Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve THE ADLET COLUMN 32 The cost of advertising in this column is x }& CENT PER WORD EACH INSER- 10, with a minimum charge of 15 cents oer 8. Terms cash. Six insertions will ie ped for the price of four. Where.re- " plies ted to this Office an addi- tional sha je of \0e. will be made. The 'foregoing rates are for CASH. When not aid for before the paper is issued, an ad- litional charge of (0c, will be made on all 'diets less than one dollar. . WANTED--Three Girls for Saturdays, at the Olympia Candy Works. 18-tfe ROOM TO LET--Central, suitable for one or 2 ludies, Apply at this office. , 'a Blake street. |WANTED---Piano suitable for Tod XOX, ah 19-19p | home :--Gord) GOOD CLEVELAND WHEEL for' Sale-~ 7 R. Robinson, |FINE PASSENGER CAR for Aple--New. Apply 49 Mary street, phone 204. 19-19¢ COATMAKERS and cost helpers wanted at Alex Milne & Son, Barrie.19-19¢ { BOARDING HOUSE FOR SALE--Emy terms, Misses Bell} 50 Mary street.18-19p FURS REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrié. 37-tfc TORENT--Rooms recently vacated by the | B.C.I. in our block. Apply Brown & Co. 18. FOR SALE--Mendolssohn Pisno, nearly new. Reasonable price. Apply 60 Mary street. 19-21p trees, town water. street. Powell and Bert Marrin, Barrie. Others from this district were ---O ye gardeners, have for you all kinds of veg- etable seeds by the ounce and the During the past week the fol- Box| lowing 'Barrie aoldiers:'reached lon Longman, Frank Apply 24 Bradford street. 10-19 | J. 4. McKay, Hawkestone; D. G 7 Dunn, Cookstown; F. E. Savoi SALE--Cleveland wheel new. : 7S to 25 theron 19-19p | Beeton; A. W, Berry, Tottenham; Stayner. gel busy, We -- finest Dutch Setts and Potato WOOL WANTED--Will psy good prices. H. T. N. Hobley "The ) Levit, Bayfield street. Phone 384. 'ea and Coffee House. 19-24p BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES -18¢ CLUCKING HENS Wanted--Highest price Rye . $1.30.81,50 | paid. Phone 4aQ or write Geo. Ander- Buckwheat $1.00-$1.10 WANTED--Good general servant. Apply! son, Barrie. 19-18p Butter, 1b. 80-55 Mm, RA. Stephens, 123.Collier street, |--tO% Barre, fom don, 38.400 : 12-tfe WANTED TO RENT for summer--Baby Potatoes ......... $1.00-81.50 Carriage with top, must be good. Box Beef Hides, green » 16 FOR SALE--Good work horse, heavy. Ap-| xX. Byaminer, 19-19p Beef hides, cured 17-186 ply HB, Armstrong, Allandale RE, No. Calf Skins'. 300 18-20p HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE--Small Ki 200 street, overlooking Queen's Park, Apply. . FOR SALE--Hawaiian Guits complete, | 4 58° Bayfield street. 19-19p }-$7.00 with instruction book, $10.00. Phone |" "SVN NUNN Sheepsking . $2. 829, 15-20 WANTED---Capable woman to do house- Went unwashed 40-800 5 ; Jeaning. Good wages and board. Apply Wool, washed . FOR SALE--Ladies' Bicycle, in good te-! ty Oat 1919» Spring Chicken | 28.308 pair, reusinable, Apply 26. Bradford |_'® Box 84, Lefroy, OP Serine chicken 25-805 street 19-19¢ TQ RENT---Large front room, furnished or Old fowl 22-250 WANTED_-Y irl for! furnished, with private bath and cloth: ee 22-240 @D--Young woman or girl for, ea 'On Turkey 420 fowework, Apply Mos, Cecl), "68 Peal |_ closet. Apply this office, 10-19 Fit 'hoegeeen street. 17tfe PROF DE. WEIR--Teacher of Piano and | Violin, Piano Tuner. 6 Oweo street, Barri 18-23p TO RENT---Room with board, home privi- leges, lady preferred. Apply to Box "'D' this office FOR SALE motor truck Allandale. FOR SALE BRICK: HOU! 14 Cum berliad sireet; all conveniences. Apt Delivery Horse, cheap; using Apply J.D, Wisdom & Co, 18. ule FORD TRUCK "Smith Former", Apply C. W. Groham, 45 Codrington street, Bar rie, phone 756. i8.23p FOR SALF.-A choice fresh _mileh cow and calf, Apply to Wilham Kennedy, R. R No, 2, Allandale. 17-19p FOR SALE--House, lot (sbout 24% acrex) and stnble at 54 Penetang street, Barrie. Enquire on premises, 15-20p Cedar posts, ull sizes and only W. O. Partridge, 261 Bay- 15-tfe BULL FOR S horn; registered. Phone 489-r 21, E Apply Andrew Quinlan. Barrie 19-20 HOUSE FOR SALE--Brick, 8 rooms, gar- age, fireplace, furnace, sleeping bulcony, $1500.00 108 Peel street L1-tle FOR SALE- Strawberry productive, texted varieties, RR. 1, Allandale. plants, 3. Hardy Walter F.! 18-19 Good general; family of two; ings ta 166 Bayfield street, Phone 160 FOR SALE--Brick House, Worsley street, 8 rooms, gas, electric and water. Good | gardea and stable. Apply at this office. | 14-19p | CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old - FOR SALE~Solid Walnut furniture, to be Two-year-old Short: | home and good wages. Apply morn: | AGENT WANTS BOY about 14 years old to assist him canvassing Barrie. Apply to Mr. Bruce, 74 Worsley street. 19-19p. ------ GARDENER WANTED--Apply A. Leslie, 101 Claperton street, telephone 744. or Union Bank of Canada, telephone 99 19.) 19¢ | Red Clover Bran, ton ART Ch water colour pi and by appoint HOUSE AND LOT to Rent at Shanty Bay. | lop street we Property". For lege Thos F. Ross, Guth Alsike Clover seed per bus. (diploma Paris and London), Phone 391 or Ovenden Col $20.00-$23.00 Horse Hair ..... drawing from life, oil and ainting, ment. Mrs, F. 8. Williams, 1 Dun 19-24) rticulars apply cheaper to get expert mechan sold during next two weeks by private' ence between sale, also square piano, 194 Dunlop! machinery street. 18-19p | Phone Martin, 19-20e FORD SERVICE, your auto repaired by an; CHURCHILL--It_ in ic. There ix 4 vast differ. automobiles and farm Stationary engines repaired. | Churchill 19-23p | PASTURE--Large Pasturage in Innisfil. ROOMING HOU! Plenty of water. Salt provided and char. rooms, finished ges reasonable, Apply F. Quantz,| rooms, good Barne 18.199 this property WE DO ALL. KINDS of Electrienl work. e Al Apply W. © house wiring a specialty, Bros, Flrctrical Contractors, from Post Office a right party can make $200 a month in! Thompson, Office 1 street, phone 288, Barrie. 'SE. For Sale in Barrie, 14 (in hardwood heating system, 1 nd G.TR Price $4800. $1000 cash, 5 Owen street, west PROBL! FOR SALE~3 acres land, make goo mar man--offered, ket gatden, spring creek, barn and fruit tractive {newl trees, Apply to 59 Donald street, west end, Barrie 19-20) veniences, tow bined central RABBITS FOR SALE--16 head Flemish) minutes' walk steel grey, R. Black; W. F. Sheppard, R.R | 18-19p giants, light grey, Prices' reasonuble 1, Allandale. country view of shade, fruit WANTED--Capable woman or girl for sum | mer cottage. Family of three. Moderate | wage but good home for right person. Box "M"', Examiner 19-20 100 Peel man, | TAKE NOTICE that a By-Law for rais- ing Twenty-five thousand dollars under the | provisions of The Tile Drainage Act will be taken into consideration by the Muni- \ NURSES earn $15 to $25 8 week. Learn home. Send for free booklet College of Science, Dept 112, Toronto, Canadig, 18tige | FUNERAL DESIGNS, wedding boqueta, ar- Ustically arranged. Roses, carnations and other seasonable flowers always on hand. E. At Harris, phone 713 18.23p 'ACETYLENE WELDING--Before throwing (cipal Council of at a meeting to Blet day of May, (Sed. commodious, nine-roomed brick summer, nearly an acre garden land, lots Full particulars 'NOTICE OF MI B lo'clock in the forenoon. DATED the 29th day of April, 1919. FM SOLVED--For family bargain, in healthful, at y decorated, substantial all con n and country life com to most ulilitie', (ten 1, southerly ; unobstructed easterly, especially fine in and flowers, larce lawn. addrew, D, W. Bast treet 19.19p EETING TO CONSIDER Y-LAW the Township of Innisfil be had at the Village of | Stroud in the Township of Innisfil on the 1919, at the hour of Ten ) R. M. McCONKEY, Clerk. 'ust and overcoat eun be made to look | away broken parts of machinery, con- |18-21¢ Tike new by Harey Twist, Row Block, | sult. My new welding process works won- Dualop St | _ders, Alex. Cleland. blacksmith," 18-25p Sealed tenders FOR SALE--Store and dwelling with lot and stable in rear, vacant lots, also weigh xcalcx in village of Phelpston, For particulars, write Elia J, Keaney, Bar- rie. 17-20 "FOR SALE--Solid brick nine-roomed house, small down-town property as part pay-|for the purchase ment. Apply 60 Peneteng street, Barrie. tract of land situ 18.19p being composed of part of lot Number Fifty- three on the South side of Collier street WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS--Ist Bar- rie Fair Cock and a grand cockerel. Head two Gane nice females. Proven lay- em. Try them, $1.00 per 13. AFA. Malcomson, Barri 14-216 FOR SALE--In the Villoge of Ivy, separate to suit purchaser. Burton, Ivy. 19-19p | The bighest or FARM FOR SALF, lot 2, con, 5, Innisfil. Well fenced good clay loam; 'good frame house, Iurge barn with basement stab- ling, never-failing well. Apply to Mrs. Dutcher . Thornton, 51-tf | accepted. CARS WANTED--We buy any make or Model of second band car, so if you wi to sell, drop us line to the "Garage" Albert and Colbourne streets. Chait 19-20¢ * For Sale by Tender Saftrday the 17th day of May, 1919, at acre of land, orchard, stable, would take twelve o'clock noon by the undersigned ¥% more particularly described in registered acre of land with good shop and a quan-|number 6536 and which may be known as tity of blackemith's tools, Can be sold the premises on Owen Street lately occupied Apply to S. by the Public Library. Dated the 6th day of May, 1919. FRED MARR, will be received up to of that certuin parcel or ate in the Town of Barrie Any tender not necessarily rman of the Bartie Public Library Board, Orillia, Ont. 1O0-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--In Oro, brick house, bank barn, driving shed, etc., 3. acres fruit orchard, quantity busb, soft and hard water. Apply Mrs. Mary 4. Turk, Shanty Bay, RR2. -- 15-20p | FOR, SALE OR TO RENT--Nice 5% acre | in Barrie, large' fruit orchard in full be: ing, comfortable house, good farm buil ings, town water, eléctric light. Levi Gledbill, 72 Codrington street, east, Bi Tie, 16-20p --- FOR SALE--Six-roomed rough-cast house on Perry street, in first-clas» condition. TElectric light, water and cement cellar, *Good garden snd chicken house, . near "West Ward and new High Sehools. Ap- ply' Box 868 or phone 519. XBACK from the front and in business again roll boring afd digging, pumps 're- pairs wire fencing and roofing, gaivan- dred ironwork of all kinds, cement work. 'Cement for sale. Estimates free. C. W. "Gentleman, Phone Belle Ewart. 14-19p Three Hundred Acres good rich oe eo Large bank barns, water service, stables, brick house, furnace, splendid 'locality, near railways and county town. Posses- sion at once. Eevaitigely, Frank Quants, owner, Barrie. Teowtt 'OW DOES THIS APPEAL TO YOU-- WANTED TO RENT-Small_ store or of-!most new, FOR SALE--Yroomed brick howe, No, 38 ("7 Sandford street, Barrie, $1700.00 to quick close to the new Collegiat Fair amount of deposit and lish, with the latest conveniences, with the EGGS FOR HATCHING--Exhibition White | money-maker for APPLICATIONS for the position of Organ ist at Trinity Church, Barrie, will be re- Ss ceived by the undersigned up to.15th of May. State qualifications "and. salary. Geo. Vickers, 8-room brick ho WANTED--Energetic and -capable women attractive proposition. References re- , Toronto. , 10¢ {price $3300--half AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE~If you want to buy second hand cars or trucks call 'cash. and see us st the "Garage", Albert and | _8-room Colbourne streets, or write us to Box |to Queen 558, Orillia, Ont. 19tfe | out, STRAYED onto lot 20, con. 7, Innisfil, one red-and-white bull, coming 2 years, barn and garage, old. Owners may have same by proving property and paying expenses.. Thos. Em- rick, RR. No. 1, Lefroy. nest property, fice with' liying rooms for, couple, or $3500--half cash, would rent small dwelling/or purchase amall business. - State full particulggs. Thos. Brown, Lancelot, Ont. purchaser. ie posit and lish, | balance arranged, easy terms. Apply on surrou! * premises or address, Box 11, Newmarket. 'age, price $3800, id 19-19p |build it. Rooming house Rocke (ineléding winners at New York, |teen rooms, 2 London and Toronto National), $4 for |ing, 1 block from 15; Bred-to-lay White 15; Gul Strain of Bred-to-lay ite Leghorns, $1.50 per 15. Mental, Ross street,. Barrie, 8. C. Athol 18-28¢ HOUSE PROPERTY FOR, ALE IN BARRIE use with all conveniences, 18-19c | Charlotte street, price $3,000--$800 cash. T-room brick house, Bayfield street, nice- ly decorated, with every convenience, price | to sell the Uplift Corset. Write for our $3600--$1000 cash, Brick Bungalow, Eccles street, all fin- quired. Uplift Corset Co, 14 Millstone ished in oak, with the latest conveniences, To House and lot, Blake street, with furnace ae bathroom. A snap, price $1600--$600 ick house, Sophia street, close price $3700--$1500 cash. 1o-room brick hou reet, with peune 7-room brick house as and lot, Sophia oe 18-200 | price $2500--$1200 cash. 8-room brick house, Bayfield street, al- ith all conveniences, price | New brick house and lot, Bradford street, all finished in hardwood, with the latest bene serene and den, slate roof, | room brisk house, the right SB fou jathrooms, first-class 'heat- cash, finished in oak through- and lot, McDonald ting, plumbing, Suturdays 2-3.20, | station, The! 19-19p | | | with "all' conveniences, 1200. cash. Bradford street, ! ba fin- in Barrie, double gar- Would cont $4500" to for sale in Barrie, 82.00 per |Trunk Station, price $4800--$1000 cash. 1 to W. 0. THOMPSON, I Everything that is offered in this great Dollar Days' Sale is worth much more than its special marking. Some of the remarkable offerings are greatly reduced because they are odd or broken sizes, while others are so moderately priced simply because we worked hard months ago to make this event unprecedented for Value: Giving. Sn iranian nen ae Exceptional values among the Dollar Blouses. Some are attractively fashioned from good quality of Voiles, but everyone featured is a distinct bargain. Sizes 34 lo 44. Special at $1.00 Ladies' colored Blouses White Black and Corn, stripes, 83.50. stripe Voile ground with Grey and Com These are big value at Dollar Days $1.99 1 only Ladies' Spring Coat, colored Brown, satin lined, net this year's coat, size 30. | Biz value $15.00, Dollar Days $5.00 oe eee Ladies' Gingham and Char House: Dresses, value Ladies' White Liste slong Gloves. Extra good quality, sizes 4 lo 74. Big value Dollar Days . ..2 for $1.00 Ladies' Summer Lace trimmed with half «and without sleeves. Big value 60¢ Dollar Days ven 2 for $1.00 Children's Colton Vi button down front and slip-aver. -- Big value 250 : . @ for $1.00 --_----_ es Fine make of Grey M4 inches Wile, Big value Dollar Days . 6 yds. for $1.00 Light ground Prints, good qual- itv. 30 and At inches wide. Biz value 30c, Dollar Days 6 yds $1.00 Children's Gingham Dresses, fit ages 3, 4, 5, 8, 10. These are big value at 81.50. Dollar Days $1.00 D. & A. Corsets with four hose suspenders, Well trimmed, sizes 20 to 30. Big value $1.50. Nollar Days ....... $1.00 pr. Ladies' Black, Grey and White Fine Cotton Hose, sizes 84 to 10. Special, Dollar Days 3 prs. $1.00 Children's Black Worsted Hose, with Grey heel and toe, sizes 44 to 5. Big value 25c. Dollar Days .. 2 for 250 Hose, colors Champagne. ladies' Artificial Tan, Putty. Pink, Big value al 75¢ Dollar Days ....... 2 for $1.00 Silk Poplin. 1 yd. wide, colors Black, Whit Tan, Sand, Navy, Blue, Grey, 'Taupe and other colors. Big value 82.00 yd Dollar Days $1.60 yd. Good quality dark union Towel- ing, good value 30¢ yd. Dollar Days 5 yds. $1.00 Glass Cloths, union with Red border, 29 x 22 inches. Big value a5e yd, Dollar Days 8 for $1.00 Stripe Flannoelette, Canadian make. 31 inches wide. Big value 35e Dollar 250 yd. Curtain Serim, white and cream, plain colors with stripe edge. Rig value ' Dollar Days....6 yds. for $1.00 FUR NISHINGS Men's Black and While and Blue and White Men's Mustan Gauntlets Gloves, unlined Big Stripe Overalls. with bib. Sizes 40. 42 and Gi value $1.50. Dollar Days ....... Big value st je and 25. Dollar Days $1.00 Men's Tan Leather Money Belts, Big five Men + White tl hirts, goed qualiiy, S100 and 850, Dollar Days . 2 for $1.00 Sizex 164, 15 value 756 Boys' Navy Biue and Dark Red Sweater Goats, MERGiRERTG te TEIN 2 . 2 for $1.00 8, 20 and 322. Big value 81.50. Men's Soft Front OMlnied and White, Collar : Days : 980 attached, and Sport Shirts, Sizes 11d lo 17. Men's Linen Collars, sizes 1h to 19. Bi ° Men's 1 ars. sizes z value Big valu Dollar Days . $1.00 reach, Dollar Day 6 for $1.00 Men's Athletic Combinations, no sleeves, knee en's Heavy and Light Braces, Good value Is sneth: aise natural amd poveus shart and Dollar Days .. 2 for $1.00 slveves Sizes 3B. iM G2. Big value Men's White) Lawn iiandherchiets, Regular Dollar Day: Saye etnce awe wae & G00 hey) us eeceae eke thaws 6 for $1.00 aid Bays! Black Blie and Brawn Felt "Tweed s goad patterns, well made. Brice 82.50 a ao for $1.00 Hig value 815.00 and S150. = Corduroy and Plush value Dollar Days only $10. ne mel crea ties K te for 91.00 Bis Navy Bine Serge Bloomers. Some Grey Union Sox vol Sox. Bix er dyes and have not kept their ice value aim eee 2 for $1.00 7, 28. 29, 30, 33 and 34; alsa Men's Cirey Ail Woal Sox. Big value Gace Men's Pants, avy Blue, sane as the above. eave te seseas 8 for $1.00 izes 33, 38, 40. Prices of this line were Roys' Gree "Tweed. Reefer oats, Fit ages 4 $3.00 and $1.50, Dollar Days .. $1.00 pr. fo 10. lined with black farmers' satin. Biz Blue and W hite Cotton Sox. Big value 2 2 value 85.00." Dollar Davs........ Only $8.96 sesgssancwetle inc cc cs . 8 prs:-for $1.00 Men's Black and Tan Bluches Cut Working Boots, sizes 6 Lo 11. Big value $4.50. Dollar Days $3.49 Men's Unus Calf Blucher Cut Boots, sizes 6 lo 10. Big value $5.00. Dollar Days ...... $4.00 Men's Fine Dongola Blucher Cut Boots. Youths' sizes 9 to Misses' 14 and 2. Ladies' Tan Storm Rubbers, sizes 2} to 6}. Good value at 81,00. Dollar Days ...... 500 Fibre School Cases, with handle and two clasps, 11, 12 and 15 inch. Big value 60c. Dollar Days v......ccecsceseeeeveeeees Ladies' Black and Tan Round Silk Boot Laces, 60 inches long. Special Dollar Days 3 for 250 Prairie Queen Toilet Paper, oval or round shape roll, a good value at 15c. .... 3 for 260 Taylor's Infant's Delight. Special '3 for 250 Taylor's Borax Soap Powder. Special i0c. tees eeeeee .. 3 for 250 Suiclifre' Special Laundry' Soap. Big value for 4 for 25c, Dollar Days... for 250 Taylor Borax Soap, special 3 for 250 Morton Eldond's Toilet Soap. cake. Dollar Days ... Taylor's Bath Tablet. Dollar_Days ... 'Big value ide +++ 12 for $1.00 Extra value 20c, . ss. 2 for 250 Big value $5.00. Dollar Days .. Heavy Tan and Black Boots, sizes { to 5. Big value $3.25. Dollar Day $2.60 Do not m Kip Boots, 13. Big value 82.50. Dollar Days... x Black Rubbers, Big value 75c. Dollar Days ... s this line Blucher Cut, sizes 1, See table of T.adies' Dongola ots, Ladies' Buskins, Children's Boots, Not all sizes in some lines, but all sizes in the lot. Ladies' #4 to 7. Children's 3 to 7. Prices Were ¥4.50, 83.25, $1.75, $1.25. Dollar Days $1.00 p: Do nol, miss this. lot 'as, ih the reguiar prices, es " ° hig value Fal Special Cleanser. Big value 15c, i 8 fe Note paper and envelopes in handsome ose" me boxes. Regular 35¢. Dollar Days ...... 250 each Linen Thread, scarce goods, Bla good quality. 15 skeins for . : es Kitchen Cutlery Set of 8 pieces--t ; fork, saw cleaver, ean opener, 1 small knits and sharpening ston Dellae ween ng 8 e. Big value $2.95 Black and Tan Sh. Dollar Days... .-" Polish. Regular 15¢. +» 8 for 250 set We will give no Coupons on goods oo this me but will give you Coupons on our cs CHIL! Super sizes 4 Dollar [ Cc R ~ Good, and Gre AER iting ttl Odd Li Black C F Si Dollar L Ladies' ELT. Dollar L MEN Tooke J Wec Easily erec at small c¢ TI 'D coMI TIN Eavetrougt Lowest pri¢ If we hav Copper ute -|Pa

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