Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Aug 1919, p. 1

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/ ~~ THE: BARRIE- EXAMINER CIRCULATION - THIS WEEK * 3625 COPIES 'WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING | 8 PAGES - SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 J. A. MacLAREN, Editor 56th Year BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1919. Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Por Year (in advance) No. 35 W. C. WALLS, Manager Middle School Examé OPERA HOUSE) sccm Be. sae !Collegiate were successful at the exui Friday and Saturday Entrance al" School Jnations for Entrance to Normal Schools, . AUG. 29-30 results for wh.ch were published on Friday famous Russian actress a Th Optario 2134 students were succesy ul. 8 perdentuge of 66.2 a» compared with [54.67 lyse yeur, | The successful NAZIMOVA jae | EA Byne Ball, Chas. A Bell, Lillian May Bell. Helen P. Blackmore, Reta May Brown, Kenneth A. Cameron, Johnston Ene Cockburn, Edna May Fraser (honors', Maye Grant, Gladys ne. Mabel Lo Ireland, Muriel S, BCL students are ax mn the Zoaet "EYE FOR EYE" Aise it super f ture fiintiy Sinstine comedy oA Prine Irwin, ¢ vel Lully, E. Mureuerite Me HinGa--=16 land 41) ote: Kin Muricl Cari Nelson, Drueills Bist PMO sec, 9 P.O Phucher. Myra MoM. Reid, Doris Robert M Viewrt Strange, ROL ¢ eon thonors!, Edith Isobel W ew Walker thonors Rooms for B..C. |, Students In response tu the adverrisement of the Bosrd of Edneation. a list of houses of: fermg accommodation for BCL. students Ie now le and may be seen in the office of Sec'y Marr, Chairman Malcom: | mn or Prineypal Girdwood at the Colles: ; | (Coup dieu ppm | | THE HIGH PRICE OF MEAT ICE CREAM ' - FOR GARDEN PARTIES, ' PICNICS AND STORES 1 is wt ats pinnuele. and there |]! Customers are not requested} * recnately, aaall ebanite 'of; |) . + any immediate drop m prices. to send in their order ahead-- he Coe bees just phone up whenever you}|} you want it * the that you spend. ' . We have been in business but a | few weeks, bet all our customers ure A coming aguin, satisfied that they are getting a maximum of value for ev CANDY WORKS ery cent expended in our shop, A trial order will convince you | Phone 303 Dunlop St. HEPPLESTON H STRAYED--To lot 19. The Five Points Butcher me =2. one. Fed fel OPP. THE WELLINGTON HOTEL ||{ aapeaeen Phone 815 | \ J Never in history have you. paid such hi h prues for your meut. The therefore, imperstive that the best that you ean for con. 4. Vespra, on + Owner may have proving property and paying James Wright." phone 613r COMPTON JEFFS FOR S. SIMCOE West Gwillimbury's Reeve Named by U. F. O. Conven- tion at Beeton, Wednesday. There will be Ferguson, the farmer M.P.P. for South Sim coe, The UFO. are after the seat and Compton Jeffs. Reeve of West Gwillimbury, ix the man picked to pry this riding away from ite Conservative standing Following the decision arrived at in the recent meeting held bere, « convention sembled at Beeton yesterday afternoon und despite the busy season and the big soldiers day st Bradford there was an attendance of betw parts of the riding, Of these only w portion were delegates, the latter consisting of one for every ten members in each ULF.O. Chub, James Sheehan, Reeve of Adjula was chairman. Mrs, Brodie and Ro H Haibert gave addresses covering same ground a when they poke at the recent meeting bere When nominations were called for the following were named Compton Jeffs, Bond Head. D, Lennox, Stroud, John Semple. Tottenham, J.P. Wileox. Beeton James Shechsn, Loretto Mr Sheehan retired and afer five-minute ches by the other nominees the bullet was taken only the delegates from the clubs voting. On the first ballot Mr. Jeffs boel a large majority, the others standing he order named above. On motion of rs. Wileox und Lennox the nomination was made unanimous aud hearty applause Mr Jeffs accepted the nomination with a | orief word of thunke Preliminary arrangements were matle for organization and the campaign will be pushed with vigor Prize List Ready If you huve not already received a copy of the Barrie Fair Prize list you may get one from the Secretary, R. J. Fletcher In several departments the prizes have beet largely increased and there should be urge increase in the number of entries Don't delay in getting your exhibits ready for Barrie's Big Fair, Sept. 22, 23 and 24. A SNAP- Ford Touring car. in good condi tion, $325.00. rie. IF ANYONE TOLD YOU that you could make washday one of the easiest days of the week you would be rather incredulous--but a dem- onstration at pur store of the labor and worry-saving features of the farrous MAY-TAG "i= and 1 Wringer will convince the most skeptical. Here are ~ but a few of the features which make the MAYTAG the king (of washing qachines:.. Casi-iron dolly post inside of tub, no sharp cor- i or tear your clothes. costs less than All gears enclosed in one frame, #0 that otHer household appliances may be operated by power from sume motor. Extension legs--preper level for person any height. Swinging Wringer permits of wringing in any posi- tion while washing another lot of clothes, to drain tub, THE MAYTAG takes all the rub out of the 'Tub and@vashes everything, in the same idenl The grimy overalls of the worker, way that Woman washes her most delicate garments the splattered clothes of the children, the stained linen from the Mavta been beaten, rubbed and frayed. Investing ina drudgery, and its « Mavlag Fl romakes of W Maytag Washer and Wringer bu st is small compare Washer is Gu: ing Machines and all dependable wash-di your libert tric + SEE THE WINDOW DISPLAY--COME. 'IN AND LET US SHOW yqu THE ADVANTAGES OF AN ELECTRIC WASHER ™ OTTON HARDWARE Take the RUB Out of the TUB Powerful motor, undernesth, always protected-- Single' operating handle automatically locks and unlocks the lid, Inside and bottom tub corrugated--clear grain cypress tub--best known jnaterial Faucet underneath--not necessary to tip machine vlean as new, with a very much longer life ahead of them for not having years of dependable service. nieed for Three Years. » Two Cents an' hour to operate. the table--all come out of ty from washday worry and jay accessories at our Store. Company, Limited no acclamation for Alex j allegiance of long? nh 200 and 300 farmers from all | uch the | LABOR AND U. F. 0. JOIN IN E. SIMCOE Returned Soldiers Also To Have Say in the Nominating | Convention, Sept. 8. At the the East Simcoe United Farmers of Ont the selection of 2 candidate 10 contest. the next Provineial election was deferred in order to hold a joint gonvention with dele. nt convent the Jo The «lec a committee ot Fix appointed to ar The joint com the returned soldiers tr choose a candidate | most unaoimous, and Jfrom each clement w frunge for the convention, utters met immedistely after the conven | tion had el and settled on Monday | ufternvon, September 8, for Labor Soller convention. convention opened. in subor Union Hall, with EC. Drury, Pres ident of the Simene organization. in the chair, As the number of delegates. gr Sexcer the accommodation, the conven. tion hud to adjourn to the Opera House |after the meeting had started. Mr. Halbert, President of the {Farmers of Ontario, read the Dominion |€ jrlotform of the Farmers, as it dealt with the returned soldier. and showed clearly that the Farmers' platform did not overlook the veterans, Mr. Halbert eae that in his reference to | Mr. Hartt at Barne, he had given meaning of Mr Hartt's words, although he would not say that they were the exact |words Mr. Hartt had used. He hnd the evidence of 4 mber of men present at the convention, who had also been prese {when Mr. Hartt had useq certain words which, however, Mr not repeat at this time, "The merting ot this Stage wae thrown Jopen for discussion, and considerable time |was spent in bringing the question of Fe- lecting a candidate to » beat | Finally, just before six o'clock. a motion that action be deferred until a joint con: 'ention could be culled representing re. turned. soldiers." orgsnized labor und the |U.F.O., was carried. An amendment that | candidate be chosen there and then was lost. The committee of xix U-F.O. represent: atives chosen to arrange with a like num ber from lubor and returned soldiers, war sa follows' William Gowanlock. --_Oril- Tin township; Walter Thomaon and E. C. Drury, Oro; John P. Fitzgerald, Meront John Shield and Charles Spence, |Mutchedaxh, HOME-COMING SOLDIERS The UFO Bergt. Chas. Lowe, son of Mr, and Mrs. W. A' Lowe. returned home from overseas Wednesday evening. He went over in Feb. 1918, and wax with the 8th Reserve. For some time he was Staff Sergt. in the Or- derly Room at Witley Camp. Pre. Allan Kelcey resched his home in Gowan street on Monday. He went over- jeens with the 76th Bn, and was transferred to the 4th Bn. On his sleeve he wears one gold stripe, the wound being one in his head received Sept. 26, 1916, ut Cource- [Iette, 7 Seret. Earle Davis, xon of Mr. and Mrs TH. Davis, Owen street, reached home this week coming on the Belgic. Going over 'with the 157th Bn. in October. 1916. he was in France three weeks after reaching England being one of the firet fifty drafted from the 137th. He went to the 19th Bn Vand served with that unit until an attack of appendicitis cent him to Blighty. For several months before coming home he was engaged with the demobilization staff, Among the Simcoe County soldiers who returned this week were: G. Saunders, J. E. McKernan, G. B. McCormack, Chas, W |Lowe, Barrie; Corp. Rowe, Angus; W jSchandlen, Midhurst J. J. Welch. Elmva le: H>-L. Luud, Lefroy; P. Schell, J. M. Me- Donald, New Lowell; W. A. Strangways, Beeton; B. J. Fralick, Minesing; W. W. Coates, Cookstown ; L, H. Matchett, Gilford ; Sergt. McKenzie. Belle Ewart; H. J. Me- Arthur, Bradford; J. C, Henderson, Stay- ner. Wilfrid Orok, who was one of the Sig- |nal Corps of the 157th Bn... arrived at the Jhome of his mother. Mrs. Wm, Orok, Owen letreet, after nearly three years overseas. |He has had a most interesting experience Jsince leaving here in 1916, After the 157th was broken up he transferred to the 17th Reserve, and went to France. but shortly after his arrival at the bate there he wax [given an important position as interpreter {with the French army on sccount of his [Knowledge of their language. His work with the French army took him to many parts of the republic. and for 4 tine he was stationed in Paris. On April 15 lust, Mr, Orok was married in the Cathedzal,, Ripon, Eng., to | Miss Roxanne Dayle. datehter of Col." W Dayle, of the 10th Lincolnshire Bn. and he and his bride have been held up at Buxton for several months swaiting s sail- ing. During the time be was overseas the deuth of his father occurred. Thompson--Sinclair The marringe was solemnized at noon on Saturday in St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Barrie, of Lena M. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Sinclair, and Mr. Arthur J. Thompson, of Toronto. The bride was given away by her father and wore a suit of gtey tricotine with a French hat and car. ried sweetheart roses. Her attendant, Mise Grace Fisher, wore a navy charmeuse frock, black velvet hat ond carried a sheaf of American Beauty roces, Mr. John Sinclair, brother-of the bride, was groomaman, The service was conducted: by the Rev. E. A. jOwen, Mrs, Sinclair was wearing black erepe meteor with beaded trimmings and carried mauve sweet pens. After the re- ception Mr, and Mrs. Thompson left for 4 trip to Muskoka and on their return will live in Toronto. Union Bunk of Canada attended the con. ferences uf the Ontario managers with the | General Manager, Mr. H. B. Shaw and a! number of executive officors representative of the Western and Eustern divisions in Toront last Jexperience" said Mr. Leslie upon his ret "As a get-togeth=r" i un endeavor to i Prove the working conditions of the men {who are in the service of the Union Bank of largely attended Convention of /Canada and usa ing our jario held in Orilhy on Tuesday afternoon, | public themselves," pansion of the Union Bunk estes from the UFO, Orgamzed Labor and |recent months has firmly. estublis! pn. wan al [Fak the UF.O-|ty the Eustern provinere the | manager ensphasized the develop:nent of the iv through the P: y | Corporatie Bank of New York, it jointly controle. The | Conjoration ix established at many. st gic commercial centres in the far United |New York, Seattle, Wash.. So connections have been built up, ta to make af the Union Bank »f Canad more snd more financial highway jther development of Canadi the Which is a vital consideration in this period |of reconstruction. ; School Bags, made of same material as au- stomobile tops, at Keenan's Halbert suid he would | four prices--65e, 75c, 85c. und $1.00, Best value ever offered. for all School Supplies. as well as his many other f be pleased to learn thet the Rev Brown is making good progress towartis re- covery. and hopes to be sble to resume his charge towards the end of September. Mr. A. Leslie of the' Barrie branch of the.! THE PIANOS That give life-long satis- faction HEINTZMAN & CO. AND WEBER | PIANOS Local Banker at Toronto Convention (THE Pianos} week. "A most profitable] medium for broaden- banking service to the general these conventions fully justified Mr. Leslie pointe out that the rapid, ex f Canada of that forefont of Canadian Both in Cun.la and abroad. the | k has been making remarkable progress, ularly since the signing of the srn Jn the Demimion aline the Union Canada ww bas 357 branches, considerable attention is being directed | titution mia. At the convention Mr. Shaw, the generul Bank of nada Union F - which, with the N internationslly, | ign Banking ational Park They may cost you a little more money on the start, but will pay you in the end. ' Sole Agent for Barrie and District. A. F. GARRETT Also we keep the largest stock of Phonographs and records for your selection. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE The House of Quality Corner of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. P.O. Box 178 Phone 259 im! a rancisee and in Paris, France, where notuble Mr, Shaw ated that the noliey of the directors wat for the fur. trade abroad, For the Boys and Girls See the nebby, serviceable, waterproof Four sizes, | Keenan's is the store 35-350 The congregation of St. Andrew's Church, nds, will Geo. A He is at Waba, near Peterboro, 25¢ Buys a Thrift Stamp. DUNNETT TT Save Against the "rainy day" The thought of being dependent some day, when illness or old age takes away one's ability to earn, is rightly distasteful to the Canadian 'mind. MES The simplest, surest way to offset this is to open a Savings Account and add something to it every week. Come in and we will gladly explain) --THE Bank of Nova Scotia A. G, MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch Capital - = - = $ 9,700,000 18,000,000 Canadian National Exhibition Toronto Do rigt fail to visit the East Wing Horti 'al Building and see the splendid exhibit of "His Master's Voice" Records and Victrolas Aug. 23rd to Sept. 9th»: BDA ANA

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