Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1919, p. 4

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Pure Blood lood B Purifier "Bad Bio ery and danger is a constant'soureé of mis- When your blood is im- pure you suifer not only frony ailments that are directly traceable to your condition PHELPSTON Apr, 28.--Frank Corrigan of Guelph ee: a friendly call: last week. Frank looks fine, and has all the appearance of health and' great expectations for the future.) iss I. O'Neill of Tor. g relatives in the village. James McCarnen has returned to New Ontario after spending a few days with relatives here. Glad to note that Mrs. R. Long has re covered from her recent illness, and is once | more able to be out. Jno. Ryther has returned from the city | and will agéist in the usual spring work | on the farm. | Chas, Loftus, who recently returned from! overseas, has engaged with Harry McVeigh for the summer. ' Isaac Lindsay, who has spent the, win jter in Toronto, returned a few days ago, and will no doubt spend the summer here. |Ike looks as young as ever. ' | Congratulations to Mr. und Mrs, Will |Mino of Medonte on the arrival of a son. I understand Hillsdale is "supporting | new garage. Well done for Hillsdale. | Dunng Thursday, Friday and Saturday of | jlust week, there was one of the worst = |storms of the season, accompanied by a piercing cold north and north-west wind |that blew a regular hurricane. Coming as it did directly on top of the two fine, sum- mer-like days previous, it seemed to pene- | trate clear to the marrow of the bones, but Snowy white, and love! Special 25c yd. Special 20c yd. Prices 75c¢, $1.00, Although we have sold 'Thursday, May 4, 1919 ly soft quality, 28 in. wide, for ladies' and children's wear. Unbleached flannelette ina beautiful soft fiinish, good heavy weight, worth 35c yd. LACE CURTAINS Scrim Curtains--A splendid variety of scrim curtains in many different styles await your inspection here. obtainable and include designs suited to almost any style of room. Prices $4.00, $4.75, $6.00, $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 per pair. Nottingham Lace Curtains in a wide range of patterns and qualities. They represent the newest and most fashionable lines $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 per pair. BRUSSELS AND TAPESTRY RUGS a great many of these this season out of our rug department DEVLIN & MURCHISON SPECIAL VALUES IN FLANNELETTES ; | Picture-taking is the order of the day but you ar susceptible to certain diseases pine bright days always mean more work while your power of recovery is greatly |in our photo department but we still have time to finish ull the films you can bring to lessened, A slight wound will cause pain | {) it was not this wind and snow that bas pl ed such havoc with the fall wheat inthis district, but the heavy frosts of the week previous which undoubtedly fot at the we still have a good assortment to show you and only yesterday we passed into stock a belated shipment which makes the stock very complete. We are posi- tive our prices on these will interest you. and misery will) alo endanger blood- fli ed with boils, yal's Blood Puri- fier,--it will enrich the blood and heal | all skin bl A lurge bottle for $1.00 --sold only at Crosland's Drug Store, poison Tf y pimples or- ecu 6 and 8 exp, films developed for 10¢ a roll 10 and 12 exp. ......,-..- 15 24x3%4 and smaller prints -» de 2oxdy 05e Larger sizes and Postel Cards ..... .06¢ Enlargements made from all size negs tives from 15¢ to $1.25. WM. CROSSLAND DRUGGIST Qa Lh Siore | ooo BARRIE News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspordents : EDGAR Seeding operations have commenced. Quite s number from here attended the Anniversary Services in the Presbyterian 'Church on day. va i ANGUS Apr. 28.--Miss Marion Spafford left for Toronto on Monday after spendiug a week with ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. S.| Shepherd | Miss Grace MeMackon went back on! Monday to Hamilton, where she is attending 9 OOOO00OOOSO GOS [there hus been a quilt made consisting of h n"Are they going to make any more of a roots. The appearance of the wheat this early spring in every part of the town ship, was really promising, but at the pre sent' time, according to report und ob servation, two-thirds has been killed off, which will be another Munning blow to the farmer, on top of last year's failure. Ow ing to the past open winter, and the scar city of ice in the northern lakes, one would hardly expect to receive so late in the season 8 blizzord like this lust, but the reasons during the last few years seem to have changed, the summers growing much | shorter. The women of the Red Cross Society here held their last meeting one day recently and decided that some day soon they would pack and ship the balaffée of made-up goods on hand. In aid of the Society several hundred worked names, each of which represents a donor To dispose of this quilt it has been suggested by the Society to hold wome kind of an enter: tainment or ball and have » drawing, each name with a number corresponding with those on the quilt. Have » youngliter to draw one card from a hat, and the lucky one holding this number takes the quilt, It ix hoped that it will be held in the very near future. A good time is expected. In reference to what I mentioned in my last week's news regarding the town: ship doing something for the returned sol- diers, | have heard since that there is an organized body in Elmvale for that pur- pose If so, why do they not get busy? Boys' Navy Serge Suits--Guaranteed all pure wool, made in the single breast- ' ed trench model with belt all around, good full bloomers. Special prices . . .$16.50 to $21.00 \ Boys' Tweed Mixture Suits--All are made in good styles with bloomer pants and all are suits left over from last sea- son--consequently the prices $4.75 to $9.50 Young Men's Suits in the trench _ style, made from fine tweeds or worsteds. Sizes 34 to 38. Prices $18.00, $20.00, $22.50, and $25.00 each . NEXT WEEK--WATCH FOR OUR $1. DAY BARGAINS Normal Scbool ' H. Knighton of Montresl, who" Sie Mary Kirby tani to dow eall to, the: Congregational' tend eckare ee ent tO Alliston tot Church here, will occupy the pulpit on" Mrs. (Cpt) Sunday afternoon, May 4 students returned to resume du the new collegiate after spending Mrs. Thos, Wilkinson have moved to Col. 'the Easter holidays at their homes Lingwood. Mrs. Watson has returned to her home | Mr. und Mrs. Alf Raynor and Miss in Toronte after spending a few days with Elsie of Barris motored to Angus on Sun 'her brother, C Whittaker. fhe? visiting her mother, Mrs, Sargeant Mrs. Jno. Gaines, Elmer, Ernest and Ethel and Mr. and Mrs. Perey Buxom of jIvy spent Sunday at Wilfred Mapes' Mra Herb. Lambe spent a few days in Toronto last week Pte. Peter Carter hax arrived home from overseas. He went over in October, 1916, jand was wounded @wice Miss Jean TarBush arrived home on Saturday after visiting friends in Toronto, Mrs. Gregg and Mrs. Bolt of Toronto are viniting Mrs. Robt. McCracken, Sr. | Garfield Jennett went to Collingwood on Monday. | MINESING STATION Apr. 28.--A farewell party took place nt R, MacPhaden's on Apr. 23, The evening Was spent in a program... Mrs. MacPhaden was presented with a cabinet of silverware and Mr, McPhaden with a pipe, I'm sure we wish the family the best of luck and happiness in. their future home, They left for Suskatchewan on Friday night. | Mrs.°G. Plowright and Mrs, J. M. Knapp are visiting in Huntaville, GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND RANGES Call and get our prices before buying -your new rarige. We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. . Sole agents for Pease Ec- onomy Furnaces. Repair work promptly attended to. J. J. NEELANDS correspondent wishes him a speedy recov- ery. : We are showing this style of Oxford in choc. Dongola, also with a military Heel arid Toe cap. A model with a ; distinctive sweep to its lines . . $3.50 pr. GOOD LOOKS ARE NATURAL IN GOOD SHOES Sometimes shoes that are good looking are not made of thoroughly dependable leathers and with good. workmanship. In that case the good looks won't last; neither will the shoes. The good appearance of Moore's shoes-is not "made". It's the natural result of expert de- signing and the use of quality materials. , We invite your inspection of our new spring Footwear. f MOORE' S House ofGood Shoes J.C. Legge of Halifax in| Mr, and Mrs, Bert Willoughby and Mr. and G. Richardson is on the sick list. Your! showing in their work than the Food Con. |troller? Why not call 4 general public {meeting of the township, und attempt some kind of movement at uny rate? Ff Hayes of Elmvale started to load la car of potatoes last week, but owing: to the storm many were unable to bring out their supply. The desired quantity will no doubt arrive thir week An unfortunate secident befel J. Me Laughlin of Anten Mills, who received the full force of 4 kick from w cow in the face. It ix hoped no bones have been bro: jken i" |" Quite s number from here attended the | you have done [fits not for their intrinsic value but ss to- |kens of gratitude and we hope that you will | jull be spared to enjoy the choicest blessings | {of life for many yeurs to come : | Mr, and Mrs dance at Mr. Hayes' hotel. Elmvale, last cently spent a few days with Mr. und Mra {week and report a pleasant time IR Rom | May Ist--no doubs that sounds good 10)" "W, Miller of Egbert spent Sunday with | the averuge little girl--as "May Day"', aul | friends here | "you -must wake and call me exrly. call} Mr. and Mrs. R, Hood of Alliston visi- | jimie early, mothe? deur", ete. but it halted friends here on Tuesday | 4 resounding sound to the average} Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Miller motored to man who har been accustomed vear after} tefroy Laat Saturda ear to make ready for just this day ---- CRAIGHURST y How the old rod was taken down snd in spected, the hooks, xinkers and lines re plenished, and the thoughts of visiting that| Apr. 20,--Miss Olive McCracken, accom 'old familiar stream--retiring the night be-| panied by her sister, Miss E, McCracken, fore with u prayer for a favorable day and returned to Peterboro after Easter. falling into 8 deep sleep to dream and have!" yf and Mrs, F, Vasey have returned visions of the beautiful speckled beauties, | their home in Regina darting here and there from their many, Nursing Sister Grace Morrison of the hiding places. Oh! Those were the good Central Military Hospital, Toronto, spent old days, but at the present stage of the |iuser at home game, one must move buck north many |" 'Mfr. and Bim, Harold Morrison and family, {miles to come across @ stream where 9 g00d |) who have moved to Lilliefield, Manitoba, |day's catch can be realized. near Winnipeg, arrived safely. : --_---- Mrs. W. White was taken to the hos- UTOPIA pital in Barrie last week, | 29-1 . On April 12, 1919, after a short illness, | Apr. 29---Last Tuesday evening a large | Jennie, dearly' beloved wife of Richard number of people of the community spent | Williams, passed pencefully away, Deceas- a very pleasant time ut the home of Mr. leq', maiden name was Jeanie Ford, and Mrs. D. J. Miller, where they were /daughter of the late Mr. and Mra. Jas. entertained by a program consisting of in-|Ford, Sr, She was married to Mr, Willia strumental selections, songs, addresses, read-| stout thirty-six years ago. During ber ill- ings, ete. The chief event of the evening, | negs she was lovingly cared for by' her two however, was the presenting of a leuther-| nieces, Nurse Ford and Nume Jennings, cased shaving outfit to each young man| sho by her sister-in-law, Mrs. A. Caston, from this community who had returned lwho came from Swarthmore, Sask., about from overseas and' a Bible to Mr. and |, month ago. Service was -held in the Mrs. W. Turley and family in loving mem- | Presbyterian Church by her pastor, the Rev. ory of Wm. G. who paid the supreme suc:|f" Hf Lockhart, ansisted by the Rev. Mr. rifice for Truth and Liberty on Sept. 8,| Ferman, Anglican. Interment was made aekt: . in the Presbyterian burying ground, The Rev. A. Shepherd of Angus occupied the | fallbearem were "A. Hudgins C. Craig. chair, while Rev, F. Bowes of the same| Wr, Sheffield, Sr., Jas, Caston, Win, Hud. Place: read 'the following nddreas: son, A Debenham. She leaves her husband, To Messrs. R. Ross, H. Bell, H. Truax,| also one sister, Mrs. Wm. Campbell of H. Tiffin, A. Miller, J. McFadden, A. Demp: | Calgary; two brothers, John Ford of Yell- ster, M." Ritchie, -- owgrass, Sask., and Wm, Ford of Roches- Dear Returned Soldiers; We have as- Jsembled this evening to extend to you a hearty welcome and to once more have the pleasure of greeting you on your return from overseas, We are indeed delighted to see you all return in such splendid phys- ical condition after the trying experiences through which you have come We appreciate the courage you have shown in severing home ties and leaving those who were near and dear to go into 'a strange land and if needs be offering up life or limb for King and Country. We are justly proud of the glowing tributes paid to the Canadian soldiers and we believe that it is the same brave spirit of unselfish devotion you have manifested that has won for our country such » glori- ous name. We feel, too, that you are res- ponsible, to a certain degree, for the peace and liberty we now enjoy, for are we not all members of a Grest Empire and it has been by the united efforts of the individ- ual that the terrible and cruel war has been brought to' close. So we who have dwelt in security at home have hearts filled with gratitude toward those who have done 'their bit" for God and Right. Tt would be an unpardonable omission of duty on our part, should we allow this oppottunity to pass 'without showing in a tangible form our ation of what We would therefore ask | ter. N.Y euch of you to secept these shaving out-| ous and very beautiful. MeGinnis of Elmvale re- | jgcglity. ting her son, John, of this place. DEVLIN & MURCHISON The floral tributes were numer-'tion of officers for the Women's Lfstitute will be held in the Congregational Church on Thursday, May 8 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Henry Williams is very ill at time of writing. Jos. Edwards is very poorly at present. Days-- DALSTON Apr. 28.--Seeding has commenced in this | | Mi He T y is visi- '. re, Henry Tracey of Midhurst is vi) Baorigts Big Dollar May 9 and 10. The annual business meeting for the elec. WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Famous Apex Electric Vacuum Cleaner Now is house cleaning time and everybody wants car- pets, rugs, walls, curtains, etc., cleaned. Anywhere dust collects we can get it, even to the picture moulding, pictures, shelves, etc. We will rent our machine by the day at $1.25 or we will go and work it ourselves for $1.00 an hour. LIVINGSTON & MOODIE PLUMBERS AND ELECTRICIANS 127 Dunlop Street Phone 319 "FLORENCE AUTOMATIC" OIL COOK STOVES 'HE blue flame from the Florence wickless burner is always steady, always under perfect control. A special jacket holds it directly under the cooking utensils--giving a quicker, more econ- omical heat. 'Used with McClary's Successoven, the Florence Automatic is a wonderful baker. There are no wicks to clean, no odors, no trouble. Let us give you a demonstration of the Florence Automatic in actual operation. 1 SOLD BY | + MERRILL & HUBBARD >» TIME TA A change ¢ MAY Informatio J. Depot Agent -- MEN Wanted to sell lished demand. plearant, perm tion, references Ltd; Dept. 19, oo

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