Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Aug 1919, p. 8

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Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER © Spore oer cnen nace cry Q will to the car. Yesterday, Mr. COWIE & CO. The New Fancy Goods Store Wools, Stamped Goods, Children's Wear, Pullovers and Sweater Coats, Beads and all lines of Fancy Goods Clapperton Street----East Side COWIE & CO, ss SUCCESSORS TO MISS ARMITAGE --Y [ news FROM THE RAILWAY WARD es diaMfgcmm L Mrs. HE ith Mrs. Bo GilebPist.) Fo oShenr and daugh secretary of the Y.M.C.A., spent CASE IN C IR Hing with tev parents in} the week end with J.D. Wisdom OURT ton Mrs, A. Reid and daughters, of (Continued From Page 17 Fleetham has bought) inwsay, are pending a few d. t the property of the Tate Canont with Mis. Reid's sister, Mrs ye | and villages 10 pars by-laws for lieen MucHiet Huclonaue wedhine 3 + Mrs. E.) ving, reguluting and governing the kecpers Tete eens, Campbell)" "Jaties' Dunnett, GPR. cone ee be Ke fokre EE and son, 0 mo. are re dete as ases ie Ca ; ' Ae attuinuenee ete discs has purchased 'a Caleb) By-law No. 911 enacts that no person i DA ee We ccattiin anacya | RESUMHRE yy et Camber=| shall operate for the carriage for hire uny Hr. atl Mis ten lease Peet and intends moving | motor vehicle within the limits of the tomer ow for a visit with friends) thee <turtiy, |Town of Barrie without fit obtaining in Walkerville anc Orolo | Miss ¢ "Payne, of Forest, |Icense therefor in accordance with the terns ii bo ' (lringes: elem, Maat) SPO has spent a few woeks with [of the by-law | rank Hill Gurpeclacd ae) S| Mrs. SJ. Morran, leaves lo-|_ It is admitted that Me: Tuck resides. in Frank Hill, Cumberland St. | tay to visit her sister, Mrs. Ded--|the Town of Barrie, that he made a con. Jos, Howeroft, G.T.R fireman, | man, Midland, tract with certsin parties in the Town of Bar. has taken up residence in Donald) Mr. Moore, and son, Frank, of|me to carry them from the teen nine place Ro: house, yCumberland St. Blyth, visited with the fapmer's in « neighboring township and return for Mi Fell has returned | qj, jehi {or Mrs. R. Stone, la a certain fee ur charge for each party. on cation spent With} Weak Mp, Sone aveompanied them home, Me. aml Mrs Win, Logue sen af Detroit, motoring here . cense to operate for hire sx a driver. It TO CANADA Thos. Thompson of Grand|is, of course, essential to have such a li Rapids is Za week here |rense before one cun drive passengers for | . and other friends in the Grand Rap Remarkable Fuel like our soldiers used overseas. This kind of Fuel helped win the war. Belgian Nukol machinery is now in Canada to help you solve your fuel problem. See this wonderful new Fuel, NUKOL, at the Canadian National Exhibition. TORONTO AUG. 23 TO SEPT. 6 | eottage, With his father to St. Anne Beaupre. Montmoreney hefore coming home iSt diamond, Tue Nukol may be seen also at the sfomateh of the season. London and Ottawa Fairs. best game of the season, Visit the Fair--see NUKOL burn YMCA got awa longer, better, cleaner and cheaper and it was than coal. No clinkers--little ash the Shop boys tie --more heat--less cash. FREE Write today for free map of Tor- onto Exhibition Grounds, showing location of NUKOL exhibits, also get free literature describing | NU- Tomlinson for the "y" Seore, was umpire. today for free map and folder. ee The Nukol Fuel Co. Limited HEAD OFFICE: 88 Bay S., Toronto Offices in Hamilton, London, Brantford and Kitchener. . Who fortable. The outfit consists ee ees | Merit as to win him promotion to the rank of Quartermaster Sergeant. Mrs, Case went LADIES GOING TO TORONTO FOR THE EXHIBITION Are afforded the opportunity, while in the city, of consulting a specialist who has acquired s continental reputation for his pre-eminent skill in enabling Women to regain, or retain, the priceless gifts of a beautiful appearance. 'There is n0 need for a woman to look old and unattractive and homely. It is within her poner to look young and attractive and comely, A woman is AS OLD AS SHE LOOKS And no older. By using sufficient care the woman of mature years may postpone the appearance of age for many years to come. Whatever she is, young or not, if her hair or complexion falls short in any way of what eithe should be; if her hair is thin or grey or falling, or exhibite signs of dandruf! or other eymptomsrof disease; if her face is affected with wrinkles, pimples, biotehes, scam, mGles, freckles, sunburn, tan, sillowness, or other, fecal blemishes, let her consult the specialist referred to above DR. L. PARTIN will, give her advice which will prove immensely and un- |. Hollow cheeks, double chins, 'sallow shoulders, a too obese or » too thin figure--all these and other physical defects have. been 8 special study with Dr. Partin and are treated by 'him with astonishing skill and success, When in 'Toronto ee TELEPHONE NORTH 5147 And arrange-a Free Consultation with Dr. Partin or if unable to call write him explaining your case fully and he will sdvise a satisfactory treatment to be pursued at home. OF. Partin's world-famous prebarations are on sale at the T. Eaton Drug Co., The Robert Simpson Co. The Murray-Kay Co, Toronto, and at all better clats drug houses, THE DR. PARTIN INSTITUTE 193 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ont. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED a complete camping outfit on al --~ two-wheeled trailer attached at and Mrs. Whitebread and son| left for Buffalo to visit other re- latives, MoKinnon--Colyer A quiet_wedding was celebrat- ed in St. George's Church by Rev., Edgar B. Taylor, on Wednesday | morning, when Miss Florence E.| Colyer, of Simeone Hall, was! married to Mr. Douglas G. Me-! Thursday, August 21, 1919 peel Aiea ea ickers' for Stockings SFT eS Se arpell, of 'Toronto, is: friends at Cameron and Lindsay | eee 1 Thompson, a former| MOTOR LICENSE. tp and chiidren the day in question and with the motor ve | and Mrs. 8. 0, M Mr.| Thompson has been vardmaster municipal hcense under said by-law Ne 911, Michigan under the facts of this case. , Central Railway fo: years.| Ma party wore driving fdr hire pasen | Tom looks well and hearty and{ser to Barrie from another town and re jays he ts good for 25 years |t™ or simply driving for hire passen mare, , Jers from come outside township. throvgh | 'aes { ------------ J. AL MacNeiloof Montreal, hag{ {be ton to a destination beyond the town. been spending Wy weeks' vaca- fion with his family at Minett's Master Mareus Mac- Neil has left on a holiday trip Falls, | tion bad to amend information which woul:! Quebec and Montreal, returning|bave entailed an adjournment ft ckel we hy way of the Thousand Islands by defendant. no witness fees allowed |! attend the Toronto exhibition | against defendant." A big crowd turned out to see j{he baseball mateh on the Tiffin day evening, played what was probably| {eh them. 'nerman, Thornton ; pitched | Milton, Bradiord; H. Semple, G. M. Ken. C Pratt! Flight-Lieut. Lynn Montgome: A novel motor camping outfit over v Was tised in Allandale by Mr. and| as invaiided home in 1917 and after us. degay eit at at the Fair, Write J! Mrs, Harley Whitebread, of Cat-|ssting with the first Victory Loan eumpaign, have heen n'a motor | succeeded in getting into the Flying Corps. {rip through Michigan, coming With which he returned to England. For on to Allandale to visit' relatives |Sme time be did duty with the naval air here. When they arrived last | &*¥i week at the home of the former's Cound The Hoe ee they went over in 1916 with the 157th Band, the occupants away, so they pitched their tent in the back yard and made: themselves com-'Q-Masters department of coe oft the Kinnon, Orillia. The bride' wore a-cream snit with hat to mateh and carried sweet peas. Her sister, Miss Margaret Colyer, of Allandale, was bridesmaid and Was dressey in cream georgette Mr. Thos, Millard, of Orillia, was groamsman. After a honeymoon in Muskoka, Mro and Mrs, M | Kinnon will take up residence in Orillia | Veteran Conductors Remembered Twe velerans of the rail who athy retired from eanductors John W nty, and Robert I of Hamillon, were this week remem t d hy their thren of Barrie PDivision Ne. 855, ORC. On ben half of the Division, -- Alhert Well presented to Mr. Wallace fae headeg cane far himself Dareh were over iS yeurs in the service. cle set out in amended information In my opinion that ia operating for hire the xaid motor for the carriuge of pas Jout no hieense from the town under the 1 understand Mr, Tuck has a personal ti hire. but I do not think that such licenee ecludes the necessity for taking out the |T might. powibly. be able to come to the |conclusion that there should be no convie- tion, All I can say is that under the ad- mitted facte of ihe case there should be |a conviction, de} Fine--85 and costs, but as the prosecu- HOME-COMING SOLDIERS Sgt. W. R. Cooke of Collier street, who went over with the 76th Bn., in the spring |of 1916, arrives home tonight. He is wear ing a wounded stripe. In the lists of those returning from over. J. Wallace and J. McLinton, Ross. Allundale; Floyd Ban- *. B. Forsyth and A. W, 'Gr \nedy, E.G. MeCarl, W. Turnbull, Colling- ut wood: R. B. Hudson, W:-R. Dunne. K. C. 11 Milliken, Midland; G. H. White, Orillia, 'ho re- |turned home from England lus' week, went ith the 157th Bn., as QM-Sgt, He at Tadcaster, on the north cast coast of England, Quartermaster Sgt, James A. Case. who returned to-day. He was transferred to the :U6th Bn., but was retained at Witley jas a despatch rider, later going into the Of jserve units there, His work was of such tn Toronto on Wednesday to meet her hus- and. Fred, R. Gosney, eldest son of Fred'k Gosney, Adelaide street, got back this week, after nearly three years' service overneus, He enlisted with the 162nd Bn., of Pa Sound, and after training at Niagara, went over with them early in October, 1916, and Was later transferred to the 4th Bn., with which be served in France. He was through the memorable Passchendaele "show" and at Vimy Ridge was so severely gassed that he was returned to an English Hospital for treatment, During his stay in England. he was married about a year ago at Oldbury, near Birmingham, and is bringing his Eng. lish bride home to Allandale with bim. In Honor of Returned Soldiers The Girls Class of Central Church are holding a garden party at 'The Manse" grounds, on Tuesday, Aug. 26, in honor of the returned soldiers. A good program is being provided. Refreshments will be sold on the grounds. Admission 25c, 150. A U.F.O. Convention will be held at Orillia on Aug. 26th, "clock for the purpose of nominating can to contest East Simcqe in the coming Pro- vincial elections, Mrs, Brodie, Pres. of the 'U.F.W.O. and R. H. Halbert, Pres, of U-F.O. and a handsome umbrella for j Mrs Wallace. Similar gifts were given te Mr. and Mrs. Dareh entation, "Mr. Wallace and Mr te 10g It is admitted Mr. Tuck bas taken | North Ray ty visit the former's |e" tt mot viet the BELGIUM'S GIFT ut days renrsting meme ee [etl | | '+ --=NOTICE-- | The tremendous Tesponse to our advertisement which appeared in this Barrie E Bargain--1 Wrenen's 2, miner and the repeated calls for some of the items therein prompts us to Tepeat the special 3 pairs Offerings for 6 days longer. sich of the offerings is less than Present market value and the extra savings in a 3 p hake advantage. | Stoekir k x a. the best valine we knew of, TH has bi and te to splendid wearing line--Bh. ein August 14th issue of he ir purchase speil re Sik Thread Stockings with Lisle top, host rem firerd a tl stocking. made tot HE White Pair Bla Champazne y. Navy. Dark Brown and Mode Pair «+. $1.50 SPA a osscsincwarsce ». $3.95 Tuite Sith Hose with fine Int rih elastic top, splieed heote i and toes, veinfurced soles. in Black, Gun Metal, Brew Buck. Navy and White, Palr " $1.50 > | 3 Pairs |... a ene teeeees $3.85 Worren's "Crown Prand Silk Hose, with Lisle taps ant spliced heels and toes. This last year's stock and a { Bargain at orc ee eee . $1.25 | 3 Pairs $2.95 Heather Mixed Cashmere Hose, unequalled for wear, very Popular, shades of Buck, Brown, Dark Grey and Sand, | We recommend this line, Pair sees $1.50 | 3 Pairs . + $4.05 i Women's Very Fine Cashmere Hose, "Llama British make, seamless foot. Tt is absolutely pure. w be obtained from the mak par in the cities, 3 Pairs 3 Pairs Women's © txt Pair .. no regrets. PHELPSTON The Rev, M. J. Gearin has cause to be Sunday, Aug. 10, @ donation of over $3,000 was received to cover the expense of insta ling steam heating plant in the church, Euch and every one was a cheerful giver, and although the contract calls for $3,327, the balunce has been received since. Avis. iting priest in the parish lately, in comment- ing on the above donation told Rev. M. J. Gearin that the results in Toronto, under the same conditions, would, or had not proved so succesful in any case, und that Father Gearin had good reason to be very proud of his people bere, The steam beat will undoubtedly make e wonderful change in heating the church and the congregs- tion are no doubt aware that the comfort of the even heat is essential to all. Pre- viously the building was heated with a fur- nace, and that was not distributed even. being principally near the altar. I sincerely trust Father Gearin may bave many more years to enjoy the ateam heat in company with his good congregation. THORNTON This community was very much shocked last week when the news came by wire that Mrs, W. ©. Henry, (nee Georgie Boake) hud died on Aug. 15. Mrs. Henry left here over a year ago us a bride for her new home-jn Clive, Alta,, and during all this time within a couple of days of her death abe enjoyed the best of health. Mrs, Henry was born one mile west of Thornton forty years ago and during her residence here she bad won the high esteem of everyone, especially in the Methodist Church, She was a devout christian woman and a great worker in the Epworth League, Sunday School and Ladies' Aid. The body was brought here last Monday morning to Baxter and femoved thence to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Boake. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon and 'was very largely attended. Service was conducted" by a former pastor, Rev. Geo. will be present to the meeting, Ladies are invited to attend, N. Grey of Carlton Street Church, Toronto, ywho voiced high appreciation of the life ns Dove Gre vot, full size: is Mercury Make and seamless, Chit s White elas very proud of his congregation, when on | nd 2xt Ribbed Cashmere Hose. made Women's Fine tx in Great Britain, pure wool and searce, These are old stork bought 4 years ago. Palp . aia 3 pairs am Cashmero Hose in ong size only, viz, 9. It A popular 'line 'selling r ashinereite Hose, made of Fine Maco Yarns, fie rib. A good wearing line. . Sizes 44 to 7. . 4e 3 Pairs $1.05 Women's White Mercer Hose, some with Silk Ankles, fits well and wears well, A good looking line Our Special ........., 500 3 Pairs ...... sees $116 Buy Stockings now. Buy from this List. You will have EO. VICKERS '\. THE STOCKING STORE Snes, and character of the departed and! also the |Bouke. Toronto; Clarence Boake, Toronto; deep sympathy both he himself and the| Morley Bouke, Regina; Fred Mary and Choe community felt for those who mourned.| Martin. Barrie, and many other, Among the muny floral tributes was a spray from the Thornton Methodist Sunday Schoo), | ------------==-ssssrremamsesses Deceased leaves to mourn her loss, her W. C. THOMPSON husband, her aged parents, three sistere and two brothers: Mrs. (Rev.) R. J. D. Simp-| Offlee 15 Owen &t., Barrle son, Toronto; Mme. Herb Wallace, Stroud;| is offering for sale the following: Miss Tillie Boake, "at home; M. J. C. Bouke. property: dmonton; W. J.C, Boake. Thornton. The | J=room brick house with all con- temains, carried by Dr. F. N. Henry. J. W.) veniences, Blake Sl, Price: Henry, Rev. R. J. D. Simpson, Herb, Wal! $2499" Gash $£00 lace, 'brothersin-law, und Will and Mutt geoom 'brick -heuse, Charlotte Boake, brothers, were laid to rest in the! "St with heating, lighting aud Union Cemetery on Monday afternoon. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the many sorrowing friends, Among those from distance who attended the funeral war Dr. Henry, Detroit; Mrs. Craw, Springville; Mrs. Pue, Montreal; Mr. and Mr. Bart rs MISS L. E. WILLERS Successor to the late Miss Doane Agent for the Spirella Corset Company solicits orders from all old customers and as many new ones as possible. Address--6 Charlotte St., Barrie, Ont. IF YOU CAN TELL GOOD MEAT BY ITS LOOKS You will appreciste the Steaks, Joints and Cuts offered by the New Butcher Shop at the Five Points. Your judgment in selec- tion will be more than justified by the evident pleasure your family takes in eating it, We carry the choicest of 'meats. Once a Customer Always a Customer at THE FIVE POINTS BUTCHER SHOP R._H. Heppleston, (Late A8.C., Can. 0. 8. Forees) Opp Wellington Hotel, Phone 815. plumbing, coal' and wood mantles. A snap. Price $2750. Cash, 8500, J-room house and lot, Owen St., town water, eleciric light. Price, $1100. Cash, $300. 8-room house and lot, Henry St., p has all conveniences, Price, $2000. Cash, $600, 8-room brick house and _ lot, Dunlop St. Price, $600. Cash 8406. T-room brick house and lot, John St. in calling diggance of Grand Trunk. Price $1300. 3200 cash. 8-room brick house and lot, beautifully finished, with all conveniences. The property of the late H. B. Myers. Price right, teams easy, 7-room brick house and two lots, Sanford St., in calling distance of Grand Trunk. Price $1500. $200 cash. T-room briok house and lot, Cumberland St., Allandale, with all conveniences. Price $2800. Terms easy, room brick House: and lot, Bradford St., overlooking the 4 bay. all conveniences. Price- , f $300 cash. bal . C. THOMPSON Office 18 Owen t., Barrie

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