Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1919, p. 4

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* Kips... Page Four THE ADLET COLUMN: KINDLING WOOD for sile. Ball Planing | Mill Co.. Ltd. Phone 109. Sette | HOUSEMAID WANTED--Hours 7 to 7. Apply Miss O'Connor, Simeoe Hall. 30tfe | PROF. D. E. WEIR--Teacher of Piano and | Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Owen St, Bar- rie 31.37) FOR SALE- 38 Tiffin street, brick, all | conveniences; Apply G. C. Lawr, Allan dale YMCA 3284p JUNK AND POULTRY Wanted. Good pices paid, Harry Levit, 66 Bayfield street. Phone 384 32-43p , AUTO LIVERY Town or country. Collier St. Phone 30. Day or night service. 7 Finlay, 6 | 3itfe | HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- | age, fireplace, furnace, sleeping balcony, $1500.00 108 Peel street. 11-tfe | TRAPPERS November will soun be here, Priees will be good. Send your raw furs, Ho Levit, Barrie Phone 32-43p , FOR SALE Two 66-foot, choice building | lots on Wilham St., Allandale, Apply Mrs, JA. MacNeil, Allandale RR, No, 1. | 29th SEED WHEAT FOR quantity of pure seed "Dawson's Chaff". Apply te W. G. Ken RLR. No, 2, Allan dale 33.35p | FURNISHED ROOMS and Apartmente to rent, lv unfurnished flats of two. four 2 Apply No 1, Maple CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old overcoat can be made to look | « by Harry Twiss, Rose Block, Dunlop St \ ANTED AT ONCE Caretaker for Cen: | tral Methodist Church, Apply to Stephen | Pratt, Cun hool, or James Corbett. | Barre P.O 33-38¢ FARM FOR SALE North half of or 17, | con. 3, Fine, consisting of 100 scres, For apply to G. Shans- | 20-50p | hurse. @ yre, old, 1600 ths., sound and in good condition. Also 40 ft. windnull, in first clase condition. | Apply to Examner office B2tfe | PIANO FOR SALE CHEAP --In_ perf working order. a square grand. C has no further use for it. Terms ewsy: Apply Box i175, Barrie P.O, 38p 34¢ HOUSES FOR SALE --Corner of Rose and Mts ub sobd bi FOR SALE Duin Hay Pres, size 18x22, goml as pew Cheap Can be seen at! WV apply EAI | this AND VEGETABLES Fresh {2 ards Ask for our HEROLD'S FARMS, ONTARIO. Niag: Ol Fale tooth, any y up to $35 per set. tinum, Seni with: Bros. Inglewood, | Also pld gold and 4 out delay li Ont 30-25 p, CARS WANTED--We buy any make or Model of xecond band car, so if you want | to sell, drop uso line to the "Garage', Albert and Colbourne streets, Box 558, Orillia, Ont 19¢fe AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE--If you @ant | 4p buy second hand cars or trucks call ~atd sec us at the 'Garage", Albert and Colbourne streets, or write us to Box 558, Orillia, Ont. 19tfo WANTED AT ONCE Experienced gener: | month. at small cottage on | 'nllendal. Apply by letter, | worth, care | Allandale. 22+fe | stating references, Mrs Robert Vaughn, RR. 1 HOME BUILDERS--Write for our Free | Book of House Plans, and information telling how to save from Two .to Four! Hundred Dollars on your new home. Ad-| BAR dress Halliday Company. Box 61, Jack- son strst, Hamilton, Ont. 23-tfe FARM FOR GALE--Lot 20, con. 6, Vespra, 67 actes. 18 bush, the rest suitable for grain, fruit or vegetubles; 11% miles from | market und railway. Al buildings, hard and soft water. Terms cun be ar- ranged. Apply tJ. H. Campbell, RR No. 2. Barrie | LE--MeLayghh sBuick, C-4 1915, truck, electric lig..*4, top and wind |. pneumatic tires, alt in first-class condi'ion, must he sold on account of change in business, a snap for some one. Apply to Fuller, Allen and Holmes. Dec- orators, Orangeville 32-37) ae ee STROUD TELEPHONE CO. wants one + Tineman and one operator. Free house. There are about 220 subscribers. Appli- cations received up to Aug. 30, duties to commence Oct. 1. Lowest or any offer not_necessarily accefited. Apply to R. A. Sutherland or D. W. Lennox, Stroud. BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Barley. + $1.15-$1.25 Buckwhest -$1.00-81.10 Butter, Ib. 58-55¢ Begs, "dozen Old fowl .. Potatoes, new pk. . Beef hides, green Beef hid Lambskins and pelts Wool, unwaskied . war washed Hay VINEGAR We have for you, Heinz (of the 47 varieties) cele- brated Crystal White and Rex Amber Vinegars. The latter is made from Demerara Cane Sugar. They are delicious, and if used with our Pure Spices will give the very best re- sults in your pickling. Delivered, per gal. 60c T. N. HOBLEY "THE HUB" Tea and Coffee Store BUARDERS WANTED--At 138 Peel street 33-35p POOR KEY LOST--Please leave at Exam iner office, de FOR SALE--Good Wicker Baby Carriage Apply 11 Henry Street 3434p GIRL WA! Apply te SD to help with repair work H, J. Twiss. Tuslor. FURNISHED ROOMS to_ let--Household privileges. Apply at Exununer office 34-34p CAR FOR SALE--Ford Touring, in good condition Apply Ralph Urry, Barrie. 34-34p LOST Automobile license number 116183 Finder kindly leave with R. H. Webb. 34-34p WANTED ASaleslady with experience. Dry Goods. Apply in own handwriting. Geo Vickers 34-34c TO RENT--Flat, all conveniences, elec Ine light, heat, buleony. 28 Donald q B2-tfe FOR SALE light and warer avenue LOST -Hound pup. black and white, bieb. 4 munths oli. Nonfy T Perry x 34 room brick house, eleetne Apply to 113: Burton WANTED-Two or three furmshrd rooms hous or cottage, Barrie or Phone 564, 34 Hp WANTED for September 15th. un experi enced cook. Good wages. Apply * den', Barrie, BB-tfe FOR SALE--Radiast Home other household articles, Elizabeth etreet Heater and Enquire 228 TED--Roow and Board, College stu- dents. Send ull particulars to Barrie Bus.ness College, 34-340 FURNISHED ROOMS, light housekeeping privileges or meals. young ladies. Apply Box "D", Examiner 34.34¢ FOR SALE--Summer home building that was in the Peace Day celebration. Ball Planing Mill Co., Ltd. 32-tfe FOR SALE--New Cleveland Bicycle--Her- cules coaster brake. Bargain, L. Crawford. Oro Station. 34-34p LOST--On Aug. 19, Automobile License number 4869, Finder please leave st Rrennan's buteher shop. 34-34p ARGAIN--Lady's Bicycle, new wheels, coaster brake, light running, owner left town. Apply 100 Peel, 3436p FOR SALE--7 Ewes, yearling and 2-year olds, 5 ewe lambs for breeding. Apply to Chas, Wice, Painswick. 33-34p MATRON and Assistant wanted for Child: "ren's Shelter, by September 1. Apply to W. J. Justice, Secretary. 34-c LARGE ROOM to rent, suitable for dress maker or schoolgirl for light housekeen- ing. Apply 15 Ross street. %3-tfe WANTED--A middle-aged woman to help with housework. Good wages. Apply to Mre E. Fell, Allandale RR. 34-35p FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET--With or without board, Business college or high school pupils, Apply at this office. 35p FOR SALE--Ford Touring, latest model, electric lighting, built in starter, run eight weeks. Apply to Examiner for ad dress. 34-34p FOR SALE--One chicken house, 6x12x5. Built in six foot sections. Can be Apply 76 Penetang 34.34p moved anywhere, Srreet, 00 5 CARETAKER WANTED for school in 8.8. No. 2, Oro, duties to commence Sept. 2. Apply to Jno, Chappell, R. R, No. 1, Barrie. 34-35¢ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Carpete-- Private cash sale, commencing Monday noon, Aug. 25. Hi E. Jory, 89 Elizs- beth atieet. 34-34¢ c YOUNG CATTLE FOR SALE--One 2-yr-old heifer, one l-yr-old heifer, 2 spring calves, H. D. Atherton, Duckworth St. Barrie. Phone 580b. 34-350 RABBITS FOR SALE--Suncrest Rabbitry Black Siberian, Flemish Giants and Ru- | Fun fus Red Belgians, choice stock for sale cheap. 261 Bayfield atreet, Barrie. 34p p \o'elu 'body welcome, 33 B4p | Villers, 35 | Allandale. | 3434p | . | (old time). Rev. W. J. Watt. B.A., B.D., stock of school bags and achool supplies st Keenan's. 34.34 Watch Mr. Chas, C. Nixon of Rural Csnada--the National Farm Home Maga. zine. j Next Sunday there will be service as usual at Christ Chureb, Vespra, at 2.30 pm. Sunday School at 130 pm, (old time). Barrie Tennis Club will hold a big dance in the Armouries on Friday, Aug. 29. Strath- dee's orchestra, Thos. Nelson, a farmer living on the Penetanguishene Road, near Dalston, had four head of cattle killed in last Sunday's storm, In Friday morning's police court Alex Se- Kee and Gro, McConkey were each fined $2 without costs for not having lights on their motors Mrs. RE. Fletcher, Toronto. has sold through H. D. Jamieson, her pair of brick houses on Toronto street to H, E. Jory, who will occupy. one of them In a Toronto City Amateur League game las: Saturday, Archie Burton pitching for |the Wellingtons held the Beaches team down jo one hit, bis team winning 12 to 1 All the lutest in popular sheet music at Isc per copy and the newest selections in Columbia Records including "Mickey" at 90c each, Garrett's Music Store, 34.34c | In the list of successful B.C.1. students writing on the Lower School exams, pub: lished last week. the name of Miss Eliza beth O'Connell was inadvertently omitted, W. J. McLarty. barrister, son of the late Wm. MeLurty of Barrie, died in Toronto) jlust week after an operation. He was s 'nephow of Peter McLarty, Bradford street - Will any. person having clear snap: | shots of In "Why Bring |English Bric other flout in Peace | Parade, kindly communicate with Box "V" Examiner B4BMe | The residents of Midhurst are requested | \t0 notice that service will be held at St Anghean Church. Midhurst, at 7 old time! Sunday evening, Every vel | Ladies' Full and Winter Coats at Sim |inons & Co.'s. the newest designs and cloths, jnilver-tones. velour. beavers, 1weeds, ete.. in ull the best colors. Prices ure reason: able |CAR FOR SALE --Shghtly used runabout Snap for quick sale, VanPutter's Gur. age. 34-34p FOR SALE--Pump works stock, machin. ery, tools, good business, ulo house and | stabie in good repair. Price right ply . H. B. Barnes, Cookstown, Ont 34.37c w ED An elderly widow who would gond home, light wark, No chil References required. Goo wages | Apply at this office. like | dren | to right party FOR SALE. Good coal heater, sewing 1 chine, white baby cutter. all in good condition, Twelve dollars the lot, Apply | Mrs. Gibbs, opposite Harris Green House 34-34) Alls LOST Sunday night between and Colwell on townliue 30110, toil Lams Reward J | tire: Barrie IF CAPT H. MeNAMARA, 228 Batra. will | call at the home of Wesley Rix. Pene- | tang Read. he will have given him a! military arnele pieked up by Mr Rix | on road CRAB APPLES--I have a limited quan- | tity' of very choice crab apples (prize winners'. 60 cents per buxket First come, first served, ©. T. Thompson. | phone 580r4 34-34p FOR SALE--Parlour suite, oak dining tal and chairs, oak buffet, dresser. stce range with water front, wall pictures. | rug and carpets, letter press, wheelbar- row. Apply at 186 Dunlop street. 4p HAY AND STRAW WANTED--2 or 3 loads of each; also oats, barley and wheat. for which the highest price will | bbe paid by Jas. Cheesman, Flour d& Feed merchant, Box 59 or phone 158, Barrie 34-34p BULL ises, lot 8, con. 4, Vespra, on Frida: Aug. 15, one red bull. Owner may h sume on proving property and paying expenses. D. Phone 604-ring 6. 34-360 |FOR SALF--Building timber, 8x10 inches, mostly pine; also quantity of pine lum- ber. Fleury cutting-box, 10-inch roller; root pulper; "Rapid Easy" grinder, 8 inch plate. Also Shorthorn bull, 11 | months old, Apply to Geo. Crawford, Oro Station. 34.35p DENIAL--The report having been circula- ted that I gave information leading to the prosecution of Mr. Saso for carrying the firemen to Penetang without license, | I wish to emphatically deny it ax I had sbsolutely nothing whatever to do with the matter... T. A. McGuire. 34-34p CHANTLER BROS. Dominion auto 30x3%4 plain, tubes, cup grease, spark plugs, patches, cement, Polarinr, heavy and light; top buggy (Baynes) in good on der; good wholesome "groceries; sorting up 'stock dry goods, hardware, patent medicines, and of 'course Tanlac. Come and see us, 84-34p MRS, SMITH wishes to thank her kind friends for the information to the Waterworke for which they knew 12 months ago and we did not use it 10 to 11 at night, especially the one that Before you fnd your own .steps first. mischiefa and spotters and news car- riers, Mrs, Smith, 141 Burton Avenue. ------SS eee NOTICE 'Vhe Annual Memorial Service will be held in the Sixth Line Presbyterian Church, Innisfil, on Sunday, August 31, at 3 p.m, of Allandale will preach Union Choir led by Walter Reive. Chur- chill. Collection in sid of the Cemetery id." 34-350 D. W. Lennox. D. J. Irvin, cher," 6 'good as a nod to the wise istreet, wold to W. L. Thompson, Elizabeth ESTRAY---Came upon my prem- |, Turnbull's until after seven o'clock jin the C:A.M.C.. lattes [perience with the pranks of lightning snd Answering Your Hosiery | Requirements Whether you intend to wear high boots or low shoes with spats you will want serviceable new Hosiery for Fall. From a standpoint of style and durability this Hosiery will more than come up to your expectations. Ladies' Mercury Silk Hose, Black and White, with lisle top, sizes 81% to 10, Special .............. $2.00 Boys' Heavy Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, Scout Brand, wear well, sizes 7, 745 2.0... cece eee eee Sizes 8, 8!2, 9,914, 10, special price . . Boys' and Girls' Black Ribbed Hose, siz special value .... ee Children's Black Ribbed Hi tra valu€ oo... eee eee 25c You should Ladie: Ladies' Ladies' Black Men's Fine Black Duck working shirts, sizes 14's to 16%; this shirt is good value $2.00; special price ..... $1.50 Men's Black and White Khaki and Grey and White Stripes, sizes 17, 1714, 18, big value, $2.00, special price... $1.50 - Men's Blue Chambray Working Shirts, sizes 1444 to 16'4, good value $2.00, special price ... vee $1.50 Men's Heavy value one finger, BYE TOMO PICO wise on acasecare « Men's Grey Wool Sox. value ..... Men's Gauntlets, Chrome, Tan, fireproof, Ladies' Fine Quality Lisle Hose, Mercury make, colors Black, Navy Blue, Tan, Taupe, Brown and White, sizes 81% to 10, special value .../.......0. 90c see this line. Ladies' Brown Sitk Hose, with Lisle top, special price exvisniens onveaoe ate +... $1.50 Plain Black Cotton Hose, sizes 814 to 10, special value wo... 22.2... Black, Grey and Brown p Hose, sizes 8 ue, 75c; special price to 10; these are big val- -.. 50¢ Cotton Hose, plain, sizes see. 25e Grey Cotton Sox, special 40c val- -+. 50¢ These are big special price ...... $1.00 4) WHERE MOST P EO PLE TRADE Reniember Keenan's for sebool sup: | plies. 3434. | "I onever had <0 many direct results| © traceable to advertising, as from the past two weeks' advertisements in The Exum 1a local merchant thie week Many people came with the paper to se- cure the goods advertised," A hint is as BORN ust 12, 1919, to Rev. and Mrs. Duncan P. Cameron, a duughter (Mary Olivia). PADDISON--In the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, on Tuesday, August 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Paddison, a daughter, {PEACOCK--In Oro, on Sunday, Aug. 17, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peacock, Crown Hill, # son, Recent sales made by W)C. Thompson include » house and lot on McDonald | street. owned by Francis Dunn, sold to Aliopp of Owen atreet, Barrie; house and lot, owned by the Cooper Estate, Sanford IN MEMORIAM Bell, killed 'in "action near Arras, France, tneet. Aug. 26. 1918 A Ford car, driven by two strangers, |stalled at the corner of Bradford and Eliz. abeth streete sometime during Monduy | Bell' night. having run out of gasoline. It re-| yoy, fh aor |mained directly on the eurve in from of | Now trav the quryies ie que Again to'Canada's shores return (Tuesday morning, . {Our brave Canadian sons; Capt. W.Y. Cook, whose home isin Young. | But cruel thoughts prick and pierce us, Coutts, Midburst (Sask. and who recently returned from | Like the thrust of a sharpened lance. overseas, has been visiting his father. Thos. |For there's one who will never come back Cook, Sr., at Painswick, and looking up| again, old acquaintances in town this week. Capt. |He till stays over in France. Cook enlisted in Sasksteber-an and served . veing on the staff |He sleeps "neath the glowing poppies, at Granville Hospitai, Buxton, Eng. His mark is a wooden cross. While walking near the Carriage Fac- | Prople all say they are sorry, tory at the head of the bay on Sunday af-| But nobody knows our loss; ternoon. 4. W. Whitby had a curious ex. | There is sorrow and sadness and longing ; Mixed with our every glance, For there's one who will never come back again, He still stays over in France. nostibly. narrowly escaped being killed. Following an extra vivid flash, he felt a blow on the top of the head. which felt Fee blow from club, He was dazed | But some day on that glad morning for a few minutes before being able to) When the sea shall give up its dead, proceed on his way home, but is not suf-| And the battlefields, grim and hoary fering any serious effects of the startling And battered, and shattered. and red experience. | Will show us' the ey're holding, The Police Committee of the Couneil| Put, "a un the secret they're . have instructed the local police to warn To meet the one who has not come back, all motorists that sutomobiles in use on Who hus stayed so long in. France. the streets from dusk to dawn, whether | . nding or in motion, must have all three WIFE AND PARENTS. lights burning. This is » provision of the Ontario Motor Vehicles Act, and instruc. | IN MEMORIAM tiong have been sent out to have it strictly | = =: : snforeed, "Many motorata have anpeared in Mot brother, WG. Mibu, 863275, Police Court for breaches of this reguls-| 457eh Bn., killed in action, August 15, tion and many more are alated for a session | 1917" aged 20. d with the Police Magistrate. . [Ido not forget him, I loved him too dearly C. A. Ward's Fireproof Storage moving 'For bis memory to fade from my life like van of Toronto. somewhat belied the name; a dream; it bore on Tuesday morning as it stood in But lips need not speak when a heart front of Cruickshank's Garage. The chauf-: mourns sincerely. feur awakened Mr. Cruickshanks about 2'For grief often dwells where it seldom is am. to replenish his supply of gasoline! -- seen. and carelemly lighted a match to see how SISTER MARY. much remained in the tank of the truck. An instantaneous explosion satisfied his cur- Card of Thanks josity, and immediately the whole front of ; ; the Vig' moving van was_on fire, and. the | The family' of the late G, A. Richardson i ily. wi i ind friends for hose from the tank being hastily withdrawn Wish to thank the many kind frien scattered more of the explosive fluid around | flowers and kind sympathy shown in con- the ground which also burned up fiercely.| ection with their recent bereavement. An alarm was sent in and the van moved from in front of the gasolene supply tank. Card of Thanks The front of the vehicle was pretty badly} Mrs. Robert Grakam and Mr. and Mrs, damaged by firo and another truck was|Wm. Graham wish to thank their friends sent out to tow it to Toronto on Tuesday |for their kindness during their recent be- :» Chairman, --Secy. Trustee Board. evening. reavement. MERON--At Edmonton, Alta.. on Aug- In loving memory' of Lieut, Arthur E. (Verses written by his sister, Miss Lillie | JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe, Prepared to eon- duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St, Phone 191. Orders left at AFA. Malcomson's office will receive prompt attention. MEET YOUR . FUTURE NEEDS A THOROUGH training in modern BUSI- NESS is essential to your success, Barrie Business College Prepares you for the 'INEVITABLE CHOICE--A BUSINESS CAREER. Fall Term opens SEPT. 2. Sound training, modern methods, individ- usl instruction and personal supervision by expert teachers for every student. Call or write for rates, H. A. Henry, Prin. ere PROPERTIES FOR SALE $3,000--Nine-roomed Brick House; all conveniences, hardwood trim, nice lot, hen house, good location, Bayfield street $1,900--New Cement Block House; tawn water, electric light, one and a half eres,' in first-class condition ; these kinds of places are scarce and will sell quickly ; nice location, $2,200--Fight-roomed Solid Brick House; town water. electric lights, large stable, one sere and, central, s snap. $3,300--Nine-roomed Brick House, lovely grounds, one and an eighth acres land, large stable, good orchard, Penetang street, 5 Store and Dwelling on Mulcaster stre: newly decorated and in first-class rep: can be bought right. $1,200--Six-roomed Plastered House; elec- trie lights, good water, cellar full size, Perry street. fl Nice Lake Shore Lot, can be bought right as owner is living in Toronto. Ten-roomed Brick House, all conveniences, this is a well built house, a bargain for quick sale, Bradford street. Also a large number of good farms, both stock and grain, that cah be bought cn easy terms. Some Choice Market and Fruit Gardens, worth the money. Have listed a lot of lovely town properties snd farms during past week; also a number of good farms for exchange for town or city propérties. Don't be bluffed into buying something that don't suit you-- it will pay you to see my list before you buy. Be one of my satisfied customers and get a square deal, Satisfaction guaranteed all parties. W. O.'PARTRIDGE, 233 Bayfield St. Phone 796 P.O. Box 1014

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