Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 3

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ef THE BARRIE Wm. L. Douglas ., 'was the first American to achieve his ambition of becoming a millionaire at making shoes. He knew shoes from the age of 7 when he was "bound out." His apprenticeship over he went to work for 35 cents a day. Strenuous application to his life's purpose, coupled with an inborn senee of thrift and.economy brought success to Douglas. We extend to young men a cordial invitation to establish banking relatione with us. asa UNION BANK OF CANADA RESOURCES, OF $153,000.00 Bartie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes - - -__A.Lealie, Manager Cookstown Branch + +e T. McMillan, Manager mnion Branch + + + . - : "H.T, Thompson, Manager DALSTON Aug. 25.--Harvesting ia very backward on account of-the heavy rains Miss Mabel Monteith hax returned after zpending some time at Orangeville, |Hamilton last week. by lightning last week, Buy advertised things. Read the Adlet Column 0, Buldwin und family motored to Building a Bancalow-- or Are You Remodeling? you'll want Beaver Board for the walls and ceilinss to he same mark of coziness ve the inside and orwinality as the outsid 'The only thing for Summer Conages because it stands up ands of weather. Goes up without any fuss or muss and lasts as long as the house. OVE 1 and and small, Iris painted, ve effects, e Reaver Bearded bungalow dese y Evening Past of February 19, one 30 me can fell you more about show you samples. Made in Canada. Beaver Board and FOR SALE BY BALL PLANING MILL CO., le Phone 109, Barrie Limited EPT secret and special and personal for you is \ WRIGLEYS in_ its air - tight sealed package. A goody that is worthy of your lasting regard because of its lasting quality. Three flavours to suit all tastes. Be SURE to get WRIGLEYS " Sealed Tight Kept Right The - Flavour Lasts Mabe iN canapa Thomss Nelson had several cattle killed tion day if your name is not "written |ness last Wednesday remaining «o_till his Ty IS YOUR NAME now in her eighty-fifth year, was born ut |Waverley, and resided in Flos uniil seven- WR T 7 | teen years go when she went to she State FT TEN THERE ? jet Wasingtn, "wie see, hs Site home since, The aged lady, accompanied by her daughter and grand-daughter, is now enjoying a visit with her many relatives and friends in this district --Lance. PHELPSTON Aug. 25--Wm. Tomney, Mr. and Mr. In thia week's issue, all the newspapers |J. King and son Mac have returned to Tor in Simcoe County will pript notices of the onto after spending s pleasant tune with {posting up of the new Ontario Referendum | relatives here. | Voting Lists, and the announcement should | - Mise Violet Platt of King's County Hos- be one of interest to every adult in the |pital, Brooklyn, N.Y., is home on her an- 'county. For on the fact as to whether {nual visit your 'name is in the list for your parti-| Miss Doyle of Sunderland, a former teach- jeulur sub-division-- the ,er at Vigo, is spending a few days the |ward in which you live, or the polling sub- | guest of Miss Kate Gribbon division in the rural municipalities--de-| Something must be going to happen in pends whether you will have a vote at this little burg oon, for I notice a few of the coming temperance referendum and our ladies wearing diamond rings lately. also the elections to the Legislature, which} The death at Midland of Dr. Collier, re. {latest rumor suys will be held on the same |cently of thix place, came as a great shock |day. possibly early in November. The to the citizens here on Saturday last, 1 did fect that you have been on every previous not hear the particulars regarding bis death. |voters' list will avail you nothing on elec-|but understand he lapsed into unconscious New Voters' Lists Posted Up This Week For Your In- | spection. | there" on these new liste. | lesth Saturday about 10 o'clock. Dr. Col- | There is an element of uncertsinty in |lier married a Phelpston young lady, Miss 'reference to the lists containing your name, | McGinnix, having met her while but. after examining them you find that {teaching near his home. He came here you have been omitted. that your name is/about @ year ago having purchased the not correctly inserted in the sub-division |Property and practice from Dr, A, E. Mur. er ward where you reside, or that your |Phy. who moved to Stayner. He did not own or any other name is wrongly in. | remain here w yeur, having taken a desire serted or misspelt. you have the option of 1 move to Midland and about three weeks having it corrected by following she direc- | Re bought out Dr MeDonald of that place, tions to be given in the advertisements in| transferring his practice here to Dr. Kearns thie week's issue of The Examiner and /°f Barrie. Although Dr. Collier was here all the other weeklies of the county hut_o short time be made quite a number { The fact that you have been left off. if Of friends und was very successful in his such 1s the case, ot always the fault of Practice, His remains will be buried here the enumerator howard and sub div Monday) morning. Mrs. Collier has ision hiv its own enumerator, many ol hy ef euch und all of her friends lehoni hs 1 such work before, |it this villuge unit vyeinity They w sto get the names! Alnvg with the daily weather report which f every sin almost every daily paper in} a iwenty one and. re turn their chief enumerator US. for the benefit of the farmer, the wf ther own nding Had it been the Government i te add to this report the same ms fi an ordinary election with onty oon wf the routs ale for the benefit of the names of the he travelling puble nee te be listed. chanre of the av tne Bat there we Tit Impossible ta aes. aniergted than ld lists eon ehally the road Every fenale aver twenty-one ; hat certainly is 'i that Flas townshi preucd There ile riueh use in keepntie the through the weekly budget of tothe fact is at the whole by and nothing the f serie that 4 ne ye! or roof Voting age This meant Ti tana the names of County eke they diy at or is token ont ev have re tans. which are a plese ration etn dw many 1 Read the ad o sn a 9 rl week's asst andy 5 Hen. Statute Labor pideesl te have ant or paid for, att this whe ure too busy ¢ fa turn out ean pay in their assessinents site 'hia THE GiyigextiaBte Hee | WhEN sear in the ros lon't wait returned by the enumersors af, her of nance on the lists for eneh Werk new a year hay ality, the number for each pulling " on being given for prune in Barrie and viemity Contre Simcoe ~ Town of Barrie 4126 jie the roads Sunnidate 1129 Quite 4 nuniher of citizens are attending 7 the Exhibition this week V) Dd you ever sto to think A751 thar when you purchase oa "Now 1928 Edison"? you are getting an in ------ 'strument superior to a mere talking mach Total TSO ine' Mo and S. Platt will plice one willingly in your home on ten duy® trial. Ask them 5 aches are now su plentiful in the mar. fos ket t man in moderat umst ances 498 can rat a whole without Tiny tweurrng the charge of reckless extrava 742 ance 772, A. Coughlin losded a car of stock at """Craghurst on Monday of this week, and $124 intends Inuding here on Saturday, Ab" Aes jis hound to keep this business on the move 1 25q here whether the ULF, loads or not. Com 1 . trade but the death Uisements, TEMPLETON S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES FOR RHEUMATISM,NEURITIS SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, NEURALGIA GOUT ETE 'ASURE RELIEF FOR THE WORST HEADACHE 82 PER BOX TEMPLETONS L'* Hrens142 KING ST.W TORONTO] West Gwillimbuay (five Polling Sub nilinbumy.. (iv nb "Y'| numanity bas lacked Divisions! a total of 1154, fed noc Th eee Rractical rheumatic Innisfil (Ten Polling Sub-Divisions) a] Jeariy'at mat emngee ences West Simone Tostorontia, 808; Nottw [Total for West Simeoc--10, South Simeoe : é tea Mot bintP ahr re Non, 16s aan, Se aang, 6. aag,| semlead tit bene trates Dem No. 1, 16 . 166; 7, 163; 9, 77; 10, 121 Village of Tottenham.............. Village of Beeton foals You. Village of Bradford ran. x, Toronto). ane are OB, Adialn Tp. (4 polling eub-divisions) 991 receipt ot 600 Sole Agent for Barrie, Tecumseth (6 polling sub-divisions) 1638 | William Crossland, Druggist and Kodaks, Total for the Riding--6788, East Simcoe fog and, costa you nothing (Ti Khe We sm: Town of Orillia .. < +. 4403 Town of Midland 3580 Coldwater ........ + 8 Vietoria Harbor Port MeNicoll Township of Orillia . Township of Medonte Township of Oro .... Township of Tay ...0...... Township of Matchedash ... RA AY SYSTEM 3038] COUGHS Townes, Medonte, died and it is supposed TRACK ROUTE committee the kind of monument to be er erecting the same was awarded to the R. J MONTREAL pluce in Elmvale or are on a fair way to The purchaser is tp take poseeion after | SeePing cars on night trains and made arrangements he purchase of the] - Unexcelled dining car service . A reunion of the Archer family, at which | orning, Distriet Pasieneer 15, in honor of Mrs, John Archer, who is J. E, BILLINGSLEY 4. » SINCE 61870 death was caused by poisoning. between ected for the soldiers who fell in the great Sanderson Marble Co., Orillia, DETROIT being completed. Geo. E. Roe has sold his harvest, Mr. Knapp sold his farm to his} Parlor Cars on principal day Central Hotel and John Ritchie has sold his] Full information from any Grand two hundred and eight persons were present, visiting friends here. Mrs, Archer, who is| Depot A, : I EVALE THE DOUBLE A young team of horses belonging to John At a meeting of the Waverley memorial TORONTO war was deeided upon and the contract for Some chunges of property bavp taken and CHICAGO store, dwelling ond business to Fal. Knanp. father and his brother. James Pearson has | trains. for t farm to his son, James. Trunk Ticket Agent or CG. E. was held at Orr Lake on Friday, August | Agent, Toronto. Phone 6 with new Ford electric starting and lighting systems 2s OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT. - 'This electric equipment is a Ford . product built bie Ford Company in their own factory, and consisting of Generator, us Starting Motor and Storage Battery. Ie is as reliable and efficient as the Ford Motor, into which it is built. 'The Ford Standard Magneto also supplies ignition independent of the batteries, Ford Runabout, 60, Touring, $650 On open medal the Elsie Suing und Lighting Equipment is roo ence, Coupe, $973. Satan, $1175, (Closed moda! pices include Electric Starting and Lighting Equpicens) Tame price ae (0.8. Ford, Ont, ad do not inchde War Tas Electric Starting and Lighting T. R. HUXTABLE--DEALER--BARRIE LIQUID Women's Chifdre: and Men's Shoes. 'THERE DALEY. CORPORATIONS LTD, WAMILTON, CANADS The Best Machinery Investment You Can Make Ask any user of the John Deere Spreader, and he will tell you it is the best ma- chinery investment he ever made--not only because it saves hard work and value able time, but because it makes every forkful of manure count for a bigger crop yield. under-fertilized or over-fer= tilized spots. Come in and sce this spreader. We want to show you why it will do better work, why it will last longer than cthers, why it will cost less for repairs, and why it is easier to load and operate, Manure goes farther and does more good when you use a John Deere Spreader. Wou can spread manure evenly, heavy or light--no Mounting the beater on the axle of the John Deere gives you a combination of advantages you can't get in any other spreader. Come in and know the reasons why there areso many satisfied users of John Deere Spreaders, We Have a\Machine Set Up for Your I ion D. C. HOWARD Agent - - 34 Bayfield St. - - Barrie Also the Celebrated Hoover Potato Digger sea ain

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