Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1919, p. 15

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Thursday, May 15, 1949 The: 'Quality'. Character of this brand has ani ' International. Reputation. Now you may make at home, coffee with + better flavor--richer, more fragrant, more Buy Dalley Coffee in 1 Ib. or % Ib. air tight tins and follow directions on label, IDENTIFIED BY THIS. MARK OF QUALITY MUSTARD DRESSING, EXTRACTS The F. F, DALLEY CORPORATIONS, Limited, Hamilton, Canada Imitated--never equalled imitators as artificial ligh a Hh i a ul with superior soap for your money--you get thei There is 2s much difference be- tween Sunlight Soap and -its there is between sunlight and t. Why? Absolute purity cleansing po:7ers--more real m in Sunlight Soap. TORONTO. ONT. IN WOMAN'S REALM THE. PASSING OF THE EXTREMELY LONG SKIRT FORESHADOWS THE PRESTIGE OF THE ABBREVIATED ONE Challis the Letast Whim of Fashion NEW ORK, MAY 4, 1919. The modes of New Xork are quite as capricious as "he weather. No sooner is a style luunebed and accepted than something new attracts the eye of the designers and then--snother new mode. Such has hap- pened with the popular long, narrow skirt. No longer is the long skirt the smartest thing to wear. Skirts are becoming shorter. 'A Chic Design in Challis | 'This change we may easily hold Paris ge- sponsible for. During the craze for the Jong skirt here, Paris slowly shook her head in disapproval, and now we are feeling the effcets of her negative mien, Street dresses, suits, evening gowns, evety skirt is becom- ing shorter. «This will be a welcomed style, for the discomfort of the long, tight skirt will be 'eliminated. The shorter length makes the skirt less cumbersome about the ankle, thus affording more freedom in walk- ing._And freedom. in walking means grace of carriage, 80 we heralded the mode with a sigh of content. . The same attitude that Paris took toward * the long skirt. has been lavished on the straw hat. Though New York is overrun with, hats of straw, reports from Paris say that in the restaurant and on the street one sees little if 'any hats of straw. The French 'women realize the folly of rushing the eea- 'sons and are clinging to their hats which 'are developed' in fabrics Of these satin seeoms to be the most predominating material fused, and usually one finds ostrich trimming present. Ifa touch of Spring, is, desi the hate are graced with coquettish little flowers in pastel shades. j Old-Time Challis 'A myriad of designs are offered in the fetching challis creations that promise to be gn essential part of the-summer wardrobe. 'This oft woolen material makes up in the prettiest of designs. If the, challis is of a plain color, then one deftly embroiders it {n. ak or, wool of s contrasting color, ed 'spomesses pretty dots or delicate stripes then -one adds a collar of sheer organdie or soft 'Biven with cuffs and s sash te match. Dressed in a challia frock one wears a|,, How at of the same material which is faced |'! « P Three Materials Combined material # challis In Writing A. women, if married, in signing a busi- Yours. sincerely, Mrs, John. Smith'. ellie Smith, or (Mre.) Nellie fe If single, write "Mary Jones' or ges. : *(Miss) Mary Jones'. The address if needed Moire Crepe de Chine is written elsewhere. A new -note in overblouses is the use of ------_--_ mioire crepe de cfine. _ Moire crepe ,de Planting Time Chine ia festive in » bleak 'with bonnaz em- (By Theodosia roidery in pastel colorings with girdle of | Rit meksial Thon cents opisly eters into ine, petal, make my sarcen 'these blouses, which have Chinese lines and . Sei i ¢ Ap humble thing where yet shall spring hanes motifs. abe Ones round neck "The seeds that are divine and side opening are |, and from Japan ' §;; , Fae ee paninist day th Agcy Bite (poet og. Prater F tow them there garden scenes that are developed in fine | beads and decorate the unique blouses. | little is my garden space, For late summer wear, organdie and But great the prayer I pray; linen will be used. for these blouses. So With every seed against earth's need jfrongly are they favored that all materisls |That men may sow to : availble are used for their development. |My hope is thrown, my faith is sown Tier Skirts {To make the harvest gay. Skirts built up in tiers are especially fa- vored by fashion. The frock shown here O, gardens spacious, gardens small, is developed in flowered challis, and the For you my prayer is said: chemisetie and cuffs are of crisp organdie, That God's own hand muy touch the land The\grace of line and simplicity of style And give His people bread, are the salient features. A combination Asx once before on that fur shore of three materials is seen in the suit coat His multitudes were fed. illustrated. 'The underskirt foundation sec- --_--------_ tion is developed in black satin, the upper A Chimney Fire section and coat are developed in serge,| A chimney fire muy be extinguished by and the vest and collar are of s heavy| pouring buckets of sand or earth down brocaded material, nich in color and orna-| the chimney or by igniting s handful or two mental in desi of common powdered sulphur in the chim. For the magnificent waistcoats which| ney. Close all openings, and if there is are seen, many designers use wide ribbon| an open grate hang a wet blanket in front of fantastic design and brilliant colorings.| of the fireplace so that the sulphur fumes It may be purchased at any of the shops! will go up the chimney. The sulphur forms and with the aid of s helpful pattern may|sulphurous acid with the oxygen of the be executed by the home dressmaker |air and thus renders the Istter incapable | --_ ---- of supporting combustion. | 66C)H DEAR: Everything good to eat costs so much these days. "Not everything. Have you tried Davies Pork and Beans?" Cheapest of all nutritious, completely balanced, ready- prepared foods are pork and beans. Everybody will tell_you that the chief body-building and energy-pro- ducing elements that nature requires to keep men, women and children active and strong are combined in palatable, easily-digested, inexpgnsive form mm) Hand picked and perfectly cooked until each white bean be- comes soft, mealy and easily di- gestible. In each canis placed a piece of selected pork which completes the perfect food balance and adds that delicious flavor which goes with real old-time pork and beans. "No Occupi She rises up at break of day, 'And through ber task she races; Road to be Re-built 'The road between Penetanguishene and She cooks the meal as best she may Midland will be rebuilt this summer. A And serubs the children's faces, meeting of those looking after the roads While school books, lunches, ribbons too,' was held at the Georgian Bay Hotel on All need consideration. Saturday last td discuss the best kind of a And yet the Town Assessors say road to build. It was decided to put in a "no occupation. [foundation of slag, this Jo be covered with crushed stones aad then treated to | | tar mixture. This should make an excel- | jlent road and it certainly i badly needed. | one | When breakfast dishes are all done, She bakes a pudding may! She clrans the rooms up one With che eye watching baby The mending pile she then 2! By way of variation, And yet the Town Assessors say ("She hax no "occupation" Wasaga Beach Hotel Burned 'The Riviera Hotel at Wasugs Beach, | owned by Oscur Burnside, was totally des- troyed by fire on Apr. 27; also a cottage adjoining, The origin of the fire is a mys: tery, ax it hud not been occupied for the | season and no one was living in it She irons for a little while, Then presses panta for daddy; {She welcomes with a cheery «mile Returning laxe or laddie. A hearty dinner next she cooks, (No. time for relaxation! And yet the Town Assessors say She hae no "occupation", Penetang's Time Penetang Herald. The town has gone |back to standard time. We will now have to carry two times, One for the town and one for railways and bosta and the larger places For lessons that the children learn The evening scarce is ample, To "mother dear they always turn For help with each example In grammar and geography She finds her relaxation And yet the Town Amweaors say She hax no "occupation" A lamp or oil-siove fire muy be smotb- ered by throwing # quantity of flour or sand on the blaze, Don't throw water Jon coul oil or gasoline, | Gasoline for I! Cents \ A fight between the Standard Oil Com- | «es = inaccuracies in Speech | pany and a rival corporation in Louisiana ften we hear "I instead of hax brought down the price of gasoline and "I have saw" for "I 's, Tenn, to eleven cents a gallon. "T come" for "came," "Th instead of "This is fi ve it to we girls," for girls," "I would of done s0."" "T would have done ao." There is thought lesaness in confusing adjectives and ud: verbs. Often the person who will say "Do that careful" instead of 'carefully' or "Go slow" instend of 'Go slowly' will err on| the other hand and aay "I got it cheaply" instead of using the word "*cheay 0 slower' instead of 'Go more slowly", ""Do| it quicker" instead of "'Do it more quick: ly." Many bite off the final "g" in a word ending with "'ing" and never disting- uish between the final "d"° "'p" "'b" "t" and say "yer" for Buy advertised things. aT alanis lim dy y Nee TABLETS SR Better than Pills | GET 4 For Liver Ils.! 200 Bax Cheapest of all Foods Davies Pork and Beans Tomato sauce to add another zest--if you want it. Try a can for luncheon to- morrow--nothing quicker, noth- ing nicer. Sold in 11, 16 and 20 ounce tins Plain or with tomato sauce. Order from your dealer. The William Davies Company, Limited Toronto and Montreal Canada Food Beard Packers' License Nos. 13-50 amd 13-54 id MERRILL & HUBBARD ; THE BARRIE EXAMINER ste DE RORONTO. CANADIS 4 = oe ui ae eet 15 cts, for 16 oz. tin. | Nolar Oil-Stove Fire - No Bar It's a pity we couldn't have a similar fight 'ving of motor vehicles would be less exao- between the gas men in Canada, The dri- ting on the average pocket book. | A GREAT comfortin the heat of summer! No hot range to bother with--no shaking' --no ashes to carry out. No wicks to clean. And remember, no fuel is cheaper than kerosene. McClary's Florence Automatic with a McClary's Success oven is the finest baking outfit you could use. Haveacool kitchen this summer. dnd sce the McClary's Florence Automatic actual s | SOLD BY | Will Stand Ever e Quality? Weight? the testc know "Comfort". TORONTO, ONT. y Test f Compare "Comfort" with any other soap--"Comfort" That's a big claim to make, but our 25 year's record of the largest sale of any soap in Canada is the best proof of its truth. Why experiment? You "It's All Right" PUGSLEY, DINGMAN & CO., LIMITED Shape ? stands

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