly We. y Was a privilege only enjoved|8, 1884, by Sir Hector Langevin, pled and joined his bride in afew, and the Henry ds|Minisfer of Publie Works, [n front af the procession re not then very numerous./the new building Me. Edwards Fortunats however, for the |vondueted ge affairs of the office poorer sett the present svs-juntil his death, his successor be-| Before the union of the Meth- tem of compulsory prepayment ofjing the late Robt Paton. Thefadist Churehes in Ca nada, Barrie Wasunknewn amd the old) present inewubent, Thompson{had two Methodist denomina- infry recipiont of a letter from | Grew, is a native s now Collier "His Master's Voice" Dance. Records All new, desirable and musically enjoyable. An excellent variety from full Orchestra to Jazx Band. 9@ CENTS FOR 10-INCH, DOYBLE-SIDED The Vamp--and--Tell Me--Fox Trots Jos. C. Smith's Orch. 18594 I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles--Walts--and--Burmah Moon-- Fox Trot 'Wm. Eckétein's Strand Trio 216061 Peter Gink--One-Step--and--Egyptland--Fox Trot Six Brown Brothers Fidgety Feet--One-Step--and--Lary Daddy--Fox Trot 'Original Van Eps Trio 216054 You're Some Pretty Doll--and--I'll Say She Doce--Fox Trots AllStar Trio = 18527 iN (\ i ean X Victrolas from $40 y to $680 (cold on easy payments, if for 2 d desired). Ask fe apr ose Span "Maia Hear them at any "His*Master's Voice" : dealers Manetegtured by Berliner Gram.o-phone Co., Limited, Montreal GEO. VICKERS THE BARRIE EXAMINER St. Methodist, and the Primitive, now' Central Methodist at the corner of Elizabeth and Toronto streets. - Both buildings in sub- sequent years have been ve- modelled and are now substan- lial and handsome structures. Among the early pastors of the! former church were sume of the} pioneers of Methodism, Rev John Douse, John Bredin, Me- Dowell, Willoughby and 'E. B. Harper. Of the Primitive Church the pastors were Revs. Boyle. Crompton, Milner and Wm. nley. | For many years an Englishman! hy the name of Samuel Chap-| man kept a shoe repairing shop! on Collier street adjgining the post office. Mr, Chapman or "Sammy," as he was familiarly! called, was a man of powerful! physique and stool fully six feet! in eight. When a young man| in the old land he followed prize | fighting as a profession and in! the evening of life had not fur-| gotten the art of self defence. | Though not bountifully supplied with the necessities' of life, Sammy was ulways happy, sang he cobbled and endeavored to instill a spirit of contentedness and aptmism inte anyone whe seemed ta bim 15 be depressed He was a nwinber of the Primi. live Chureh and tegularly a!lend. ed all services as far as able. At a fellowship meeting he was in his happiest! mood and was. the first an his feet ta fell of the wonderful cb his life. Fakewise af the hour of prayer there was never a lull in the ser- vies, for Sammy plon with his supplication until another was ready to start, (Continued on page 14) Helps to Voters In Referendum As there is uch confusion in the minds of voters regarding the four qitestions on the ballot that Will be submitted to the voters on the temperance question. in October, soine information is imparted im the following, says te Brockville Recorder and 'Times :--- The four questions to be ane aweredl are 1. Ave appeal anee Ae? Areoyeu in) favor of the eo Hight beer, containing not more than {we and fifty-one oneshundredths per cent, aleo- hol, weight measure through geverninent agencies, and amend- nents to the Ontario Temperance Act fe permit sueh sal { 3. Are you in favor of the! sale of light beer, containing not! more than two and fifty-one one-| hundredths -- per cent. aleo-| hot, weight measure, in standard! hotels in local municipalities | that by a majority vote, favor! such sale and 'amendments to the! Ontarie Temperance Act to per-[ mit such 4. Are you in favor of the sale! Of spiritueus and malt liquors through government agencies, | and amendments to the Ontario! Ve nee Act to permit such | you in faver of the the on » Temper. '© pass questions 1, 2 and 4, a erily of votes throughout the provinee is required. Question 3. however, must have not only a majority jthroughout the province, but also a majority of the municipalities, So that if the province passes it and the municipality of Carleton Place, for instance, and Almonte does nol pass it, it will apply to Carleton Place and nol to Al- mente and light beer will be sold in standard holels in Carle- fon Place and not in Almonte. 'Every voter shall vote once on each of the four questions, other- wiso, the ballot will be spoiled and will be rejected \ Ever voler may mark his ballot with an X under "yes" or "ne" as he or she pleases to any of the questions, No ballot shall be spoiled by virtue of the fact that some of the questions are answered "yes" and others "no." The only way a voter can spoil his ballot is answering both "yes" and "no" to a ques- tion, or by omitting to answer one of the questions. To vote "no" to the first question and "yes" to the other three means that while the voter doesn't want the 0.1.A. repealed, he wants it amended so as to allow the sale of beer in stan- dard hotels and government. agenc and spirituous liquor at agencies, all without prescrip- tions, but not the sale of beer or liquor over the bar. Of course it is self evident that it would be useless to vote yes" to question 1 to repeal the O.T.A, and then to vote "yes" on question 2 to amend it, 'be- cause if it is repealed it obvious- ly cannot be amended, Voting thus, however, while of no use, would not cause the ballot to be rejected. i 'It is urged by the enumerators that persons may' vote "yes" or "no" on any or all questions, as they please. 'The rumor that it Thursday, Sept. 18, 1919 SS = Clip Your Victory Bond . Coupons on October Ist. | 'The Dominion Government will distribute 62,500,000 in interest upon Canada's $100,090,009 Second War Loan, on Wednesday October 1. What will be your share of this great interest pay- ment? Asa holder of some of these bonds it is advisable that you cash in your interest coupons promptly. Any of our 870 Branches will cash these coupons. 'You should use the proceeds from "your clippings" to start « wings account with us, or add to the account already started. 'Produce and Save." 28 UNION BANK OF CANAD RESOURCES, OF $153,000,000 Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Bi ++ +) AlLestie, Manager Cookstown Branch eee SL "a steaammees anager ThorntonBranch = =. > =. =: "HLT. Thompson Manager ~ ---- -- ae Scene from "Kick In" at the Grand Opera House, Barrle, Sept. 22 Publicity What magic wand unlocks your doors, And moves the "stickers" from your floors; Y Injects new life in dying stores? Publicity. What makes man stop and think, Makes hidden socks disgorge their "chink?" The mighty force of printer's ink, . Publicity. | What brought "His Master's Voice" to you, Caused you to try a "Regal" shoe; Or call for "Spearmint" gum to chew? . Publicity. What made an "Overland" known to fame, Made "Ivory Soap" a household name; Showed "Mazda" like a torch aflame? Publicity. What made a "Heintzman" gain renown, Placed "Heinz" in many homes in town; ps ™ Brought "Ford" success (a Victor's crown?) Publicity. And many more that we could name, Now lodged within the Halls of Fame, Attained their place by this self-same Publicity. A splendid stock may grace your floor-- That draws no buyers to your store To land the "kale" add one thing more-- Publicity. THE BARRIE 'EXAMINER SELLS PUBLICITY AT RATES THAT WILL PAY. a 4 would be necessary to vote "yes" or "no" on all four questions is entirely wrong. EVERY BUSINESS MAN WHO INVESTS IN IT. : f C----