Page Ten PUBLIC NOW TOLD _ ALL ABOUT TANLAC 'Authorities Now Show Just What This Medicine Really Is. In a recent issue of this paper announcement was made that Tanlac now has the largest sale of any medicine of its kind in the World, and that more than twelve million bottles had been sold dur- ing the past four yéars 'These are unusual figures, and the guestion naturally arises in the tind ef the reader why this phenomenal sucess and why has this preparation su far vul-strip- ped all other medicines of its kind. Jt is only natural th fore that the manufacturers should offer sume explanation tu salsfy public interest, In the first" p e, Tanlac is manufactured in one of the lar est and most modernly equipped | laboratories in this country. Its furmula is purely ethical and with all national and state pure fuod and drug laws. Altogether there are ten ingredi- ents in Tanlac, each of which is of recognized therapeutic value. Many of these ingredients have been individually known and used since civilization first began, and some of them have been used and cribed by leading physicians , but until they were everywher '(her in proper pro- portion and assuciation as in the Tanlac formula, humanity had not heretufure realized their full value ung effect Iu referring to one of the must important ingredients of Tanlac, the Encyclopedia Britanica says: "It has long been the svurce of the most valuable tume medicines been discoverd." that have ever In referring tu others of the gen- eral tone drugs contained in Tanlac the 13th Edition uf Pot ter's Therapeutics, a standard medical text book, states that hey impart general tune and strength to the entire system, in-| eluding all organs and Ussues.' This same well known authority in deseribing the physiological ac tion of still another of the ingre- dients of 'Tanlac which is of value in treating what is commonly known as "a run-down cendition" uses the following expression: "It is Wghly e: vd in loss of ap- pelite during onvalescense from acute diseases" There are certain other ele- ments in Tanlae which because of their influence upon the appe- tile, digestion, assimilation and elimination improve the nutrition and vital activity of all the tis. sues and organs of the body, and produce that state of general tun- ieity which is called health. Inv discussing another ingre- dient the Encyclopedia Britanica says: "It is une of the most effi- nt of that class of substane which act upon the stomach 80 as to'invigorate digestion and there- by increase the general nutrition. It is used in dyspepsia, chlorosis anaemia and various other dis- eases in which the tone of the stomach and alimentary canal is deficient." Concerning still an- other ingredient this same stan. dard authority says: "It causes dilation of the gast: sels, increases secretion of the Bastric juice, and causes greater activity in the movements of the muscular layers in the walls of the stomach. Tt also tends to les. gen the sensibility of the mach, and so may relieve gasfric pain," A 1 Phe United Sates Dispensa- tory makes the following com- ment regarding another ingredi- ent: "It may be"used in all cases of pure debility of the digestive organs or where a general tonic impression is required. Dyspep- sia, atonic gout, hysteria, and in- termittent fever are among the many affections in which it has proven useful." There are certain other ingre- dients descriked in the Dispensa- tory and in other standard medi- eal text books as having a bene- ficilal action upon the organs of secretion, whose proper function- ing results in the purification of the blood streams passing through 'them. « In this manner objectionable and poisonous in- gredients of the blood are re- moved, and the entire system is invigorated and vitalized. Tanlac was designed primarily for the correction of disorders of the stomach, liver, and bowels. At the same time, however, it is a powerful reconstructive tonic and body builder, for it naturally follows that any medicine that brings about proper assimilation of the 'food and the thorough elimination of the waste products must therefore have a far-reach- ing and most beneficial effect up- on the entire system, i Although Tanlac's claims for ¢ blood ves-} sto. | Barrie Golfers Lost Ten members. of the Barric Golf Club motored to Collingwood on Wednesday, June 11, for a friendly game with the members of the Georgian Bay Club. This is an event that is anticipated with a good deal of pleasure by members of both clubs. The day in excellent condition, thanks to the untiring efforts of the most capable secretary, Harry Wynes. 'The ladies served light refresh- jments from the verandah of their new club house and altogether a most delightful afternoon was en- | joyed. The contest between, Galt of Barrie and Vernon, the leaders on | the list, was very evenly contest. ed and was anybody's game up to the last hale. Vernon was fi- |nalty-returned the winner by one up. Gallt's driving was wrevela- |lien aid beautiful to see He persistently drove 250 yards and aver All the games were closely con: fested and it was only towards the last that the Collingwood players pulled out ahead. They had a hig advantage in playing on their own grounds, and no doubt |they will find the going consid- rably harder when they play the return game in Barrie this week Following is the list of the pl ult of the differ- | jers and the r ent contests:-- Barrie Collingwood | Beecroft +0 Smith ...>, | Crew -14MacGeehen [Webb +--Pangman . Clark ssinaieus 21 Swan Fy Rev. N. H. MoGilllvray Goes to Orlitla A special meeting of the Pres- bytery oP Bavrie was held in Orii jlia on Tuesday of this week and sustained a hearty andtinanimous vall from the Ovillia Congregation © Captain the Rev. Norman H MeGillivray, M.A, of St. Thomas London P. shvtery This call is accepted by Mr. MeGillivray and will be settled in Orillia on July 10 at 8 o'clock. The stipend is 82650 per antrum, paid monthiy and one month's holidays. Captain Eastman declined the call from Coldwater. ----q~ LIEUT. JEAN ALCIDE PICARD Of the French Army, a Veteran of the Historic Battle of the Marne | -- "My little boy, some day you'll have to fight for France, 'because the Germans whipped your daddy," said the father of Jean Picard to the boy he tossed upon his | knee. That's why yoypg Picard, who was livi in Anterica when the war broke out, lea to take passage on the first vessel 'leaving |an American port, and hurried to enroll | his regiment. He reached Paris just in time to participate in the historic battle |of the Marne, and to win Iaurels in the san- guinary encounter which was to decide the fute of democratic institutions in the world. _ He has seen two years of service in the French Army, and is incapacitated through wounds, but for the past year has been do- ing yoeman service for France by not only speaking of, but exemplifying in his undying faith and optimism, the Spirit of the French people, «To hear him is to understand something of the fine mettle, the unflinching courage jand 'the rare tenacity of the French poilu, whose cry from the embattled fortress of |Verdun, "They shall not pass," has steeled |® world to fight on to the finish, to the end that the right of democracy to live eball be established, Hear him--ask him questions--he comes to the Chautauqua to serve the Allied cause by interpreting 'The Spirit of France." ee Advertising pays--both the advertiser and the purchaser, -- ees selves who have really made Tan- lac what it is. Millions upon millions have used it, and have told other millions what it has done for them. That ig why Tan- lac has become the real sensation of the drug trade in this country, and also why it is the most widely talked-of medicine in the world today. Tanlac is sold in Barrie hy Geo. Monkman, in Orillia by M. H. Cooke & Co., in Elmvale by W. J. McGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. Ardill, in Stayner by N, B. West, in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, in Waubaushene by Georgian Bay Lumber Co., Ltd, in Port Me- Nicoll by P.H. Beattie, in Allis- ton by E. B. Schell, in Lisle by Robt. E. Little, in Gilf@rd by James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chas. A. Weaver, in Penetang- uishene by Chas. A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, in Coldwater by C, G. Millard, in Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- ford by W. L. Campbell, in Stroud by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A. Trombley & Co., in. Mt. St. Louis by E, J. Peters & Son, in Moon. supremacy. are abundantly sup-|stone by J, B. Sykes, and in Vic» "ported: by the: world's: leading|torfa Harbor by T, W. Brown-- _. Puthorities, it is the people them.| Advertisement, was ideal, while the grounds were| THE POLICE FORCE OF THE BODY D'Y and night--without ceasing--a struggle is going on in your body be- tween the germs of disease and the white blood cor- puscles--the police force of the human body. If this police force weakens, disease germs gain a foot- hold--sickness follows, Constipation is the most common and dangerous way of corrupting the human police force. T'ood waste "remains too long in the in- testines-- decays -- poisons the blood --and opens the way for attack by the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia and a mul- titude of other ills, The culpable habit of using salts, pills, mineral waters, castor oil, etc., to force the bowels to move, makes this condition even worse, as constipation returns almost im- mediately. Nujol is entirely diferent from drugs as it does not force or irritate the bowels. Nujol prevents stagnation by soft- ening the food waste and encour- aging the intestinal muscles to act naturally, thus removing the cauce of constipation and -elf-poisoning. [tis absolutely harmless "nd pleasant. Nujol helps Nature establish casy, thorough bowel evacuation at reg- ular intervals--the healthiest habit in the world Get i bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and keep your police force on the job. 7arning » Nuiol is sold in sealed Warning: bottles bearing the Nujol Trade Mark, All druggists. Ine sist on Nujol. You may suffer from substitutes. 6. US. PAT. OF for Constipation THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ei JUNE. 29: REVIEW: RESPONSE TO GOD'S LOVE. GOLDEN TEXT.--"I will 'praise thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart," Pe. 86; 12. The lessons of this quarter, taken indiv- idually, are of more than usual value, but they have very little special connection with one another, and therefore it is dif- ficult to review them in any systematic and logical way. The governing iden fol- lowed in their selection I have been unable to discover, further than that they seem to have been intendéd to be topical studies, but not in any comprehensive or thorough way. Probably the best method of review for the average class will be by requiring of the class a statement of the central truth of each lesson, Central Truth of LESSON I. The child of God, through faith in his Heavenly Fa- ther, should live absolutely wi'hout an- xiety as to what he should eat, drink, or put on, Central Truth of LESSON Il. We should behold the Lord Jesus as the Lamb of God, believe on Him, follow Him, bring others to Hi Central Truth of LESSON III. Our Lord Jesus was raised from the dead, Central Truth of LESSON IV. The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost to each be- liever in Jesus Crist, as a definite, conscious posession, equipping him for the service to 'which God had called him, Central Truth of LESSON V. ted man in Hig own image, Central TrutH of LESSON VI. 'The first man and woman dis 's plain commandment, and thus sin entered into human history. Central Truth of LESSON VII. Salvation from start to finish is by God's grace in 'Christ Jesus. Central Truth of LESSON VIII. When men believe God and turn from their evil ways unto Him, God forgives their sin, 'Truth of Lesson IX. Without is imposible to please God, Truth of LESSON X. The su- § proof of faith is obedience to Him m we profess to believe. LESSON XI. Men ought to faint, God crea- Rot to Lesso Midland Shipyard Closed for Lengthy Period (Midland Argus) . ; From all appearances the shipyard here fins been closed down for some months, or until such times as a better condition of things can be brought about in connection with the labor end of the business, The strike that was inaugurated two weeks ago has forced the closure of the plant and "it would look as though the company were in & postion to remain closed for many months. The Government has not yet de- cided to place their promised onder for three more boats, and the present contract being practically completed places the firm in such position that they are able to close without causing them any great inconvenience. The position is an unfor- tunate one for the town as it will withdraw from circulation $40,000 2 month in wages, and it will also be bad business for the employees, for it will practically break the union movement here and force the move for an open shop, should the yard open for business again' within the next year, It is understood that had the yard jbeen able to continue operations the com: pany would have been prepared. in the event of not receiving the secofd Govern ment contract, to have gone ahead and [built a large freighter for the Greut Lakes Transportation Co., in order to keep the wheels turning, but they will be saved this iy for the present. We understand company made no concessions to the striking workmen beyond that the men take over the boat now under cons:ruetion |for the Imperial Government and work |such hours ux they decide upon, the boat to be completed by a named date, the men to receive their present" wages in the mean. time and a bonus at the appointed date. notwithstanding the many reports to the contrary. They determined upon one course and their decision, as we mentioned [last week, could not be changed and the re- jsult is seen in the closing of the yard, which ix a blow to the business of the town, Quite @ number of the men have left town seeking employnient elsewhere. SS BY-LAW NO. 520 A By-Law to raise $25,000 to aid in the construction of tile, stone or timber drains. |The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Innisfil pursuant te the pro- visions of The Tile Drainage Act enacts as follows :-- That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this By-Law borrow, on the eredit of the Corporation of the said Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $25,000, as may be determined by the Council) and may in manner herinafter_ provide issue de- bentures of the said Corporation in the sum of One hundred doliars each for the amount so Borrowed with coupon attach-, ed ax provided by Section Five of the said Act. 2.That when the Council sball be of the | opinion that the application of any. per- son to borrow money for the purpose one or timber jould be granted in the whole or any part the Couneil may by resolution direct the Reeve to issue deben'ures as | aforesaid and borrow a sum of money not exceeding the amount applied for and may lend the same to the applicant on completion of the drainage work, 3.A Special annunl rate shall be imposed levied and collected over and above all other ra'es upon the land in respect of | which the said money shal! be borrowed sufficient for payment of the principal and interest ss provided by the Act PASSED the 3let day of May, 1919. (egd.) R. M. McConkey, (agd.) Eben Todd, Clerk. Reeve. | TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a by-law pussed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Innisfil on th: Thirty-first day of May, 1919,' and all per- sons are required to take notice that any one who desires to apply to have such by- law or any part thereof quashed must serve notice of his application upon the Head 'or Clerk of this Municipality within twenty lays after the date of the Inst publication is notice and must make his applica- tion to the Supreme Pourt of Ontario with- in one month after the said date, 'This notice is first to be published on the 12th day of June, 1919 and the last pub- lication on the 26th of June, 1919, (sgd.) R. M, McConkey, Clerk. 24-260 Are Here Told the Freemont, 0.--'I was pasa Bervo! ry to it was hard fo ham's Vegetabl 'Dle Compound restored m; had failed when ie Middle Aged Women is dothing like it to overcome the Mra, Fuoxzsoa Inia, Box 107; North RE EEE sacs Seni» Nov. 50th, 1018, ever $156/000/000 Sending Money Away? Nothing @ Union Bank money order or di king remittances, No no bother, and only sufficient formality to ensure Jour Boney safely reaching the party for whom is intended, A Union Bank money order really .s the best way to remit any sum up to $50 through the mails, 316 UNION BANK OF CANADA Barrie Branch & Safety Deposit Boxes, « Cookstown Branch, |. +. Thorton Branch," . A. Leslic, Mgr. T. McMillan, Mgr. H. J. Thompson, Mgr. Building a Bungalow-- or Are You Remodeling? Then you'll want Beaver Board for the walls and 'a ceilings to give the inside the same mark of coziness z and originality as the outside. a oy The only thing for Summer Cottages because it stands up in all kinds of weather. Goes up without any fuss or muss and lasts as long as the house. BEAVER BOARD is an improved wall and eiling material that is being used in- stead of lath and plaster in thoteande of homer linge en small, oldundnew--in stores, offices and public buildings, "Itis painted" not papered--and lends itself to handsome decorative effects Read about the unique Beaver Boarded bungalow des: cribed in the Saturday Evening Post @ February 19, oe Call or 'phone 10 we can tell more about 3 Beaver Board and show you samples, Made in Canada, y FOR SALE BY BALL PLANING MILL CO., Phone 109, Barrie Limited TORONTO--WINNIPEG And Points West Leave Toronto (Union Stn.) 9.15 p.m Mon., Wed, Fri--Canadian National All the Way a Tues. Thurs, Sat--Via North Bay, T. & N, 3. Cochrane; thence C.N.R. Mon, Wed, Fri, to Vancouver, Tues, Thurs, Sat, te Winnipeg, Dearest C. N. Railways Agent East and Union Station, "Torentsy R..L, FAIRBAIRN, G.P.A., Toronto, 'Through Standard and Tourist Sleep- ing and Dining Cars | 'Tickets and information irom Ticket Offices: 82 King Street 7 James Street Nerth, Hamilton. Best Remedy for Their Troubles. lod of life, bel: Ue apmptoms iacilcur to taal tee toms 936 Napoleon St, Fremont, North Haven, Conn gals E. Pinkham's roree re of life,