Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 6

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* long for children in their homes yet a: «some function: Page Six THE BARRIE EXAMINER FARMER MOORE HAS GAINED 37 POUNDS TO THE VOTERS OF CENTRE SIMCOE, EAST Al! Trouble Uvercome by Ta-| SIMCOE, SOUTH SIMCOE AND WEST SIMCOE. king Tanlac--Had Suffered E,ght Years. MD suffered fe before 1 found a r eight long yea's medicine t a would do me any good, but sinee faking Tanlae L have gained ex- actly' thirty-seven pounds, and all my fronbles have been com pletely overcome," said John Moore, a well known and. pros- perous farmer who lives on RP. D. No. i, Empire, 1, while m Shorthose's drug store in Bloom: ington the other day. "When 1 commenced taking Tanlac,' he continued, "I had reached the point where I rk at all, and couldn't do any w was ferced to bir my place on the. farm. 1 suffered so much and so long with stomach trouble, Twas just about down and out so far as health and strength was concerned, During all these years my appetite was very poor, and what little 1 did manage to ear would cause me worlds of suffering Gas woul! form on my stomach so bad that | get my breath, and | sort of | T eould hardly To wenld ave the mping spells. 1 finally got to re Twas hardly ever able to retain what T afe, and would ac- jo every time T hooked anything to had fatien ent mich worst and was in health that all) my talline about the awful ecomlition Pwas an. TP was Very terwenp WE the tems cured Tver hint keonl night's "Loleard about 'Fantae, then, and Totheoiht Powonld cave ita trod WW sir. omy frends and neishins talking diTeventiy new Phev ae + what in the werkd have ery Vakanes fo adhe teh hie imprevenent MoM comdethert ame ip fast dees 1 Pte tel then: that Woes wonderful viiteL a we main go te th as much hard wbon the farm rms ta he in per. unl TD onever lave Shen, and am not bothered S forpoang after meals. 1 ave the best appetite Pevwer had inomy life. and ean oat just any- thine Towant!, 1am free fram all that nervonsne too, and I sleep just like a hoy every night. TVanlae bas dene all that for me, and Pam as well and by s ot ' owas in my nd asst now life, T hive Lowill pass fie ered wer alens to who suffer as | did." ' Tanlae sold in Barrie hy Geo, Monkman, in Orillia hy M. H, Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. J. in Lefroy by GR Ardill. in Stayner by N. B. West in Cookstown by W Mackay, in Wanban-hene hy Georgian Ray olliers Lumber Co, Ltd. in Port Me-| Nicoll by PH. Reattie. in Allis ton by FoR. Sehell, in Liste by Robt Little, in ford by James A. Rain, in Tottenham by Chas. A. Weaver, in) Penotang- uishene by Ch Ao Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, in Coldwater by © G. Millard, in Midland hy Ge in Bead- fo thy WoT sbell, in Strond infley Bros, in Craighurst I. in Collingwood by Jury & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E_ J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stane by J toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- Advertisement THE JOY-OF | MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after , Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health Ellensburg, Wash.--" After T was married 1 was not well for a long time y and a good deal of r. the time was not y ey il = able to go about. Our greatest desire was to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town with # bottle of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it, It brought relief from my troubles. I improved in health so I could do m housework; we now have alittle one, all of which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's"| Vegetable Compound."-- Mrs. 0. 8. JouNson, R. No. 8, Eliensburg, Wash. There are women everywhere who denied this happiness on sccount of isorder which in most cases would readily yield.to Lydia E. 16 Com Pinkham's Vege Such women should not give up hope until they have given wondel medicine a trial, and for advice write Lydia E. 'Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, The result of 40 years sxporience is at your service, eal. | B. Sykes, and in Vic- | \ NOTICE is hereby given that |the Voters' Lists have been print- led and that they are now open for janspection by the public. The olectoral districts have Lbeen divided into divisions as 'deseribed below for the purpose laf revision by a revising officer af the lists as prepared by the lenumeraters and printed. The \<ittings of the revising officers 'to consider the appeals put in | tay day of the same has been inserted in a newspaper of the locality and the posting up of nolices, in at |least thre\ places in each' poll- ing sub-division. The Gaurt | will he héld at the place indicat- ed below in each division. 'The printed Voters' Lists have been sent to the following to be kept by them for inspection by | the publie | (a Te each Post Office in the County, but only the lists for the Municipality in whieh the Post Offier ts will be found in' any Offive hb) To Municipal and member of the Muniei- pal Couneil in the electoral districts a complete copy of \ the lists for the Municipal. ity fo whieh park bole Post every © To each Division Court Cle nthe County, a eapy of the Hist oof the Muninpality in sstuch he has his atti Ho Per copies of the lists ta the Members nf the districts fer the Assembly of (he "Towuenip lof Matchedach, Medonte. ana. EXPOSITION. 1 Datuel's Lofty Pur Pr wf Ontario Coldwater at COLDWATER. baer. 818, Aiel ten copies te the de. 8 All the polling subulivisions in the! This as given ae a Temperance' foaled candidate at the last Township of Oilie aul the Town of Orillia Te bas very litle tu de wie "temperane 5 al ORILLIA. as that word is nrdinarily ysed td: election If h fo find if your manne on the list, so te the toest convenient af the above and the tists, and af an = npeessary, the forms may i Poat the teecet the Chers ot any Min feapiuty in the County, or trom Nhe atic of the Voters' R fom Reaurd at the Conrt Rarrie Appeals in the forms prese Ins the vite dw in duphieate with the otwer's clork, Mr. Bo G at the Court tHe than five astra Mouse, ribs filed Slatute revising: Reddit. 1, not days befory Ise. the date fied for the sittings of! the Revisi OMiver tots im- portant that fwe copies of the [appes!s be sent in ta Me, Redd: jand it is advisable to the | forms provided by the Roarq amd Ie earefilly observe the rut Verning thegntermg and he ing of appe MR. BOYS ANSWERS U. F. 0. SPEAKERS Tells Ivy Farmers' Club That U. F. O. Move for Political Party Is a Mistake. Ie wll Chul wh they sick tw organization use + bod day for the Farmers wy go into polities But af originul intention of the to co-operation for mutual hwnefit, they will find sin tony they wall be farther ahead,"* said Geo, War hunt of Ivy. in endorsing » speech n W. A. Boys. KC. MP. beiore | the Club at Ivy last Friday night | Mr Boys had been invited by the Ivy |branch of the U.F.O. to uddress them and the representative gathering was an indi. 'eation of the intelligent interest displayed |in public affairs as relating to rural inter- ests. Thos. Banting, Pres. of the Club, oc- cupied the chair, and in calling for s vote of thanks to Mr. Boys, said'he, personally, thought the farmers' organizations would not gain much by dabbling in politics. He heartily endorsed Mr. Boys' views, and said the club would ask South Simeoe's member to address u public meeting in the near future. During his address, Mr, Boys dealt with several matters relating to Dominion poli- tics, but chiefly gave the meeting his views on the participation of farmers' organiza- tions in public affairs as a political party, and also a critical analysis of the speeches of Pres, Halbert and Mrs. Brodie at the recent U.F.O. convention at Barrie Some officers of the U.F.O. say there is to be no alliance with either Grits or Tories. but that the farmers must create a party: of their own, said Mr. Boys. Granted that they could elect men in the majority of the ridings the opposition would consist of Grits, Tories and Laborites, and that would be practically the same as the party system of to-day. But if the farmers can secure but enough representatives to hold the balance 'of power. they will have to lif up with 'one or other of the partis on every vote. Here -difficulty will arise when a Govern nient measure is oppdsed by this farmers' balance of power, and the Government of he day will have to resign for want of com- fidence. This will mean factional govern- ment," with a consequent instability of the life of parliament reacting on the farmer kin disruption of business through frequent elections, through neither of the parties being strong enough to put through pro- gressive legislation even for the farmer himself, and the farmers would gain noth- ing. Trying to Ride U-F.O. Horse "The quick change of heart" of some of these farmer-orators was amazing, said Mr. Boys. Take Mr, Drury,--who, in 1917 son, me [horse into power, says now you must bave will be held not less than fifteen | after an advertisement | would have been content to ride the Grit} If there are any errors in the lists in spelling, or in the initials used or in any other respect, they can be rectified by putting in an appeal in the prescribed form. {Upon an appeal, if the com- |plaint is that the name or qual- Nifieation of some person other than the appellant is wrongly en- lered or stated on the list a notice shall be given to such person by the complainant. The notice may be served upon such person by delivering the same to him per- sonally, or by leaving it with some grown-up person al his place of jrecsidence as stated in the lis and shall be in the same form as used on the appeal (Form 11). The révising officer will not strike jo the name of any person en- tered upon the list unless it ap- 'pears to hin that such person 'has had due notice of the com- | plaint. The following are the divisions 'and the place the Court will sit im each CENTRE SIMCOE | 1.--All the polling sub-divisions in the Township of Tiny and in the Town of _ Penetanguishene ut PENETANGUISHENE. 2.--All the polling sub-divisions in the Township of Flor at ELMVALE, 3.--All the polling sub-divisions in the Township of Vespra and the Town of Bar nie at BARRIE, | 4.--All the polling sub-divisions in the Township of Sunnidale at NEW LOWELL. FEAST SIMCOR, 3.-All the polling subdivisions in be Town of Mulland at MIDLAND. 6--AlL the polling sub-division im the Townsbyy of Tay, Victoria Harbour and Port MeNicwll at VICTORIA HARBOUR, 7-all the polling *udslivisions in the 9. All the polling sub-divisons in the Township of Oro at HAWKESTONE. \ WEST SIMCOE | 10.--All the awnshipy of " and the ne subdivisions in th ttawaeaga, the Village of Town of Stayner ot |STAYNER | Ut MM the polling sub-divisions on the [Town of Collingwood at COLLINGWOOD. 12.- All the polling sub-divisions in the Townshiy of Essa at THORNTON. 13.- All the polling sub-divisions in the Township of Tossornniio and the Town of Alliston wt ALLISTON. 1 SOUTH SIMCOE polling subdivisions in' the [Township of Adjula, the Township of Te cumseth, the Village of Berton and the Village of Tottenham ut BEETON.. 15, All the polling subdivisions in the jTownshy: of Innisfil at STROUD. 16 All the polling sub-divimons in the |Townshiy of West Gwilhnibury und the [Villuge of Bradford at BRADFORD. WAY Dated al Barrie, August 28, 919 tie GoM. VANE Sbamanese Ml Hewistration PRoard for Hie County af Sime nothing to do with Gr ar Tory. Same of these oratars have trird te nile he horse, the Tory horse, the Independent horst and, having been thrown off ail. are now Continued on page | FOUND GUILTY OF NEGLECT SERIOUS SITUATION TO DEVELOP, Failure to take prope: has been responsible for m: and the se of murh suf hardship to-day. | Take the case of Wm. Duna, 313 | Gerrard St. East, Torouto, Ont. Dunn was @ chronic rheumutic sufferer for ten years. Three years of that ten he spent in bed suffering indeseribablo torture. Picture the joy of this man on finding that Templeton's Rhenma- tic Capsules wero restoring him to nor- mal health again, Here are a few ex- tracts from his: letter to us: " During the past ten years I have been laid up with Rheumatism, One attack confin- ed me to my bed for a year. and a sec- 'ond attack left mo helpless for over two years, After I had tried almost everything, a friend got me a box of T.R.C.'s, and a few doses convinced me that I had at Inst found the proper remedy for my trouble. T.RC.'s im- proved my condition rapidly, and I feel that had it not been for T.R.C.'s T should have been Inid up for years. T.R.C.'s are certainly wonder work- era. Try them ~ Ask if Druggist or write us for our new YDooklet; it is interesting and costs you noth! (Templetons, 142 King West, Toronto). mail TC's anywhere on receipt of Sole Agent for Barrie, Wm. Crosland, Druggist and Kodaks. precautions deaths, ring aud Armstrong, B.C., June 11, 1919. | Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, N.S. Dear Sirs: Since the start of the Baseball season we have been hindered with sore' muscles, sprained ankles, etc., but just se soon as we started using Minard's Liniment our troubles ended. Every baseball player should keep a bottle of your Liniment handy. Yours truly, E. E. Armstrong. Baxeball Team Granulated Eyelids, YOuUr ee ar; 28-40 ¥ or by mail 60c per Bottle. write For Book Sets ch be Mr. | Secretary Armstrong High Schoo! |" Upo H. A. SIMS Manager Ce \THE SUNDAY | SCHOOL LESSON [AUGUST 31, TEMPERANCE. Dan. 1 820. (Read Dan P82: Rom. 14: 21; 1 Cur 9 24-27 GOLDEN TEXT. "Every oman t striveth fur the mastery is temperate in all thi 1 Cor, 9:35. TIME' 408 BO PLACE Babylon ram the use uf all alee hoe drake ts every Christian's duty, but at is not tuught in this passage. "DANIEL |PURPOSED IN TIS HEART THAT HE WOULD NOT DEFILE HIM is the key te Dus lie un ae puWeR ane succes id hesrt and on his whl v4 art tells wh hut Goil_ lov WS ny Sead and action without steadfastness of pur Daniel's purpose was Carrying it out an volved great daily suerifi great peril. but theew Daniel stood, [of cours by bun, 'The king's meat and wine very able to the palate, mere ake than pulw, but had been offered ay a suerifier and non te gets and Daniel would himself free from phance weak, [Total ahetine fa man' It is this} 812; Lu} of hie | and unalterable abwarship (Deut 105. 28; 141 4,1 Cor Ws 18 2841). He would be absolutely clean from any partnership with the miserable business What a lesson Daniel gives usin this day of easy goin wordly confernaty. He was in Baby But he woul not Ho as the Bakylonians did. | He lost nothing by his unwavering fidelity ty Gad, No one ever lose Veueh fidetyy (Ped 1D) Bui inl was | hot arrogon' and self aswertive in bie fie | elity. There was no parade of h the eunebs self." Most men who a Hoyaly 1 Toand Wis word jhy ther rade of to ennscience elders atts tha purttanisin: Wd sweet hand Bar they did careful te) plewr God His hands the inact aunbonding speil i ev hand (If we are THEE DA 'born of faith. He knew God would not Heave one-of His children 10. suffer because of his loyality to Him, Daniel had rnowgh confidence in his religion to have it put to 3 practical test. His wisdom was indeed | the wisdom that cometh from above Il How Jehovah Rewarded the Fidelity of Daniel and his Friends, 14-20. Daniel's faith was not disappointed. "At the end of the ten days their countenance appeared fairer ond fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat" (v. 15), Some would eee in this an argument for a vegetuble diet. What strange vision some have. Tt is an argument for obeying God and seeking to please Him in everything (comp. Ex. 23: 25; Deut, 28: 1-14; Ps. 37 16). "GOD GAVE THEM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL IN ALL LEARNING AND WISDOM." True wisdom is (ch. 2: 20-23; 1 Ki, 3: i 1 Chron, 1: 10-12; Job 32; 8; Prov. 2: 6) This is true of wisdom in all its forms, but it ix pre-eminently true of the wisdom that is of perennial worth, The condi which God bestows wisdom ure. first, as il- lustruted here, unwavering obedience to His will (comp. Jno, 14° 15, 16, 26, R.V.! second, prayer (Jas. 1: 5-7; Col. 1:01 third, the study of the word (Ps. 119: 98. 100.130). It is through His Spirit that wisdom is given (Lu, 21:15; Ae. 6:10-, Daniel had wisdom given to him in an ex pecial direction, "'in all visions and dreams." This was because Duniel had an 'especial work to perform in the purposes of {God and an especial pluce to fill in the plan of God, It illustrates the principle that holdy in the Church to-day, that while there one Spirit there are diversities of gifts. ministrations, workings and manifestations. and that the one and the self-same Spirit divideth to each one severally even as He will (see 1 Cor. 12: 4-11, R.V.1. There is windom through the Spirit for every child of God, but whether there shsll be "'under- ding in all visions and dreams' depends entirely upon the sovereign will of the Holy Spirit and the work to which God in His wisdom and grace calls us, THEREFORE, STOOD THEY BEFORE THE KING." Their loyalty to God had paid. Where divi His suggestion as Depends Your "To-morrow" THEBAN KOF TORONTO Capital $5,000,000 n Your "To-day" y WHAT vou can save to-day ie the foundation upon which you will lay your life-work. The man with capital, even be it small, is the man who is ready when opportunity arises. The savings habit is not as easy to acquire as the spending habit, but most things worth while require an effort to attain, and the capital for your day of opportunity can only be obta'ned by hard work, economy and saving. Open a Sav ings Account with the Bank of Toronto. Your Savings are protected by a ctrong national institution, and earn a fair rate of interest without risk of loss. Reserves $6,625,623 those Israelites who had compromised and | King than Nebuchuinezzar, -- Earth-bore eaten the king's defiled meat and drank Iwisdony will never bear comparison with his defiled wine stand? It seemed three God-given wisdom, Would that we might years buck as if Daniel and his friends hud never forget that, There is one more thing sucrifiee| everything hy thrir stern conscies [that must be noted, "Daniel continued." Uioustens, but in reality they had gamed |He had good siuying qualities. What war everything It always comes out that way {the secre: of it? Others came and went, nthe long run. But those al jeve kings and dynasties, but Daniel today will stand some vee a greater enntinuel (1 Jno. 2:17). The Vital Lubricant--G OL D. Munition motale have played w xtupendons part In the great rebirth of mations, but tal lubricant which has" made powible thix wonderful meta~ morphosin and which will be (he hand maiden of the Tong period of restoration iGO We are offering a GOLD Investment whieh we believe will pay 50 to 100 p dividend within one year, with gufflelept gu ked owt and in sieht to pay at Teast i for every dollar invested, Particulars upon app IMPERIAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION. McKINNON BUILDING TORONTO Thone Adelaide 3818, 3 28, RON Furnaces are makin ular Warm Air Heating A Better Heating System for Your Home at Lower Cost O the great advantage--lower cost--every warm air furnace has over other heating systems, Hecla Furnaces have added better heating-- cheaper heating--greater health. Moist Warm Air Warm air given by the Hecla Furnace carries plenty of the moisture so necessary to health. The Circular Waterpan of the fortably warm as dry air at 70 degrees. The abun- dance of moisture sup- plied by the Hecla saves the coal] necessary for the extra 5 degrees heat. The Hecla Steel Ribbed Fire Hecla is large, runs com- P alae is pletely around the furn- Ot, tod, Assists tn saving. ace. 'This' ensures: even Will bern coal, wood or natural gas. It has three times the fire-pot radiat- ing surface of ordinary furnaces, same amount of heat with less fire--saving one day's coal each week. And the Cost There is hardiy a home that cannot afford the low cost of this perfect heating. If you intend improving your home with a new furnace sce this furnace at the nearest Hecla dealer's store. If you are buy- ing a new home, remember it will probably cost less and be a better home if it.has a Hecla Furnace. For more complete information about Hecla Furnaces write to-day for our free completely illustrated literature, . distribution--every room 'gets the same proportion of moisture with the heat. No Gas--No Dust No gas'or dust escapes into the house with a Hecla Furnace. The Fused Joints of the Hecla radiator allow no gas or dust to escape even after years of service. Saves Coal, Too A Hecla Furnace is a great saver of fuel. By actual test it saves one ton in every seven over other furnaces. Moist air at 65 degrees is as com- CLARE BROS. & CO., Limited, PRESTON, Ont. Messrs. Moffatt & Parr , BARRIE

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