Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1919, p. 9

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~ THE. BARRIE: EXAMINER - Cl == WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED>----------------_ HS WEI 16 PAGES | Ses ~ 9625 COPIES -THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 56th Year WG IWALLE, Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919 sin apie see No. 38 SECTION 2 PAGES 9 TO 16 Death of Geo. Ralkes Bank Robbery Frustrated As a shock to the people of the town| What looks like s frustrated attempt to and Oro township came the news, on Sun. Tob the Bank of Commerce occurred early of the Barrie Bowling Club held ast | of the death of Geo. Raikes. On Sat-! Wedmeader morning. and the police are eM Thursday. Play did not conclude till three |urday evening be had been in Barrie sp- looking for the suspects who got away. S Jo'elock next morning parently in bis unual bealth, During the |A® Karl Dreyer, s commercial traveller Ps Ai When the semifinal in the Primury wanhight he was taken suddenly ill and passed {of Bradford street, was on bis way to catch 2 i, reached, the skips remaining were Dr.| away on the following morning at his resi- the early train sbout 1 a.m. he noticed two j Kirkpatrick of Onli, R.A. Stephens, A. dence, "The Pleasance", Oro {men acting in w suspicious manner in the IN OUR DISPLAY AT THE BARRIE FAIR pe rick best Stephens 23 to 8, and A. R.! a W, jand went up to investigate. 'The men ' jwon from "Hiram" Walker, 15 to HM. A wears 0 of the I falter, Bakes Mr mioved farther up the lune, one of them |$ Will be three of the latest KEE R. Walker, who was assisted b i 1 assisted by A, Galt. | 19, Pt tuking off @ raincoat and banging it over di ' 7&4 P terest in public affairs, He was a thor. i000 Str Dreyer had no sooner reach. lesigns of Ye Olde Heintz- Barrie Bowling Tournamgnt -Compatition was keen and there was plenty of sport in the annual tournsment s Garrett's Music Store E* Lawrence und W. B. Webb, took the} ' a aed : |final from Dr rick, 19 to 8. The oe eee net flied ws ed she men when one of them struck him |g Man & Co, Pianos, finished a winners got silver cassroles, and the run-jitfon of president of the Georgian Buy # blow with a "bluck-jack" or some other in Mahogany, Fumed Oak, ners-up received umbyellas 'Name Ansdcintion and of Oro Fair as well Olunt weapon, and that was the last he and a beautiful fi ' SATURDAY SPECIALS The Consolation fin reated betwiren Pet~ ae teing a director of Barrie Fair for sev: [remembered until be regained conscious- and a beautiful figured wal- : jer Clark and RA. Stephens, the former era] years, When the county council was Dem in solnates later. He discovered nut in satin finish. ' 10 Bars Comfort Soap ) gon 9, Me ead ae one, Pe omposed of commissioners he was a rep- ee ie "Bien had rifled his pockets. eak. | Th < ala ALD. Simon. [Coufverte fos Barrie and Ore. in polities 128 hie money. but, fortunately overlooking | e name Heintzman & 1 Snowflake Ammonia 1 at Besta RA Bteghene ho. Me lhe was always vctive in the Conservative his watch: He called a, passing motorist /$ Co, is a guarantee for the 1 Armour's Cleanser . 4 spoone and fashlighte oa ey eee ch Shanrg table Lambie was communicated vor and | tone and quality of Can- Honora inthe Scotch Doubles fell to Ray. for many years, An enthusiuetic Eng. |" srareh made of the laneway. The eost ada's best Piano and the &@ Best Canadian cae PeF}Alex Habbick and Bruce Thompson, who | eas still b he s anadia aI A | abi a who | Tieken ae a Past President of the WA still banging on the fence and in the ' ib., Bde pest out T. Te Young. and WA. Tare ee oe i end also war a Poeketa were found a dri. « chisel. some | Piano supplied to Royalty. 8! 2 Jin the final. Blectrie toustera went tw the [Pa at aii se {soup and other articles which gave al Dominion Silent Matches, |inners, while the runners-up got cassernles. "emt ain Sons of England ie tira [MOM conclunive proof that the paiethad in : . . eer ee ee Mr. Raikes was twice married. hie fst 'tended muking an attempt on the Bank We shall also display a fine Lege eee 5 pkgs. for 60c DALSTON wife being Mise Day and his second Ml&s of Commerce vuults or the sufé of some A aare Saunders, He is survived by theeegehil: (Ctherhusinesc premises in the, neighbor collection of the WISDOM'S, ALLANDALE Remember the Anniversicy Services of tren. Campbell and Misses Elsie nd Chris hood the Tulston Methodist Chureh on Sunday, |tobel; also one sivter, Mins Raikes, ho | The police are now investiguting the af- | er home with him, und two broth: 'eae My Dreyer suys that he could iden. of Wetaskiwin, Alta. and Lt ify hia assailants HIGHEST GRADE Sept 21, at Ham. and 7 p.m. old time, , RURAL CANADA. "Clean, wholesome, [te be conducted by Rey, R. 8. Fralick. a i PHON ge unafraid, "on fire with a geeut passion |foriner pastor |Col, Richard Ruikes. now overseus Later, when dicuning 'the jwattes with'| AP| serve the Rural people. whom it loves --_--_--_ | Interment wae made at St°Thomas cent Mr Lay of the Bank of Con OGR HS and underetends" | 250 Buvs a Thrift Stamp. Jetery. Shanty Bay, Tuesday afternoon 'merce, it was discovered that Mr. Lay and | Watch for Our Stand at the Fair. GARRETT'S Music Store 3 sececcees Mr. Drever had inet some year ago in far off Yukon, the former being then 1 | Se eaaaaaeeeee 000006000000 SOOOOOO OOD OOOOOOO OOOO OOOO OOD OOOO OOS the staff of the bake wt White _ Exclusive Silks Fora few hotury on W y after noon, Barrie was visited by a Ing party of touring motorists from United States, w took peaceful sossession of Dunlop 4 Nmade moving pictures of the procession of fear and che party, accompanied by a num ber of citizens. | 'The occasion was a tour of inspection of | the rode leading from Michigon, vin the Soo, and ie known an the "Sault Ste. Mare Toronto Pathfinders' Tour" The left Michigan some lays ago, and Dress Fabrics If you have not just decided as to your mater- ial for vour new Fall Frock we invite you to visit lle then by way of Bracebrvlee routes te our Dress Goods Department and see our range of fen nongarer tal uioniree reas | r Siiks und Dress Fabrics. Anwrieon civies amt Sault Ste Mare Ont. | Nine out of every ten afternoon dresses are ponartine thee or le eee made of either charmeuse or taffeta this season. In Prove Roden and FT Taste eotars OQuturie Motor woand & fact, crepe de chine seems to be the only rival. Our Good Ronde Srovice. president Ont " plaid tatfetas in browns and greens and blues are is the dram-nipe | that ; rich in tone and bevutiful in appearance. And our Abn fenattion Tat ihe eee Se ee ee linc: Gheat : charmeuse is everything that cam be desired in 'rot. said that the |metal, smooth or corrugated, a ICE CREAM both finish and_-value. : ae special work and if you are) FOR GARDEN PARTIES, ! fhe of such we ean promise 4 pea Ses Leelass warkman-like job.| PICNICS AND STORES FRENCH CHIFFON BROADCLOTH -- $ 'itie'Ze" focurtiathr| un", sit" tte stems ae ot request , while the unner in Feough Dalaton i (tnetal dears, windows, skylights, eC ¢ in all the rich new Autumn shades with brown tones fi she mush btn ra" Motor |e, we" |to send in their order ahead-- Fe nee oe oie| MOFFATT & PARR [just phone up whenever you About July of next year. Mr. Edenburs | plumbers, Phone 634, Barrle| Want it. suid. an advance party of from 40 to 50 one 5S cars and nhout 200 motor enthusiarte will | __ Sl Agents for "'Hecla" Furnaces come over. They will bring. two. trucks |= ------$--$------------ fi in Chu with full camping equipment. a band and predominating. A cloth that will make you a fash- ipnable fall suit or a pretty new dress. Have your gown made in the fashionable and popular combin- ation of broadcloth and taffeta, and you surely will be satisfied and pleased 'with the effect. Speakers who. will promote good ronds,| The people of St. Mary's Parish learned < P Barrie is sinted as one of the stopping |lsst week with great regret of the sudden CANDY WORKS Visit our Dress Goods Department pieces in their itinerary. \death of Rev. Thos Finegan, who was During their stay in Berrie a 'movie |curate in this parish twelve years ago. His! Phone 303 Dunlop St. man took pictures. which will Inter be [body was found by o little child in St |shown in the Opera House, as well ns those |Peter's Church. Orangeville, on Friday and Jtuken at other points along the route. the physician called said he bad been dead, the seminaries in Toronto and Montreul, | two hours. Death was due to heart disease. \He was ordained on. December a. 187, 'An Orangeville despatch says: "Father |and for a time was Curate at St. Michsel's MIDHURST Finegan was very popular Te this town, {and st St, Paul's, Toronto, ond priest a8 Sept, 18, -Mre M.A. Dwyer has return. {taking a keen interest in all public affairs. |Grimsby, Barrie, Dixie, und St. Joseph', ed home after avending a few days in Bar. |He was a very active member of the Chil-|Toronto, removing to Orangeville, about fie with her daughter, Mrs, Wm. Robin. {dren's Aid Society. He was born in Syra-}four years ago, Funeral Mass was selbst | | THE NEW MILLINERY * There is a dash and trimness about the new hats that make them particularly smart and attrac- tive.. Not only the hats themselves but the trim- mings havea tendency towards jauntiness. Ribbons, feathers, fur and fringe are used chiefly. son. cnse, N-Y., in 1870, aud was graduated atled by Right Rev. M. D. Whelan, V. Miss Mary Boyes of Elmvale is the guest {Manhattan College, New York, and 8t.|Toronto, and the sermon was preached by, of Mrs. W. W. Boyce Michael's College, Toronto, and also from {his former pastor, Rev, Dr. Trevey. Charlie Williams of Toronto «pent the week-end here with Midhurst friends W. Cameron of Alliston spent Sunday at his home here. Mr und Mrs. Arch, Monteith spent the week-end with frignds in Painswick Mr. and Mrs, J. E, Wallwin are visiting friends in, Penetang this week The yollig people around here enjoyed themselves at a corn roast in the church grove on Monday evening. Mre, Laura Brown has gone to Toronto after spending some time with her mother Mrs, James Pierce, Sr P. Doran of Edgar spent Tuesday in the village. Wm, Hamilton is operating on the 4th Jinn fixing the road--not before it wax needed, Thre of the day. Mr. and Mra. W. W. Bovee, sccompanied by Miss Mary Boyce of Elmvale, motored over to spend Sunday with friend: in Col- lingwood and Ravenna, Reggie Dunn of Toronto is spending two weeks at his home here. Henry Leadlay, Sr, Mr. and Mrs, H. Leadlay, Jr.. of Cookstown, sccompanied by Miss Addie McGowan of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mre. Forrest Wall- win on Sunday. Mrs, Harold' Mandley has returned to her home in Toronto after spending # few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller, DIED LARSON--Suddenly, on Sept. 15, 1919, at the home of her brother, Chas. Grubbe, 205 Blake street, Barrie, Mrs. Frances Irson, aged '68 vearsy barra Barrie, on Thursd 1 Willinm G. McBride, SARJEANT & KING, Limited 3-522 Shopping hours for Fall:--8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Toronto, on Wednesday, Sept. 10. Mary Ry ; Pettinger, widow of Thos. Shortreed, for- OOOO9OO9OOOO! inerly of Barrie, in her 76th year. Miss Buchanan and staff are at your service. OOSOOS $0606600000000 POOCEP EHS OS PELE TOPO C OOS S PS PELE Service and Growth Great and permanent growth in any institution is impossible except on the basis of genuine service to the Public. For 87 years we have aimed to give a peat and comprehensive service --yet withal a friendly and sympa- thetic one--to our customers. Our present strong position is a meee of our success--but more largel measure of our usefulness. Why not let us serve you too? ee ®OOOOOSOOOSHOSHOOOOOHOOOHOOOOS ESOS IODHOODOODOOOO HOODOO DEO DO OOOH OD DOOD OOO HOODOOOOO OOOO OOOO DOD WE SELL s 'NORTHWAY' SUITS AND * \ coars The suit that will keep its shape and made up in all the newest styles for Fall 1919. You can not appreciate the perfect lines and excellent workmanship of these garmegts unless you try them on. and' silo filling is the order --THE Bank of Nova Scotia Pald-up Capital 9,700.000 fd Undivided Progis Bf. 990.089 SSOELIAGSS SSS 0000S O08 SSS OE TOS EFE

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