as Page Fourteen |cot. 3:10; Rom. 8:29). The devil himself fell the desire to take God's place (Bs, 28:2, 9; 2 Thes. 2:4; cf. Dan, 4: 30; Acts 12:22, 23). He tempted where he 3 ¢ D unlop St. humself went down. There was an element of truth in the devil's lie (vs. 7, 22). When { J e H. McCA BARRIE their eyes were opened the first thing they | discovered was that they were naked (v.7), nd the effect of the knowledge was to. i Our reputation for fair dealing and reliable id fe eile of the kaowhadgy goods, coupled with the De Laval record of if poalletapes pends evil comsiener: service and durability, has made the De Laval jhis first discovery is that he is a sinner | (Rom. 7:9; 3:20), and he wishes to hide irom God '(v.8). | UL The Fall, 6, 7. Eve listened to 'Satan's subtle insinua- fionseregarding God's hardnews. She quick. ly followed this wrong step by another; {she looked at that which God had forbidden, then she lusted for it, then 'she took, then |sbe ate, then she gave to her husband, to Cream Separator the leader in thi community. N° farmer is rich "enough to feed high-priced butter to his hogs or his calves in partially skimmed milk, It's a waste of money and food that your pocketbook, your bors, your country, all condemn. it i infer eat also. How rapidly sin grows. The But it's a waste that is going on today wherever an inferior or faslidden frult pete en ae ~ half-wom-out cream separator is being used, or the wasteful 'gravity' lust of the flee! 'good for food") "the method. Why not pot'a stop to this needless waste with « De Laval Cream |Separator? lust of the eyes" ("a delight to the eyes"), and "'the vain glory of life" ('to be desired 'to make one wise"), (ef, 1 Jno. 2: 16). |The temptation came first through her eyes | ef, eh. 6:2; Josh. 7: 21; 2 Sam. 11:2; Mar, 5-28), Adam was not' to blame for his wife's offering him the fruit; he was to blame for listening to her (v.17). They Children's Diseases There is no other separator that can compare with the' De Laval in clean skimming, The The Li Announcen jstrove to cover their newly discovered death of the capacity, ease of operation, nakedness, Man is ever trying to cover eden, ass : his pwa shame, but never succeeds, (Row A N N freedom from repairs, and dura. 10: 3; Tea 64:6). God Himself had to re ot ecessary fy the moet * bility. \the world's greatest clothe 'them st the lust, and so He must extinet--has_ cream says ~S sus (Is, 61: 10; Phil, 3:9) The last Jivi fs HL. The Punishment, 8.13 Marie id an ' In 'the evening of the same day they . . , P incinngti, Yai 'Sau afte todo Sie pe gar haa day heard the voice of Jehovah walking in the They Add Nothing to the Well-being of the Child and Duvarably yu et 3 a it over }garden. As soon as man sins Jehovah al. 6 iti e" me re ways comies upon the scene. Always befare Leave the System in Worse Condition Than Before Th y v 'The nine SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A jthis Jehovah's voice had filled Adam with i ing. In 1888 Hoy; now it awakened fear. Like all sinners they tried 10 hide from God, and also like jll sinners they fuiled. God is putting to every sinner to-day the same question that he put to Adam, 'Where art thou?"" He confessed his sin-born fear of God suting ms the ground of his fear, his naked new (ef. ch. 2: 25). God showed Adam hy wther startling question that his own DE LAVAL THE SUNDAY Te the a wae devil paved the |to throw the blame of 'his sin. fies wore een the, fall by suggesting first a doubt the woman, and then. upon God Hing SCHOOL LESSON ("creo 1), und afterwards of for he said, |God's veracity (v. 4) some, nourishing food, and by allowing | very rare, Di them to exercise freely in the open air. If they grow pale and weak and languid --if they fail to derive proper nourishment from the food they eat--if their nervous systems get run down from the tax of school work--use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food as the best means which medical science affords to enrich the blood and build up + N fact, they often sow the seed which, I in adult life, develops into disorders of the heart and blood vessels and de- generative diseases of the kidneys. So if children escape any child's disease they are the gainers in general health by just that much. It may be that years are added to their lives 'or chronic invalidism avoided. Then there is the enormous risk reparation fc AUST toes fog. In not jf } a may is SIN AD De ct NSEQUENCE? |God's word is the doorway to disobediance final analysis conden God, By taking of which every child runs who has measles, the exhausted system. ' ; (May be used with Temperance Applice Satan began with a truth den the man and the a . i ] od becomes thin ani a Hons.) Gen. 3: 1-13 (Read Gen. 3: 1-24; ie garden' while the whooping cough, scarlet fever, or other Children wae Blood be me ee inn Rom. 1; 18:23: Jax, 1: 15) wife and then God diseases, watery are helpless before HH GOLD 'T.--**For the wages of sin he serpent, The devil i 3 measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough, or other contagious disease. They seem to "catch" everything that is going. They are always "catching" cold. Their resist- ing force is nil. But their young bodies soon respend to the nourishing, invigovating influence of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. As their blood is enriched they become healthy, robust and rollicking--they enjoy their food-- their play--their work at school, and grow into strong; healthy men and women. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 50 cents a box, 6 for + $2.75, all dealers, or Edmanron. Bates & Co. is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 6: Perhaps this does not agree with your «idea of letting your children have these* ailments when young, with the belief that they must have them some time. This old idea has cost many thousands of lives. It is time to forget it, and to put forth an effort to save the children from these ailments. "TIME.--Unknowh. PLACE --Eaen, EXPOSITION.--I, The Temptation, 1.5. The serpent was the prime mover in the entrance of sin into human history. This eld serpent was the devil (Rev. ten to him and yield If Adam und Eve had turned a deaf ear to the tempter they would have The serpent approached been all the better for the temptation, the womun first becuse she was the weak. | ----_--_ er (1 Pet. 3:7; 1 Ti. 2:14), He approached Transporting Canada's Soldiers Home [her when she as alone. The moments A returning soldier on a transport in a when we are alone 'often afford the devil. | : ving Canadian Hurbour ix not expected to philo- bis best opportunity. The woman, hav vophically await for facilities of transport. fn met him with God's word, should have : jlistened no langer to him. The woman A ¢heering crowd in an inland town, wait. id met quote Gelle teats actly; i€ for troop trains to arrive, isn't likely fhe as neg mmmaninent exaetys ote toon, trains be ar But a fairly Iwhen God hax commanded ux not to eat Inge caged Ta re ere ot Cane Ht. It is well to keep from TOUCHING (2 'hose engaged in railway service--are put All these children's diseases are known as germ diseases, and germs are harmless to a body strong enough to fight them. Rich blood is the greatest of germicides. Sor TS tee Gl edience 2 in long, strenuous days, these times of TN, roll dren's - Ltd. 'Toronto. On everv box is the portrait and er oot The feault of | disobedience | 108 on jou, Stet the fighting men buek herefore, seek to keep your children signacure of A. W. Chase, M.D.. the 'tamoug Met was to be death. 'This'was primarily phye ieal death (v.19; Rom! 5: 1214) Bay £0 their homes th the lewst elclec ff bleod rich and pure by giving them wholc- coipt Book author. physieal death isnot all the death that "ble dust how stupendous that work nf ruil ~ transport ts. ay be surt "from the fact ---- = ™ a = = = -- = = ins Remmes ia the rewult of sin fade eae toc ihe port ot Th |divilnsy » total of anre, 'The Megantic baggage to be handled, but this is regard: porta, 18.186 6: 23!, Deut fae, eee ie bale Ti, {ux there have been hanilled over the rrile {did not dock st once and the disembarkutton ed as one of the best troop moverents ------------__--* RV. No one ever latte Meoctt sia, jot, Canadian National Rates yo nee [or ee eoee st nee a by tender, neces: | since the first of the year results from disobedience to God (Eph. 2:1; Col. 2:13; 1 Ti, 5:6; Rev. 21: 8). Death, (Rom Never-Failing 1 Remedy for . ' i points, 49.009 military passengers. This |Sarily a slow, laborious process, but three On' April 23, the Belgic, with 3320 of- Appendicitis Srecehe bank ah nage be sesond Adem, Porous eee ete naman eee empaieheg is oe oe cere bad, been heeim ant tivope aboard tase bee dee Sdld Each Y, Hoya na te isan Whether ind lof 107 special trains as enumerated in this | despatched in two and three-quarter hours. | ahead of schedule, Six 'hundred of there ear Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, thie remursectiomife that thesecond Adam hoy |€WSpaper from time to time, and tt speaks | On oe duy {etowian, the poland docked ' passengers were dispersed from Halifax,' out Zils, conclasire BTOOL that thom. ic |ve fon 'st i ol it 5, ie ey vit, 7 as ' ve ean Agpen icitis and oy cal en | brought to all prove a blessing depends upon |Ylumes for the self-sucrificing zeal of the fea cays Hake tee ns hice the remainder were moved out over C.N.R. Bladder troubles w ed our setion (Jno. 5: 28, 20; Rom 6, 3 Tank and file of the roads thar this tort . m : of almost fifty thousand men huve been When the devil had been foiled in his at-| moved ax swiftly and silently us if the to- |tempt to misquote God's word, his next {tal had been but a tenth of those actually rove was to deny it, This illustrates |trunsportes! jhow the devil is the futher of lies (Jno. | Probably never again will Haligonions see cure * pain or oper. 8:44), especially infidélblies. We see here lsuch procession of great ships louded 5 how the devil wus the first infidel and the jwith soldiers in that magnificent. harbour, first universalist. The doctrine of Jude: |The list, day by duy, is imposing. ment for sin is one that he especially de- lighta to deny (Jer. 14:'13, 14; be. 139g21,|, 0 March 17, the Carmania docked at ils ial trains, later, 4 specials were dexpatched. Eight "My 7 sallngi ih oe Fi duys Iuter--April 18--the Carmania dock: | viene by: aticlal Ceti eee reohe m ed at 7.25 p.m., with 2600 troops. Six spec- eck ene afercairtn ~ ae ae Lodieg ials were despatched in a little more than 6 crest ie Gh autlicc en ee hours. There is alio » note in the records' lly as ae cualil ode ae in the case of this ship about the quantity ms Aya y semis HE a wih of baggage to be handled. Two days inter |*taffs of the old Government lines whic "Api 20--the Adriatic arrived at 5.25 |S ow the Maritime Provinces' portion p.n., with 1841 passengers. Four bours | Sanpdian National Railways. ae = after the time of docking 4 special trans W8Y service is keenly responsi 24 le until those Gall Stone Colic pag Not one in ten Gall ie Sufferers knows what is the trouble. | Marlatt's Specific The sérpent imputed to God a selfish un. willingness that men should become like Himself. God's highest desire for us is that we become like Himself (ch. 26, 27 Balanced Value Value, as represented in Gray-Dort Motor Cars, is a union of 00d qualities, Strength that means faithful service, free from trouble, yet sacrificing nothing of the lightness so essential to economy. Beauty unquestionable, that yet allows forevery essen- | tal of good engineering. Comfort, too, both in riding and driving. And then a price kept surprisingly low by facto efficiency and big production. id You need in your car ALL the qualities the Gray-Dort has. And probably you need nothing more. Certainly you an get nothing more without paying Very much more, The touring car is $1245; the Gray-Dort Special--the car mith added refinements and extra equipment, is $135 furiai there are also a coupe, and a sedan. All prices 4. Chatham and are subject tochange withoutnotice, GRAY-DORT MOTORS, Limited Chatham, Ont, In the U S.:--Dort Motor Car Co., Flint, Mich. | day {moved out in two hours and 45 minutes. 9.15 a.m., with 2769 soldiers and 275 civil. ions. The ticketing was rushed through and nine special trains were despatched in 6 hours. Two days later the Celtic warp. edin to her berth at 7.40 in the evening She carried 2810 troops of all ranks, In less than 4 hours the soldiers had been for- warded, the sctual time for despatching being placed at two hore and a half. The | following, March 20h, the Baltic docked. She carried 3200 returning men, to handle whom five special train« were cent out in three hours and 35 ininutes,. There was an interval of four days before the Cretle docked st 8.05 a.m., with 1802 soldier passengers. Again, four specials were Next day, March .25, the Royal George, with 1388 troops aboard docked at 11.45 am. Three specials were despatched in one hour and three-quarters. Then came the giant Olympic with 4846 aboard. High winds prevented her im- mediate docking, and the troops or most of them, had to be brought off by tenders. This proved' a laborious job for all con- cerned, but by dint of hard work, special after special was sent forward until the grest liner was cleared, This consumed 4 great deal of time, and, before there was much time to think about jit,.the Cedric with 3520 men, and the Minnekhada, with 2451 reached the dock; both on March 27th. Eight special trains were utilized to handle the complement from the Cedric, while six bud been despatched. great obligation of handling such large |bodies of troops over long distances by gine? gn April 21 the Olympic was back' rail. 'There is also a desite on' the pact weate erate docked at 11.30 a.m. and car- of the trainmen to facilitate the 'mooe fied $872 military passengers and 300 civ. 'ment of the trains with all possible speed. Hans, total of 6872. Eleven special trains | and the men in the operating Departecats Rere despatched within seven hours und a especially as carryin will continue to half, and a civilian special was also sent 'carry, heavy responsbilities undl the lac forward 'carrying sbout 200 passengers. troop' ship and the last body of Caradon There was an unusually large amount of troops have been cleared from the neven ATTENTION! Sick Women To do your duty during these trying times yoae health should be your first ~consdecadion These two women tell how they. found health, Hellam, Pa--"I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- table Compound for female troubles and a dis placement, I felt all rundown and was very weak, I had been treated by a physician without results, 80 decided to give Lydia E. Pinkha: several Pr when fi never 1 All you Davies Tomatc and boi deliciou m's Vegetable Compound AUTOMOBILE AND warding of ths har seat oe ie be & trial, and felt better right away. I am.keeping house momen: : SUPPLY, LTD. {oe mend tea inna since last April and doing all my housework, where before 6 5 i On March 80th, at 5.30 p.m., the Regina docked with 1891 officers and men from practically every province in Canada, With. three hours and 20 minutes, 5 special tains had been despatched and the local units had beem ticketed for the regular trains. On April Ist, the Canada docked at 9 o'clock. She carried 1351 soldiers. 'Three special trains' had been despatched 'within three hours and 35 minutes after disembarkation; the actual time be. tween departure of the first and that of the ast, being three-quarters of an hour. On April 6 the Northland docked at I was unable to do any work. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege. table Compound is certainly the best medicine a woman can condition. I give you permission to publish this letter.""--Mrs. E. B. Crvuimie, B. No. 1, Hellam, Pa. which gave me relief. myhealth. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies to all suffering women-who are troubled in a simi. lar way." --Mrs. Exiex Hens,R.No.6, Box 68,Lowell,Mich, Why Not Try LE COMPOUND. UPDIA E.PINKHAM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASE, Sub whole, deliciou Sauce tc Pac or with The V