Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 2

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Page Two ' RETAINER TART THE BARRIE EXAMIN ay, August 28, 1919 PHONE C. BROWN 250 JOR THE BEST I BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY + Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets YourReading Needs Are Well Supplied at Seott's -- Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to, Loan of Valnatle Faris | and Town Propesties for Sale on the most reasonable terms MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING BARRIE 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1800 UNDERTAKERS A nummy Opes Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection Phone BARRIE, ONT INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITI Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON: The Insurance Man, Barrie. DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W- Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as 'the outside. \V hy not have | hem done right when you i having them done? All i sinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. ed The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Tlooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete, : We carry in stuck a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty, Dressing "done prompt Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Phone; Office 163, Residence 353 3% TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Our success as funeral directors Bas been developed by our pat- rons, and our best advertisement 4s word-of-mouth tion . Some of our customers Rave been with us Tor years. We aim fo serve one and all, rich and poor, alike--to render the very best we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. recommenda- |. THE MERCHANT The banking requirements of merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current account and every banking facility is assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE - HM. Lay, Manager 'Barrie Branch Che Kingdom of the Blind By E. Phillips Oppenheim Copyright, 1916, by Little, Brown & Co. Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with owners of copyright. CHAPTER X Surgeon Mayor Thomeot ars later wath start Surgeon soldier, with irawn heyonet rs tuself together at Thomsun woke abuut He had | junswered the challenge | "A fricwd."" he answered, "Surgeon. Ma. Jor Thomson, on hie Mayeaty's service, | Me leaned fron, 4 journey the car for a moment an from Victoria to Folkestone er whieh hal brought him anda few other soldiers acroms the Channel, tsluck with wt a pace which made even the jhand, The man saluted and drew back |The car went on along » rough roud wh Jed across a greut stretch of pastureland. iu front of which was stutioned x Britisa jheti out something in the hollow of his in fron which was now turn ta pisere by gun car. les themselves 'came into view zag lines, silent. und with no sign of the jmen who crawled about inside like aute. |He passed o great brewery transformed into 4 canteen, from which a line of waggons, going und returning, were passin all the time backwards and forwards into'the val. liey. Every now and then throug, the still. | ness came the sbarp crack of a rifle from the snipers dying hidden in the little stee'ch. les of woodland and marshland away on the right. A motor-omnibus, with ite advertise. | {ment signs still displ cross floating above it, came rocking down the road on its way to the field hosprint an the distance, Ap yet, however, the busin of fighting seemed scarcely to have co meneed They passed several small huuses and jfarms. in front of each of which was ata toned a sentry. Once, from the hills be- hind, w great white-winged aeroplane glided over bis head on its way to make a recon: 'naissance. Queerest sight of ull, here and \there were peasants at work in the fields, | One old man leaned upon bis apade and | watebed as the car passed, Not a dozen yards from him was 3 great hole in the ground where 4 shell had burst. and a little further away a barn in ruins. The cur w. forced to stop here to let u cavalewle of am- Munition wagons pase by Surgeou-Major {Thomson leaned from hig seat and spoke 10 the old man | "You are not afraid of the Germun shells, | 'then 7" he asked i "Monsieur." the obi man unawered. "one must live or die --1 does not mutter which, For the rest, if one Jive. one must eat Therefore T work, Four sons T have and a nephew away yonder." he added, waving his band southwards. "That is why I shg alone Way do you not seu us more sol ( ur [Anglia tobut a litte longer." Thomson an t cheerfully | The oll mun sadly looked at his ruined | boar "Tat always 'wait " ene grows old and rire: "unel mon Je Inuit tered. 1 Bonjour. sur The snd suddenly The cat pares) an again so tittle protected valley of which stretched what might ence have been an ornamental garien, hu 'dropped in Heame + Fiuges, convey waggone, and every deseri d but a great red. a AAA AA SATURDAY MARKET Tubles were overflowing with produce at the market on Saturday morning--corn, beets, squash. pumpkin, beans, marrow, ter of display. or ls was down a few cena, also eggs. A puil of thimble berries wax 82.75, Corn 15 to 20 cents a dozen, pumpkins 15 und 20 cent cuch, beans 10c quart, beets * bunch, potatoes 40.50 peck. Dressed duck, the first of the season, wae 30 cente Ib., ebicken also presumed to reach that figure. Some plum tomatoes were 25¢ a sinall basket. Dressed pork ut 34 cents und lamb at 81¢ for foreh unl 85-36 for hind quarters was the first'in the meat line on the market for some time, The rain bad evidently held up harvesting, as the imnarket attendunce was exceptionally large It is said a great deal of gocd has been done 10 the potato crop by the recent rains, Regex, per dozen 48-48 Butter . 57-58¢ Potatoes. bag $2.75 Apples. per basket... 406 Chicken. ilressed, Ib 3 Duck, Ib Cream, quart . Milk, quart Tomutien, Onions, basket Cucumbers, basket Mint, bunch . Sage, bunch csteuisees Horse Radish root, bunch ||... Horse Radish, half pint bottle Flinvate Deh, ws 63 700 chicken 20¢ quirk 824.00, All 582.08, peux $1.00 2. hve spring dross drone le 2.08 $2.13, rye $140. 2A. butter 45-4Re. R. chicken 25 Orillia Wh $, 06. ute Peale {icck Smpomible; the landing at /On the cadge of the billy on hie night, Wttle tion of vehicle. From the top ef che hea ities 810 8h eggs 44H. butter 47 q wa hive of industry notwithstand: | groupe of men at wi slimbering 'stretched many wires A sentry a 1! 4c, chicken 20 26¢, potuters $2,00-82.50. ing the dark Clakanig of wagknes. /gune Onee ot twice, with a queer, actrech: (the iron pater and jaseed Majer Thoourn (huge dremel $28 040 e, shrieking of lncomotives. the jostling of ling sound. a shell, like w bt «puff of white lafter a perfunctory challenge. An. officos --------__----_ Frame. the oecanional farhing of un elec: /amoke, juaed high over the cut uni fell with murtatsined © hone eel vied et INNISFIL COUNCIL the ride in the great | som tm the grey valley below. In the jIiuit, who lonked as though he had heen out | 7, - the miy night. He {dutanee he coult see the movenente vf all night, stot on the steya of the honse | Council met in Strout om Aug. 11, with He pra A eiog fa Hy " all night. stood on SEES "Jal the members present, The Reeve in of troops through the tree. soldiere lund welcomed Thomson ry imarninig we breaking, | The eur du the way to reheve their comratien in the." plulke Maer ' ont. "just hud come tu 9 standetill before a white trenches, Ae the morning broke, the tretich- 'geroae, eh?! | {Thin S VOICE Now on Sale HERE are a few selections from this month's offcrings amongst which will be found selections to suit all tastes, including Popular, Dance, Instrumental and Operatic numbers beautifully ren- dered by foremost artists. Come early and make your choice froma tull stock. 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided My Swance Home--Uivian Holt-Liltian Rosedale--and-- Alabama Butterfly Charles Hart-Elfiott Shaw 18566 Anything is Nice if It Comes from Dixieland--American Quartet--and--Eyes That Say "I Love You Irving and Jack Kaufman 18589 You're Still an Old Sweetheart of Mine--Spencer-Burr--and --TheGates of Gladness Lewis James-Shannon Four 18590 In the Heart of a Fool--and--I Found You Henry Burr 18591 Take Your Girlle to the Movies--Billy Murray--and--Baby Arthur Fields 18592 T Ain't "en Got 'em No Time to Have the Blues--Billy Murray. Ed Smalle--and--Take Mz to the Land of Jazz Marion Harris 18593 Peter Gink--One-Step--and--Eyptland--Fox Trot Six Brown Brothers 18562 Ruspana--One-Step--and--Have a Smile--Medley Fox Trot Pietro 18563 Fidgety Feet--One-Step--and--Lary Daddy--Fox Trot ° Original Dixieland Jazz Band 18564 Tell Me--and--The Vamp--Fox Trots Jos. C, Smith's Orch, 18594 Red Seal Records at Greatly Reduced Catalogue Prices La Campano di San Glusto ('TGenor) Enrico Caruso For You a Rose (Baritone), Emillo de Gogorza La Traviata--Ah, fors' é ful Galli-Curet Turkish March (Violin) Jascha Helfetz Beautiful Ohio (Violin) Kreisler The First Rose of Summer (Tenor) John McCormack (Sopranc) Vierolas from Qe to $597, sold on easy payments, if desired. Ask for free copy of our 624-page Musical Ency. clopedia listing over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records, Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gtam-o-phone Co., Limited 'tite ~~ Montreal vie GEO. VICKERS DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT ae moment." hing fresh *" | mie the Last tw days. | [We've hail a aqmet tie more Bavarisns how're henging ip {could huve 1 Major 1 k a and have some coffee, Yes. | va of conse He ie in his own | of the flying men. just for TH det Foon ws h tw the monent you know when you | avo an apartiuent whieh had | drang room af the chatean, and im which a long table was bid One er two staff officer: gi Phomsan. unit the man whe hud brought hine in attended | his wants | he General hyd his apo." the lar well forward qui vive vt within a quarter of a mile | T think we're going to try and give rl an hour | We got some shells them a push back on the left fla feo in am sew about you, Thor o | 1 "Gead fellow! You a HH them to ene my vftour sonuethinue, The des | treyer that brought me aver is waiting at and Pwant ty bean in ificers from the vther side stuiled quectly My God! he muntered stills Landon. Tsiqsoose $9 sy goin still? Pall Mall where Theason 'in very sine owas. hin "Landon's wonderfully You fuer ont lone? i tember the was the cher. | I. "'T keets on getting promind a [week bur 1 can't bring it off al | "He's such « nut with the telephones, the man by his side explained, helping him: | self tom: he General positively can't spy "Oh. hue an dingust, with an eye i!" the other exclaimed What about you?--the only ns Heaven-ardained gun | ut if Tdon't yet nu Soe Colbert and a grill at the Savoy. and a front seut at the Alhambra, hefo many weeks huve passed. T shall get stale to me. your hair cut by the other own mothor much lex on, furning to Thomson, * fore "a man' fro remarked "Yo wouldn't know you like that your sweetheart © The young man fingered his locks reflec tively hap who war going to cut it for me got shot yesteray," he grumbled. "Any thing doing aX you came over the Major? Thi nson xbook bis head nda few shells" be Johnny Ontes going out in his Bleriat."" some one remarked, "He'll he hack here before long with a report The officer who hd met Thomson in the garden. re-entered the room, . "General says he'll see you at once. he announced. ' Thom«un followed his guide into a small back room, An officer was seated before adesk, writing, another was shouting down a telephone, and a third was muking some meusurements upon a large Ordnance map nailed upon one of the walls. The Gem was standing with his back to the fire and a pipe in his mouth, He nodded cheer: ily to Thomson, When did you leave London?" he wk od. "Nine o'clock Just evening, sir." Thom- son replied. "'Rather a record trip. We had a special down and a destroyer over. "And I'm to tell you what you want to know." the General cpntinued, glancing at a document in his hand. "Well. close the door, Harewood, Qut with it?" . "It's sbout Captain Granet of Harrison's staff." Thomson began The General frowned and knocked the ashes from. his pipe (To Be Continued.) | ak of." the ather replied. \¢ "We've just chad a riemsage an that the French have een giving them a kick \B the chair, Communications and accounts. ware re following; Wt necly i Alex Kerr. S. McKay, Roo. & Hubbard, Sow rd Bloxham, Fletcher, J. B Mas Geo, Bryant. Municipal World, Boys & Murchison. 1. B. Couse, N. Ady cc, Barrie Cot Allan "Martin Treasurer of the Peace Celebration tee, be paid the xum of $80.2 5 noun! of shortage of funds for celebration f Thut the wccount of JF 'oure for $10.00 be puirl for goods sup. plied to Mary Taylor. an indigent. By law No was ppoxsed for raising Jerrtain sums of money for county. town shi, police village and general school pur- poses. for 1919 The several rates are ruille pasted for raising as are required by school sections throughout the C twunicipality, The committee on Finance recommended payment of necounts amounting 10 $83.10, The committee on Rods and Bridges passed accounts amounting to $1048.75, Council adjourned to meet in Stroud at the call of the Reeve. ROM. MeCONKE . Clerk. SUNNIDALE COUNCIL At the August meeting all the members mnt A Teter was received frot Walkinshaw re drain on the souta town: alsa one from D. HL, McLean re booth on Wasagi Beach, Notifiestion was receiv from the Coun ty Clerk that Sunnidale's 1919 contrib hon te the County: 313.00 Among the sec passed were, G MeKean, cedar plank, $182.98; H. Scott. hingles for hall, $138.25: Geo, Alderson. work on aideroad 21, con. 2. $360. for sheep killed by dogs: Fred Rayn, 2 killed and 2. injured, 0; W. T. Gilroy. Thanh kalled. 87.00; C.W. Wyant, 1 kill and 1 injured, $21.00, STROUD , Mise M. J. Johnston is the guest of Mur Fie friends for a day or twa, Buy advertised things, it pays Beautify your Complexion --and rid the slin of une « [Money to loan Music MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production, Pupils prepared' for AT.C.M. degree in buth piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser, vatory of music or University exams Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist und Chuirmanter of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Orpan Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretieal Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan é& Bro Barrister, Solicitor for obtainiog probate of wills, guardianship and administration, apd General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, ete, Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop sireet, Money to loan, BOYS & MURCHISON ; | Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- veyancers, Ete, ut lowest rates of interest, Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises for. merly occupied by the Bunk of Toronto). Brunch office, Elmvale, Qnt. W. A Boys, K.C, MP, D.C. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Oftices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. G. Gordon Plaxtan DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bunk of Toronto Building, Barrie Money to loan CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS & Solicitors for the Supreme Court of dudi- cature of Onturio, Prociots, Noturies, Con- veyuncers, ete, Money to loan Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie. W. A.J. Bell, KC CW. Plaxton MEDICAL DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronto nd Elizabeth Streeta, opposite Elisabeth St, Methodist Church.' Telephone 167. OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts, Burrie, Oiice hours 9 to 10am, 1 to3 pm, 7 t0 8 p.m. Phone 108, W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially, Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Bartie, OR. VICTOR A. HART Gruduate of Trinity University, Toronto, tlko Edinburgh and Glasgow peciulty --Dieewsen of Stornach, Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta Office open until 8 pan. daily. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICL. s Office and residence, Collier St, Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St,, Barrie, every Saturday. Diseuses of Eye, Eur, Nose and 'Throat Consultation hours 11 aan, to 5 p.m. ond by uppointinent. Toronto Phone North 3326. jarrie Phone No. 2. ROBERT D. COLLIER, M.B., M.D., C.M, Office and Surgery, Phelpston, Ont. Office hours: 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 pm Special attention given to Maternity Calls, All "Night Calis promptly responded to her Elmvale or Minesing 'phone lines, ACCOUNTANTS - LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Muin 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronte J. F, Lawson, F.CA. (Phone 171, Barrie) H, J. Welch. CA. G. D. Campbell, CA. T. E, Lawless, C.A W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department, FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McKERNAN 58 Small St. Barrie, Phone 323 Sees sightly blemishes, quicker and surer, Ly putting your blood, stomach and liver in good order, than in any other way. Clear complex- ion, bright eyes, rosy cheeks and red lips follow the use of Beecham's Pills, They eliminate poisonous matter from the system, purify the blood and tone the organs of digestion--Use BEECHAMS PILLS Worth a Guinea a Box ' PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. a aa Buy advertised goods. It Paya, ¢ -

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