Page Eight Teeny THE BARRIE E OPERA HOUSE "Mon. Sept. 1st Labor . Day and Tues., Sept. 2nd DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS --IN-- "ARIZONA" LEFROY Aug. 27.--Mises Burns of Victoria Har. bor are the guests of Miss Irene Grose. Mr. and Mrs. Love are visiting relatives in Western Ontario Bia V Cenieay alKG There will be no service next Sunday . evening in the Presbyterian Church. owing Prices--16 and 11 ots Min the: micmsoriil service ot (he Baik Line First show 7.30, second 9 p.m.' Ghats, . Miss Ethel Corbett of Thornton was a re 'cent visitor with Mrs. Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morton of Elm vale spent a day at I. W. Morton's home lust week Miss Murjorie Wilson of Toronto was yhome over Sunday. Miss Alma Whan is visiting friends in the city Ejfty thousand dollar" damage wax done on Mofisy afternoon when a fire of un |known prigin broke out in the ice house Jowned"by the Luke Simcoe Ice Company. near Belle Ewart, With a brisk wind bla ing. the fire soon spread. Tt was onl steady work of the bucket brigade, and a favorable breeze, that the whole village, which in a well-known sumpier resort, was saved. Tht hoise, belonging to JH, Mor- ton. the superintendent of the ice house, |wax burned to the ground. The two build: ings were valued at about $35,000 IN MEMORIAM REYNOLDS--In proud and loving memory of L-Cpl. D'Arey J. Reynolds of the 116th Bo., killed in Boiry Notre Dame, France. on 28, 1918 He died the noblest death a man may die, Fighting for God and Right and Liberty And such a death ix Immortality" MOTHER, SISTER und BROTHERS nae GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND x Ax SOME PICTURES COMING SOON ties and Feathers id Bennett} RANGES "Tou Many Millions | : ' Wallace Reid Call and get our prices "Squaw Van. special production |] before buying your new 'Hun Within' special production | range "Branding Broadway" * pate . aan eee ia, s nave || We do all kinds of Plumb- "Greatest Thong in Late" ing, Heating and Tinsmith- DAV. Gritith Special jf ing work. "IACI Migs Tau Sole agents for Pease Ec- onomy Furnaces. Repair work promptly attended to. J. J..NEELANDS Dunlop St. reuerite Clark "Silver King," 1 "Hope Chest" --Dearothy Gish "Romance wf Happy Valley --D.W. Griffith Special Se Put your money into War Sav- ings Stamps and let it work. KODAKS AND BROWNIES Keep a MORGAN'S RE-_| STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing, it is ip to us to get a good tonic,--one that will build us up and help us hear the heat, Morgan's Re- storative is an uleal tonic, having all the ingredients as a perfect blood builder. # Reward the child who was HW has been in use for over . 30 years and has helped | Successful in examinations | others.--it will help you $1.00 a large hottie record of the events in a child's life from infancy up to manhood or womanho@) with an Auto- graphic Kodak. with a Brownie. These little cameras are easily operated and cost only a trifle. They CHAMBERLAIN'S i) a eR as well as TABLETS ase Brownles -- $2.15, $3.00, To-night, if you feel dull | $3.75 and $4.80., and stupid, or biliows and Kodaks -- $9.00 to $60.00 constipated, take a dose of | Chamberlain's Tablets, and | We develop and print you will feel all right to- | your films at small cost: morrow. also make enlargements 25ce for 60 tablets from small negatives, WM. CROSSLAND DRUGGIST BARRIE TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES. 1919 PAYABLE AT BANK OF TORONTO. , Taxes for the year 1919 are due and payable at either branch of the Bank of Toronto, on the follow- ing dates:-- - Amounts of $10.00 or less on September 2h. Amounts over $10.00 may be divided in two equal instalments payable on September 25th and November 25th. Discounts allowed as follows: On all taxes paid in full on or before AUGUST 29TH a discount of one per cent. will be allowed. On taxes paid in full on or before September 25th a discount of one per cent. on the amount of the second instalment will be allowed. ' A. W. SMITH, Treasurer. 33-35c FROROROROZOR ORI GOR OR IOROR IOIOR IOIOR RIK ok | % * *® NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS * FOROT I POT FoR BRR fiOR RRR OR RoR OK a lty-five years ago. 1 UTOPIA Aug. 27.--A number of the farmers here have finished harvesting. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carson of Barrie visited friends here last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell are spending a few days st the Exhibition in Toronto Donald Nicol arrived home on Saturday last from Barrie Hospital where he has been for several weeks owing to broken | leg Mr, and Mry. A. Miller and Miss B Miller spent Sunday with Belle Ewart friends Miss R. Sproul spent the week-end in| Toronto. | Mre. W, J. Jones left for Beeton on Mon day after a few weeks' visit with ber sister, Mrs. J. H. MeCann, BELLE EWART | Aug. 26.----On Monday afternoon the ice- | house belonging to Fairhead & Son was ¥ {burned to the ground together with the shop und dwelling hours, The flumes spread | rapidly owing to the high wind and it was toon seen there was no hope of saving the dwelling house which was occupied hy the foreman, J. Morton, A crowd soon gathered and the contents of the dwelling house were saved. There still remains a great body of ice and I understand an extra gang of men will be ret to work t9 load eur und ship it before it in wasted The origin of the | fire is unknown. The low us partly covered | On Saturday mght A. Trombley's store was raided by some pesty thieves and a large quantity of cigarettes and chocolates | stolen | Lock your henhouse. A number of people report the loss of their chickens lately Miss Ene Whan i spending couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs, H Ralph Buffalo \ T. Baker leuves this week for his home | in Now York | IVY Aug 26.--Mr. snd Mrs, Wilson Walker ief Penetunguishene called on friends here | last week Mre. Flynn of Cookstown is spending a few duys with her daughter, Mrs. H. Bans ling | Mrs, Craw of Peterbore made a call ur | friends here lust Wednesday. | Over forty of the young people of che | neighborhood gathered at the home of Mi land Mrs. W. J. McLean on Friduy evening jto give Mise Lizzie a miscellaneous shower | \before her marriage to Mr. R. J. Coulter | Mr. Coulter thunked the young neople for their kindness Rev. T. J. Dew gave » shor, address, The evening was spent in music jninging and games, Everyone went awsy | [feeling that they had spent a very enjoyable | evening Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Davis are visiting |friends here The band went to Mount Forest on Sun day and Monday to furnish the music for the Old Boys' reunion Mr. W. Burton of B.C is visiting her Jsister. Mrs. Reggie Arnold Miss Bessie DeHart of Barrie is the guest of Miss Bessie Hatton Mra D. Hanna is visiting friends here |, Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. D. Me. }Lean on the wrrival 'of @ daughter, Sunday Aug. 24 HOLLY Aug. 26.--Mis Aconley und Mist Bow man of Crown Hill visited at W. D, Coch rane's over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and Mr. and Sunday Barrie this week. the sympathy of a large number of. people On Tuesday evening, Aug number of people met at the home of L. Bloxham to extend to ex-Pte. Chris. Burns | their appreciation of his services in the | war by presenting him with a purse of money and the following adgress- | Pte. Chris. Burns,--Dear Chri: We, your many friends, are guthered here this evening to welcome you in, our midst again, We are glad and proud to have you umongat | us safe and well after your hardship of | war. We nsk you to necept this purse as 4 token of friendshiyy and esteem, Sicned on behalf of your friends: A. Dyer, | F. Brow Brown. D. Cochrane | On Friday eveniny 22. the people ot the surrounding met the | home of Wm. Hunter, Sr, to extend a hearty welcome to Pte, Wm. Hunter. J. A. Corbett of Thornton ably filled the chair. During the program Floyde Dyer an address and Reggie Srigley and Miss Wice made the presentations of a gold | ra'ch and chain to Pte, Hunter snd to his vife a cut glass berry howl. Pte, Hunter in a few well chosen words thanked the people on behalf of himself und his wife. | Dancing was indulged in rill the wee small hours of the morning. GUTHRIE Aug. 26.--This mérning « well-known farmer of this section pursed away when Andrew Graham succumbed to a malady from which he had been suffering sine January. Interment takes pluce at Guthrie cemetery, Thursday sfternoon. He leaves 8 widow, who was formerly Miss Annie McKinnon of Atherley, but uo children. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham, early settlers in thie township, Of their family. of thirteen. the following only survive: Alex Graham, Guthrie; Mrs. Alex 'Watt and Mrs, Geo. Crawford, both of Oro tation, Deceased was born at Guthrie six- As a young man he was & clerk for several yeurs with the Inte Peter Kearns, Barrie. When the CPR was being laid across the prairies and Brit- ish Colmubis he served on construction with the stores department. About thirty years go he returned to Oro and Sough' | lot 24, con. 4, later acquiring lot 23, the same concession, where he lived. tull his death, Mr. Graham was a progressive | and successful farmer. being particularly | interested in the raising of stock. He wus a 'Liberal in politics, a member of Gu'h-ie | Church and a man greatly esteemed in the | circle of his acquaintance. Cecil E. Moses of Toronto, known to friends here, recently passed his final exan-| inations, obtaining honors. {4 Mrs. HM. Lougheed motored 10 Midland on her parents, in Orillia Mrs. Chas. Campbell is visiting friends in urday a Mrs. Alex Lockhart and family have friends in this neighborhood in their recent bereave: |teps to build # modern m ment, concrete abutments at August 28, 191 "Furnishings For Cool Weather TAILORED SUITINGS Guaranteed Blue .... impo Scotch Tweeds «. $50.00 to $75.00 wrted Worsteds . . --- $50.00 to $75.00 BETWEEN SEASON UNDERWEAR Light Weight English Wool Combinations, $6.50 Suit Ligh Ww Two 'ool combi t Weight 30 per cent. ations $4.00 piece, all Wool, gar- 8 $50 ates -» $3.25 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S WOOL JERSEYS A splendid assortment of Wool Jerseys suitable for school wear. Colors Navy, Maroon, Grey, Brown and White. Sizes 20 to 34. Many new lines in Fall Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats. 10 per cent Discount to Re- turned Soldiers on their first outfit. ALEX. MILNE & SON Men's Outfitters Phone 39 department was bere on Wednesday morn- ing to take measurements for the purpose ALLANDALE NEWS of having plana approved by the depart- Mrs, Shear nd daughter Jean are ex-|ment pected home from Kingston tomorrow. On Bunday afternoon to thé south end Next Sunday will be the last of the {of Gowan street, where the roof of » house Union Church services for this summer, | was set fire by a spark the Barrie Brigade Mr. ond Mrs. Wm, Long. Burton avenue, |Wa* called out, but its services were not have left on an extended trip to Quebec | Tequired. - and Halifax Allandale was visited Just week by New- Mra E. A. Crawford has returned home pernie gp peed odet cd laying after spendi I « with {Scheduled games on the local green. The fier dpettiog. » sourle of months with feats won 4 out of 6 from Newmark- et and beat Bradford 6 points to 0. Oril- Jia Teuds the League and will probably win Jout. A number from here go to Orillia on Labor Day to compete in the annual tour- nament. Pte. Sidney Smith reached home on Sat- might bringing with him his bride ind was warmly welcomed by numerous Orillia Times--The G.T.R. are aking bridge with Narrows." Mr, Apples will not be a one-third crop in 19. a large 'C, Jeffery. of the Dominion Public Works |this district, TRY | LEACH'S SURE SHINE to polish your Piano. Automo- bile, Furniture and Woodwork IT CAN'T BE BEATEN Sold in Barrie by Estate J. J. Coffey, Merrill & Hubbard, G. G. Smith & Co., Otton Hardware Co., Dougall Bros., W. A. Lowe and J. G. Keenan. |Try it once; you will use no other. Not sold by Grocers. aanaaaaaand Bargains in used Auto- mobiles and Fordson 4 Tractor which should prove attractive to any one HERE'S THE LIST: furrow Cockshutt plow. 1 Slightly used Ford Sedan. é 1 Slightly used Dodge (Touring) i 11915 Studebaker (Touring) 11915 Ford (Touring) . 1 1916 (Model 490) Chevrolet. 1 1914 Ford with one and one half ton Smith-Form-a-truck attachment. Come in and look them over. show them whether you buy or not. Barrie Agent for Ford and Dodge Cars. oo I have for sale the following motor cars, etc., getting a serviceable car much below the price of a new. $ 3 desirous of ; 1 Slightly used Fordson Tractor and Automatic two- Eight-in-one We'll be glad to ¢ Barrie Agent for Ford and Dodge Cars Elizabeth St., next Wellington Hotel T. R. HUXTABLE : - Elizabeth St., next Wellington Hotel 0000000000 ihn latent