[ i CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED----_ THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 56th Year w. ¢. J. A, MacLAREN, Editor WALLS, Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Por Year (in advance) 16 PAGES. - SECTION 1 PAGES 1TO8 No. 38 "LIGHTS OUT" PROSECUTIONS Inspector Hagart Storm Cen- tre of Lively Session of Town Council. Reeve started some fire. works own Conner) meet ing Monday night, when he intrecuced a motion, seconded by Depury-Reeve Rusk, as Follows: That the Couneil Sanitary Inspector Ha- rart lo tender his resig- nation, hath as Sanitary Inspector and as Town Constable." This "started something' and a lengthy disenssion ensued, in which eve member of Couneil had a say, with Reeve ig and} man of Poliee Payne figue- as the head-liners What is) the charge against Hagart? I< he not doing pis duty? asked Ald. Payne, Deputy Craig-- Inspector Ha-| gart has had a pumber of motor. isfs up on trifling charges, per-| haps covered by by-laws, and as | a fown dependent on agrieul- fural trade almost entirely, Bar- rie cannot Tord to antagonize the people fram the country, An} imdignation meeting has been| held in a township fo the south, | and the motorists warned to keep | away from Tarrie, as the town has a name for being hard on} motorists. T have thonght the Chairman of Police has been egg- ing Hagart on to enforee these by-laws, and To wonld lik Know if this is se. Why isn't] he making a reputation for hin. self as a sleuth by eatehing same ef the bur operating in town, fining people lights on ears are spensting | Cha in, people wh their money in town Chairman Payne gart is doing his duty better] than any constable in fewn, and| it would apy Mal there may, be' some iMefeeling between the 1 Mt of about Tothink Hae Reeve Cr There is no use Urazging in sonalilies. and there is no il ling, but Hagart assnines the same attitude as he did Shrew agn, when he wrote in the 'Toronto press that metorists could go through Bar- rie at any speed they liked. Ald, Pavne--One trouble seems| fo he that Hagart can't gel. any support from the Magistrate. Deputy Rusk--I think the time has come when we should get se ne with horse sense and net have the town black-listed by motorists all over. Ald. Gray--Hagart did good work stopping speeding on Brad- ford He hasn't heen on duty 'or some weeks and motors ing 20 ar 40 miles an hour. meane is going to he killed and thon a constable will be put on. Ald THuxttable--If we relieve rt of his duties, cannot he, unty Constable, make matters worse? So far as 1 ean see L think we might wipe out all our police, fot the whole situa tion seems to need revision, The question is! Did Hagart go to the Chief of Police or Chairman of Police Committee and consult them? I think there should be some strings on Hagart, for I have heard people say they will not come x fo Barrie-if these fines in police court are to con- fine, There should he some dis- crimination between the man who wilfully and one who uninten- fionally breaks the law. Our streets should be sufficiently lighted so that anyone could park a car on the side streets, for any- one'may forge to light up--and 1 suppose all the councillors. who own cars do so at times. I would favor a committee to look into the whole matter. Ald Clark--We hired Hagart as Sanitary Inspector--we can fire him--and I would sack him on the spot. Reeve Craig---Hagart was warned after the Toronto paper affair. Ald. Webb--There is a iot of talk going through the country about this matter. A business man from Elmvale told me people from his district would not come here on account of others being fined, This is not doing Barrie any good. Daputy Lowe--Hagart says his boss tells him to "go ahead. Ald Payne--I_ don't. know whether you refer to me or not. where two local men had been fined, ane 1 did tell him ty go ahead, as 1 did not think it right to make fish of one and flesh oof another. It is only a jlw--ean continue as a County )Const}ble and has alsy a permit |frenyAhe Government. --\ Reeve Craig--no man in these | times is a fixture in any country | --even a king Here the argument waxed warm and. at times hecame personal. Ald. Pearee---1 don't think we should slistuiss Hagart at once, | but should speak to him. Cer-| tainly the police should do some-! thing lo abate the speeding on Bradford St.--it ix getting war; Mayor Sprott said the matter had assumed a serious aspect for the tewn Hagart did not seem to he fesponsible to. the Chief of Police or the Council, and only to the County, as these are Provineial laws, and even if fired by the Town he could go on, He would not sanction dis- missal as Sanitary Inspector just because Hagart was loo enthus- iastie in entering : prosecutions, But it seemed rrying the matter too far to prosecute for leaving a car park- ed withoul lights where the street lights pla:niy showed the car-- fer a var no more dangerous than a 'y vehicle without lichtse. PL. Madigan possibly has had many convictions ws Hagart. Hes Worship fa "lia omimiltes ' investigate 'he whole sittation, and if we can't reenlate Hagart we can ask the County fer his removal, Ald. Clark--They say the town] hasn'l any zart. Why, we keep him, feed) him and clothe bin ALL Huxtable here stopped further disenssion by intreduc- is an amendment that the Goun- Ol appom! a committee to ing \esheale the charges against Haart Mhis was the signal for a fresh Haw of oratory, with several try- ine te Gal at ones, and person. alifies were eommon usage. The Wo Tnnisfil man want- a petition agames! Ha- » whieh caused Oh Payne to remark that he thought Hagart "had been dismissed ge- fore the uneil met Then came the selection of the committee, and there was no tlamor for a place on it. The following were finally selected: Deputy Rusk, Ald. Huxtable and Ald. Pearce This amendment was carried, the vote being as follows in favor of a committee: Yea--Lowe, Payne, Grafton, ¢ Mayor. Nay--Craig. Rusk, Webb. Clark. Wants Sidewalk on N. Bayfield »ordon, who has been a tax. er for 25 , appeared in person asking for a sidewalk up fo his property on Bayfield St, saying that if the walk 'were builtt vacant lots would soon be built up with new houses. A motion passed at a previous meeting provides for a sidewalk north from Grove St. on the east side of Bayfield St. " Communications Chas. Brown called attention to defective condition of sidewalk in front of his bakery, Elizabeth St. it now hi too low and flooded over whenever -- wet weather occurs, E, D. Baldwin, who says his income is nol over $1968, appealed against income tax, he being exempt up to $1700 man, leaving only $268 fo he taxed. he Children's Aid Society asked permission to attach a wire fence to railing in front of their property recently purcHased from H. E. Jory. Granted by motion. Eli Srigley and others petition- ed for a sidewalk on the east side of Essa St., from Baldwin St. to Campbell Ave. The Board of Edyeation wrote asking Council to e deben- tures for $2500 to cover increas- ed expenditure in connection with Collegiate building, owing to increased cost of moving and re- building of the building belong- ing to the W. Riding Simcoe Joint Stock Co., amounting to $1377.91 and the increased expenditure in 'connettion with equipment of Science Room amounting to $2194.69, in all $3569.60. Geo, D, Perry, General Mana- ger of the G. N. W. Telegraph Co., in answer to letter from Town wrote: "I beg to say that under a ruling laid down by the Can- adian Railway Board the hours of 'lable, Reid, ray, Pearce, the of Allandale, When I came back from my holi- days, I saw a newspaper account duty of local managers where only one person is employed 1s anything to do with Ha-j|° |W. A. DONER CASE WAS POSTPONED joke for os to fire Hagart, for | Former Stayner Bank Manag- Prosecutor. er's Trial For Spring As-|iruc bill against sizes--Only One Case. The Fall House on being the exte Chief Justice arrived in his motor car ssizes at the Court uesday were of short duration, a little ever two hours from his client. Mr. Garvie, of Price & Garvie, Torento was The Grand Jury brought in a Doner on the $500 fraud charge, but, at the request of his counsel, the case was traversed to the Spring ready lo procee: Bail was re- newed for Doner in three sure. Hes, Mrs, W. Doner being surety for $5000, Alex, Robinson, of Coldwater, for $2000, and W his summer residence at New- nage irket abut. 12.30, openea}'+,Doner himself for $7000. Court at { p.m., and the Court Tue following is a list of the closed shortly after 3 p.m. Grand jurymen: Benjamin Agar, Creemore; Fhe only case was a criminal «1.x. Bell, Midland; James Brack, Nottawasaga: Sunnidale; Bart ham: one of fraud against W. A. Doner, | manager of the Bank of Toronto at Stayner, The laid by Vie- for M, 'Thornton, of Stayner, that} formerly local specific charge was boner had defrauded) him $500. It is alse expected th other charges will be preferred against Dener for amounts totalling sands of dollars, the tran dating back some four or fi years, --ee8e - Hartley Dewart, jronta, leader of the Ontario Lib- eral party, is counsel fur Doner, but owing to press of other work, nine hours, tions we are ubl Barrie office at img to additional expense for ¢ tra time afler that hour. some points we are able to a ange with raihwuy operators nde telegrams after our offs is closed, but in the ease of B me Tam advised that the oper ater al the work. On motion af Ree: Ald, Grafton the Board of Wor soll consider the advisability and 'Trunk station | od is foe busy to take on any extra} Motar Vehicle Craig and} tie George Culham, Carrell, Totten- West Gwil- , Oro; Thos. umseth ; David Tecumseth; John Smith, John Weaymouth, Barrie; 'amuel 'Turner, Barrie; John Blair, Not of at Will Designate Parking Areas On Tuesday evening the spec jal Committee appointed to ing vestigate the charges against Inspector Hagart had a lengthy session and thoroughly discussed the situation from every angle. Chief King and Inspector Hagart ve Under these condi-|werr present, besides His Wor- ed to close the} ship the Mayor and Cl 0 pan. as the} Fire and Poliee Payne, business does no! warrant us go-| Ald airman of and also Clark. The report to be presented (o Couneil at the next AU moecting is as follows :-- t ommittee appointed to lolinvestigate the charges against Cel Inspector Hagart beg to report t-las follows | 4. "That Inspector Hagart act- within the meaning of the Act in prosecut- ing motorists for not having ts on ears; That we would recommend Inspector Hagart be in- ks of} that Jiilding a sidewalk on the west) structed to snbmit all summons-- side of Fowl SHO fee field h fur abo The Works and Sewers Com- rman | mittee recommended that Gowan | cart and Cumberland Sts. be repair with gravel where necessary That sidewalk on south west from the }ex for prosecutions of motorists, utyand for all hy-laws, to the Chief of Police before issuing the same "That the Council designate n streets where ears may ed/be parked, and that such streets be properly lighted." rorner of Cumberland and Wil-| Refreshments at the Barrle Fair liam St. be raised and repaired Before the war the members and also sidewalk on north sidelaf the WA. of R.V.H. carried on of Patterson's Store on Tiffin St.]4 refreshinent booth at the fall That sidewalk on Bradford St.} fair, from tannery to High St. be ri moved to the curb. That sewer be built on Sanfo St. as a Incal improvement. e-| We would like to call your at- tention to the fact that this year rdlihe old stand will be occupied again. We would be most grate- In the Finance report a rec-jful if the ladies of the town would ommendation that request of Fire|as Brigade to have J. Saso's fine|day, under motor license by-law 1 titted, carried without comment.' (ural building. st by donating pies, on Tues- Sept. 22, Donations to be e-|left at the booth in the Agricul- See'y W. A. Exhibits only. Baby Show, Year-Old Colt Race, Lady Pony under 13 hands to All live Roadsters and Thorough! to be on the grounds by the public, 4 p.an--Judging in Magnificent Attractions Speeding in the ring. Free-for-all Trot or Farmers' Open Trot, and the Grand Stand. Carriage, Roadster and Thoroughbred Horses and Grade Cattle to be on the grounds by noon of this day. 4 p.m--Judging in oughbred Horses. and Grade Cattle. Ivy BRASS BAND The Hall will be closed at 5 p.m. when the exhibitors may begin to remove their exhibits. SS SSS Programme for Barrie Fair MONDAY, SEPT. 22nd. The building will besopen for All exhibits in Classes 32-41 inclusive to be on the ground before three o'clock, when the Directors will be on hand to see them properly placed before judging. TUESDAY, SEPT. 23rd. FARME Jumping, Flag Drill, Hilch-and-Go Race, Costume Race, stock, with Judging in the Hall and Poultry Houses from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, at which hours the hall will be closed to GUELPH JAZZ BAND , 8 p.m.--Grand concert in main building. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24th. the reception of S' GREEN RACE, Three- Drivers, Saddle Horse, Hurdle Saddle, Best Single Turnout. the exception of Carriage bred Horses .and Grade Cattle, Noon of this day. all Live Stock Departments, in front of the grand stand, Pace, 2.30 Class, Running Race» Magnificent Attractions before Carriage, Roadster and Thor- Crown Assizes, as the defence was not wih "atl tdnadt* tnodee| MOTOR BOAT TRIP |i: inember of his firm, to represent MADE TO TORONTO First Barrie Crew to Make This Journey via Trent Valley Canal. A. B. Thomas has the honor of being the first Barrie man {0 pilot a boat from Barrie to To. routo and he is most enthusias- tie over the scenic beauties of the trip Accompanied by Walter Urry and Hart he left Barrie, Munday, Sept. 8, on the 45-foot cabin cruiser "Traumerei," own- wd by H, Miller, of Toronto, who a summer place at Roache's Point. They left Beaverton at len o'clock Tuesday morning and arrived at Trenton, the southern lerminus of the Trenton route, on Saturday, at 5 p.m., reaching Toronto early Monday morning. ing the route. about 350 miles. That no finer motor boat trip for a week could vraumere vice In France Capt, K. 8. Macdonell, who re- turned from overseas recently, | | seven army. months the first draft of reinforcements | from Canada taking 200 men,} Arriving in England he was sent to the Royal then attached to the the Shorneliffe area. in this capacity (mperial Service, and went to France attached to G.H.Q. At first he was employed on salvage and later served with the Royal Engineers and the Royal Pusi- lers in the line, Altogether he served twent Sih Armies, and with the latter when the 5th Army was smashed up. After the Armistice, Capt. Macdonell was in charge of Foch's German prisoners at Abbeville (Somme) there were 7000 Germans and later 3000 Austrians. Capt. Macdonell came home on the Columbia, sailing from Glas- gow on August 21, arriving at New York on Aug, 31. He was welcomed home by his many Bar- rie friends after a lengthy and meritorious war service, Mrs. Macdonell went to Eng- land in November, 1915, and Joining the V.A.D. did war work Macdonell will take up residence in Barrie as soon as they ean obtain a house. Enjoyed the Lacrosse Quite a wuumber of Barrie people attended at the Agricul- tural Park last Thursday after- noon to see the Junior O.L.A. semi-final between Bracebridge and Owen Sound. It was not first-class lacrosse yet it looked mighty good to those who had not seen a lacrosse match here in years. Both teams motored to Barrie and as this meant a trip of several hours, both were inclined to take things easy at the start and the first and second periods were somewhat listless and slow. As the game progress- ed, showing the two sides evenly matched, the players warmed up and some ill feeling bein; gendered by a few bits o very poor. The Muskoka lads seemed somewhat speedier and had a shade the best of the luck. der a junior's name. In the first period each scored a bearer, though it Capt. Macdonell Saw Muoh Ser=jilitferences in municipal has resumed his work ax Town (riding. jEngineer, after four years andj Wright, service in the;mentioned as a possible candi- | date, Capt. Maedonell, who was an|number of women vot officer in the 35th Simcoe For-| the towns a much greate esters Regt. before the war, was|strength and some Barrie men appointed captain in the C.E.F.|may be heard from when the con- in January, $915, and left Barrie} vention poll is dT, School of| spoken of as an aspirant, but he Musketry at Hythe, qualifying as| would not a first-class instruetor, and was] support General | officer of the riding association Staff as Musketry Staff Officer in| told a reporter that th He served} names are being con: urfil early in| that 1917, when he was seconded forjof a Liberal being in the field. stuff," the Inds on both sides ex-| pieultural tended themselves to the limit.| known Owen Sound had the best com-|hoth by the farmers and towns- bination and were -better stick-| people and handlers, but their shooting was] strongly supported by both. At the close of the third period] tives will hold their convention Owen Sound insisted on all the/at Reeton on Sept. 29. Bracebride players giving their}likely that the sitting member, signatures, thinking that an in-] Alex, termediate was being played un-jagain be the standard-bearer, -- Bracebridge made one in the second section. In the third the Sound tied the score, but their opponents followed with two in quick --sucerssion, leaving the tally 5 to 2 when the period closed. 'The last period had ex- pired all bul three minutes when Owen Sound, with two Brace- bridgery off, scored and a minute later repehted the trick. Both ns dix in for all they were worth, Owen Sound getting the winning counter with only 30 seconds tu play, Score 6 io 5, Centre Simcoe Politics Al (he present time there is considerable uncertainty as to the Political line-up for election day in Centre Simeoe, Indications point to a three-cornered fight, The retirement of James Mar- tin has nee of a new which will be held in Elmvale next Saturday afternoon. In Vespra the name of C. M. Hick- convention, Perfect weather favored them|ling apparently meets with much id as the channel is well buoy-|favor and if he will allow bis ed, they had no trouble navigat-|name to go before the conven- The distance {s|tion be will probably be strong- ly supported, Conservatives will hold their he desired was the verdict of the|nominating convention in Elm- j!rio who spent last week on the|vale on Oct. 6. J. Simpson is most talked of as the standard- said some affairs has weakened his hold on the French vote, which is factor in the n Chas. E. of Penetang, also is The addition of the large rs gives voting taken. Among ntioned on the street are Craig and H. G, Robert- Reeve j with a draft of 100 men for the} those m /37(h Bn. He went overseas on June 10, 1915, in command of| son. The Liberal convention is fo be in' Elmvale, Sept. 29 Payette, of Penetang, is ive much Tiny. An likely south of or four ered and likelihood there~is every Conservatives Re-organize Barrie Liberal-Conservatives held their annual meeting. on Friday evening last, and com- pleted organization for the even months in} forthcoming Provincial elections. France, being with the 3rd and]-'rhe meeting was well attended and it was decided to hold a during the big German offensive] joint meeting with all the wo- interested in the e cause in the Pub- lie Library Hall, at which plans. camp|will be discussed for combined where | representation at the convention to be held at Elmvale, likely on Oct, 6, to nominate a candidate for the riding. It is hoped that a ladies' branch of the Conser- valive organization will be or- ganized. In all probability one of the Ontario Cabinet Ministers will address the convention at Elm. vale. The election of sulted as follows: officers ree Pres., John at Reigate Red Cross Hospital,!y ition: Yier-Prosidents, D. Quin- Surrey. She returned (o Canada| jan, f, J. Byrne, J. H. Bennell, in February. Capt. and Mrs. r Riddell, Wm. East Simcoe U.F.0. Candidate Orillia News Letter--J. Ben Johnston is a native of Scott 'Township, Onlario County, but has lived in Orillia sinee boy- hood. He bh served on the Town Couneil for seve as alderman in 1908 and 10, deputy-reeve in {911 and 41942, and reeve for the past three years. This is the fifth year he has sat in the county council, be- ingchairman of the Finance com- mittee for this year. Last year his name was prominent among those mentioned for the warden- ship and he was in line for this position next year. He is also director of the East Simcoe Ag- Society and is well throughout the county, feels he- will he 8. Simooe Conservatives The South Simeoe Conserva- It is most Ferguson, M.P.P., will Buy advertised things. a ' t sinless ee