Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 7

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, August, 28, 1919 MR. BOYS ANSWERS U. F. 0. SPEAKERS | sr eco citar Sctenaie fle} 'Continued from puge 7 umzation and ute [LOOK FOR EDDY S NAME ON THE BOX matches, see that the name "EDDY. It is your uuarantee of safety and satisfaction, More than sixty years of manufacturing ex- perience is back of it, EDDY'S MATCHES keep the fires burning {n millions of Canadian homes, T for every purpose among the 30 to 40 different Eddy brands. Ni it f# more than Feal economy to eee that Eddy's name ls om the box. The E. B. Eddy Co. Limited Hull, Canada Alte Makers of Indurai and Pager Sprcsalties é ' t THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Seven * Fresh, rich, full-flavored tea je same every time _ REDROSE TEA |s good ted Sold only in sealed packages their own, tives. und ¢ W, of polities -- | mands and hut who third minorit ronment and would nut ore }the eliss. up how hon Fwoull gover le a. au | well os Jof the commanity. itty as a whole When a stent you buy fare te ge i co ap gon tute The sel of bu will he able te Jotile others will no! vine un the touean fen match he oan rm that tically 'hee pi Boys | Fev ertainment | Turniur canyghtien at Buerie Pibreware speakers cl |ment, he said. If she proposed in Parlia- | question unfairly pnd trying to prejudice the fil, Oro, Manitoba and Alberta, and I am | ges | government could not foresee that some af sure what I say will not be misunderstood. |Canadu'e richest. sien would buy 'up the |Brodie's speech, said Mr. Boys bonds for one billion, five hundred mil- |where the city men's wives wore many d jto buy s $300 or $400 diamond solitaire tics and setting one class aguinat the other jyour burden, ever beard gf them as a class putting up wdidates ? jeavour to have legislation shaped to meet the needs of their businera, Id it. therefore, not be better for the 'urn the UEO antu a pobtieul or. UE... as representative of the farming in- fit to gallop into the/dusity of Ontario, to. endorse cunditates farmers' horse Does} whether they are tors, Lawyers, manutuetyrers -- professional | ples en of all ahi an alnunt every |more modern schools, with modern sani-| In ten or fifteen years, suid Mr. Watson, Jof landing a "big fellow 1 to look after their reasonable de- interests thay to introduce a arty to embarage the Gov- ing in an opposition who 'vresent the farmers' views" Governinent by class, no matter how big In Government jhy party, you get the views of iered government for the good province, the coun 'it might be ight to "touch up" the |fepresentatives represented their interests. | fish, while the innumerable smaller lakes it might be all rig i | 1) Ur an organization of a jae ut af tw alecnatve get SHANTY BAY of the forets and ina labyrinth of lant are successful When they dabble in what know and whut should be en hers, they fail it will be to your goof hundreds of thousands sof grain. of thou fof stuck, as a highly ape ring highly specrihzed men, and some cure competent men, | -{support. but ¢ end of farming. clubs wall be ®Mecessiul t wf your clubs, be folure" "And Towant everyone here k well my words and in ufter y stu not bear them: out, siweches ut the some of he utterances of the two principal | Mrs. Browdie's apeech was most entert hut there it stopped as s farmer's arg CaneMvra Easy to use. Sold in strong 'are Bonded t | To Avow Hic Cost OF FEEDING LIVE STOCK {Ss Is hi Produces More Milk. Builds Flesh Faster--Keeps Stock Healthier Reduces Cost of Feeding--Increases Feeder's Profits. No Special Apparatus Required. n-hooped barrels at a very reasonable price. Write for full information and booklet giving expert advice on feeding. CANE MOLA Co. or CANADA, Limited 118 St. Paul Street West, - | MONTREAL Local Distributor, Alex. McKee, Barrie, Ont. lightning Can't Strike if SHINN Gets There First 'ey YOU WANT to be sure that Lightnin, strike your house or b you want to feel perfectl: \flashes--remember that ro. Shinn-Fla - Lightning Rods 0 absolutely protect your property sfrom damage by Lightning, A large Bonding Company issues a Surety Bond to the owner of every building we ning will not dama; 36 per cent. Greater Capacity Shinn Flat has 86% more conducting surface for electricity than any round cable containing the same amount of material. » W. H. Day, Profe: tural College for twel: ers, |thus insuring correct installation. It coste very little to THE SARJEANT CO., LTD., AGENTS Protect, guaranteeing that Light- ge. ssor of Physics at the Ontario Agricul- Ive years, (assists in training Shinn Deal- these ULE.O. speakers at YOU SHOULD FEED Cane Moca to your Cows, Horses, Pigs and Sheep. Cane Myta IS NOT A PREPARED STOCK FOOD Cane Mya hly recommended by the best Dairy and Cattle Breeders ve MYLa I Jshoull any mun say "sweep awa Liffey" Camas gets $1 [over which it i suid Major Hartt, MP. ig will not arn or other property--if ly safe when the Lightning /) Mr. Malbert attempting to plage a public ment what she did on the platform at Bar-| meeting unfairly rie she would creste considerable umuse-} Undoubtedly the farmer works hard, for ment. She pictured the "awful burdens} no class works longer hours, and I don't of taxation" the farmer was groaning un-| think the farmer is getting more than der, snd left the impression that the rurul|he is entitled to. But' was there ever e ' F community suffered to the advantage off time when the farmer was more prosperous? Canadians eat tons daily of the urban classes Replying to a question, Mr. Boys said Now. Barrie is not « manufacturing town. that he thought the next war bonds weakt and depends almost entirely on the farmi-|he taxable During the war the money Jing trace, I am somewhat of u farmer my! market was in such a state that the muin e ? elf. as I own farms in Tecumseth, Innis-| object was to get the money, 'sad. the AC. Ss as I represent farmers' riding and what bulk of the bonds to escape taxation million dollars, all held in New York and Lon. point out some of the inconsistencies of Mrv. 'Gon, but to-day the people of Canads held che is good for th d for me, ally ° War Cagedn ae J Cc S d [sofia a public sense. But id ere to gott0rs, the war Canatla's debt was 350 ersey Cream sodas Sold fresh everywhere. In sealed packages. She referred to an Ottawa gathering. lions | Geo. Watson, » former farmer member of monds, and claimed that farmers' wives | the legislature of Saskatchewan for Kerrobert hud just us much right to wear 'constituency, endorsed Mr. Boys' speech, Factory at LONDON, Canada. them, If any farmer hax a desire and thought Pres. Halbert was playing poli. Branches at Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Kingston, Winnipeg, Calgary, Port' Arthur, St. John, N.B. for his wife he muy do so--but thet would Farmers were not all angele and the other not reduce your taxation wnd only increase |classes all crooks. but there was a percent of good unc bad in all clusses. He She said the rural school had made no| thought Halbert could "soft soup' the progress in 40 years. She said when ber/farmer as well as snyone and advocated seven children passed out of the public|caution before taking up with new party chgol. "amore ignorant bunch would be |alliances, He said it would be a bad day for | amma enya ssnataenserasetanstite snes id Mr. Stade, Miss Stade and Mr, Me {hard to find." But I think you will agree with |the farmers' organization when they go jme that the bulk of the successful men of |into politics, and pointed to the political Canada received their education in these) and social unrest in Europe for many years {christ same rural schools. Assuming that she is |through factional and consequently unstable The Timagami Forest Reserve correct. whose fault is it? If you want, governments Every angler who knows the real thrill desires to enjoy tury and other appliances and more! if you stick to the business end you will| the sport that the wonderful Timagami costly teuchers ull you have to du |be farther shea : region of Ontario affords. Sportsmen who is to elect trustees who will give then: to) Mr, Watson hus had fifteen years' expesi- have fished all the important waters of the you. spend your money ynd increase this /ence with furmers' organizations in the continent declare that the fishing in. Ti awful burden of taxation she talks about.| West. an he said that ninety per cent, of jmagami cannot be exeelled. Lake Timagami Mrs. Brodic's proposal to tax. childless | legislation benefitting the farmers was|with its sixteen hundred islands and three couples can only be taken as a joke on her |through their organizations keeping clear | thousand miles of shore line is the home of art. avid Mr. Boys, who humorously. said /f political alliances and seeing that their|the black bass, brook trout, and other game Agent, Toronto, Ont. WHEN USING. / WILSON'S FLY PADS but spare the old maids, who| Musical numbers were given during the/are wl well stocked. There are no hard- evening by Jack Scott's juz orchestra and) shipa to be encountered in reaching Tima. they were heartily encored kumi, A few minutes after leaving the Grand Trunk through train from Toronto the Sportsman finds, himself in the bosom bachelors only have a chance once in four years She arivocuted 'release from the kitchen" for furn women, So fur ue T can ser. domestics at from $30 to $40 per month, or leave the fart " How would this reduce; Aug. 25. There was quite a nice gath-|inlets and channels inviting him to go your "uwful burden of taxation," asked feriig at the home of Arthur and Mrs.,"orth, south, east and west. There are Sr Bose? Peterson on Suturday evening lust. The oe. {Rood outfitting fucilities, and also some Mothers' sions Ix & question a being. ealt- with by the Ontaria Govern. (Cyril, ffom sverseus, All are_glal to" zee) R00 ie atill absolutely unspoiled, For full par- Catchers. Clean to handle. eanure ix more worthy of the boys ticulars and information regarding this ter the grunting of mothers'| Rev. R. Johnston hus returned with bi | 'ions will not lessen the burden wf taxa. [bride, All wish them Godspeed in their Mrs Brodie talke about, new field of labor The problems of rural life should not| Henry Gilchrist bus added » commodious eranda and «un room to his residence. be a burlesque, us presented in the rather |randa an s : 7 cleverly near humorous vein of Mrs, Brontie, | Mr. and Mra, Geo. Brown of Barrie spent but ure questions worthy of serious conmrl [6 Meeks Hately in the village eration, and unless you shift the bur game: heat ye) Sane " u ft few days at home lately from the farmer and ake the Ue oe ee ee ee eee ent a few diye lation amie it. T eun't wee a single suKBe [Tey Nuh his hrether Haney Hon of Mrs Brodie's that would not in- |S Nt 21h fis brother. Harry ine to qreme: tigation. And what veelf-resweting | sak his serit lately 'bit ia getting along fsrmer would want the urban communties | 7reK ie wet Tales but 10 bear his share of taxation Mr. und Mrs. N. W. VanNorman spent Taking up the various points in Pres. | she week-end in the village Halbert's ejeveh, the speaker pointed out! "Min White of Brucebridge is spending a that Mr Halbert had no direct complaint | week with Mr. and Mra James fart to make against the Hearst Government |" Shanty Bay people are sorry that the that would warran: farmers in condemning | migration time of. their summer. visitory it. Heart's prohibition record is in ae: |i neurly here; some are even leaving this cord with the UFO. policy, the govern: | week ment at Toronte was, an the moan, subs! Ms and Mew Capel til and pregremsve. and "what did yeute that as not sent, and visiting friends n Collingwood befure returning to their home in Owen Sound, Mr. Capel is re- now being one" asked Mr Boys. turning 10 bis work there us manual training Mr Hulhert's stute ina $2000] instructor in. the Collegiate investment for farm equipment. the 8100] Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Malcolm of Chesley nm implements would carry $400 in was eateh phy und not any Way neur accuracy. Mr i got those present to apportion the uwerege percentage of $2000 equipment whieh would represent stock and implements. and after adding up che figures announced that the sock should represent about 81100 ord the implewents $900, making the luty 2150 ad of $400 The duty is only 12 per cetit.on the more-costly implements, viz self binders, suowers and reapers, said Mr In the face of the fact that rcsperod under the hughest jarotection in | the world, and that for fifty years no coun: | try but Turkey has ailopted frees trade, tar 5,000,000 fron tariff ally Wipe it' out, and where are you Roig to get the mon There is only one way direct taxation and the farmer will pay his share then us now, the US. has} Referring to Mr. Halbert's 'quotation in to fartuers und the swine trough, is about to enter a libel action, Mr. Boys asked his hearers whether they thought any man representing = rural riding would be fool enough to make such a ridiculous ertion? Major Hartt denies having suid it and, for his part. Mr. Boys thought Mr. Halbert should apologize for using the stutement, The point in Mr, Halbert's speech where G d d L he raised the greatest enthusiasm wax h eet eee ood Looks an ong Wear of farmers in 1917. Mr. Boys said he gave . z . the president of the UFO, credit for in- telligence enough to find out who was the K tt d t St k writer of the "vile, scurrilous article in ni e in Oo oc in Ss Toronto Saturday which printed references oa an "ayful ror." "ding: Fine appearance anddurability are knitted right into heap." "rotten curcuss,"" ote.. in an article | concerning the visit of the 20,000 farmers Buster Brown Stockings. Our employees have had years to Ottawa, The writer was H.F.Gudsby and f ial re in knitti . T believe Bt. Helier kote in as member of special training in knitting Buster Brown hosiery. of the Presa Gallery at Ottawa, and t bie dou aot Neel Ve- Ve gente of pour innnay We use extra-long yarn. We spin it ourselves to be sure it's nine, by fee ced eeiicti| | BiNtaot nad sneed tneay Sfockings wich a rmo-ply leg and three for his breezy articles. Yet Mr. 'albert aaa . een ei reg tamale Because we do all these things, Buster Brown Stockings are (Applause). harder wearing. They make fewer trips to the mending basket, Mr. Halbert's statement that the farmers' deputation was.denied a hearing on the floor of the House was another statement calcu- They cost less in the end. Special attention is given their appearance, Inted to prejudice the meeting, No depu- tation in ever reeived in that way. A pet BUSTER BROWN'S too. They are exceptionally well-made and tion must given to a member who pre- " ' = ' sents it in the ordinary way, and in 'the Sisrer's STOCKING Rell-fitting. Try your boy with a pair and get end this was done with the farmers' peti- Buster Brown'sSister'sStock. || his opinion. tion, Ing for ehe gir splendid A "i * ng ai atamo sk your deal fe ste The Provincial good roads program was ieee a eemnaetemederees || éleey, ore cee oui Pal Buster Brown" durable dealt with by Mr. Boys. who in refuting jercerized lisie stocking, that Mr. Halbert's statement that the farmer is shaped to St and wears very taxed for the good roads between towns Colora--Black, Leather Shad: * {called joy roads by him), said that not Tan, Pink, Blue and White. The Chipman-Holton Knitting Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont.--Mills also at Welland one dollar of the government grant camo from the farmer except the small amount contributed by those farmers who own mo- ; tors. The balance comes from taxes on in- me, succession duties, crown lands, motor 1 licenses, ete. For the purely Provincial highway the Provincial Government 70 per cent., the County 30 per cent.; for K q the Provincial-County highway the Govern- ~ ment 60 per cent. and County 40 per cent.; S for the purely County road the div- ision is, Government 40 per cent, and Coun- ty 60 per cent. This is another ease of Lean of Harriston are visiting Mrs. H. Gil-|tory apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning, District Pamenger READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM EXACTLY already Jeasion was the home-coming of their sou, /Doarding establishments, but this great re-] "Far more effective than Sticky Fly and Grocers everywhere.

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