Thursday. We have concentrated our energy and our every thought to the merchandising of the finest grades of footwear at the lowest possible prices. You will find in this Store one of the largest and most varied selections of new styles--and our prices are the very lowest at which reliable shoes can be soid to-day. merit--at lowest possible prices. fully refunded. A Sh | Mrs. Alex. Harry, have reflrned from PERSONAL to Detroit, Pt. 7 ronto. J, KH. Hubbert~ has AN EVENT OF 'IMPORTANCE The opening of TAYLOR'S Cut Price Shoe Store Sept. 25th WE INVITE YOUR CRITICAL INSPECTION About Store Personality It is the aim of this store to sell only footwear of the highest To give service, service in the broadest sense and in such meas- ure that it shall be part of our store personality. The service we aim to give begins with the buying of the Stock, and ends--when you are fully satisfied, and not until. This service aims to anticipate your needs and your wishes and' to so fully meet them as to give you complete satisfaction. portunity to demonstrate our service we believe will convince you and will demonstrate as well that our prices are the lowest possible. We also guarantee to meet your requirements or money cheer- TAYLOR'S © Cut Price Shoe Store MYERS' OLD STAND Smith and Huron and To-}Ottawa, are visiting with Mr. and returned | St, f An op- son,| Mrs. J. Wellington: Neison and atrip| Mts. J. Wilbur' Mooney, of Mrs. Wm. 8. King, 10% Toromto. THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' é Consists largely in hav- ing the home equipped with modern facilities that lighten labor and make for greater effi- ciency. Three times daily the house wife uses. her cooking range in pre- paring the good things to eat, on which the health and good spirits of the whole family de- pend. The Cooking Range is the one most impor- tant feature in the home. "The prudent housewife should ton- sider well the merits of the range she selects for her home. for hard or soft Coal or for Wood New check damper. giving absolute control of the draft, , Tustily nickeled--body of TS, highly polished ateet-- fire spots will Inst life time. Revolving and sbaking grates, Otton Hardware Co., Lid. THE FIVE POINTS HARDWARE STORE Successful Housekeeping The double beater on the Cheerful Osk is somie- thing new--the sir is super-heated in its cireu- lating passage to the hot outlet on top of stove to which a pipe ean be attached to carry heat to any part of the house. The Acme of Pesfestion in efficieney and asppear- ance is found in the Cheerful Oak The "Happy Thought" range is the one out- standing success in Can- ada. Over 300,000 are in use at the present time, and we have records of some that have been in continuous use for thirty years. Our phenomenal sue- cess is due to the dis- covery and adoption of correct and scientific principles of stove man- ufacture. Although improvements and refinements have been introduced from time to time, the funda- mental principles of "Buck" ranges have not changed, and to the strict, adherence to a successful principle we attribute our success "TY See Our Exhibit at Barrie's 'Big Fair Sept. 22, 23, 24 See Our Window Display Coates' Miss Mary Ferry was ,visiting friends in Elmvale. Mes. John Powell, Jr., is vis- iiling ber, sister in London, Mrs. ris of Alliston visited Mrs. W J, Bell last week. "Mrs. Coe, of Elmvale, is visit- jing with her mother, Mrs. Charles 'Major Mark Robinson, of Al- gonquin Park, was in town for a few days. Mrs. Meyers, of Winnipeg, is wisiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King and tiwo children were at Chief King's over Sunday, - 'end with her mother, Mrs. Alling- ham, of Thornton. Miss Viola Ludlow has return- ad from a three weeks' visit "through Muskoka. Miss Edna Williams, of Mea- ford, spent the week-end with Mrs. R. J. Gallagher, Bayfield, St, Miss Reta Sutcliffe, of Toron- siting her parents, Mr. J. E. Sutcliffe, Bayfield seaton. { home after spending a month with his brother oh Manitoulin 'an ed after spending three with her mother, Mrs. Banting, Toronto. ot Mrs. H. J, Heath will be at) iti home at and evening. the summer fire ranging! near /on Gowganda. wi spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Corbelt,|an Mrs. P. ent the week-! Blizabeth St. wi res eaonee pen * siting a return-|Mrs. R. J. Gallagher, Bayfield St.|]f ed to Chicago after a fortnight's| They arrived in New York by SS. Alfred Payne has visit. with his mother, Mrs.|CGo Payne, Worsley St. Mrs, Geo. Hill and Mrs. Coughey and children left -on Rey. Geo. A. Brown and family are .expected home today and a receplion will be held for them. A. Carload of Peaches now here and. another car '8 coming on Friday---the last Peaches to be secured this Bananas and Other Fruits in great variety in the schoolroom, Friday night. Island. Stroud Mrs. R. W. Payne has return-) Mr. and Mrs weeks | Bradford St. 160 Elizabeth St. on|the Archives Dept., under Prof. Wednesday, Sept. 24, afternoon | Adam Shortt. Donald F. MacLaren returned | family, Mrs. Robinson, and Miss {i home on Saturday after spending |Laymen motored' from Stouffville} ff R. F, Corbetl, of Niles, Mich., | Owen St. land. Tuesday for a {nip to, Past" NIGHT SCHOOL || Typewriting Shorthand Arithmetic Rapid Calculation Make your spare time profitable. Toronto Conference Epworth League Miss Wilda Ness, of Toromto, «i Miss Addie MeConkey, of spent over Sunday with Chas, McConkey, A, R. M. Lower, B.A., left for tawa on Friday to take a pos- ion in the historical section of Mr. and Mrs. W. Reecor and' ff Saturday and spent the day th Mr. and Mrs. E, Williams,| if Capt. P. A. Williams, €.A.M.C., d Mrs, Williams are visiting ith the latter's parents, Mr. and tic, on Thursday, frem Eng- OPENING RIGHT October fst, at the Barrie Business College Individwal instruction im Penmanship Correspondence Bookkeeping! Spelling Adding Machine Day and Evening sessions H. A. HENRY, Prin, Come to the This will be one of the most 150 Yds. Cotton Thread 7c Spool [Powell & Co. Our Prices for Millinery We can guarantee you that our prices for Fall Millinery are the most moderate. We use nothing but the best materials procurable and our workmanship is unquestionably superior. STYLE THAT SIGNIFIES The predominating feature of Up-to-the-Minute Millinery is Style. You will find in our Millinery Dept. the cream of this Season's offerings. Smart stylish Velours and Feather Hats that are so popular now. Stately made hats command a lot of attention, A look through will convince. We will be pleased to show you. Your Fall Coat We have without doubt the best collection of Stylish Coats in town. Made in the most charming styles. "The very best all Wool | cloths, Velours, Silvertones, Salt's Plushes, Whitneys in all the popu- . lar colors. We have Coats from $18.00 to $75.00 trimmed-with rich deep fur Collars and without. Come in and see them. Vegetables of All Kinds JOS.SASO PHONE 341 Cor. Elizabeth St. and Maple Ave. Deliveries made to any part of the i Sf " Town important Epworth League gatherings ever held'and some of the leading men in'the con- ference will be here, including Rev. A. P. Brace, Toronto. Rev. J. A. Walker, Toronto. Mr. W. K. LeDrew, Leader in Song. ; Rey. E, J. Adams, Over. 200 delegates expected. Remember the dates and don't miss it. Men's Blue and White Striped Overalls. Extra Strong $1.98 per Pair POWELL & CO.