Buy an Eddy Pail Tz next time you necd a pail--a milk pail perhaps or an ordinary household pail for _ washing windows or scrubbing floors--ask your dealer for EDD'S, IBURATED FIBREWARE 'You will find that Twill 'The E.B.EDDY CO. Limited HULL, Cansda Makers of che Famous Eddy Matches Escaped Prisoners Traced to Lefroy "After reading the story of Frank Mo- Cullough's sensational escape from the To- ronto Jail, sixteen-year-old Ross Rogers, with a fifteen-yenr-old companion, tricked the guard at the Victoria Industrial School, Mimico, broke a window in the gymnssum and esc The boys were last heard of at Lefroy, "but where they are now the: police have no idea. z After morning school was over the Inds bid in one corner of the gymnasium, and their absence was unnoted by the aften- dant in charge when he mustered the others to'the dining room - Friday morning, young Rogers with his companion, whose name is Lufiman, uppeared at bis home in Newmarket. His mother, badly frightened, rushed from the house to the home of her married daugh- ter, and the young leds leisurely pucked & number of Rogers' possessions into 9 club bag, and then took s Grand Trunk train for the north, The police traced them to Lefroy, but there the trail ended _und nothing has since been heard of them. The wuthorities at the industrial School describe: Rogers ux a tall, slim, overgrown boy of sixteen, fair complexion and wear- ing a blue suit with long trousers. His companion, Luflman, was much shorter, and darker in complexion, = _ Tt ix not the practise at the instigution to allow the boys to read the papers, but puch un unusual event as the escape of the murderer was sure to leak through, the officials said "y" Canteen Prices in England An iivteresting memo on the above point bas been issued by the Canadian YMCA in England and it shows that all the most populur commodities, such as tobaccos, cig- arettes, and jams, are: controlled in price by the manufacturers or the Government. When tonnage from Canada to Englend wae granted the "Y"" upplied for license 10 bring in cigurettes und tobacco free of duty, but the request was refused. Since much of the stock is advertised in newspapers at a stated price, the munufucturers cynnot see their way clear to permit the "Y"" to sell below those prices to soldiers. Canadian chocolates, even with the added expense of duty und' carriage are sold in England at' the sume price us in Canada, A large proportion of the sales at the cunteens consists of coffee at a penny @ cup and of buns wt a penny that cost the wholesale er less than ten pence 8 dozen and sometimes eleven pence, The policy of the "Y" in canteen pri ces ig evidenced by the following minute ly, 1918: "That in no prices exceed those of 'of a decision ease should other canteens sold at a loss Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. To arouse a sluggish liver, to relieve a, distressed stomach, to fortify your- self against disease, Largest Sale of any Medicine in tho We Sold cverywhore: ia besa ba" a The Greatest Roofing Development t of the; Write Sold by Hardwe: The Sarjeant ven if the goods must be , NEPONSET Twin Shingles protect your home when fi a neighborhood, od woolen shingles. NEPONGET. for TWIN "* SHINGLES and Lumber Dealers FOREIGNER WAS "FINED $1000.00 Pollack Whiskey Runner) Caught at Lishe---Paid Stiff Penalty. (Allistoi Herald) It cost John Kempa and' his confed- erates, who have [been leadiig both Inspec- tor Robinson of South Simeoe and Inspec- Fisher of North Simcoe a merry chase for some time, just $1,000 in legal tender besides the confiscation of sixteen gallons of the most hi alcoholically charged liquor it is possible to get and the costs of the case which amounted to nearly $25. As stated in the last issue of this paper Kempa was arrested up at Lisle on Tuesday afternoon of last week by Constable Williams. He was cayght with the goods and the contruband was brought down with the prisoner. Kemps dy when an int 'The prisoner's yecord would also be_in the bands of the'license inspector, for Kem pa was not unknown to the O.T.A. in- spectors. He was an old offender and as was later disclosed was credited with any number of offences and two convictions tulready registered against him, Thursday court belore Justices of the Peace F. B. Elliott and\J. E. Addis. W. A. J. Bell, K. C., was present for the inspection de- partment, On the interpreter telling Kem- pa the nature of the charge on the infor- mation read Kempa immediately pleaded guilty. Mr. Bell attempted to get some information from him as to who his confederates were, but he would tell nothing. man named Freedman in Montreal, he said. He did not know the address as he had lost it, He had bought liquor from this man before the interprovincial traffic wus stop- ped and when he wanted some more he sent Freedman $100 and got the liquor. When asked why he being a Toronto resi dent bad the liquor shipped to Lisle he said it was Freedman. Everything was Freedman, yet he did not know anything about Freedman, nor where to find him in Montreal, Constable Williams gave evi- dence sbout the arrest of Kemps. The constuble und Inspector Robinson' were at the station at Lisle when the Pole came to claim his consignment. Immediately he signed the railway company's delivery re- ceips he was arrested. There was anotber Pole with Kemp, the second one driving & team attuched toa light wagon, As soon ws be sa tbat Kempa was in the toils the other Pole put the whip to his horses and his exit was obscured by flying mud. Kempa, when questioned about the », bad no idea who be was at all, He not with Kemps at all. Constable Willams told how the liquor-was packed. It wus in a burrel under the top of which were u few layers of herring under which was sawdust in which»was imbedded the cans contuining the spirits, Inspector Rob- inson sent a Little of this liquor to be an- alysed and learned that it was very high ulcoholic content, so high in fuct that ¢ Pole could have diluted it into fifty gallons of tolerably good liquor, Ow. to the fuct that Kempa was an old of- fender and apparently a member of an or ganized gang which has been operating in different parts of the province and because of his refusal to disclase anything of bene- fit to the department Mr. Bell asked that the maximum penalty of $1,000 be imposed. This was done with the alternative of six months in jail, At first Kempa was going to pay the fine and later decided to take the six months, After the court had been closed, Inspector gbinson received the translation of a letter Kempa had written to his wife and given to the constable to post. It was translated before delivered. The first sentence in it was "They have caught me ut last."' Before the Pole who acted as interpreter went away Thursday afternoon he made arrangement with Kem- |pa to do something for him in Toronto. "The interpreter was to telegraph him. Kempa was kept in the lockup here awsit- 'ing the arrival of this message. Saturday shortly after noon Inspector Robinson telephoned that the fine had been pt 'the prisoner was freed in about ten min- Jutes. He had just got away from around the town hall when the message from his friends arrived. His Grand Trunk ticket from Lle to Toronto took him home, "Y" Loss in France 'The enemy was no respecter of persons. ything belonging to the Allies was fair During the first six months 'anadian Y.M.C.A. in France suffered damage through shell fire alone to the extent of $2,000. It was two thous- and dollars less to' spend on the Canadian soldiers. aie is raging in Uuraing" brands out Tarmlessly. flud theso wf service and inky Domai ta finish, we igher then Co. Limited Pp morning: Kempa appeared in the police; The liquor he purchased from a! lof statute labor wrongly returned by him, ECONOMY IS the road to wealth. Vickers' paves the way--every quarter saveg is,a stepping stone to wealth--wealth means a deal of comfort later on--shop at this store We sell thrift stamps, too. --GEO. VICKERS. WE AME BUILDING UP A NICE TRADE in the boot and shoe business by giving you s square deal, A big stock is carried of Shoes for all the family. Try us owt. Buy at Home--THE HURLBURT SHOE CO. IT 1S OUB AIM to carry a full line of Dry Goods and Ladies' Clothing and sell at Prices that will be convincing. You can do better with us than any out of town con- cern. --POWELL & CO. IF YOU WILL GIVE US A CHANCE first on your Furniture needs you will find we can not only beat the Mail Order House, but save you money on all kinds of House Furnishing. Try us out. --W. A. LOWE & SOR ------= WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and {carry a full line of imported and domestic jare sure of satisfaction. Big Stock of Men's (Furnishings. We are Boosters for Barrie. --ALEX. MILNE & SON. OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING in Furs and Hats has been established. You can always rely on the standard of all our goods and do a whole lot better by buy- ing right here in Barrie, and from us --SIMMONS & CO. AWORD ABOUT HARDWARE, If every- one would stop and consider the advance 'that has been made in all kinds of goods, they would be convinced we cannot only beat Mail Order Houses, but give you better service--OTTON HARDWARE CO,, LTD. BEWARE OF CATALOGUE FURNITURE. All Furniture looks the same in pictures. Buy where you are sure of a square deal and you ure taking no chances, Big line of Furniture for every room in the house. --DOUGALL BROS. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE in « dead town, patronize mail order Houses, If you waat our town to grow snd prosper, do your trading at Home. See us for your Hard- ware and save money, too --MERRILL & HUBBARD NOW IS THE TIME to look up your needs in Wall papers, Our new Booksof the latest patterns of wall paper are here. ¢ and get one. Big line of Paints, Oils ete We carry largest stock in Barrie --JOHNSTON & WARREN WHY SEND OUT OF TOWN for your Edison Phonographs and fupplies? There is only one price in Canada, no matter where you buy. When you huy at J. G. KEENAN'S, you save express charges and see what you are buying. OF COURSE YOU ALL KNOW I handle the Ford, the universal car; besides T also \am agent for the Dodge and Eight-Cylin- der Oldsmobile. Get in your order for your cars early. Big lines of accessories and supplies: --T. R. HUXTABLE IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I'BUY |woolens. If we make that suit for you, you | y, = THE BARRIE EXAMINER our Or TOWN WHAT, WILL sheneinion OUR TO' THE DOLLAR YOU SPEND IN BARRIE WILL "COME HOME TO BOOST" The Examiner "BUY-AT-HOME" Campaign Read:these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people whose ads. are'here. They will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in Barrie. SS DEAD TOWN IS ALWAYS SHUNNED Community With Such a R. Pestilence--Rests Will Keep Their Money (Copyright,1917, Western Newspaper Union) "Stay away from that town. It's a dend one." Do you want that to be said of your town? Of course you don't, for you wish, as s matter of local pride, if for no other reaton, to bave your taln stand high in the estifhation of the world, But are you sure that y6u are doing everything in your power to place your town in the position which you wish it to occupy? That is the question that every person should ask himself or herself at frequent inter- rals. x When things are running smootbly, when times are good, and when it is fairly eaay to make a good living for the wife and kiddies, it is so easy for a man to forget that these things do not come to a town a & matter of course. but ure the result of the right kind of effort on the part of the citizens of the community, It is so easy for a man to grow careless and think that hecause this condition existed it will con. tinue to exist without any effort on his part or that of the other residents of the community, That is why it is important for every one to stop and think seriously vonce in a while about what it would mean to him if the prosperity that makes life worth living for him should take wings und fly away, Nobody Loves a Dead Town Nobody likes to live in a dead town. No one even likes to visit a dead town. That is wi you sometimes hear thut warning, "Stay away from that town. It's a dead one" The town which has the reputation of being s dead one suffers ax if from « pestilence. Business men, seeking new locations will have none of it. The ive travelling salesman, even, will give it a wide berth, Those who live in it will get uway if they can When a town ix live and prosperous, lo. cal business is good, real estate values ure high und stable, labor is in demund and wugey are good, the streets ure well lighted, the residents und their property are pro- tected from robbery and fire and goo schools ure maintained for the education of the children. When o town is dead, t ix little money in circulation, store buildings stand empty with 'For Sale" hanging on the front door, there is employment for Ue streets are durk, the schoals are crip t pled, Wit sort of town do you want to live iNOW, ALTOGETHER, let us cultivate the 'Habit' of Buying st Home and make Barrie a better town. We will do our share by making prices on dry goods and Ludies™ Weur an object lesson on Buying at Home. Pgople Can Create and Maintain Prosperity If They luboring man, | i --J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS} 'eputation Suffers as From a With The Citizens at Home in Circulation. in? There is only one answer to that question. You want to live in the live town and enjoy all the good things that come to thé residents of such « community. Answer Exsily Found. 'The only question then is 'ss to how these prosperous conditions can be created or maintained and it is the easiest thing in the world to find the answer to that ques- tion. If the people of a community will keep their money at home and keep it in cir- culation among themselves, they need have no fear of ever being compelled to in a desd town. If the people will pat- ronize their own business men of sending their dollars to the mail order houses, the prosperity of the ggmmunity will take care of itself. / The local stores, to a very large extent, make every town. The taxes paid by the business men of the community are the {principal support of the schools and public institutions, It is the taxes paid by the storekeepers, toa large extent, that make possible the public improvements, the fire |protestion, the street lighting and the many other things which make a town worth living in. The mail order house does hot pay any taxes in the town from which jit gets its money. It does not help to unport the schools or the churches. It does not help light the streets or maintain the fire department. It is the aim of the mail order houses to drive small town merchants out of business, xo that the people will be compelled to send to the cities for their mechandise and they are spending thous- ands of dollars every month to secom- plish this purpose. Tf they succeed, who would pay the taxes that are now paid by the local merchants?, It's a certainty that the mail order house would not pay then. Insue Is Clear Cut the town a live one. Every dollar sent away from home to the mail order house helps to make the town a dead one. The issue is a clear-cut one and is square- ly up to every resident of the community, whether » resident of the town itself or of he country surrounding it, The man who dloes not care whether he lives in a live lor a dead town, if there ix such a man, need waste no thought on the subject, but men who wants to live ina live town cannot get away from it. It is up to him to make bis town a live one or a dead one. IF PRICES AND QUALITY COUNT for anything # it to our store will convince anyone we carry the stock and our prices will surely be an object to every close buyer. Try us out. --SARJEANT & KING, Limited DON'T LIVE IN DARKNESS. Have your |House wired for Electricity. Get our esti- mate. Big line of Fixtures. We do every- thing but furnish the Juice. Call us up-- we are prompt. We do Plumbing and Heating also, --LIVINGSTON & MOODIE YE OLDE FIRME--HEINTZMAN & CO. has a one-price aystem all over Canada. You get just as good service at our store as in Toronto, not only in pianos but in all lines of music. --GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE, Phone 259w. P. 0. Box 178 MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR HOME for your auto. If it needs repairing I can do it quick, Big line of accessories and tires, oils, grease, gasoline. Run your car in and we will do the resi 1 --WALTER TURTON'S GARAGE (MAIL ORDER HOUSES do not hurt our |business, but we are in line with anything |that helps our town and merchants. We do Undertaking in all up-to-date methods. Buying at home is a good idea --E. J. BYRNE, Undertaker. CUTTING AND FIBTING OF CLOTHES is an srt and the merchant tailor who is proficient inthis art is bound to get the | preference. Try us for your next suit. Big lines of woolens to choose from. --F. J. LOWER IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUILDING or repsiring, see us for all kinds of lumber or building 'material. Bills cut to order on short notice. ig stock Lath, Lumber, shingles, ete. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LTD. Every dollar spent at home helps to make. i . Ey Thursday, May 1, 1919 WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is no use of sending out-of-towm for Dry Goods, '8 our prices are lower thea out-of-tows concerns, Get Get our prices first and be sure, Big Stock of all kinds of La- dics' goods, --MOORE & ARMSTRONG ay. --G. W. RAYMES. ---------------------- OUR STORE IS FULLY STOCKED with an up-to-date line of Clothing and nifty stock of Gents'-furniahings. Get our prices Girt, it will be o big leagon on. Buying. st Home every time, _--R, A. STEPHENS MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCER- IES. Come in or get us on the phone and get our prices, We buy close and se close. Everything always fresh and wholesome. Buy at Home--eee the difference. --HINDS BROS, WHEN IT COMES TO DRY GOODS we 'just will not be undersold, either in or out 'of town. Make us prove it. Get our prices first. Big stock of all kinds of Ladies' Goods carried, --DEVLIN' & MURCHISON WE ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST to display the latest crestions in Ladies' Hata and Millinery. Keep in touch with the Istest fashions and shapes. Big stock of resdy- to-wear Hats in stock. --V. 8. BROWNLEE POOR PLUMBING is dear at any price. All our help are thorough mechanics. If we do that job of plumbing or heating you oan rest assured it is done right. Get our esti- mates first. --MOFFATT & PARR WE ARE READY FOR YOU with our spring line of Clothing. You will find just what you want in our stock. Call and see our immense stock before you buy. It will pay you, --THE W. C. HUNTER CLOTHING CO. ,WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY be sure you 'deal with a House that is known for reliabi- lity. You don't have to know jewelry whem you deal with us. Big lines of all kinds 'of Jewelry to choose from.--W. L, REEVE 'HOW ABOUT THAT SPRING SUIT? Have it made to order, We make spec-- ity of Ladies' Tailoring as well as Men's. we make it, you can be sure of a perfect FWISS fit. Come in and see us. --H. {THERE 1S NOTHING IN THE DRUG LINE you cannot find at our store, all 100 per cent, pure. Big line of Proprietary med- icines, Toilet articles, Sick-room supplies, It will be to your advantage to trade here, 'PATTERSON'S, The Rexall Store, Allandate IT IS OUR AIM to sell all kinds of grocer- ies and Provisions at close prices. We have made a success with thie system and propose to stick to it. Try us out and Buy at Home. --J. D. WISDOM & CO, Allandale. RESIDENTS OF ALLANDALE do not need ito look further for Dry Goode or clothing. You will find just what you want at our store in big variety, st prices that are much lower than other Stores. Try us out. --JOHN WEBB GARDEN TOOLS--Now is the time to be at your garden. We can supply you with rakes, hoes, spades, etc., etc., etc, at ad- vantageous' prices. THE ALLANDALE HARDWARE STORE --, 5. BRUNTON CALL UP PHONE. 164 and we will attend to your Grocery orders, When you trade here you are sure of getting the best of pure food' supplies at close prices. Buy at Home. --A. FLEETHAM, Allandale. .BUY YOUR COFFEE AT HOME, and be sure of getting it fresh, We have the two best blends of bulk coffee obtainable nnd. can grind it fine or pulverize it for use with a percolator. --MERRICK & LITSTER. ON'T HELP ORO Wi | | -- |Couneil Declined to Make | Grant--Various other Mat- | ters Disposed of. | ----_ | Council met on April 18 with all members present and the Reeve in the chair. | 'The claim of Dugald McKsy for one \sheep killed by dogs, vulued st $28, was, on motion of McKinley and MeDuff, or- jdered to be paid. | Ko section was taken re claim of A. R Petersen for remuneration for one sheep 'killed by dogs. Gilbert Love resigned his position as Jeheep valuator. On motion of MeDuff and 'Thompson this was accepted and Jas. Hert appointed in his place. 'The fesignation was acceptef of H. P. Merrick} who had been' appointed follector for 1919, on motion of McKinley\and M- Duff, and the clerk instruct ke ary of $140. Ti. 8. Chapple wrote refusing to pay account for G. H. Metcalf for delivering milk to members of Chapple's family while in quarantine st. Oro Station. This was laid over. On motion of McKinley and Scott the treasurer was instructed to issue cheque to W. P. Graham for $58.50 in settlement Div, 51, and charged on collector's roll. Certificate was read from' Deputy-Reg- BOYS, IT WILL SOON BE TIME FOR YOUR BICYCLES. If it wants repairing, bring it to me and have it ready. Big line of auto accessories and sporting goods on hand. Buying at Home is a good ides. --WALTER URRY, 36 Bayfield St. marriages 18. | wrote that Trustees 8. 8. No. 6 w. ng to refund taxes of Mrs, B. nhurdt for 1918. On motion of Thorp: son and MeDuff it was ordered that when |treseurer receives notiec from secret ev that the hus refunded Mrs, Burnhurdt's taxes he irefund the remaining rates. t Simcoe Agricul'ural § for a gran? towards their full action was taken, 5 ' A. B. Thompson, solicitor for J. J. Link, wrote that in his opinion his client should h ance of original road without McKinley and Thompson fuir. No ave a con cost to_him, moved that Mr. Link be granted request. namely, conveyance of original rowd in line of devietion road through his farm. John Gilchrist. and others presented petition asking for a grant jp fill in gravel pit at con, 5, lot 19. This was laid over until grants are made. The Union Bank, Barrie, presented stare- ment showing credit balance of the Town- ship on Mar. 31, which was found correct. E. V. Kendall and seventy others pres- for applications for the position at sh ented petition that something. be done to limprove condition of road div. 105. Laid over. On motion of Thompson and McKinley treasurer was iMfftructed to® refund Jos. Roe $7 for statute labor charged in his totes and which he had performed. ' W. T. Hazlett asked for ditch at culvert, line con, 12 and 13, lot 22. On motion of Scott nnd McDuff 'the Deputy-Reeve was asked to examine and report. : Coun, Scott reported that Hector Perry- man offered $10 for elm trees on road, line istrar-General that Div. Registrar had 'duly con. 12 and 13, lot 18. This was accepted, | IF YOU ARE NOT BUYING your Boots and Shoes from us we are both losing money. Big stock of Ladies' Shoes, up- to-date styles, Shoes for the Kiddies in big varieties, Buy at Home, Mr. Perryman to be given reasonable time bn remove same, By-Law appointing overseers of highways, dkeepers and fence viewers was passed usual way, ° S. V. Jones asked to have drain deep- lat line con, 7 und 8, south af ridge This was left in the Reeve's hands, Wm, Rhinehart reported that a bridge had gone down on his road division. On motion of Thompson and MeDuff the Reeve will examine and take necessary action. --H. B. wvers| KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US in the Jewel- ry line. I carry big stock of all kinds of Jewelry and do repsiring on short notice. Tam the official Watch Inspector for G.T. Railroad, Also, I issuo Marriage Licenses. --W. B. WEBB, Allandale. Council adjourned to meet st the call lat the Reeve. Marion Bridge, C. B, May 20, I have handled MINARD'S 'LINIMENT Peuring the past year. It is always the first Liniment asked for here, and unquestion- ubly the best seller of all the differnt kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FERGUSON. V BOUGHT, SOLD | Write us when you have information. : BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. . Members Toronte Stock Exchange 71 Bay st., STOCKS BOUGHT EXCHANGES ee er ICTORY BONDS AT BEST MARKET PRICES . OR EXCHANGED business in Bonds, or for TORONTO. AND SOLD'ON ALL S S FOR BLAC the jubilation 'the war and th epemies though not have been homeland still the same. Th lapae of Germs surprise to the among the Jay ofthe military professors, all had never wee tuck of telling the Germans w accounts of th international a by Germany. pitempts that former stoteme we produced. public utterane: sor who had ne dlame-worthy 0 four yeors of to find with the Jond, When G for terms. this while the war for the allies, y 1 been victor rmany hud former ¢lesires drawn from po the allies hud m positions. The Giewed to pub cmething of th 1 believe that Jasin was roy Two 3 'Ontario, there ment in Japan, then succeedey wie said by" m wes the most that had held years, However work in. clesnin vice and immor and other Jarge for un ultrawu pesto many in Inpan said-- AVO! ana CC Spreads Diseast App: Indigestion, Appendicitis are often cau and mislead bad attacks c