Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 May 1919, p. 10

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YourReadisg Needs Are Well Supplied - € Scott's Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Meal Estate and Money to Loan * A. number of Valuable Farms sand Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. BANK OF TORONTO BUILDING BARRIE 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1860 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection @ARRIE, ONT. - om All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE ¥arm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The 'Insurance Man, Barrie. AS TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ges ter Uur sueress as funeral directors has heen developed by anv pat- wis, and our best advertisement is word-of-mouth recommenda- tion Seme of our customers have 'been with us for years. We saith lo serve ond and all, rich and poor. alike--to render the very dest we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN ~~ Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors soutti of our former location, = THE WHITBY SHOE REPAIR STORES LEATHER and all kinds of RUBBER and FIBRE SOLED SHOES Repaired, either | Sewn or Nalled. | Two Doors West of Tele- phone Office, Barrie One Door North of the Classic Hotel, Allandale ONE C. BROWN 250 WOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD | HOME-MADE BREAD *.. BROWN BREAD i SANDWICH BREAD . AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets The Barrie Planing Mill be entrusted every confidence efficient service disposal. THE CANA Barrie Branch Copyright, 1918, by Serial Publication rights (Continued from last week) "Do you really believe that?" Pamela | scoffed." "Why should he want to get rid |of you? What hurm can you do him?" } "I am trying to find out," Lutehester |replied grimly. "'Still, since you ask the | question, the pocketbook whieb is on its wuy |to Germany, and which I picked -up when |Nikasti was taken. ill | "Ob, yes, I know sbout that!" | interrupted. Pamela * Lutchester an- swered, "'or perhups I was thinking what it might mean to Mr, Fischer." Jae in mixed expressions. Her forehead 'little knitted, her eyes almost xtrained in their desire to read him; her lips were | petulant | "Dear me, what a puzzle you are!" she exclaimed. "All the same, I am going |to wait for Mr. Fischer. It doesn't matter whether one dines or. sups. I suppose he will get uwuy front" the police court |some time or other. "But anyw * he' protested, "you've heard all thut Mr. Fischer has to ayy. Now Banking Service Your banking requirements may Our fatilities are entirely at your OF COMMERCE She looked at him and her face was | to this Bank with that careful and will be rendered. DIAN BANK A L.F. Cross, Manager he Pawns Count _/ By E. Phillips-Oppenheim Little, Brown & Co. secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with owners of copyright. to her summons and a servant stood pre. pared to show him out. "If we don't turn up tonight, you will know the reason." "Tam very hopeful," Lutchester re plied, as he turaed sway CHAPTER XXIX that evening Lutchester, who wus waiting in the entrance hall of the Rite. Carlton, half-past, {his absorption in an evening paper, over new comer, was almost farcical. At five-and- twenty to nine, Pamela arrived. He ad- |Yanced down the lounge to meet her. Her | face was inscrutable, her smile conventional He looked over his shoulder toward's the men's coat room. | "Your brother?" | "TF sent Jim to hie club," she said want to have a Mr. Lutchester. "Tam very flattered,' he told her, with real earnestness She vanished for a few moments in the {Yet she had come! "I confidential talk with you, Jin deep blue silk. Her hair was gathered in s coil at the top of her head, and sur. |monnted with un ornament of pearls cloakroom, and reappeared, a radiant vision ' very myph the same thin, "To begin at the about that destroyer?" "My mission over here was ant," he admitted. 'I couldn't catch th Lapland, so the Admiralty sent me ov "It was not,"" he confessed. Hasting' fact red to thorities. mediation. be the first to lay before the au nised some of her friends. For some rea: son or other she felt remarkably light hearted, feel extraordinarily: gay tonight. some more. He bowed. "Mademoiselle Soniu,"' he in the cafes of Buda Pesth. her, however, because it hac foolish manner." Pamela nodded _understandingly. Ziduski, wasn't she?" "She is no longer," Lutchester replied. "She sailed for France this morning with out seeing him. She has remembered that she is a Frenchwomun." "It wus you who reminded her!" "Love so. easily makes people forget ful," was very fond of Maurice Ziduski. 8 thoughtless, passionate woman, eusily swayed through. her affections, and she no idea of the evil she was doing." 'So that disposes of Sonia," Pamela re. r fl nia was only an interludes" Lut chester declared. "'She really docwn't come into this affair at all. The one person who |does come into it, whom you and I must Iypeok of, is Fischer." eresting man," Pamels sigh: ly think his wife would have 'iting life." "She would!" Lutchester agreed. "She'd probably be allowed to visit him once every fourteen days in cure of w wurder. Spite! Pamelu exclaimed, with 8 sus- picious little quiver at ihe eorner of ber lips. | Lurehester shook his head. cher ix too near the end of his rope for me to feel spiteful," he said, "though Tam quite prepared to grant that he may be capable of considerable mischief yet, A man who hus the sublime effrontery to at Nempt to come to an agreement with two countries, each behind the other's back, little more than Machiavellian, isn't in he Is that true of Mr. Fischer?" Absolutely," Lutchester assured her, 1e ix over here for the purpose of xome how or other making it known informally in Washington that Germuny would be willing to pledge hemelf to sn alliance with that hay ; | neat are looking at my heuddreas,"" she Americu against Jupun, alter the war if i a the putes hand, haven't shown you marked, as they walked into the ronm, Americn will alter her views ax to the ex | "Heard all that Mr. Fischer has to aay? | Re the style you admire, ix it not?"", | port of munitions 16 the Allies |she' repeated. je murmured something vague, but he JWell, that's a reasonable proposition, | eartuinty! Wasn't he here for «ev. Knew that he war forgiven. They were isn't it, from his point of view?" Penele hours with you this afterioon? Did "ushered to their places by a portly maiter remarkerl "It muy not he very nent n't he promise you an alliance with Ger. 4° hotel. and she approved of his table. able one from yours, but it is certuindy many against Japan, if you could persuade It was set almost in an alcove, and was one which he hin « vight ta moke certain people at Washington to change P*rtially hidden from the other diners, "Entirely," Lutebester ugreed, "but 'their tone and uttitude towards the export) ("T8 thix seclusion vanity opeflattery?" iene he Bors wrong is that his primary of munitions?" Mi atter ol fact, it is rather a popu: \ohicet in coming here was fo meet the chit his," she declared, trying to keep a (lar table." he told her, "We have we ow certain agitation from her tone, "is mere bluff," Lutehester wax suddenly very serious in deed "Listen, * he anid, "I can prove to you, if you will, that it is not bluff, I can prove to you that I really know something of what Tam talking about," "There is nothing I should like better,"" jshe declared! "To begin with then," Lutchester suid, "the pocketbook which Nikasti is supposed |to have stolen from your rod, the pocket- book of young Sandy Graham. which Mr. Fischer has seat to Germany, does not contain the formula of the new explosive, Jor any other formula that smounts to anything." © "Just how do you know that?" she de- manded. : "To continue," Lutchester said, playing with a Tittle ornament upon the mantel- piece, "you have an sppointment--within half an hour, I believe--with Mr. Paul Hoskall, who is a specialist in explosives, having 'an official position with the Amer- ican Government." She had cessed fo struggle any longer ith her surprise, Bhe looked at him fix- edly but remained silent. "It is your pélief,"" he proceeded, "that you sre going to band over to him the formula of which we were speaking." "It in no belief," she replied. "Tt I took it myself from Graham's certainty. pocket." Lutchester_ nodded. "Good! Have you opened i "T have," she declared. "It is without doubt, the formul 2 "On the other hand, I am here to assure you' that it is not," Lutehester replied: Her hind was teating at the cushion by her side, She moistened her lips. There was something about Lutchester hatefully at do you mean?"' she demanded. "Is this a trick. You won't get it! No cellent view of the room, and yet can tulk here without being disturbed." "To talk to you is exuctly what I wish 'to do," she said, as they took their places, "We commence. if you Please, with a ques- tion, Mi 'ischer thought that he had the formula and he hasn't. I could have aworn, [that it was in my possersion--and jt isn't. | Where is it?" "T took it to the War Office before T left England," he told her simply: 'They will pbave the first few tons of the stuff ready jnext month.' | "You!"" she eried. get it?" "T happened to be first, that's all explained. "You see, I had the ad: re 'of a little inside information. I could have exposed the whole affuir if I had thought jit wise. T preferred, however, to let mat- ters take their course. Young Graham de- served all he got there,' and I made sure of being the first to go through his pap- 'ers, I'm afraid 1 must confess that I left j8 bogus formula for you." "Thad begun to suspect 1! confessed. "You don't mind being put into the witness box, do you?" she added, ax jas she pushed aside the menu with a little |sigh of satisfaction. "How wonderfully you order an American dinner!"' 4 "I am 0 glad T have chosen what you like,"" he said, "'and as to being in the witness box--well, T am going to place myself in the confessional, and that is Get Your Digestion in Shape Many ailments are caused "But where did you he " Pamela 'one but Mr. Haskall will get that formula from me!" Lutchester smiled. ' "It will only puzzle him when he gets it! To tell you the truth, the formula is rubbish." "I don't believe you," she said firmly. "If you think you are going to interfere with my handing it pver to him, you are mistaken."" "T have no wish to do anything of the sort," Lutchester assured her. "Make a bargain with me. Mr. Haskell will be here soon, Unfasten the little package you are carrying somewhere -sbout your..per- son, hand him the envelope and wateh his face. If he tells you that what you have fia him is « bemig tp) possible fo mula for an explosive, You ean 'upon me for ever afterwards you that it is rubbish, T-shall expect you 'at the Rits-Cariton at half-past eight."" 'There was a ring a) the bell, Skie rose 1. |to her feet: "I secept," she declared. 'That is Mr. Haskell, And, by the|bye, Mr. Lutchester, don't order too elaborate a dinner, for I uch afraid you will have to eat revoir," she add- in obedience \ all yourself. Now, by stomach weakness. Faulty digestion leads to biliousness, sick headache, dizziness, sallow skin and eruptions. Maintain a healthy condition of the stomach and you will get rid of the chief cause of your sufferings. Do not neglect the laws of health. Keep stomach, liver and bowels in order by timely use of / of the Japanese Secret Service, to whom he hus made 4 proposition of precisely similar character. Pamela set down her glass. "You are not in eurnest !" Absolutely "Nikasti? Precisely! He came all way from Jap. an to confer 'with Fiseher. Probably, if we knew the whole truth, those rooms ut the Plaza Hotel, and the social partnership of your brother and Fischer, were ar- ranged for no reason than to provide 3 safe personality for Nikusti in this country, and u safe place for him to talk things over with Fischer."" | "Mr. Fischer was paying nearly the whole of the expenses of the Plaza suite,"' Pamela observed thoughtfully. "'Naturally,"" Lutchester replied. "Your brother's name was a good, safe name to get behind. But to conelude with our friend Nikasti. He is supposed to leave New York next Siturday, and to carry to the Emperor of Japan an autograph letter from a name- lesa: person, promising him, if Japan will cease the export of munitions to Rustia, the aid of Germany in her impending cam: paign sgainst America." "'An autograph letter, did you say?" Pamela almost gasped. | "An autograph letter," Lutchester re- peated firmly. "'Now Hon't you agree with me that Fischer's game is just a little too daring?" ; "It is preposterous!" she 'cried. havers theory," Lutchester continued, "that Fischer was never intended to use more than one of these letters. It was in- tended that he should study the situation here, approsch one side, snd, if unsuccess- ful, try the other. Fischer, however, con- ceived a more magnificent ides. He seems to be trying both at the same time. It is the sublime egotism of the Teutonic mind."" "It is monstrous!" Pamela exclaimed indignantly, "Tt is almost es monstrous as his daring to raise his eyes to you, although so far us you are concerned, I believe that he is as honest as the man knows how to be.: "And why," she asked, 'do you credit him with so much good faith?" Because,' Lutchester replied, "'if he had not been actuated by personal motives, he would never have sought you out as an intermediary. There are other sources open to him, by means of which he could make equally sure of reaching the President's ear. His idea was to impress you. It was foolish: but natural."" Pamela was deep in' thought, 'There was an angry spot of colour burning in her cheek. "Do you mean to tell me, Mr. Lutches- ter," she persisted, "that this afternoon, say, when with every appearance of ear- nesiness he was begging- me to put these propositions before my uncle, be hud: real made precisely similar overtures to Japan?" "I give you my word that this is the truth," Lutchester assured her solemaly. She looked st him with something almost like wonder in her eyes. "But you?" she exclaimed. "How do a : : ' "T have seen the autograph letter' which giant it inning, ot really import- |} "And your golf with Senator Hamblin? Jt wasn't altogether by accident you aay him down at Baltusrol, was it? "Thad hl Feason to suspect that certain proposals! from Berlin were to be put forward to the| President either through his or Senator | ion. 'There were certain | | connection with them, which I de-| She looked around the room and recog: "For a poor vanquished woman," she | observed, turning back to Lutchester, "| Tell me | proceeded, "has been s friend of mine since whe sang | I dined with | come to my knowledge that she was behaving in a very "She was the friend of Count Maurice he said, "and I think that Sonia She is you know this? How can you be sure of |disease th tj ite" i Briggs See TORONTO N+ WINNIPE possibly because they were bought in small. | Butter, it was waid, was offered in town as low' as 53¢ 4 Ib. on Saturday, but the vendor did not get as far an the market with this low bid For the most part 58¢ was the retail price Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Thursday, May 8, £949 musio MAUDE E. CLAXTON, LT.cM. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Produciion. Pupils prepared for |JA-T.C.M. degree in both \piane, and vocal; jalso clementury exams. of Toronto Conser, vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, and Theory. Pupils prepared for any ¢xaminution, practical and theoretical Noices tested free. Residence and Studio, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yriy Organ LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Suecessor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown,, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of. wills, guardianship and administrat ion, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc, Offices: Hinds' Bloek, No. 8 street. Money to loan, BOYS & MURCHISON Con- veyaneers, Etc, Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, en St. (ip the premises for. by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont, A, Boys, KC, MP. D.C, Murchisoo PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices : 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton, G. Gordon Plaxton OONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Money to loan. Barrie. With 60c in isolated cases. Pomsibly on ue count of the many eggs required for setting Hurpones kept this article at high water mark, even exceeding lust week's quota: | tion, of mayhup the reporter was 'seen coming." Hay seems to hnve climbed rap- | idly of Inte. Only a week or two ago we | were quoted $26.00 8 ton. Now $34.00) for » load is the price, Preliminary work | on the land perhaps accounted for the atual number in on Saturday. Although showers have been plentiful cold winds have kept huck growth with nothing yet for stock Eggs, per doz. Butter, Ib. Chicken, dressed, Ib Cream, 'quart Milk, quart Potatoes, bag. Onions, "basket | Cabbuge, exch Beets, busket Parsnijys, busket Horse Radish root, buneh Sage, bunch asic 05 Horse Radish. hulf pint bottle 100 Maple syrup, gallon... $2.50-83,00 Hay $26.00 NEAR-BY MARKETS (May 1, 1919 Orillis-- Wheat" $2.08-$2.13, bar <4 $1.00, onts 70-75 . | $21-$24, butter 45-52c, eggs 40-41c, pota- | toes, bug, $1.40, hay 819-822. Packet -- Live hogs un to $21; butter fus drovped Beeton" Butter ergs 45c, wheat c, $2.00-$2.13, outs 60c, $19.00. Alliston Wheat $2.08, outs 70c, potatoes 80c-$1.00. peas $1.7: i Protect the Birds Thr small boy apparently hus forgotten that the law lies in wait for the slayer of | birds and squirrels, whether ia town or country, and that the offense is a punish- j able one, Catapult shooting and stone throw. ing-these bright, spring days appear to be ex- ceedingly popular and a warning seems timely, If the small boy feels that he must destroy life in some form let him: start 8 crusade against the mosquito and fly, abiding summer evils, rather then attack the feathered songster. Tt would be well, too, for both the back jyard gardener and the farmer to keep a Protective eye on his friends the birds if jhe wishes assistance in his fight against Jinsect pests, It is true that the robin may Isteal a few of bis choice berries, but the thoughtful gardener will not begrudge them when he remembers that these greedy fellows are at the same time waging @ much more diligent and efficacious warfare on the destructive and elusive cut worm than he himself could ever hope to do, So if you want a garden and the best of assist- ance in working, warn the small boy and encourage the bird, Canada must increase exports of manu- ee A Clergyman's Wife Wants Women to Know Advantages ' of Internal Bathing. If women could only see the thousands of ° letters Dr. Tyrrell has received from grate- ! ful women in al] parts of the world, thank- ing him for his wonderful invention for Intesnal Bathing, they would soon discard the medicine bottle and look to the cause of their trouble. 95 per cent. of all human ills are due to accum waste in the Colon-or Large Intestine. Warm water, Properly used with the "J,B.L. Cescade",, will relieve the bay of your troubles [strong again. Should any person wish letter confirmed, you are at 'my name in private." 'The 'AB.L. Cascade' is an inventor fected by Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell of York, and has done more durin; ; H i ie eae titi denial 'Nikesti has in his posession," he snnoun- (To be continued) > Special attention given 'All "Night Calls" promptly on either Elmvale or Minosing ' CRESWICKE & BELL . BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Jud cature of Ontario, Proetors, Notaries, Cons veyunaers, ete. Money to loan. in Ross Block, Barrie. ALJ. Bell, Kc. MEDICAL Offices DR. W. A. ROSS Edinburgh; F.C.P., London. 'siciun, Surgeon. etc. 3e | Olfice and Residence, Dunlop St., Barrie Telephone 165. OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of MoGilt University «Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sta, Barrie, Office hours 9 to 10am, 1 to 3pm, 7 to8 p.m. Phone 105, W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M, SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially, 56 Collier St., Barrie. OR. VICTOR A. HART Phone 61. [Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specieliy--Disesses of Stomach, Office: Corner Bayfield aud Woraley Ste Office open until 8 p.m. daily. OR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen 8t., Barrie, every Saturday, Diseases of Eye, , Nase and Throst Consultation hours 11 9.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326, Barrie Phone No. 2, ee ROBERT D. COLLIER, M.B., M.D. C.M. Office and Surgery, Phelpston, Ont. Office hours: 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 pm. to Maternity Calls. mnded to ne lines. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St, Toronte J. F. Lawson, F.C.A, (Phone 171, Barrie) H. d Welch, CA. G. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer Maneger Cost & Efficiency Department, on JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appratser factured goods to help pay the war debt, ! For County of 5 ared to con- the C.T.C, thinks, Exports of agricultural duet Sales at reasohable rates, Satisfaction products cannot well be increased. guaranteed. 120 Bayfield St.,.Phone 191. Orders left at A.FA. Maleomson's office will receive prompt attention. PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend. Policy in the' of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J. REBURN, Phone 142, Dis! Mgr. The 'JBL. Cascade" is shown and ex- ak for bo i ang Si ah 0 = sed Som Bae, ) . o Congoleum rugs, all sii a pal Bathing snd what it has doe for others,' Om Lowe aeons, 1-tf 1 ; 4 he v News LEI Miss Sadie Grose relatives. here. B, Long wus not bis friends hope an and brighter days better B. Morris. reports doing well and soon Hurry Morton hus your Mrs. Alex. Grose amoug her friends AL Kirkpatrick w few days Mro J Rend hax three weeks Barn and Resists Flying sf often cause rc dry, hot seaso: B are in no dang Brantford Asphal of Brantford Asph underneath the ro If a fire star Roofing acts as a chiefs and insurar ed cities, Brantford As heaviest rain wi durablececonomic per square. Slightly lowes same purposes. F at a low price, 3 Sts is made of the saz lighter in weight. Tested for years 2 side. One weight eter ~ PEE houses lamb Samples of any Brant Head Offic: Branel

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