+ interest of which is in arrear. Page Ten TOWN OF BARRIE BY-LAW NO. ...... For borrowing \the sum of Ten Thousand " Dollars. WHEREAS it is expedient to borrow 'the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Dollars for tbe purpose of constructing cement sidewulks, and crossings, and sum of Twenty-seven Hundred Dollars for permanent improvements to roads, and that is the amount of the debt intended to be Ereated. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll, is $3,625,- 805.00, AND WHEREAS the amount of the debenture debt of the Corporation is $416,- 343.88, and no part of the principal or BE IT THEREFORE TED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF BARRIE. 1, For the purpose mentioned in the preamble there shail be borrowed on the credit of the Corporation the sum of Ten Thourand Dollars, and debentures shall be jenued therefore on the instalment plan in sums of not lew than $100 ench, which eball have coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest. 2. The debentures shall all bear the ame date and shall be iasued within two years after the date on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date, within euch two years, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum, payable yearly in equal annual instalment during the twenty years next after the date when they shall be ised and the respective amounts payable in each of such years BOY'S TROUBLE COST . MOTHER THOUSANDS Suffered' Since He Was Two Years Old -- Gains 16 Pounds On Tanlac --- Now Well and Strong. "My nephew, James Hogan, who is 1ifteen years of age, has gained sixteen pounds on Tanlac and is now 4 robust, happy boy after thirteertyears ofawful suffering.' said Miss Maggie Goldsmith, 280 Henry Ave,, Memphis, Tenn. Miss Goldsmith has been connected with fhe Joe L. Ulathorne Seed Co., of that city for twenty-seven vears and is a stockholder and director in the company. ver since James was two arsyold,g continued Miss Gold- smith) "he has been afflicted with stomach trouble.. Two or three hours after eating, especially the evening meal, he would begin tu complain of severe pains in his stomach which would increase until he weuld go into convul- sions. These spells would eqme on five ar six times a month and last about thirty' minutes and he j would he unconscious for an hour. Some said he had heart trouble; and others said it was vertigo. \privilege to be sasociated with the big men {of state and church, among others the PEN PICTURES OF LLOYD GEORGE Rev. Dr. Adam Pays Tribute to "The World's Greatest Man of To-day." The second night of the Chautauqua course, Rey. Dr. Geo. Adam of Montreal gave an address on the life of Hon. David Lloyd George. Dr. Adam is a native of Scotland but is at present pastor of the Congregational Church on Sherbrooke street, Montreal. Before coming to Canada he lived in London, England, where it was his Prime Minister of England. During tbe war Dr, Adam eecupied an important posi- tion in connection with the Imperial War Munition Board. His lecture was a eeriea of striking word pictures of the greatest man 'of the world to-day. He traced the life of bis subject from the cradle, (where he almost died from bronchial trouble) to the Premiervhip, paying « tribute to the widow- ed mother and the uncle who proved the benefactor of the family when driven from home by the greed of the land owner who demanded the pound of flesh. Step by step he followed Lloyd George from school to the study of law and the practice of his profession in his Welsh home town. Then His condition kept him down to the pol lalmost a skeleton and if was piti- and was elected by a majority of forty-one. Jeame his first opportunity to enter public life, request to go on the school board, which was declined, his marriage and_his candidature ax the Liberal candidate in Can narvon, in which election he broke through ical alignments of the boroughs From the home community Dr. Adam con- THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, July_17, 1919 In aiding to build up > local communities by financing local enterprises, this bank is simply pur- suing its ideals of a national service. More, it is strengtheni position as an impregna its' own le bank- ing institution. Incorporated 1855 THER K°F TORONTO vas ful to see how-he suffered. : ' ehall be us follows "His mother took bim to St, tinued the story of Lloyd George in London, |The blood of Christ was shed "unto re-|whensoever she looks at it in his absence | so partake, eat of the bread and drink of Years Principal Interest Total A 3 fou hit entry inta the House of Commons and /mision of sins,"' i.e, the shed blood was che may remember hin, The O.T. sscri. [the cup, Heedless partaking of the cone $500.00 302.43/-0uis, and many other places for|hiy wat on. the Inst row of the|the ground upon which God remite or die. fices Brought e munion in Corinth, not being occupied with 37.55 484.88 80243 {realment, end we spent thou |oppeaition, a kext upon which he xpent hie |miswew sin (comp, Mat, 20: 28; Rom. 3:|{icer brought sin tor remembrance, the | Havier,|" conn, Tot being oscupied with 333.43 469.00 80243 sands of dollars trying to find jestly days in the Mother of Parliaments in /25. R.V.; 1 Jno, 2:2; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1g. | Lorde Supper brings Jesus to remem: |e nd annetite, had wrought r ying (20; Bp 248, Heb, 1912 5 rance, und the perfect atonement He has pe ought terrible 350.09 come relief for him, bul it was |s#ine, up the political leaden of the hour. (20; Eph 2:13; Heb. 18.12; Re 12: 115 made for nin once for all, The RLV. prop. [fleet some were sick and vome were dead 60 hall to no ava chore Hon. Jos, Chamberlain us the 7:9, 14; 1 Cor. 5:7; comp. with Ex : : 301. Why shoul' 385.98 all lomo axel sig moun and wit bins he mon hada ti (12:13). "There ean' be, no foniveneny og [ety mite the word "broken" from fivllar stlcte of thaughtlon pertekieg Bur all that awful load Of| eich brought the litle Welshman from jeept on the ground of that shed blood |24: We body of Jesus was nor broken (Jno. |similar effects of thoughtlese partaking of anxirty and worry has been lifted. she rear rank to the front row and gave |There are many in this duy who sneer| 29-12) ipo ptguae , elven' for ue (Lu. | 0 communion follow in our churches 116.82 James is now a well and happy {him upon the change of administration the {at the doctrine of Monenin by shed blood Sumner 'dane int petgeg me 469,16 hoy and is going to school, and |supposedly lowly portfolio of Chairman of | as." sunguinary theology' or "a theolo: | 5 f weeceaot partalin oF 3 hae 5 " . i. byt we exe the whole, unbro.| Wedding cake boxes for sale at 492.62 ni few Boltles 'of 'Tanlac the Board of Trade, # department of the|gy of the shambles." But» Christianity | DY ach vpartake of 4 a ew mt Z Tanne td. it-|eaernment which hod been 'dead for one |withnut atoning blood in a Christiunity. with, | Xe Ce oegtncan, it the new coven: | The Examiner office. jaivaes cumplained of having 'hundred and twenty years. but which under oUt remission of sins or peace of veon- | {18 His blood. at aa wate fo fake other medicines, but he Loyd George prover! very much alive, aa 'science That last supper cloved with a | Arehment upon Shieh he New Covenant 508 78 seonwd to like Tanlae and since|much so that it gave Great Britain no in-|hymn (probably Ps. 118+, How this fact |{2¢ Pardon through stoning blood is writ- 628.72 taking five yhottles he is sixteen leonsiderable new and important legisla. {hallows sucred song, ee Kea fod hi tevensit hig se look 6HM16 poundabeavier and doesn't look tien The grip of Lloyd George on Jee) 11. Paul's Account of the Insitution |tne cavensa ix deen wee ope pt 693.17 lie the Same boy He wants to Chamberlain proved such that it ix believed /of the Lord's Supper, (1 Cor. 11 26! Jaf Jesus (Heh, 9: 18-26, R. V1. However zs aes, 2 Halt the fine aud-ean oat any. (hat the then future Prine Minister was a! 7 ved directly from often we drink this cup, and the clear im [ining wathont ik hertanee Taney large factor in driving Chamberlin afm the tion the truth | plication is that we should drink it often. | cr.) TENDERS FOR COAL Tana HR ae mieten y cepa ile Eepancile Board of Travis | bout" the Lord's Suppe gf Gal. [we should doit in remembrance of Jesus | ALED = DERS jecreet to the uns $10. wakes us teloice to James out he revived and to which he |Te1; Ae 17. te 12; 1-4). |How the loving Lord. desired ta be eon, |derigned, and endorsed "Tender for Coal 8, The sid debentures ae 10. principal |W"HT and stout and enjoving Life gave a new life. Lloyd George passed 10 How important the Lord Hisnself must re-y stantly remembered by His people! In eat, {fF the, Dominion Buildings, Ontario and and interest shall be payaile at the Branch |TKe ther Bays. We are not the Chaneellonsbip of the Excheuer it 'gard the Lord's Supper to make it the eub- ing the bread and drinking the cup we ure (Quebe'". will be received at this office Of the Bank of Tonto the aul Town | bovis for nutty eat for the which he ine Anh Belong tal overs ect ol _Aieeval revelation when the fact proelaiming the Lordy death. We shoul /UBtil 12 e'elock noon, Friday, July 25, 1919, 4. The det and interest coupons | are willing fn give our unquale 1 "3 important and most serious perio | postin who were present. The tim ned the mesnoral, for we will Buildings thrvushout the provinces of Os- ' qual- rust important and most se period which Josue instituted the Supper. es 01 |turio and Quel thatthe signed ana coord by the Masor | ified onstorsement for Tanlae." isthe history. of the Empire, when the re ieee be Burne. oe tinal, The Lord's Supper, kok ae tints tions and form of tens pee be deucniees Abid] be sewed! Hin ae Jac 18 s0ld' in) Barrie: by iWer wa fat from. won bad 'the Beh itu tender interest, There is tome: |Coming: it is both w memorial and a pro: |4¢F can be obtained at this office and from Bea ty Soe canara Geo. Menkman, in Orillia by M. nation strugeling for i's exbtence, | O! Me thing gewarkubly touching in His "giving |pheey. Tt it also. the vehicle UhrouRh | aretakers of the different Dominion 5 ; : sree| H. Conke & Ca. in Elmvale by W. Mininistration, which he 'thanks"" over that bread and wine that [which we actually feed on our Lori. uildings 5, During she eurreney of the debentures | 1 C0! Amvale BY W. jzeit with a holdnest and fearlemnest un suoke of Tis own death! He. wee giving |is a very solemn feast and it is a grie Tenders will not be considered unlese there shall be raised in each yes an eGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. known, Dr. Adam spekr nt length, eiving | thanks f ; , tied bye : ' Tana [xed S$ , Y ae kt eof Hom (lunks for His own atoning agony and |sin to partake of it thoughtlewly, losing ™#rle on the forms supplied by the Depart- ount of the instaln and peneipal ane) \rdill. in Stayner by N. B. West, full eredit to the guwding spirit of Hon. death, 'The bread represented His bovty {sight of ite deep signifiennce, and ment and in accordance with the conditions t Payable in that year, ae eet forth) in Covkstawn by W. G. Mackay, !David Lloyd George. Here and there the that wav the next day to be given on the lit'a mere form (ve 37), Bating "oeeme (eet. forth therein. in section two. in Waubanshene by Georgian Bay ™ires wae brightened by hits of fine hu: cross for them. Ae in the O.T. euerifices |thily"" dors not mean in peroneal unworth, | Each tender must be accompanied by an 6, The debentures may contain anv pre- Tumber Co, T.ld., in Port Me~ mers bt from the breinning until the|thoe who offered them ate of then to ae ins of ite blewing, hut tn fan unworthy Seeented cheque on a chartered bank pay. vision for the registration of them author: | <io61) by PH. Beattie, in Allies "Ost 1, never lest ite serious side forth ina figure their appropriation to |manner, that is thoughtlessly, "not diseern- [able to the order of the Minister of Public ined by law. ton by E. B. Schell, ' In affeaking of the experiences of Lloyd | themselves of the Benefits of the death ing the Lord's body" that is therein set | Works. equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of 7. This By-law shall take effect on the by Es chell, in Lisle DY George's father, the 'struggling schoolmaster |of the animal, 40, we eat the bread to «et |forth, "Whoever deer partake of it "unwor- ;the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dom- day of the passing thereof, subject to is| Robt. E. Little, in Gilford by 'who died of a broken heart, Dr. Adam said |forth our appropriation to ourselves by fae thily" is "guilty of the body and. the |iion will alo be accepted as security, oF Deing assented to by the electors James A. Blain, in Tottenham by 'that for the contribution which they make |of the atoning benefits of the death of |blood of the Lord" (v. 20), ie., we share |war bonds and cheques if required to make Resd a first and second time on the|Uhas. A. Weaver, in Penetang- to the community the teachers are the|Christ, We do it all "in remembrance of"|in the guilt of His death for we have made (UP sn odd amount, Qed day of July, 1919. uishene hy Chas. A. Nettleton, |Poorest paid and until Canada pays its|Him. "Christ was leaving them, He knew] mockery of that solemn ceremony that| BY oder, y in Hawkedlbne by Th. A. Stone, jttachers on a proper remunerative basis |human henr's ad how readily we forget, | ete it forth (ch Heb. G6. 6-10; 20)" Het R. C. DESROCHERS, ------ Hillsdale by Ri o.8) *|there is no future for Canada, Her great- and He would have us remember Him and | awful is the thoughtlessness with which Secretary. NOTICE 7 in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, 'nec must be laid on a solid foundation of especially His atoning death, the supreme| many professed. Christinns approach the | Department of Public Works, Take notice that the foregoing is # true|in Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in 'education. The profound stimulus Scotland) manifestation of His love. The Lord's Sup- | Lord's Supper 4 examine yourself, Ottawa, July 3, 1919, 28-29, copy of the propored By-Law of the Cor-| Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- has given to the world in things spiritual, |per is a keepsake. like a ring that the lover | ask yourself, ize that this sets 2 poration of the Town of Barnic 10 b®sub-| ford hy W. I.. Campbell, in Stroud jintlletusl. social and industrial has been | ute upon the finger of her he loves, that |forth my Lord's death in my place?" and mitted to the votes of the qualified clee-]hy Chantler Bros., in Craighuret {due to the place she has always given to| RAILWAY tors on the 25th day of July, A.D., 191 haniler, Bross in Cralehueat (er isy entl-¢9 the fact hal her toachers | GRAND TRUNK 3432 between the hours of 9 o'clock in the for noon and five o'clock in the xfternoon at the following pluces Ward No. 1 at W. Noland'e Shop Ward No. 2 st Fire Hall. Ward No. 3. at Walsh & Waite'e Shop. Ward No, 4a ut W. Shouldice's Shop. Ward No. 4b at G, G. Moore's Shop, Ward No. 5 at Mrs, A. Hook's store. Ward No. 6 at Fire Hall. And that the 22nd day of July, 1919, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Couneil Chamber in the said Municipality bas been fixed for the gppointments of persons to attend at the Polling places, and at the fin- al summing up of the votes by the Clerk. if the awent of the electors to the suid proposed by-law it 'n into consideration by the Mun- icipal Council of the suid Corporation at ,9 meeting thereof, to be held after the ex- piration of one month from the date of the first publication pf this notice, and that euch first publication was made on the third day of July, A.D., 1919. Take notice further that a tenant who desires 10 vote upon said proposed By-Law must deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration under the Canada Evidence Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created, or in which the money to be raised by' the proposed By-Law is payable, or for at least twenty-one years, and that be bas by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant .other than local improvement rates . W. SMITH, Clerk. A Barrie, July 3rd, 1919. Promotions in S. S. No. 6, Essa--"Cherry Hil" sehool? From Jr. IV. to Sr. 1V.--4 in class, Jean Boke, Ruth Kitching (Honore 77 per cent.), Theodore Morris, Weston Coch- rane, From Jr, III. to Sr, 1--6 in elas, Elwood Corbett. From Sr. 111. to Jr, IV.--1 in class, Annie Patton, Yvonne Hamilton, Sher- Jock Barlow, Raymond Morris, Franklin Lennox (Honors 77 per eent.),' Whitney | Goodwin. From Sr. Il. to Jr. T-r1 in class, 'Vera O'Dell (Honors 80 per cent.) From Jr. Il. to Sr. .--4 in class, Juanita Jamieson (Honors 76 per cent.), |« Leone MacDonald, Mervyn Cosbett, ME, PATON, Teacher, 27-29 | = by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury in Belle Ewart by y & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E. J. Peters & Son, stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vie- toria Harbor by T. W. Malan cy 7 NeoTaBierson Better than Pil!s| GET A For Liver Ills. 29c Box WM. CROSSLAND, DRUGGIST DOCTOR URGED AN OPERATION Instead I took Lydia E. Pink- bam's Vegetable Compound and Was Cured, Baltimore, Md--"Nearly four years I suffered from organic Secublan, ner- vousness and hi ad ments would relieve me for a time but- before Connelhd to an //operation. I took fre. bottles of itand has completely srork fa rs yfrtend apleasure, my frie store \d whi Pinkham's Vi potable Bis: Cons ecearat ----------_ Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA in Moon-|und so should be the highest paid, Brown.-- levening gave programmes of great excel Advertisement. | | |delightful selections C |Mr. Prahl, 2 | are comparatively the best paid in the work. Teachers und ministers have most to do with the development of character The Edward Clarke Co., afternoon and lence. Mr, Clark has a fine baritone and sings with spirit and finish. Among his best numbers were "The Bedouin Love and two old Somerset songy, Several) ere given by Mrs. jarke, who is a violinist of rare ability. at the piano, wax the third member of the trio und his work showed him a master of his instrument. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON uty res a age he SUPPER.-- Mat. Cor, 11: 23-26. (Read Mat. in: 6-30 A Cor. 11: 20-34). TIME. --Tuesday, April 4, AJ PLACE--Jerusalem, an upper room ably in the house of Mark'e father. EXPOSITION--I. The Lord Institutes the Lord's Supper, 26-30.' GOLDEN TEXT--"'For as often as ye ext ithis bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew |the Lord' death till he come."' 1 Cor, 11: 6. Song' 30, rob: There has been endless discussion over the force of the word "'is"" in the clause "this is my body." Doe it mean thet ax Jesus blessed the bread it became the sc- tual physical body of Christ? Or does it mean, this bread represents my body, 'and, just as you eat this bread and it be- comes part of you, s0 you are to eat me 'and I will become part of you? One can find help to an answer to this question jn Ee 5:4, 5; 1 Cor, 10: 4, 16; 11:25; Bi 'been said, there is doubtless real pres- ence of t in the elements, and when we do partake of them, "discerning the Lord's * there is a real feeding upon Christ, so that just as the bread we eat becomes part of us, so He Himself becomes part of us, On the other hand, if we par- teke in an unworthy manmier, ax a mere form, not thinking what we do, 'not. dis- cerning the Lord's body," 'we are guilty jof the body: and blood of Christ," and we eat and drink judgment to ourselves (1 Cor. 1 20). Jesus wished this eating of the bread and drinking of the wine to be continued by His disciples until He Him- self/ehould come again (1 Cor. 11: 24, 28). The old covenant was sealed with blood 37, There ean be no covenan: cept on the ground of shed blood (Heb, 9: 18-23). Thé blood is the life, and life Ftocabe Lin [if there is to be forgiveness (Lev. 1' must be poured out where there is sin, VICT AT BEST MARKET PRICES information. BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange 71 Bay st., TORONTO. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ALL EXCHANGES aitiel cae Eee ORY BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED Write us when you have business in Bonds, or for THE DOUBLE 'TRACK ROUTE Sleeping cars on night trains an@ Parlor Cars on principal day trains. . Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. . Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. E. BILLINGSLEY Agent : : to: "Niagara to the Sea" A BOAT TRIP OF The route is one of wondrous beauty--the boats are floating palaces, providing « new experience in travel de luxe. Through the kaleidoscopic beauty of the ,far- famed Housed hese ete Yast the fe scenic enchantment. 'Then it traverses th Rapids of the St. Lawrence--the * them "is an experiance that te. Then comes the quaintly interesting city of Quebec--rock-bound, and reminiscent of old-world cities. 'The final entrancement af the trip is found in the canyan af the River Saguenay "where the boat steams wl i Capes it tower higher than He Rick of Ghat 1,000 miles of scenic eplendor--each day of it wonderful that you'll mated Uh Perc ine across the Sea i scenery when this vacation route is po readily accessible, and at eo moderate a coet NES LLMiteo VICTORIA SQUARE, MONTREAL a