THE BARRIE EXAMINER ACTION DEFERRED : 1 d orderly meeting. Many proposals were | jut forward but the result was the unani- | mous decisis COW] C O a IN WEST SIMCOE 'éremore' sn Ssusrdey atersoon, Septent ber 6. st two o'olock, old time, for the 1 4 ¢, for the | & 7 UFO; Asks Labor'to Sain ta Se of nominating a candiate. Inthe ch Asks Labo: . seamed rand Veterans will be com- The N joosing a Candidate--Too tion ix Tid ts be' phedalad (or Geena: e Fancy t . Se t. 6. 12 and it is ex a = signed oods Store Meet Again, Sept. 6. 12 and it ie expected thatthe siting me WwW ( ; eee a q jan a Collin, vd _aCenis am South Sincoe United Fa Sowego' ter the Liber cette pe sols. S mers 'have cided op Boe tie te se ad a heen bane a ; repres m in the coming Provincial Senerally believed r Wools, Stamped Goods, Children's §f [ii S2 sumtime | ear an ano _ post ir selections until arrange: ato BINDS Ad -_ meats ean be made with the Labor party BUILDS:ANO BINDS A EE -whag,, Pullovers and Sw na Pont tinea ne te eed ne er Coats. wb me hia aor , Bg sain ot oe ray national in character is, the ex- . ere were about 100 representative far- th of the Canadian: National Hallwayy. th Y an ines of Fancy Goods @ [issn treme, on Tuncey hot ana Senet rae a C [ists Hae A weuelpalies Betng. rope et abe dene and the" elects ighting liippeito 5 - all of ral twunvespalities being rep. of the dome. comt is) stectsic: Hehting an n tr wn e . ed. us well as come of the towns add - combined with most '4 . eet ; East Side villages, After considerable dueuaion ie doves, eet bad ected charter to the wetore the ail iceing was tibenel until September the di kona while the: mraugenent; of , . without the name of 8 si nM play "ip sentra COWIE ® C ; hace tout oe ae eT carat of moverneal to view gee Beet O was proposed by Reeve Holden of Collin t ka: . oe eee aeoded (bat it waa Usel . The frieze decorations show typical land. success tsk the Labur men to co-operate dis 15 age es al the stee Eoevinces mith the ctlag td 548 NARS Roar caus irae sone i porate with the coal of ek at each, he connecting link d i oe Le eee reminder that who i eeu 'Eeebermore, ree tious hat ae of 'a line that builds and uring the war as el ie candidate if h ee idea Se Ee en [aateca bys hiss: Cote ooneat ine a _aToowgh » comparatively gut flair at the Dominion, on "pica shor ail uteet, the speeches and discussion at lina tio dae jar ee arc ge Sen ey cian ¢ a package erable enthustusm before its conclusion, W, | tional mo ae pea uel eee |T_Aldeeon, vie president for West Sim: {tbat Kireuae Wy lant felog indeeated' by W coe. prended and briefly stated thut the |1 brosd band of red ing, Hida by . Hobyet of the meeting wie to cvpeider the; No beter or more comprehensive jadviab ity of nominating » candidate for Gull have been sdbpled te een ea he "Lec tosoete rgnanon at 1400 nile elieay aie Gee sues and in the case of 8 nomination beiag |Canadian National iene Ponst made, to arrange for the financing of un the Canad Tener Tae Mitereolantal T of wi ie Cunse Northern, th Alderson explained that it snd 'Trenveantii hi lle Tetereoleatat HE FL S ' was ree, tr $1,000 either by {11 siiamared i nes Bias gee inp bs TS - _ fesiment of by private contribution ther demaneienie the tad that the. yaten \ --_ - ree anh wml pe ea SO DOES THE PR = i Farmers, sedressed the miceting, (40d reaches every Provincial 'the ding a ; sein iS are Serer A Gk isin ranemuret of = | al ening for an our. Me expres OH flashing lights taken in faney 1 eat aero or ung w-- hee ha te Pee Ha (the, entero italian to Wancover come now after the men bad made such | 4?° victoria, stopp: arily at Are You Remodeling? ev prt a nl ie se th Aa Seemann Fears Some farmers, be su were busy, jbuck again. The map SHiMtil prave'of meel cians eae ang ak fens ME psa pe Gat ca a ioe a S Is wy should leave others to do the dian Nation: ways and originality as the outside. Ag mark of corinese tre ities 'beating on their sendy ee -- ne matters bearing their busines an Beautiful Transpare ' efor: Surarter Cees . get, away from party tes. A ol apie omar ts Salt Sater eer pan cf enter nan ame alc l rears, bi ec ie al a ved Ww ogr! = Rich -F " F muss and lasts as long as the house. they shad semarate Fe ae evcrllciostoncte: Crates, ion oa ! FE ert lee oud. ema a G's : is ren 00: to Canada's innumerable pie oa that the meeting at Burnie ad with it prea is puny eee a been calle by Hartley Dewar. but sock (ar ibe: pteleclion.-aldionclvy ayes as nol Case. U.F.O. was clear mov ne peolving aoteant mas not the case The far_moving pictures of scenic atid sp Soret wc ee ee eT cee Hee ing ee eee net wclant at weiss , Henry Digi and Chengry Hon. Frey, uly and per, ner 8 Sore et ee ere [sn re sr tt gee not papers stores) offices and public buildings Sapna [fer themacles, te BO Bruce br CEO i been meh ear eg ec ofices'aed public buildings eis ainted, had nominated a candidate t pen eines ee eee nde rei s ieti le to oppose a silerable lorethoug Ni 1 i eRe i git the ee aul dee es stees a farmer Liberal eanvhdate who had secepted ait es ee Due ci Silay Breing Posto Ben a party nomination. In North Grey a pare mid de Ce eee ee in the Sukay Bre ick ' nid devoted to s besutiful display at ihe Feat ot Febey y ad been nominated. but ish Columbia abla ot Brie / 'bans 20 me can tl pot, more eh it did not befool the farmers who imaeds- | Wales SE eae ee seariaalinlee auoukd ced acon Beaver [ately nominated» cata of their own. grain with ie wrte ortho vce he wold fn of Cann] spent 3 | say they belong te such and suel ue cag porta a a. spent |x party and. that ae Gatiet wis. ant sibibbebinaaiiiee woes Simon nn ie i work a FOR SALEBY! ihe qpesctintbe: "ae the sume, but wha -- en - jdoes at mean? to meuns simply that | : raat BALL PLANING MILL CO eee te eee ts ined eure and year ago and n0 se desk Miro Senin i Jown Both parties atte taemie ts ab " } day, Either will secept their platform, but . es Jneither of them will get it. The farmers "ers have got their own und are going to kee ic it "All the farmers are asking is that ae ¢ )) should have representation uccording to our al interests," said Mr. Halbert, Further he NY suid, "There should be more repres ta: RY BO NDS tver of labor und the veterans should abo Canada' be represen deel '3 issi -- Og te Canada's Wounded 2s BOUGHT, SOLD OR cot Rte ats Wowniad._« 49,708 EXCHANGED «| hae Oe = Canada's National Debt - - - $1,670,263,691 AT BEST MARKET PRICES Premier, Heart Mr. (Baber, added, ha Idiers' Annual Pensions ° bg pee . iF welcomed more e . . { Write us when you have business in Bonds, or f dette idan Ch ae whew thew =feonee | 5; r for was a candidate the whole Cabinet hi information. fared no oyose the farmer the Prehilsr HE WORLD is staggering with 7 n fbieseitaving gone into Manitoul le countries i -- Fenka See Sun ot tee: Ele {Lad leurat ve are v BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO le eer oe ec fe ee s {he would not accept the by cy ae eam state ; pt the best constituency years ago Canada hi onto lin the provinee, e i --S= : Stock Exchange [nthe prov were offered him, if it carries to-day. er dreamed of the financial burden she 71 Bay st., TORO re) ware ba Reena what the farmers Cc di NTO. ere going to do, he replied, "We s g nade: d STOCKS B No telms Goveenment if' need bef' if entered the Greet War wi i oucHt aia SOLD ON etree ah nee ea or $42 per head of population. th cn National Debt of $337,000,000, ion? ined f : Debt ay es ALL Pa aide eur wo datol $670 268,001, which is cnpected to spproninate 82,000,000. gous T 0 do witl f the Ger, i the BES ie ll Boe our own roy, ad 000 by the end of the fiscal ne ey gianna = ill be hoed clean.'" i i 8 "mth ta ese ol sy child in the country. Interest charges al for every: man, woman é "ers, ey can profiteer is dif- i as felt to understand In eae does ths alf our present national revenue, and soldie: ne will eat up nearly one- T C ter on fe the race of toting Fpl provided as well. rs' pensions will have to be ney, but the casia of goods they have to buy hav. y he Cenotaph |aisier: Can Ontario Afford The cost of clothing, for ex: ntari ample, has i d y ti . jeri . Senin' co: teat It is oo, pouder tht the ~~ ae i meets empt t erlved from-two Greek words signifying "an Dominion Textile Co. paid an0" per cent $36 000 000 a Y y tomb"--has come by later t peng , , ear c as usage to mea' Speaki on ° pity into! = et an any peaking of the farmers' del aie orial erected in honor of one hawt venphataly ' whos ; Mr. Halbert decl ically . tal remains are elsewhere interred or lost. =-- aes da Baten sc aig npn 'Boorinca aqpesinated 49600 per year, amo . as a class. Statements to the contrar Province i 000,000 pe Sig pair » t It is a particularly fitting tribute to the sailor lost Iresieheees head bar eigen etry a equal t Pa oe yrs . Anni Serge the ¢ tee u fi bute knew exactly what wi 0 Ontas intere Nati | at sea or the soldier who lies buried in a foreign land. Peete Me bind ead fo There. was Debt. In the face pe a : he ee ee National ( tasked for nor did the = as, fanaa ibilitis : ; res] is thi Many such memorials are being placed in the farmers 19. oppose, the Mi ty Serve At ean i ore relax a single onc of a esti peg actin of large cities by the relatives and friends Wrage Uy ihe maine, Bons cppecaesiaof x yand an per? "Toerary qoatien onthe of those who so perished i f ree EET -- ? sion of 'President , -- = Wheth Pp the World War. besertry F. E, Webster St Greemore a : Relerendum Ballot,vot . To every question on the é } eecretary-tt id son er they take the form of simple marker or after which the evecicn treed eae . cestly meinen amangred or polished --Marble eee eae eke Salt of thelr cake as a N ranite,--Lig! itsford Valley Marble, be- ff /tlbeing favorable to th lateral wean Oo ime _'* Ce) cause its beauty is everlasting--is a particularl didate in the field. Be otc Tooked ° i S r 4 propriate material for this purpose ee | org gerne gee Coline N vernment : te i : a monkey wrench into the jo Repeal--No Gor spe--No intoxical dard an ° machinery and for a ti i 'hia geen -- bare--No Govern For anything in the form of a memorial fo! Fey at thet Later be invited or pony elias ese re you te on the vn lB ne ballot tery, church, or school, consult rceme- BIBS RG EO ant that the convention far imar HEK--H--Mria tect Noe = : : Jy " i unt 7 ; ae consult, cei args --ee --e-- 4 B . id he could give no assurance as to the : The Barrie Marble Works |iriiie es Sirens ntari m vored the farmer. He als favored the veterans bein al t R f mm . | d 1g brought in. i 79 Bayfield St., opp. Ball Planing Mill water et pene ond the UFO. wat are x cen u 9 ittee i orkiny i AND! GRANT, J. F. Murphy, Prop. BARRIE, ONT. which he believed "hoatd ts Vettes cone Bucceasor to R. L. Wolfenden 7 + By ates dtcuanton 7 i rie r : : urther discussion followed, many taki 'iar et i art, at times with much vim and vigor -- , lsior wut 'all carefully guided by President Hal. noe bert who turned a medley into s peaceful uy