Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 4

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Pee Page Four THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 28, 1919 THE ADLET COLUMN BOARDERS WANT J--At 138 Peel street HOUSEMAID WANTED--Hours 7 to 7. Apply Miss O'Connor, Simcoe Hall, 30tfe FURNISH. privaleg ) ROOMS TO LET with home Apply at Examiner office her of Piano and Violin, Owen St. Bar- rie 31-37p +. black and white. bir Nouty T. Vilhers, LOST Hous 4 mouth vl Perry st Bie | WANTED [or September 15th, an expert enced cook. Good wages. Apply "Oven: dew", Burne 43-tfc JUNK AND POULTRY Wanied. -- Good pad Harry Levit, 66 Bayfield Phone 334' 2 ISHED ROOMS, 4 of meals, you "D'. Examiner, AUTO LIVE Y--Day or night service Town or country, V, R. Finlay, 126] ¢, Collier St. Phone 30 Sltfe Bicycle. new wheels. hight running, owner | 100 Peet. 34.3 BARGAIN HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- see, firelace, furnace, sleeping balcony, $1500.00 108 Peel street, L-the TRAPPERS November will soon be here, Pres will lw good, Send your raw furs. | 4 Ho Levit, Barre Phone WANTED A middle aged worn with homework Gaod ware Mrs I Allandale RR Apply. to a4 YURNISHLD) ROOMS TO LET With workout teeend e : otter, 3 1 pupils FOR SALE Two 66 fuer, choiwe building lors on Wallan Allandale Mis JA MacNed, Allan RR SELO WHEAT FOR SALE of pn Dawson's Apply ty WG Kennedy Landa A quantity Chait" TAKER WANTED for school No 2. Ora, duties to commence § Apjly tv duo Chappell, ROR Ni Barrie FURNISHED ROOMS and Apartme: rent, alo unfurnished flat per hour, Apply Dickie Construction | or, five rooms. Apply aple Co, Limited. Oshawa. Ont. 35.35¢a. avenue: 40)» FOR S Brick house containing p CLEANING AND FRESSING-Your old "jor, siwing-room. kitchen 'and three bed wuit made to look puns, 3 juece bath, gas. In good re dW avercnat can | 4 like new by Tw Rose Block, ANT tral Metheulisr Pratt, € Barrie P.O. Apply te Stephen or James Corbett 38.38¢ | YOUNG CATTLE FOR SALE. One 2-yr-old heifer, one Lyrold heifer, 2 spring | enlves, TE Do Acherton, Dickworth St Barrie, © Phone 5S80b-. 34 FARM FOR SALE: -North half of tor 17. | cow, , Fim, consinting of 100 acres, For amply to G Ont FOR SALT ileavy horse, 9 yrs old. 1500 sound and in gond condition. Alan wendaull, in first ¢ Examen office BOUSES FoR SALE 6 Ross and | + Turontors Terwenn Allandale fewwnbine License No tire hulle gd spare Johnson. RR 2. ie Ree J PRUITS AND VE yur gars ts any weekly lists 1) FRUITLAND, ONTARIO, t ARTICLES WANTED. Old f ondition We pay up to Also oltl vold platinum, aur dedoy ov Bros, Ont CARS WANTED--We buy any make or Model of second band car, so if you want to sell, drop us a line-to the "Garage", Albert and Colbourne streets, Box 558, rillia, Ont 18tfe | AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--If you want to buy second hand cars or trucks call and see us at the 'Garage', Albert and Colbourne streets, or write ué to Box 558, Orillia, Ont. 19tfo ------ HOME BUILDERS--Write for our Free. Book of Hotwe Plans, and information telling how to save from Two to Four Hundred Dollars on yotr new home. Ad- dress Halliday Company, Box 61, pon fon street, Hamilton, Ont fe YARM FOR SALE--Lot 20, con. 6, Veapra, 67 acres, 10 bush, the rest suitable for grain, fruit or vegetables; 144 miles from market and railway, Al buildings, hard and soft water. Terms can be ar- ranged, Apply to J. H. Compbell, § R. R No. 2, Barrie. ip FOR SALE--MecLaugblin-Buick, C-4 1915, % ton truck, electric lights, top and wind shield, pneumatic tires, all in firet-claxs condition, must be sold on account of change in business, a snap for some one. Apply to Fuller, Allen end Holmes. Dec. orators, Orangevil NOTICE 'The Annual Memorial Service will be held in the Sixth Line Presbyterian Church, + Tonisfil, on Sunday, August 31. at 3 p.m. fold time). Rev. W. J. Watt, B.A., B.D.. of Allandale will preach. Music by the Union Choir ted by Walter Reive, Chur- ehill, Collection in aid of the Cemetery Fund. 34-35¢ D. J. Irving, D, W. Lennox, Chsirman. Secy. Trustee Board. > LOST - Betwe ~ FOR FORD TOU GOO COOK WANFED--Apply af this of fiee. ARAGE FOR RENT--Solid brick. Apply G, MeNabb, 45 Maple avenue. Phone 130w 35-35e | HOUSE NO. 172 Ehzubeth street for sule. Stewart, Bu 37 FOR SALE--S-passenger, new! painted, in good running order, H. J Buchanan 3 RAM FOR SALE~Registered Shropshire, twa year old. Apply Hy. Gilchrist, | Shanty a SALE--Housebold furniture. including juss cupboard, tables, chairs, ete, 66 Owen A FEW Lambs for sale. ris. Thornton CHOICE breeding Shropshire Both sexes, A. W. Mor 35-35p |WE ARE PREPARED to repair all kinds of stationary and marine gasoline engines, Allandalo-Garuge 35.35p pia nc TWO ROOM$ to rent to four Collegisie pupils, Five minutes walk from school Box "T" Examiner FOR SALE--Taylor, ingide measure 12x12x18. cheap for quick sale. to Walter Urry 35-35p FURNISHED ROOMS for High School and Business College pupils; $1 for week. Ap ply 103 Mulcaster street 35.37p 'Ane Anyone having aps for sale nupimnicate with beth ath a BRE Ral V YOU month, i girl wants work 1 at 177 Dufferin street Kin town a WANTED. Fur privil room with house or board for Indy ane PERFECTION Oil # Y und $4.50 exch. wis the time te promptly: filled aters to be at Tuck's uy Mail 3p for Su onlers LOST Blick valk handbag w h gray silk coin purse inside containing sum of mon suntably rewarded --¢ Judge Wists ving at Kirkfield and Barrie on one new one and Reward 4. Sin 35.35p Aug 26. one, an old one, on rim clair. Bare Tanning Co. BRICKLAYERS WAN ere wanted immediately for Oshiw 40 Bricklay 70e on Burton avenue, $1610 on, 3 Owen street, phone BULL FSTRAY ies. lor R con 4. 15. one red bull on proving pro expenses DD Phone G04-ring 6. SALE, 2 Bradford al brick house, Nv (adjoining new Col one story brick house, Ne Sanford vt "Town water and light. Apply Noo Bradford street R51 fe FOR SALE Building timber, 8x10 inches, alse quantity of pine lun cher." Fleury euting-tox. 19 neh a rot pulper: "Ragnd . inch plate Alen Sh months okt Anply te Geo. Oro Station mostly pine LET tore at ire 1. 1 Vair. confectionery. light Juneb acant in we fo tenth you want one hf the best busitess stands in Barrie, Ap ply Mra ROM jonnell, 111 Hilton ave- nue, Toronto, Birth G CAR for late "14, weed us ure ; over $125.00 ip . such as K, W, shock absorbers, heaters, slip covers, separate electric lighting system, Yale lock, Rayfield car. buretor giving greater mileage per gal- lon. latest two-piece rear axle housing with "Hyslop support engine; thoroughly overhauled. Price $328,00, "A, V. Don aldson, Barrie, Ont VINEGAR We have for you, Heinz (of the 57 varieties) cele- brated Crystal White and Rex Amber Vinegars. The latter is made from Demerara Cane Sugar. They are delicious, and if ext used with our Pure Sices will give the very best re- sults in your pickling. Delivered, per gal. 60c -T. N. HOBLEY "THE HUB". Tea and Coffee Store {day half holidays. 3536p | reeh. 35.35¢ | Apply to Box °G" Examiaer |S gaapeeegnamnm LOCAL NEWS vase was the last of the Wednes. Town Council holds its first seasion after the summer recess on Tuesday evening next --RURAL CANADA, "The (farm home Magazine that gives you a THRILL because it's true! Schools re-open next Tuesday. Parents are requested to see that the children st tend on the opening day Soldiers who saw active service over. special rates at THE BARRIF S$ COLLEGE, Cull and jet us talk 35 An important meeting of the Women' Institute will be held in the Police Court on Friday afternoon, August 29, at 4 o'clock. Always a good selection of Presenta. tion chairs and other pieces of Furniture suitable for gifts at W. A. Lowe's Furniture Store, Elizabeth street 35-36¢ Adjutant F, Burton from Montreal will | conduct the service at the Salvation Arn-y | Citadel on Sunday evening. August 31 Don't fail to hear bi. The September meeting of the W.C-T.U |will be held: at the home of the Misses +13 Poyntz street. on Tuesday. Sep . at 3.30 p. all original ""Firsts'" in Town and | vicinity who fought in France communicate | with RR. McEwen, 53 Jobn street, Barric. | or CR, Kendall, Box 572. Barre The Central at "The Gables" will play bus with the YMCA. thie (Thursday) even ng at 6 o'clock in the Agricultural Park A sale has heen made by W. C. Thome, son, of the property owned by GW. Ri ardwn of 636 Bathurst St, Toronto, and | loeated on Napigr street. Barrie, to Arthur A. Richardson, of Inni Word was received 'Higgs. Charlotte street, that her 1 Sir Josejsh Brown. had died at Sit Joseph was well known in Dine, th and his fanuly having spent a number uf | mmer> here ---Parents provide for the sctinol needs of your children this week . rush We have a full suyaly jexereiso wks. urithmeties | readers a and Coffer Roaming h in Barrie. 14 rooms with the ng. lighting andl [plumbing Situated one block from the Post Office. large verandah and haicomes Will net vou $200.00 per month if properly Thandled. Apply to W. C. Thompson. 15 Owen street, erie. Rp 'The three names most prominently men | | tioned in the Centre Simeor UFO. nonin: | }tien at Elmvsle tomorrow are Ex-Woarden | JT Simpwon, Ex Warden James Mar and Howard Bertrim, At present the ULF | OL as stronger in Centre Simeoe than in| any of the other ridings 1 the counts The cruising yutch Wanderer, of Mont [real war an port Inet week, with a party | of tourists on bourd, The Wanderer is » fine craft fee nm length. fitted with every convemence. including wireless, itd is the moat pretentions vessel that fas visit ed Barrie sinee the Tre mt canal was opened She ws owned by Mr ver, of Montreal, who hus cottage at Stoney L WO. Partridge reports the of the following properties Wo Mullen's house, street, ta Miss Cameron; Mr Bur ewi. 1 Wan ew eutil |Mise Freek's double house on MeDonald street, to Win, Mullen NO APOLOGY IS NECESSARY | Whew you take & position if you are a xraduate of the Barrie Business College | The thorough training you receive in Mord Business Methods meets the requirenients office. Indivil personal supervi- sion hy experienced teacher {A POSITION FOR EVERY GRADUATE | I Raikes: aajecitin H. A. Henry, Prin. or weite for full purticulars. en eennnnes Seen PROPERTIES FOR SALE Nine-roomed Solid Brick House, 'eal stable and hen house. two and a half | acres good land, one hundred fruit trees; ! alo quantity smal fruit. nice location-- | $4000. Here iss Burgnin--Double welling with | conveniences, large grounds and «table. | lovely locution for quick xale--$2200. New Brick House, ten rooms, all conveni- ences. oak floors and trim, nice veranda, central location, "This is good foe Owner leaving town, \ Fight-roomed Brick House with conveni- | ences, nice lot and hen house, Burton Avenue--$2300. ' 'Zen-roomed Solid Brick House, town water. | electric lights. Inrge stable, one acre good land--$2200. ¢ Nine-roomed Brick House, lovely grounds, one and one-eighth acre land, large stable. | good orchard--$3300, New Cement Block House, town water, electric lights, one and a half acre choice garden land, a quantity small fruit-- Large Bosrding House, sixteen rooms with conveniences. This is a money maker for the right party. Good location; also nice stable. large garden, This is » great bi \--$3500, Furnished--$4100, Store and Dwelling on Mulcaster street. newly decorated and in first-class repair, a snap for quick sale. Six-robmed House, electric water, good cellar--$1200. Also a large 'number of choice farms and market gardens. These are only s few of the many choice properties we have listed. lights, good Satisfaction guaranteed all parties. W. O. PARTRIDGE 233 Bayfield St. and G. H. GORDON 11 Sophia St. Office over Craig's Tailor Shop Phone 796 or 478 Sweaters for Every Passing Hour Even though warmth is a necessary accompaniment of these attractive new Sweaters, it's another pleasure to find them so vastly becoming. Whether Fall d S were made tor! Sweaters, or Sweaters for Fall days is all one to every woman and girl aller seeing these pretty new models; possession at once is the main thought about them. Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats. wilh large sailor collars and rdle es rs Mlark, / Ol Rose, Canary, . Easy priced cosnininctcuininla ates $14.50 Ladies' Fine Wool Sweater Goats, wilh <ailor collar anil belt, colors, Melon. Nile and Melon, Kelley and White, Black and White, Prive .. tock and Gold. 2 TRIE $7.50 Boys' Pull-over Jerseys-- Fine wool, Voneek, caters Brown wl Chole Purple, Blick an Grey ses 26 Prices $2.25, $2.50, '$2.75, $3.00, $3.50, We Sell Standard Patterns Fall Stock in. Buy The Standard Quarterly, 25c, and get 15c Coupon Pat- tern. MONARCH: FLOSS MONARCH: DOWN | MONARCH: -KNIT | | SWEATER: COATS Ladies' Pullover Sweaters zeoub weight wood, Vo nerk cone Hea niee assortment et estars. Pires . ] $8.50 $6.00, $5.50 wr Gloria Sweater Wool, 2 oz. skeins, Copen, i-ply Special White Pink, Purple, Dark Red, Blue, 'This is one of the best Sweater wouls on the market, You should sec it. Monarch Floss, 1-07. balls, in many colors. Price.. 350, or 3 balls for $1.00 Fine quality of @rey Wool Black, Yarn ply, good value at special price $2.00 Ib. S00. Soap Has Advanced $1.50 per case For this week amd next week we will sell it at the old pric WE SAVE YOU MONEY Sutehite's Special Laundry 4 bars for 260. \ Soap. special 3 for 250 'Yaylov's Borax Soap Powder . 100 pkg., 3 for 250 Vaylors Larce Bath "Sablets .- 200, 3 for 500 Peroxide Bath » Special 200; 3, 50c Seaward's Y Glycerin Olde English and Cucumber Elder Flower p38 cakes inabas Special Soe RUT . 2Bo box VYaleum Powder 2.2... -15¢e tin, 2 tins for 25c oth Paste and Tooth Powder, PORTA eine seins 25c each lors fined Light Ainber Petro. atum, 4-lb glass jars. Special ....... sees 150 Toilet Paper, oval or round, pure toilet. paper, laree rolls. ss... 10c, 3 for 250 Taylor's Petit' Toilet, the weekend package Special pric 350 box = -------- Monday, Sept. Ist is La- bor Day -- This Store Will Be Closed All Day. \$15 TO START Girls with from one to two years' ex: perience in working on men's coats will be paid this salary with quick ad- vances as they gain experience in -op- erating on Women's cloth coats, No pressing. Apply to JOHN NORTHWAY & SON 91 Wellington Street West, Toronto POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 Executrix's Notice Any person having claims against the estate of the late James Herrell of Innis- fil, who died Dec. 20, 1918. are requested to' send postpaid by Oct. 15, 1019, their names and nature of claims held by them to the undersigned. Mary J. M. Herel Allandale, Executrix of Estate. Dated at Allandale, Aug. 12, 1919. 33-35p Buy advertised things, it pays ALEX. CURRIE Veterinary Surgeon (Associated with Dr. Brother for the past three years) will open an office shortly on MULOASTER 8T., BARRIE (Opposite Public Library) and solicits your patronage. nars' Experience 2, Clarkson House ee JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to con duct Sales at reasonable rates, Satisfaction guaranteed. "120 Bayfield St, Phone 19! Orders left at A.F.A. Malcomson's office will receive prompt attention. a MISS L. E. WILLERS Successor to the late Miss Doane Agent for the Spirella Corset Company solicits orders from wll old customers and as many new ones as possible. Address--6 Charlotte St., Barrie, Ont, ere ED FOR SALE--Pump works stock, machin- ery, tools; good business, also house and stable in good repair. Price right. Ap- ply , 1. B. Barnes, Cookstown, Ont. 34370 OPERATORS WANTED 'ON DRESSES AND WAISTS Highest. Wages! Also bright Girls to Learn. Guaranteed Wages, bright Surronadings. THE BOLSBY MFG, CO., LTD. Ground floor. Darling Building, 96 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Ont. OD Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that William George McBride af the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, a returned soldier, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Di- voree from his wife Mary Elizabeth Mc- Bride (formerly Robertson) of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe, on the ground of adultery. DATED at Barrie this 11th day of July, 1919. Willinm George McBride by his Solicitor -- 29-410 D.C, Murchison, F (6) ci t » ~« 4 3 ' t b

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