Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 5

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n for \ at William Toronto im ned_soldier, ¥ rs ms Y 'Thursday, August 28, 1919 THE* BARRIE EXAMINER | COWIE, & CO. | : The New Fancy Goods Store Wools, Stamped Goods, Children's # B Wear, Pullovers and Sweater Coats, Beads and all lines of Fancy Goods Clapperton Street----East Side COWIE & CO. eerie pet Se ener Senin er Seto CUNDLES . . motored all the way from Rochester t Aug. 27 --Mr. and Mrs. Wallacy Brown, | ypend their vacation with Mrs, Dodld" motored to Toronto on Saturday, spending | other. Mrs, Goodfellow. 1 few days with frends there Mra Mrs J. Moffatt, who bas spent the suri. |daughter, Mrs, P. Hook, in Allandale. 'wer months here, antends returning home tu Toronto in a few days <G. Bishop. who has beew away from {Transparent tree fifty large baskets, be-| Dr ity of windfalls, ail entered the chic! feeling mich "em nice of Mrs S. Pratt b, has recurned howe at the rev tter Mrs. Chappell of Minesing is visiting her | deliberat faughteran law, Mrs, F, Chappell, for -- them there. jew works Mr Dodds, accommunted hy hér two ARLY FUR BUYING Save from 10 per cent. to 20 per cent. Buy your Furs during August and September. The fur markets of the world are short of stocks. Furs are bound to be much higher in the near future. If you have read the reports of recent fur sales in New York and St. Louis you will see that this is a fact. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. We were never ina better position to serve the pub- lic in regard to stocks and prices. We have a very large stock of both skins and made-up furs. . These were pur- chased before the recent advances, and it will be to your distinct advantage to see our stock and purchase early. Hudson Seal Coats, Mus Marmot Coats, Russian Pony Coats. Sets and Single Pieces in Mink, Fox, Wolf, Seal, Oppossum, Beaver, Badger, etc. You may choose your furs now and save the Sum- mer discount, then you can pay for them at your own convenience during the Autumn, We have hundreds of pretty styles in Ladies' Cloth Coats for Fall and Winter--Velours, Plush, Beavers, Sil- vertones, Tweeds, etc., etc., Plain or Fur-Trimmed. - Simmons & Co BARRIE, ONT. Hats, Furs and Ladies' Cloth Coats The Cenotaph --derived from two Greek words signifying "an empty tomb"--has come by later usage to mean any form of memorial erected in honor of one whose mor- tal remains are elsewhere interred or lost. It is a particularly fitting tribute to the sailor lost at sea or the soldier who lies buried in a foreign land. , Many such memorials are being placed in the cemeteries of large cities by the relatives and friends of those who so perished in the World War. Whether they take the form of simple intaiher or costly monument--hammered or polished arble or Granite--Light Pitsford Valley Marbte, be- cause its beauty is everlasting--is a particularly ap- propriate material for this purpose. For anything in the form of a memorial for ceme- tery, church, or school, consult The Barrie Marble Works 79 Bayfield St., opp. Ball Planing Mill J. F. Murphy, Prop. BARRIE, ONT. Saccessor to R. L. Wolfenden. Apples are not a good crop this year|a month's vacation in Winnipeg, generally, but S. Pratt has taken off one! viy Detroit and Chiengy killed twelve valuable chickens, |dinghter. Margaret : -------- PERSONAL lccsimens Pes td Mis Nellie Fraser has gone to Toronto for a week. . Mrs. W. C. Neil of Ottawa if visiting; Mrs, A. W. Smith Misses Annie and Martha Atkinson are holidaying in Guelph and Toronto. E, B, Crompton of Brantford is spending | a few days with Dr. and Mrs, Lewis, | Johu Fraser. of the P. O. Building, re-| {turned this week from a trip to England. | | Mr. and Mrs. Norome Myers and ebildren Jare visiting im Toronto and Niagara Falls. | [PY Mise Bessie Hamilton of Tottenham. is {spending the week with Mise Irene Marlin, Mr. und Mrs, Jesse Kester have returned from Lethbridge, Alberta, to reside in Bar- | ne, | Mr and Mrs, Geo, Seymour and son are | holidaying in Montreal and the Eastern | | States. j Albert Gibson and bis son John, of Ham- | ilton. ure visiting Miss Johnston, Frances | street | David Beecroft of New York paid w briet | visit to his brother, Thos. Beecroft. this week Miss Gladys Palling bas returned from | |Muskoka, where she bas been visiting for | two. weel Mrs. A. G. MeNabb and Mise Murion have | returned from a trip to Toronto, Hamilton | and Nisgara Falls Mr. and Mrs, C. Percy Plaxton of Ottawa daughters, Misses Ruth and Marguerite, |and Frank Plaxton of Toronto were visit: | ojore in town this week '¢| Reggie G. P. Coudy and J. Norman Paddi: son have left for s short visit to Buffalo, Forbes is at present visiting her |Seranton snd Hamburg. Miss Ida Creawicke left lust week to apend going and Mrs Lewis returned home on |Thursilay after spending two weeks wt Mon teith House, Luke Roses. Mround Mrs Dunean A. Tucker and Jean, are visiting frien ls | s Peterboro and Campbellford | Mm HOM, Lay will he at ho: the first two Fridays i street atl uot again until after the New Year Mr and Mrs A. Wo Smith and daughter Helen attended the reunion of the MeCon: | ke at Nisgara Falls, NY. Last week | Archdeacon Hastings accompanied by his | sister, Mrs. Thos, Smith, and niece. Mie | S A. Smith. spent a few days last week | with friends in Muskoka ' Mrs, Ho Ball and Mise Vona New have returned to their home wecompunied by Mise Mone Builey, after six months, boli day at Thessalon and Birch Lake dno. A. McDonald is vusiting his father, | |. D, MeDonald. street, on his way to his home in Seattle, Wash... after hav: | ing served a year in France with the 106th | US. Engineers Mr. and Mn home from the We sons, Edward Hill o Hill of Cranbrook. BC. Walker Roger of BOC. Mr and Mrs. Morley Black and family of Elmvale, (formerly of Barrie accom panied by Mr Fallowfield of Wyevale motored to Stroud on Sunday. where they were the guests of Mrs Oewald Black The Venerable A A] W. Hastings. Arch deacon of Detroit, Mich, wha has been spending bes heldays with his sister, Mr. Thos Snuth, Albert street, left lust Wed neaday afternoon far Toronto on his way home Hill have returned | after visiting their | katchewan andA G "They al visized Mrs. D. J. Quinlan announce the f their daughter. Queenie. to ilgiano, DCM (with eMr AT. Fil Hamilton. the | marriage to take place on September 17 Mr and Mrs Chus Greer of Penticton. | B.C, Mr awd Berwick. and Mrs, Re burn, Sr. of Shel and Mrs Dd Reburn Inst week. Mrs. Ber wick ond Mrs. Greer are aisters of Mr. Re- Mr and Mrs. Greer motored from are on their way to Florida Il spend the winter afd motor homeward in the spring, | Trinity S. 8. Picnic A Grand Success Sunday piente of Trinity was held on Wednesday , in St. Vincent's Park was a grand success. "The following is a {list of the sports and winners Suck Ruce. boys under ell, Gordon Tribble: Needle Race, girls un. der 15--Laura Powell. Ellen Lewis; Boys' George Pow: | 12,-- Boot R Myers; Boys' Boot Race, under 12--No jman Johnson. Clarence Corbett ; Girls' Rac funder 12--Agnex Morley, Ellen Lewis; Boy Sack Race--Allen Tribble, Juck Kenned; [Potato Race. girls--Helen Dyment. Ruby | Hounsome : Potato Race, boys--Hollis John son, Willie Penny ; Three leg Race---(George Powell, Julian Hanmer), (Bert Mayes. Gor- \don Tribble: Relay Race--(George Pow. | jell, Julian Hanmer, Bert Mayes): Girls' | over 16--Wilma Kennedy, Agnes Garvin. Boy and Girl Rece--Bert Mayes, Vera Clif ton); Tug of War--George Powell, Julia Hanmer, Bert Mayes, Edward Smith. Wil- liam Penny, Norman Johnson and Kenneth Gallagher; Swimming Race, 200 yards-- Int, George Powell, 2nd Julian Hanmer. ; Potato Hunt--lst--Red ; 2nd, Blue Ribbon, Gordon Channen, 3rd, Yellow Ribbon, Wi nie Hodges. Chappell-Tiffin 'A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday August 20, in St. Andrew's Church, Fer- gus, Ont., when Margaret Campbell (Daisy). second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin of Fergus, was married to Mr. Herbert 'J. Chappell, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chappell of Vespra. Rev. Mr. Craw officiated. 'The bride, who was given away by her ather, wore a gown of white georgette erepe with tulle veil and orange blossoms, [She catried a bouquet of white rores and sweet peas. Miss Girlie Tiffin, sister of the bride, who acted as bridesmaid, wore pink crepe de chene and carried 8 bouquet of Americar' Beauty roses. Mr. G. O'Halloran of Toronto supported the groom. After a luncheon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Chappel left for s trip north, On their return they will reside at Bar rie, a Shay, all conveniences, COATS COATS COATS, ~ i Our Styles are exclusive. The cloths are of the most sought-for materials, gi ing both satisfaction and smartness. Co lo v- Owing to the great scarcity of ma- terials and the complete tie-up in the Labor situation we consider ourselves very fortunate in having such a com- plete range of up-to-the-minute coats offer. Silver-tones, Whitne) lours, Broadcloths, Plush- es are the most used cloths Some very fetching mod- els with Hudson Seal and Oppossum Collars and Cuffs find great favor. Powell & Co. W. C. THOMPSON Office 15 Owen St., Barrle Is aflerimg for sale the following property: J-room brick house with all con- veniences, Blake St, Price. $2100. Ca-h $500 8-room brick house, (Charlotte St. with heating, lighting and niimbing, coal and wood mantles, A snap. Price $2760. Cash, 8500 T-room house and lel. Owen town water, electric zh Price, $1100. Cash. $200 8-room house and Int, Henry St. has all conveniences, | Prive, $2000.) Cash. S600 G-room brick 'house and lot, Dunlop St. Price, $600. Cash sion T-room brick house and lot, John St. in. calling distance of wl 'Trunk. Price $1300. 200 cash, 9-room brick house and lot, beautifully finished, with all convenieners, 'The property of the late I. B. Myers. Price right, leams easy, room brick house and (wo lots, Sanford St.. in calling distance Sf Grand Trunk. Price $1800, 8200 cash oom brick house and lot, Cumberland St., Allandale, with all conveniences. Price $2500. Terms easy |T-room brick house and lot, Bradford St. overlooking the Price $2100. $300 cash. W. C. THOMPSON TOLLENDAL Aug On Thursday evening the friends of Clarence Mitchell and Clarence in |Green sasembly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mitchell, Tollendal, to welcome the boys after their return from overseas. Rey. A. E. Owen of Allandale occupied the chair in his usual pleasing manner. A good program was provided, consisting, of instru- mentals by Miss S, Warnica, Ernest Carr and W. James; solos by Miss B, Warnica and Irv, MacLachlan accompanied by Miss Lawson from Toronto, The musical pro- gram was interspersed with addresses by Rey. A. E. Owen and A. Sibbald. The returned boys were then escorted to the platform by B, Warnica and C, Bolton and a club bag presented to Mr. Mitchell and a watch to Mr. Green by Miss T. Sib- bald and Miss B. Warnica, on behalf of the neighborhood. Irv. MacLachlan extended the glad hand 'of welcome and congratulated the boys on having returned safe, sound and single, after which he read the address of welcome. Cal. Bolton proved to be the practical joker of the evening by presenting C. Mitch- ell with a huge "Iron Cross" as 8 donation from the "Tollendal Fire Brigade" and "Lovers Creek Yacht Club" after which re- freshmenta were served to the entire satis- faction of all as a fitting close to a very enjoyable and successful function Daylight Saving continues until the first of October. -- IN MEMORIAM MAXWELL--In loving memory of our dear Floyence Bertha Maxwell, who died Aug- ust 22nd. 1917. For God hath marked each sorrowing day And numbered every secret tear. And heaven's long age of bliss shall pay For all His children suffer here. Father, Mother and Brothers WE ARE ALREADY BOING REPAIR WORK on furnaces, cornices, roofs, gulters, leaders, etc. that have been through the siege of last winter. People have learned that fo keep putting off preparing for the future is decidedly risky busi- ness. If you have any tin or sheet metal work that should be overhauled we suggest that you give us the order now. MOFFATT & PARR Plumbers, Phone 531, . Barrle Sole Agents for "'Hecla" Furnaces Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Essa There will be offered for aale by Public Auction on Thursday, September 11th, 1919, at one o'clock in the afternoon at [the Simooe "Hotel, Barrie, the following property: [The weat half of lot twenty-seven in the VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT BEST MARKET PRICES Write us when you have business in Bonds, or for information. BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Members Toronto. 71 Bay st.. TORONTO. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ALL EXCHANGES Stock Exchange ighth concession of the suid Township of ea containing one hundred acres, the south west quarter of lot twenty-eight, and the east half of lot twenty-eight in the Eighth concession of the said Township of Essa containing together one hundred and fifty eres und also the north west quarter of lot twenty-nine and the east hulf of Jot twenty-nine in the said Eighth conces- sion of the Township of Essa containing to- gether one hundred and fifty acres. The following improvements are said to be on the property On the west half of lot twenty-seven, con cession Eight and the south weet of lot twenty-eight, concession Eight, Eass. one hundred and fifty acres, about one hendred scres cleared and under cultiva tion, balance ssh and timber. Buildings 're s frame dwelling, barn and drive hed. On the esst half of lot twenty-eight and east half and north-west quarter of lot twenty-nine, concession Eight. Ema (two hundred and fifty scres). All timber, slash and pasture lands. Terms: Ten per cent of the purchae mfoney to be paid down at the time of the sale; for the balance terms will be made Known st the sale. For further particu lars apply to JONES & LEONARD, Solicitors, 18 Toronto Street, Toronty Or to James Arnold, Barris 33-3 Mra, L. Smith and daughters, Dora ant Leafa, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Hugh White, Bradford street. BORN CHAPPELL--In Toronto, on Aug. 9, 19 to Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Chappell, 390 P: avenue, 8 40n. KASHNER--In Allandale, on Saturds~, Aug. 16, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Kasboer, Tiffin street, a daughter. DIED BROWN--At his residence, on August 12, at Nassau, Bahamas, Sir Joseph Brown in Allandale on Sun v. 'Aug. 24, 1919, Alexander Lockbart, ogi 80 years. Funeral at Stroud on Tues day, Aug. 26.

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