' . , % é - ; : Page Sixteen S THE BARRIE EXAMINER . Thursday, Sept. 18, 1919 " saeco -------------- eee -------- display now on view. Wenen's Plain ( Millinery Stati is enabled to present BE SURE AND SEE OUR NEW FALL COATS Perhaps no showing in of the country is su_ interesting as vur vollection of New Fall Coats. Rich nere Hose--Pure FLANNELETTE AT 330 THE NEW THINGS ARE IN and the sight of them will make you familiar with all that is New and Fashionable for the Fall a This Fall Showing easily upholds our position of being fore- most in offering the New, and the Values are unbeatable. Magnificent Showing of Millinery The efforts of the Misses M. this part $$ KES YOU CAN SPELL ECONOMY WITH A BIG "E" IF YOU COME TO THIS STORE FOR STOCKINGS. Stockings are a specialty here and we know that these Values are not equalled hereabouts. Hose will cost from 20 to 50% more than these quotations Wes2-inch -- Golored Stripe to make up into a st Flanneletie an best Canadian make. Heasy weight, clean fine fis a Fine Black ish diferent patterns, Worth wide, reliable dye, soft 20 per cent. more, At yd Ruy il by the pieve, at yd, ..346 We Sell Victor Victrolas and Records~Choose from Stock. Pictorial Patterns and Magazines. arshall and Lawlor were never rewarded with greater success than is evidenced in th With the assistance of Miss Browne (late of Murray- : "Stat, one y a showing second to none in this District, med plainly and elaborately, are-Conspicuous in fhis splendid gathering. partment. It is an advantage to see them early. Later purchases will be at higher prices. OL A BARGAIN OFFERING IN CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Women's Fine Gauge Cashinere Hose | Child's 1x1 If You Are Thinking About Purchasing Some New Silk Bargain we are offering will be sure to interest you. 330 finished Silk, for dresses, waists, etc, our old price is $1.85. For Bargain offering, 1 week ..... sa AT VICKERS'| | nd Winter Season. Toronto) as Chief of Trimming Staff, our . The désplays of both large and small Hats, trim- We invite every lady with her friends to visit this De- HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SWEATERS AND PULLOVERS Pee ATTRACTIVE DRESSGOODS The better grades of Dress Goods are notably diMcult to get and what may be had is high priced. In our vetand becoming styles in ON SATURDAY MORNING WE looking Velours, Duvetyns. Kerseys. colorings that) are fashionable PLACE ON SALE showing of prensa gus SoU Sitention "Whitney Cloths 'and Silvertones have This ts a little lot of Vests and and only qualities that we know is particularly called to these: Meet smartly developed into Coat Drawers that are left from last will give good service are offer. Bt Bee teed ee alates Best British-made Navy Serge Suiling, Models of rare beauty for Dress or ' rors? to Bo atini t lankets, 10 pairs While, and 10 . ine Bot Yarn, 54 in- Uiility wear. The enllection is. th year in from 2 to 6 garments of mil. Wt has not heen an easy pairs of Grey, They measure 6 trade (of fine Botany Vers, " $5.50 ei re enllection ts the F as no! en an eas: vairs of Gre: ey measure 64 " ame a size. 'They va sizes 3 3 ches wide. Yard . . $5. iat UP tales ate Mole, T: Ni aquaditiv ee vhite end matter ty procure these values inches wide hy 72 inehes long, Fine Navy Serge 'Tricotine 'Twill, 50 ert s| es are Mole a; 2 ys 7 4 o " , i Hennes & fn and Hrown, Shmueht 16 some natural, sizes to fit chil- #tul assortments as these lines Hite Hat pes pa inches w splendid cloth." At this Slure fram leading makers in | dren from 1 to 9 years, Worth . but they are here, Far Wnues- ton eek yaril : : ess. $5.00 Canada and fram New Styles Wn to 65e. All at each ..,, 280 and all bear prices ne ELA Pa fOr aie Extra Fine Sui Hor fl . and sizes are net duplicated that wall please you FORE toasts $3.15 Dike Noa, NH, 54 ine ics Prices range from $25.00 to $60.00 a DICESE yolk, wide, Yare "- . eee Spiendid values in Black Serges Bee thom early. $2:78 to 11550 prone $2.50 to $5.00 the yard Come and Compare--and take a hint--all New Arrivals in Cashmere Rib White and i Black (Child's 1x1 Rib Cashmere Hose, with] Women's Fine Heagher Mixture Cash- Peat a He geanlen wall. seamless] 'Llama' with seamiess foot, full] Cashmere Hose, Seatnlnne foc ech © Hose in Brown, Tan, Sand and foot, a fine gauge, warm, good wear-| sized, warm and durable. Sizes Bhi cies 553 6 61 7 72 B84] double knee, winter weight, made] ™°T? He 1 only. Pr, $1.50 rime. Pair... vee SW 110. PAW eee cee $1.25) ii" Bo 60 60 66 75 80 $0 90 . Grey. Sizes @ and 04 only, Pr, $14 n's Rib Cashmere Hose, \Wamen's fine [xt Rib Cashmere, made | | in England a | $1.50 pure Beiish make, a good! an England. a good line for wear) Women's Cream "Cashmere" Hose of| Me) BYR OE FW Bow Park. Brown (Gaghniene Hose, #14 sizes 8} to 10 and comfort, elastic rib. Sizes 84| heavy weight, Maco thread, seam-| ies 54 4 7 74 8 8h and $1.85. Light Grey Cashmere ree -- se $125) fo 100 Pair ee $1.50 less fool, in 9, 94 only, at Pr. ..7B0| Prices 60 60 65 68 70 75 76 Ld Hose at WHEN YOU COME TO THE BIG FAIR (AND EVERYBODY'S COMING THIS YEAR) Make this Store the rendezvous. You'll want some place to leave |}, your wraps, your parcels, or, perhaps, meet your friends--this is the unning garment for yourself, then this Silk Paillette Silk, absolutely pure, full 35 inches » Not the loaded kind, but a beautiful lustrous - Geo. Vickers oo DREAMLAND THE BEST ALWAYS ENTRA'SPECIAL Friday--Saturday Suspe! Romance Y -- Harold Lloyd in crack Your Heels." -- Monday--Tuesday SESSUE HAYAKAWA In "HIS DEBT" 'Beware of Blondes' A_ special program at regular prices. ----eeee Wednesday--Thursday NORMA TALMADGE © 'and Eugene O'Brien in the Masterpiece "THE SAFETY CURTAIN" From the book hy the same name; by Athel M. Dell. Also a special Christie Comedy Prices--11c and 460 ALLANDALE NEWS Miss Edna Frgser is attending Normal School in Petertho, Mrs. Jos. Day bas returned home after 4 visit to Cochrane, Misses V. Cline autd L. Palling attended Orillia Fair thie week. "Buster" Marshall is spending his hol- days in Orillia and Thornbury, Mise Viola Dobson of Toronto is visit- ing at John Goring's, Brock streét Alex Brunton of Winnipeg is visiting his father, John Brunton, Sr., who is in poor health, The merchants in this ward are contin. uing the Wednesday half-holiday during Soptember, A new' bakery is to be started in the} shop formerly occupied by Ben Parker, Gowan street, Dr. Hunter and Miss Dorothy Hunter of Woodstock were among Allandale friends over Sunday. | Jus."Dunnett has moved into the house in Cumberland street recently purchased from Cal, Fletcher. Mrs. N. MeNicol of Toronto has "been | spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Poucher, Cutting off the summer trains has made nekness for the railwaymen, freight traffic being exceptionally heavy, Miss Beatrice Johnson is home sgain af- ter spending a month in the West, visiting Winnipeg, Brandon and other places. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Poucher and son have returned to their home in Winnipeg ) after spending a week with Allandale rela- |tives, The Arlington Hotel has been reopened, the new proprietor being J. H. Trumbell, |who was formerly in ¢he hotel business at |Minden, Ont. | The sscrament of the Lord's Supper will: be observed in the Presbyteria | next Sabbath morning. In this connection, | Preparatory service will be held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Ed. Whitebread made a good job of enumerating, which fact was recognized by the Allandale Referendum Committee, which passed a resolution commending him for his efficient wor t SOE. meets on Fels st 8.00 pam. in, the Orange Hall. attendance is requested us the report from Grand Lodge | recently held at.Hamilton will be given by P. P. Bro. T, er Sinai if At the regular meet or of Directors of the ey cae Inst | 'Thursday evening, it was decided that the| ary, L. E, McMillin be sent to the tional Y.M.C.A. Convention, to be held Winnipeg 'next month, Jas. Brunton and 'W. W. Humphrey will accompany Mr. McMillin as delegates. 'AR. Walker, Jas. Brunton, A. G. Walk- jer and A. E. Patterson took rinks to New- market bowling tournament yesterday. Mr, Patterson, who was ably amisted by A. M- Marshall, W. Clark and E. Shear, won the Primary with five straight .wins, «They brought home two electric reading lamps and two electric toasters. severerecrocccocccrcccocccoccen) Lest Thursday's fire of W. B, Webb's ¢ramcam |without any insurance to compensate. The | boathouse caused s los of nearly $7000. |Ike Boone, Walter Fisher, Frank Hughes | IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM building could not be replaced toulay for loo. oni tone etna ibe ae wai Hating mestory af ig Watson: Walch eth 'Bn whe fal "at nwt. fare hose bee muator boats were destroyed. Jup in amoke. It in thought the /NO- 124418, 74th Bo. (Simcoe Killed ig [17, 2916. --Fanily. Fra Gang oaee by tthe! Marshall, |fire wan caused by boys amoking cigarettes | Ste? transferred 1016, eldest and. dearly Frunk Goodwin, Geo. Hill, Geo. Goodwin, jor by xpontaneous combustion of oily waste, | Deioved ea er Mr. 'and Mrs, George W: Barrie, Ont. IN MEMORIAM Tn loving memory of Cpl. Emerson Arm- strong, Allandale, 20th Bn.. D Coy., killed 'in action at the' Somme, France, Sept. 16, 1916.» In the bloom of his life death claimed him, In the pride of his manhood days. IN MEMORIAM BURTON AVENUE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. A. E. Owen, Pastor. y nine months, 'Though he sleeps in honor, 'neath a wooden ® years have passed, oh. how we mise] croxe, He, like our Saviour shed his blood, Sunday, Sept. 21 Bea, h Thut others might. be saved, » + Sept. Never does his memory. fade, Three years have passed since you gave Father, Moth: we ther. Rev. A. E. Owen, Pastor. Sweetest thought shall ever linger your life, mens Hotties; Bters, Erotior 11 a.m.--Gideon and His Three Hundred. |Round the grave where he is laid 7 pan.--The Parable of the Unjust Stew. | When in heaven we hope to greet him, ard. You had done your bit in that awful strife, It helps us, to know you were not alone, For God was there with a 'Welcome Home" Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ferguson wish to Where no farewell tears are shed. thank their many. friends and. neighbors Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. - for kind expressions of gneety during You are cordially invited. Baldwin UF Cousins Liment and Dorothy. |the ead loss of their darling buby, Vera. ence A eC Le ee cence Have you got a Perfection Coal Oil heater TIRES of Merit K & S are the highest guar- anteed Tires made. Made in three styles only -- Ribbed, Commercial and K & S Tread. Ford sizes guaranteed for 3,500, 4,000 and 7,000 miles respectively. You can see them at our exhibit in the ve Agricultural Building during TWO THINGS A BOY WILL APPRECIATE Seinale We have just received a big shipment ' of Velocipedes. Prices from $4.75 to $10.00 : : Ingersoll "watches, Godt f n, watches, 10} F alr Week Special nickel and gold plated, from $2.00 to $9.00 50 Sets only. 1, 2, and Bring your-boy in and see these. Merrill & Hubbard's minum. Worth $3.50. * Next Door to the Barrie Inn in your home? They are almost as essential as a fur- nace. Will save you a lot of fuel and trouble these chilly evenings. Prices $7.00 and $7.50 Special Price for Fair WEEK, daca 5 $1.99 If you fail to take one of these sets home you will regret it. See our window. - Store where you are welcome. All conveniences are at your service. y 4% Z