GRAND OPERA HOUSE-ONE NIGHT ONLY-TUE. MAY 6 Boston-English Opera Co. Presenting Verdi's Beautiful Romantic Opera "TL TROVATORE" | IN 5 ACTS and 6 SCENES OF LAVISH SPLENDOR FULL SCENIC PRODUCTION GREAT CAST OF PRINCIPALS SELECTED CHORUS HEAR The Wonderful 'Miserere" in the Tower Scene, the beautiful Trio in the Prison Scene, the Great Finale in the Convent™Scene, the famous Tenor solo, "Di Quella Piri', the World-Renowned "On Rosy Wings", and many other beautiful songs, which have made "Il Trovatore" the World's Popular Opera. OPERA IN THE LANGUAGE YOU CAN x thundered William, "I will give 7 1 . JOSEPH F. SHEEHAN UNDERSTAND : America's Foremost Tenor AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY rs é MAIL ORDERS NOW HAZEL EDEN PI RICES:--75 $1.00 $1.50; GALLERY 50! Seat Sale at Malcomson's Insurance Office Prima Donna Late of the Chicago Grand Opera Co. - HRIVED | In the seventies Barrie was [exhibited and carried off the red]you two minutes to get off these SYSTE /SPORTS T 'the home of several poultry ee we had iremises! . 'Tancivns, among them the late|. A betel keeper had a son in here was no further argu- . ' | bd the chicken business and the so 1 ewe) « ey TIME TABLE CHANGES |. 'N THE OLD DAYS rir' artnet iti cn pat ou [Reta rhea! ane Neer] HOT OR COLD ald Grammar Sehool, now te lthe Game, Both looked aver the[ever, was -recovered later. when Avs f ti itl Barrie Famous in Lacrosse, |(ulleziaty Institute, who later) jaar exhibit and decided to gu{darkness had sel in You'll enjoy the Refreshments A change of time will be made; Racing, Aquatics, ete.--Mr. became one of Canada's greatly fay that variety of fowl o1 --_--_ ert Lount's Chicks. eviminal lawyers shares, but the sticker was how|]The modern merchant pondered|Served at the . Mr. Lount was practising in|to get a start. Mr. Lount was| Upon the ways of men - Barrie and for diversion kept|net approached, for they knew] Who take as their example MAY 4TH, 1919. Continued from page 2.) some of the choicest varieties of |iy soundings that he would not] The spider in his den, ROOM OF PALMS . . »| Oteen's Park turned out some | fowl He built the large brick |sell nor yet divulge the name of!"Letothers, if they will." quoth he, Information now in Agents' itop notehers in lacrosse, notably.|residence on the Sunnidale Road | the ork breeder where his] "Lie low and wait for flies, hands \Jim Edmanson, Brantford, Will{known as Louat's Castle, where {slo from, Poullry journ-| fa dingy eob-wehbed corner, / . Edmanson of Edmanson & Bates,| there was ample room -on the}als were eagerly scanned but ne Bul I'm going locadvertise," 7 Toronto, Robt. Cuthbert, Toron-tspacious grounds for chickea}trace could they find of this fowl ------ toes J. E. BILLINGSLEY to, Archie MeVitlie, Vancouver, phouses andruns. Mr. Lount aim- At last they decided to strike] -- Absolutely no store in Sim- Depot Agent : : : : Phone ho. Reardon, Orillia, Fred Macey, /ed at exelusiveness and impert-jup an acquaintance with the;eoe County will gi you as much ' pot Agent: tt Grand Rapids, Mich. wf office fed from New York State a pent gardener, whiey they did and dure|elothing and men's. furnishing 32-38 Elizabeth St. furfiture manufacturing fame,{of chicks of q variety not hither-jing the winter months he found] value for's1.00 as we will. For _ MEN WITH RIG and W,*H. Bennetl. M.P.. Mid- [te known in tawn yowere then boon companions and gen] proof just try Hunter's, Barrie. . land. Charlie Stewart was the magnificent birds and high Jeral good follows. As friendship Wanted to sell Rawleigh Products. Estab! ying pin of the cricketers and |priced, At the castle they were} ripened they persuaded bim to. A ee igre as eae: his services were frequently [guarded closely by the gardener Spring to sell a setting of pleasant, re 3 "i ought hy the best Toronto|and all-round handy man. At] fifteen In regulation time & Eco. selerscaes, WT. HAWCEIGH CO | teams . the annual fair the birds were(ihe failhfal ten produced thir ' Jeen beautiful fluffy chicks. Mr. Lount spent: many of his summer evenings driving his spiriied team and im passing and repassing the runway of these chicks tude note of their rapid growth and gradually recognized them as his own stock. Under a rigid cross-examination, the gurdner confessed to the sale of eggs and Was promptly dismiss- ed. ; The chicks were fully feather. ed and almost full grown and as the youthful breeder stood in S : Y | ES the yard in the late afternoon . Mr. Lount called from the car- ; riage, "Young fellow, you have . ._|some nice hirds there, where did We have been clothing the men of this} you get them?" "I sent over to district for 35 years. We go on clothing|'he States in the spring for a : ? We under. | iting of exes," was the laconic them. We know them well. We under-|repiy. stepping from the car-! stand each other. We have earned their)tinse he entered the yard and eae Ba: ked if they were for sale. Now confidence and they believe'in us. We |you are talking business, thought know more about their clothes and wants | the youthful breeder as he re- . plied in the affirmative and with than any one else. the next breath quoted a fabu- lous price. There was no haggl- S e B ing. The purchaser nodded assent and asked for delivery before ociet rand 2:3: > y In a few minutes the twWo busi- ness partners were together, Cl t laughing in their sleeves at the h thought of disposing to the keen~ Oo es eytd William some of his owe ; ; ; ; stock al a figure previously une for spring mean all that is good, straight heard af in the annals of loreal : pet-stock sales. But there is an through, all wool, hand-tailored, expertly [oii proverh that "He who laughs fashioned, every suit a gentleman's suit. | last. laughs best." . The thiriven chicks were quickly erated, placed ona OTHER New hats in assortments so |barrow and wheeled to the Castie. Phe maid answered the bell and } large that all tastes can be; istonmeq the vendor thal Mr. / SMART pleased ... $2.00 to $7.00} fount was busy for a few Proven Good 4 Shirts of merit and particularly ponulags cHeching the counts --------_ is, 8 orderes e transfer o' ic e. re THINGS | Pleasing pattern. birds to a pen already prepared When you select Dunlop Bicycle Tires 7 _ $1.25 to $5.00|10 receive them, and then dis- you are making, a natural decision Neckties, of service.and unus-|appeared. The Vendor seated ei the kind decisi Id ' FOR ual colour ...75¢ to $2.00 |Bimself on the barrow, twiddling --just of decision you woul { : "~~ {his thumbs and impatiently make when purchasing some other ; SPRING Collars: ;try the new spring awaiting the appearance of the d h th idence of f "@ Arrow "Monroe" .... 25c|man with the pay-roll. At the Product where @ evidence avec second call of the bell, the superiority .was overwhelmingly e | : rc ; _ 7 maid again informed him "stilb convincing. : a: | | Be a New spring suits and light-weight over-[busy." An hour passed and, the Bre ¢ =: ae t dy for all sun was sinking in the western . nciety |: rand Glatitew coats, ready for all men. sky. Nervously he approached DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER GOODS CO., Limited Bera : the door for the third time and es | , 1 y Mr. sho de- AGENCY : CARHARTT | was met by Mr. Launt, w | VERALLS manded to know what he want- re. WORKS ) e ens N * z | z AND GLOVES }> "I want the money for my p " DYE. WORKS}! @ ize é chickens." "Your chickens,"