we THE BARRIE EXAMINER What Your Dollar Will Buy at Powell's lwearing a dress, of white crepe de chene beaded in gold and carrying white roses, entered the church on the arm of her uncle, Mr. J. 1. Clark. Mrs. 1. Gordon played the wedding music. The attendants were Miss Bertha Clark, sister of the bride. and Mr. Charles Haines, brother of the groom, Afler the ceremony a luncheon was served al the home of the bride's mother, at which only the immediate relatives were WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Famous Apex Electric Vacuum. Cleaner CHILDREN'S HOSE Super mercerized . Lisle, (sizes 4 to 6%, 1x1 Rib, Dollar Day 5 prs. $1.00 CHAMBRAY REMNANTS Good, dark Blue, Pink } and Grey, 1 to 10 yds. - 35c¢ yard Odd Lots of Children's Black Cotton Ribbed and Plain Hose Sizes 4 to 9 Dollar Day..... 19¢c pr. Ladies' Regular $1.25 E.T. Make Corset Dollar Day 89c CHECK GINGHAMS Special Value . Dollar Day 4 yds. for $1.00 at 35c. present. Mrs, Haines is well ; er - known in Barrie, having. lived |}{ Now is house cleaning time and everybody wants car- LADIES' BLACK AND here formerly. Mr. and Mrs. : WHITE SILK HOSE Haines will reside in Niagara- pets, rugs, walls, curtains, etc., cleaned. Anywhere dust i on-the-Lake. collects we t it : ' Seconds. Dollar Day xe we can get it, even to the picture moulding, 29¢ Pair Mahoney--Clarke pictures, shelves, etc. Orillia ws-Letter--A pretty TAB LADIES' AND Cl "Ss \ AND / UNT! HATS ALE*FOR $1.00 Don't miss this opportunity. PRINT VALUES Light Patterns good fast colors. 5 Pieces only. 9 yds. for $1.00 MEN'S COLLARS Tooke Make Dollar Day, 10c each LADIES' SAMPLE VOILE AND SILK WAISTS Dollar-Day 2 for $1.00 MEN'S WHITE LAWN HANDKERCHIEFS Worth 10c each. Dollar Day, ...2 doz. for $1.00 EMBROIDERY INSERTION AND EDGING Excellent Value for Dollar Days only 10 yds. for $1.00 'AFRICAN BROWN MACO YARN LISLE wedding Chureh Father Lellis united in the holy oronte, when pal St. Helen's Rev, We will rent our machine by the day at $1.25 or we will go and work it ourselves for $1.00 an hour. HOSE bonds of marriage Susie Mar- ' Y% guerite, daughter foMr J. Sizes 8% to 10 Clarke, of Uptergreve, and Mr Dollar Day Jax. Io, Mahoney, late of the GST N 3 prs. for $1.00 75th Battalion. and son of Mr, Jas. Mahoney. of Longford. The bride, whe was given away by PLUMBERS AND ELECTRICIANS LADIES' FRENCH KID GLOVES Broken sizes and shades. Dollar Day.... $1.00 pr. MEN'S RAINCOATS All sizes Dollar Day . $2.98 1 TABLE OF DRESSES Gingham Dresses, Ladies' and Children's, Dollar Day Special $1.00 SOAP SPECIAL 10 Cakes Toilet Soap regular 1!5c each. Dollar Day $1.00 her tnilored suit, trimmed with flowers, sable fur, a corsage bouquet of a roses and the gift of Ophella iT She was fathe Thy c "om, mt oof pink sw rowore a while milan a tavalier, y her si Jarke, 4 with 'Tu mwas ably VConnor > bridesmaid was navy blue Alaskan The grow hat 127 Dunlop Street Phone 319 J. F. MURPHY ». {°72:.... Dealer in all kinds m's an the After] was served al the home of the bride's ments and Tablets. I Dark blue Ver- | mont Marble and sim. Mes, J. Clark: 57 Muir _ SPECIAL SHEET nie. The happy couple left Valley VALUE ero for (he heneynreer tr to Extra Large Size heavy ee AR aloat pote i i . attention Cotton, reg. $2.50 Dollar Day Special $1.59 SPECIAL REDUCTION IN ALL REGULAR LINES OF DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING. PAYS TO SEE OUR OFFERINGS ON DOLLAR DAYS. Powell & Go. We can supply you with garages--wood or metal. Easily erected. Prices from $75 up. We put-them up at small cost if desired. Prompt service. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LIMETED \ Dollar Days COME HERE FOR CHEAPEST PRICES IN TINWARE, GRANITEWARE AND GALVANIZED WARE " Eavetrough and conductor pipe--all sizes and quantities Lowest prices in Town for Galvanized Iron, Valley Iron and flashings. If we have not your requirements in Tifdvare and Copper utensils, we will make any article to order in our up-to-date work shop. Prompt Repair Service P. J. MORAN \.. BAYFIELD ST. Sal IT | ae i PERSONAL rT Miss Annie Bonney is visiting friends at the Soo Rev, W. M. Morris of Orange- ville Was in town yesterday Mr. and Mrs. J. RA, Donnelly have gone to reside in Montreal Albert Riddell leaves on Satur- 'lay to attend the O. R. C. con- vention in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs, Laidlaw and Miss Isabel Laidlaw are again occupying their residence in Blake St. Mr. and Mrs, F. Moberly and family, after being in Toronto for the winter, have returned to their home in town H. G. Roberts ¢. Bricker and Art Lowe were in Stayner on Tuesday attending the district meeting of the 1.0.0.F. Inspector Levan spent several days at the B.C.I. this week, As the building and equipment are not yet completed he will return in June to make his grading of the school. « Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tottle of 'Toronto announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter. Evelyn, to Mr. Howard Evans of Barrie, Ont.. the wedding to take Place early in June. Miss Ada Richardson, pupil of David Dick Slaler. has resigned the position of soloist in Chal- mers' Presbyterian Church, To- ronto, and has accepted a simi- lar appointment in Bloor Street Baplist Church. ' Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, Bay- field St., returned to town last week after being in Carolina and Toronto for several months. They made the trip home from the South by motor and had some great experiences, Staff-Sergt. E. Grant Long- man, of the Q. M. Inspt. Dept., expects to return in the early summer with his bride, formerly Miss Betty Clarendon, dangh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Winlow of Gloucester, England, to whom he was married in January last. Haines--Clark The Methodist Church, Niqgara- on-the-Lake, was. the scene of a_quiet wedding when Harriet (Ettie), daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. J. H. Clark, and Richard Wilfred, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Haines, Niagara-on-the- Lake, were united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Honey. The bride Basie) Da 5h mixel qua Sixteen pages this week. Local news on every page. Barrie's Big Dollar Days-- May 9 and 10 paid to Inscription / Cutting. W All work artistical- ily and neatly done. WOffice and Works | 79 Bayfield St., Phone 734 P.O. Box 642. Donce BRoTHERS MOTOR CAR It has come to be known as a sub- stantial car, and naturally that has attracted to it substantial people. When a man comes in to buy, he is thinking of the freedom from annoy- ance he will enjoy in its ownership. It will pay you to visit us and examine this :ar. The gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. T. R. HUXTABLE sooo D001 D000 oo SoS Se S306 9S oo oc S006 20¢ Doc of Markers, Monu-" \ { | | | |