7 | \ Page Ten. THE BARRIE EXAM R Te Tee ae See a ene Thursday, Sept. 18, 1919 'PHONE C. BROWN | 250 OR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD. HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN EAD SANDWIQH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets '{ oxrReading Needs Are Well Supplied - --at-- Seott's Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan 2 Ss A.number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING BARRIE 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1809 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT. Phone 82 « 7 aeneaeniahieniaiaiieaeememeeel ' INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED | tao N Re AF. The Insurance Man, Barrie. To Cover Everywhere, = | {DYEING AND a, CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when- you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. SS rf The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia und Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Criling, Mouldings, Water Troughs. Tonks, ete. We carry in stock » large assortment of | Rough vad Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying » Specialty. Dressing done promptly. *Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS { Phone: Office 163, Residence 353 18 TO DESERVE : " YOUR PATRONAGE Our success as funeral directors has been developed by our pat- rons, and our best advertisement is 'word-of-mouth recommenda- tion . Some of our customers have been with us for years. We aim to serve one and all, rich and poor, alike--to render the very best we know how. , '\-- W. D. MINNIKIN - Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. [ed stood on one side. | | suid, A. MALCOMSON {we are. FARME NO ing presentation, and your account promptly. Barrie Branch - Copyright, 1916, by Farmers with Sales Notes will turn them over to this Bank for 'The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak- payments will be credited to Sales Notes supplied without charge. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ee oO Che Kingdom of the Blind By E. Phitlips Oppenheim ~ Serial Publication rights secured by through special arrangement with owners of copyright. me the first thing tomorrow moruing," You will do nothing of the sort," Thom- ; ton objected 'firmly, = ia ES" be well advised to collection. had sprung up like a wall between them. His face, however, showed no sign. "How do you propose to prevent ie?" she asked, with ominous calm, ~ "By reminding you of your duty to your country," he answered. "Geraldine, dear, I did not expect to have to talk to you like this. When I tell you that responsible people in the War Office, of- ficiuls whose profession it is to scent out treachery, have declared this young inan suspect, I am certainly disappointed to find you embracing his cause so fervently, It is no personal matter, Believe me." he added, after a moment's pause, "whatever my personal bias may be, what I am aay- ing to you now is not sctuated in the rlight- jest by any feelings of jealousy. 1 huve told you what I know and it is for you to make your choice as to how much or how little in the future you will see of this young man. But I do forbid you. no. in my own name but for our country's sake to breathe s single word to him of what I have aaid to you." "It comes to this, then," she said, "that you make accusations against a man snd deny him the right of being heard?" "IF you choose to put it like that. yes." he assented. "Only I fancied that consid ering--considering the things between w [vou might have taken my word." | He leaned little towards her If she hud been looking she could seurcely have failed to have been touched by the wudden [softness of hie dark eyes, the little note of appeal in his usually immobile face. Her jeyes, however. were fixed upon the dis mond ring whieh sparkled upon her third H. M. Lay, Manager Little, Brown & Co. The Examiner, (Continued from last week) 'The two girls stared at him, dumbfound- at his ease. He laid down the telescope and scrutinised the newcomer. "L really dou't altogether see," he re- marked good-humouredly, "why I should give my name and address to w perfect stranger, just because he asks for it."" | The man opened his coat and displayed a | badge | 'Lam on Government service, si "Well, I am Captain Granet, back from the Front with dispatehes a few days ago. |Granet told him. 'Thin ia Miss Conyers, sister of Commander Conyers of the 'Scor: pion." and Miss Olive Moreton, his fian- e. We are waiting for Commander Con- Ts at the present moment, and we were just looking to see if the pinnace had sturt Is it against the iaw to use a teles- cope in Portsmouth?" The mun made a few notes in his pocket book, Then he opened the trapdoor and jo one is allowed out bere, sir," he "The hotel people are to blame | for not having the door locked, I shaft? have to make a report but I have no doubt that your explanation will be accepted. | Will you he #o good as to descend, please" Granet struggled to his feet and turned towards bis companions |. "The fellow's quite right." he decided. |'T am only glad that the Government ure | 'looking after things ao, The Admiralty | are much more go-ahead in this way than I vote we have out the car and go down the front to Southses--unles we lure under arrest?" he added pleassntly. |turning towards the man who had accosted them. "You are at liberty to do whatever you "was the polite reply. "In any Jease, { think it would be quite useless |of you to wait for Commander Conyers."" "Why?" Olive asked quickly: 4 "Scorpion" hax just received ar. ders to leave on this evening's tide, mad. am." the man announced, "You can see that she is moving even now." They looked out acros« the harbour The smoke was pouring from the funnels of the destroyer. Already she had swung | jaround and was steaming slowly towards "ox off. right enough!" Gi then, but Nothing left for us CHAPTER XII 8 few hours tater, set dawn 'shone receiver with o little sigh of resignation, Lady Conyers glanced up) in: iquiringly from her bo wanting to come me of night, Gerald explained. "He has or somewhere France nil Wants to see me ut onee. I think he ht have waited till to-morrow moraing. T can scarcely keep) my eyes open, Tam 50 alec Lady Conyers glanced at the clock Tt isn't really so late."" she remarked, and T dare say, if the poor man's been travelling all day. he'd like to say good- night to you." Geraldine made a little grimace. "I shall go into the morning room and wait for him," she announced, . "He'll very likely find me asleep." Admiral looked up from behind the Times. | "Where's that nice young fello jet?" he asked. "Why didn't him 'in to dinner?" Yell, we didn't get back until nearly eight." Geraldine reminded her father. "I didn't think he'd bave time to change and 'get back here comfortably." "Fine young chap, that." Sir Seymour {remarked, 'The very best type of young English soldier. We-could do with lots like him." Geraldine left the room without remark. She coyld hear her father rustling his p sl Gra ou bring 'Major Thomson has a charming dispos- iti Lady Conyers declared warmly. "Besides, he will be very well off some day --he may even get the baronetcy." "Who cares sbout that?" her husband grunted, "Gerald has all the family she needs, and all the money. How she came to choose Thomson from all her sweet- hearts, I can't imagine"... Geraldine, notwithstanding her fatigue, welcomed her lover very charmingly when he arrived, a few minutes later. -- Major Thomson was still in travelling clothes, and had the air of s man,who had been working at high pressure for some time, He held her fingers tightly for a moment, without speaking. Then he led her to the sofa and seated himself beside her. . ed, Granet, however, remained perfectly | | pion' | asked curiously j ons. |agreesble one. jyou. finger rew it off and handed Hit to "Hugh." she aaid, "the things you speak job do not exist any more between tte 1 am sorry. but [think you are narrow and suspicious. You have your own work to do. It seems to me mean to spend your time suspecting soldiers who have fought for their king and their country, of cuch | despicable crime." "Can't you trust me a little more then |that. Geraldine?" he usked wistfully. "In what way?" she demanded. 'I judge only by the facts, the things you uve said to me. your uccusations ageinst Captain Granet. Why should you go out of your way to investigate cimes of sus pected espionage?" "You cannot believe that I would do so unless I wax convinced that it ix my ne "Geraldine," he begun gravely. "hus Jwhat I say say weight with you at ll?" SA good deal," she assured him "You know that T do not like Captain Granet, yet you took him with you down to Portsmouth to-day and even allowed him to accompany you on board the 'Scor. | Geralitine started a little, "How do you know thst already?" she He shook hin head impatiently. "It doesn't matter. I heard. Why did you do it, Geraldine?" "In the first place, because he offered to motor us down after we had missed the train. There are heaps of other reas. "As, for instance?" "Well. Olive and I preferred having an|di escort and Captain Granet was a most He took-us down in g/l cur his uncle had just given him--a sixty | horse-power Panhard. never enjoyed motoring more in my life "|" will kegp this ring. You are quite free. "You are ull very fooli Thomson said |But---look at me." slowly. "Iam going to telf you something| Against her will she was forced to do dow, dear, which you may not believe, but |1* he bare her. Her own attitude, which it is for your good. and it is necessary for |had appeared to her so dignified und right. me to have some excuse for the request [seemed suddenly weakened. She had the Tam going to make. Granet is under | feeling of a peevixh child ausnicion at the War Office."" "Geraldine." he begged, "take at least "Under suspicion?" Geraldine repeated| the advice of man who loves you blankly. | Wait "Nothing has been proved against him,"| Even when he had opened the door she Thomson continued. 'and [ tell you frank. |felt a sudden inclination to call him back=| ly that in certain quarters the idea is|She heard him go cown the hall, heard scoujed os absurd. On the other hand, he |the front door open and close, She sat and i« 'under observation as being a possible {looked in a dazed sort of way at the emp: German. spy." ty space upon her finger. Then he rose Geraldine for » moment sut quite still.|and went into the drawing-room, where Then she broke into s peal of [aughter.|her father and mother were «till reading She sat up a moment luter, wiping her |She held out her hand s "Mother,"" ahe announced, "I am not en Hugh?" she! gaged to Major Thomson any more." | The Admiral laid down his newspaper "Damned good job, too!" he declared "That young fellow Granct's worth a dozen cannot see that it ix your business at 1." she told him shortly He rowe from hia place "Tam very sorry. Geraldine." he «nud "Are you really wrious,"" demanded. "Absolutely," coldly. he awured her. a little She wiped her eyes once more of him Never could stick an Army Medi "Hugh, dear.' she sighed. patting his |cul. Well, well! How did he take it? hand, "you do so much better looking after) Lady Conyers watched her daughter your-hospituls and your wounded than un. : Then shook her head. earthing mare's:neste like this, T don't) pe you have done wisely, dear," think that you'd be a brilliant succes« in {she suid, the Intelligence Department. As to the CHAPTER XII War Office, well. you know what I think] At u little after noon on the following Captain Granet a German spy,/day. Capt net descended from a her the War Office nor I myself." Xicwb in the courtyard of the Milan Ho tel. and, passing through the swing doors, Thomson continued, "have arrived at these | made hiv way to the inquiry office. A suspicions without some reason, Perhaps 'sunve, hlick-coated young. clerk. hastened you will look at the matter a little more to the desk. when T tell you that Captainj "Can you tell me." Granet inquired 1 not be allowed to return to the|"'whether s gentleman named Guillot is staying here? T can do no more than warn you, and beg |4nd was conducted to w room on the third "he went on, "'to yield to my wishes | floor. o in the matter of your further acquaintance |White-haired Frenchman with him." "Monsieur Guillot?" Captain Granet in There was a moment's rather curious | quired pleasantly. "My name is Granet."* silence. Geraldine seemed to be gazing! The Frenchman ushered him in, through the walls of the room. Her hands |door was closed and carefully lacked, 'Then were clenched in one another, her fingers |Monsicur Guillot swung around and looked nervously interlocked, at his visitor with some curiosity. Granct STARTLING "France must live," Granet murmured. EVIDENCE IN THE TEMPLETON CASE Public interest in the Templeton casa has been accentuated by a volume of further evidence which has been sub- 'mitted to prove that Templeton's Rheu- matic Capsules do remedy Rheumatis atica, Gout, Lumbago and many of their kindred diseases, Canadian soldiers from the front claim that these capsules were of the utmost benefit in relieving them of sciatic pains and preventing the development of rheu- matic troubles. hand. (To be continued). Children's Aid Donations ve committee wish to express their appreciation of the practicg) i shown by the following citizens dovations during August :--- Mrs. Calderwood, 10 Ib. pail honey; Mrs, Daley. 2% qta. milk; Thornton Women' Institute. 1 qt, milk' and clothing; Swan, clothing and books; Mrs, Drury hats and 1 jar fruit; Mrs, Fowler, 2 babies' chairs; A Friend, $2.00; C. T. Thompson. 1 basket apples, also corn, tomatoes and on- jon; Mrs, Steer, 1 basket apples. These gifts prove very helpful in this good work. We need at this season fruit either fresh or preserved, and potatoes. Churchill Women's Institute Notes this On its usual afternoon, ing a " course at the University, .|Toronto, to study Rural Community Or- Banization, --* At this meeting Mrs. Sawyer will tell the Indies of her studies while in Guelph this summer attending the Rural Leader- ship class, Mrs. Robert Boyes will continue reading jost interesting serial story, 'Mrs, soe (827 teresting serial story, 'Mi Sole Agent for Barrie, Wm. Crossland,| 'Sevesal girls will give piano and vocal Druggist and Kodaks, music, and tes will be served. shall send for him tqcome and see he allowed?" he repented young man bowed. "Hugh. you are not serious!" | "'Monsiegr Guillot arrived fast night, | "I have never been more serious in my Sit." he announced. "He has just rung | life," he insisted. "I am not in a posi to say that if a gentleman called tion to tell you more than the bare see him he could be shown up, Here, | or I might disclose some evidence whieh |Page."" he went on, diminu. | even you would have to admit throws a/tive youth in the background. "show this rather peculiar light upon some of this gentleman to number 3: jung mun's sections, As it is, however.| Granet followed the boy to the lift The door was opened by a. tail, | The| The Frenchman at once extended his| Suffering fr om She turned her head and looked at him, E 'He was conscious of the antagonism which Sunlight does it You who elwaye dread wash éuy--because of the hours of weary, wash-board rubbiag, the damp steamy air, with perhaps your skirt and shoes splashed and soaked--just forget allthat. Come into the ease and com- fort of « Sunlight Wash Dey. Sunlight Soap will do the wash-- you can go out calling or shop- ping. Reed the directions. Insiat on getting the Soap you for--SUNLIGHT. | A ee | SATURDAY MARKET Cars and buggies were on hand early on Saturday and disgorged a great amount of produce and the townspeople were out in large numbers to buy the needfuls. Sep- tember hax a new story to tell about the price of butter. but it fails to dislodge it from is pedestal. It is « prime packing month. we are told. the very best for winter use, Citrons and pumpkins showed «tendency to overshadow all else on ghe tables, but their prices were modest. Ap- hits are doled out in basket lota at 35 to 50 cents per basket, - The chicken offering ik growing each week, young birds being sacrificed. Ducks are in better condition and retail about the same as chicks. A cond of third crop of lettuce made a res- plendent greenery. Celery and tomatocs had a large sale. Cubbuge are 'starting their show now. The Fall b talked of, kgs. per dozen, Butter . . Chicken. dressed, b., Duck. tb... Lamb, Ib. Potatoes, bag... Potatoes. peck Corn, doten . Beets, bunch ....., Apples, per basket Tomatoes, per basket Onions, basket ...... Cucumbers, basket int; buneh ... iage, bunch Horse Radish root, bunch'. Horse Radish, half pint bottle . Cream, quart .. Milk, quart... Hay. ton Hogs, ewt NEAR-BY MARKETS (Sept. 11, 1919) Wheat $2.08-$2.13, Orillis-- hogs, live, $19, dressed, Alliston--Wheat $2.08-$2.13, hurley $1.00, peas $1.75, hay ter 42.48 potatoes chicken 2; 'all wheat, $2.05-82.1 pews but- eggs 47-480. dressed chicken 25. Q7e, dressed hogs $24.00. Pul your money into War Sav- ings Slamps and let it work. | WOMEN --lassitude, low spirits and loss of appetite will find re- newed strength, brighter | looks, better health and clearer complexionsby using Beecham's Pills. They give you the very help you need, and are a natural aid to the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. Gentle and positive in action, without any disa- greeable after-effects-- Use PILLS are worth a Graddate of Trinity University, Toronto, 8 also Edinb and Glasgow. musio MAUDE E. CLAXTON, LT.C.M, also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Block. Phone 424, W. H. THRESHER and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly ' LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and inistration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ote, Offices: Hinds' Bloek, No. 8 Dunlop street, Money to loan. BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con. veyancers, Etc, Money to loan 'at lowest rates of interest, Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises for. merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto), Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C,, MP. D.C. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building, Toronto, Ont, G. Gordon Plaxton DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, Money to loas. CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS Solioitore for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctors, Noteries, Con-- veyaneers, etc. Money to loan Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie, W. A. J. Bell, K.C. MEDICAL BR. H. T. ARNALL and Residence Corner of Toronte inabeth a, oppasiie Ik Methodist Church. Telephone 167, OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elisabeth aad Bradford Sts, Barrie, Offiee hours 9 to 10-am., 1 to 3p.m., 7 to.8 p.m. Phone 105, _---------- ree W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially. 56 Collier St, Barrie, C. W. Plaxton. Office and &. Phone 61. DR. VICTOR A. HART Special'y--Disenses of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield and Wortley Sim, Office open until 8 p.m, daily. Le si , MB PHYSICIAN SURGEON Office and residence, Collier St., corner of Clapperton St., Bastie. Phone 275. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 92 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours 11 am. to 5 p.m. and by appointment, Toronto Phone North 3326. 10¢ 22, Barrie Phone No, 2. ---------- ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto J. F. Lawson, F.C.A. (Phone 171, Barrie) H. J. Welch, CA. G. D. Campbell, C.A. T. E. Lawless, C. . | W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department, POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED ° MISS M. McKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie, Phone 323 PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. guinea a box D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. | » | om Thursday, Lighi SHI} YOU WA strike you you want to ashes--remen are Bonded to from damage Company issud every building ning will not di 36 per Shinn-Fict has| electricity thay same amount off + W. H. Day, PI tural College for ¢] ers, thus insuring Bet protection, ONTARIO NOTICE OF S. Centre Simcoe To Wit TAKE NOTICE sub-divisions im t the Townships of ed by the enumeraf this Board by the q that His Honor Jug Township of Vespra, ship of Innisfil and Revising Officers fq appeals as to the sq AND FURTHER Revising Officer will For the Town of the Township of Vi For the Township a For the Township q AND FURTHER to complain that the on the said list have names of persons whi tered on the lists, mi 1919, as tothe Tow day of September as ply, complain, or app any other person cory said lists. AND FURTHER 7 notice in writing in thi ant, and given or left ff on or.before the said who is Mr. E. G. Redd House in the Town of Dated at Barrie a : Chairman of the Votet 36-38 *