THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON MAY 4: MAN MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD.--Gen, 1:26-28; 2: 7-9; Eph. 4: 20-24. GOLDEN TEXT.--"God created man in his own image." Gen. 1:27. TIME--Not known. PLACE--Garden of Eden. EXPOSITION.--I. The Creation of Man, 26-28. "Let US make" is full of meaning. In itewe have the plurality of Persons of \the Godhedd suggested in the very first chapter of the Bible (cf. 3: 22; 11:7; Isa. | 6:8). This plurality is also indicated by the name of God, which is a plural noun, Indeed, the very 'passage of which Unitar- ians and Jews make so much in arguing against the Trinity (Deut. 6:4) literally | translated would be "Hear, O Israel, the |Lord our GODS is one Lord." The plural- ity of Persons in the Godhead comes out in this very verse. Man was to be made in the image of the Godhead. This image and likeness referred rather to intellectual and moral likeness than to physical like- ness (Col. 3: 10; Eph, 4:24; Jno. 4:24). But God does manifest Himself in a material form (Phil. 2:6; Ex. 24; 9, 10; Isa. | 6:1-4), end this form is seemingly in some respects like the human form. A peculiar |dignity and sucredness attaches to man be- cause he is made in the likeness of God |(Gen, 9:6). Though this image has been blurred and marred by sin, it has not been obliterated (Jas. 3:0). 'This image und like- ness was perfectly realized in the perfect |Man, the typical Man, the ideal Man, 'the Bon of Man," Jesus' Christ (2 Cor. 4:4; Col. 1; 15; Heb. 1:3). This glorious image is completely restored in regeneration and what follows it (Eph. 4:23, 24; Col. 3: 10; 1 Jno, 3:2), God appointed man to have | dominion over every created thing on earth | (ef. Ps, 8: 4-81, The incoming of sin has interfered in u miewsure with this perfect dominion of man over the animal creation, but it will be restored in the regeneration and restitution of all things (Iss. 11: 6; | 65; 25; Rom, 8: 21, R.V.!. But man re- | tains even now a measure of his dominion over nuture (Jas. 3:71. God "formed man | out of the dust of the ground" and breathed | into him Hix own breath (or Spirit). From | this union of body and spirit man became a living soul (2:7). Mun is allied by bis phfsiewl origin to lower outure, but by his | spiritual origin be is allied more directly | to God. The divine origin of marriage is | seen in that He crested man "mule and | Hfemule" (cf. chep. 2:24). The man is not a complete man without the woman, Poly. gamy and divorce are gross monstrosities ac cording to the Bible account of man's cre: | ation (ef, Mal, 2:14, 15). The history of | the human race begins with God's bless 8); it has continued with God's 'Use only three level .tea- - spoonfuls for five cups ~ REDROSE . TEA {s good tea 'Sold only in sealed packages j JES, he reachedsthe top first, but at the expense of his stockings. Perhaps this was your boy and you gave hima scolding. But it really wasn't his fault, he wouldn't be normal if he wasn't hard on stockings, Because we knew boys, we designed Buster Brown Stockings. Made them to stand the strenuous use of the average boy. We knitted them.from extra-long yarn made by ourselves to ensure uniform quality. Our employees have had years of special training in knitting Buster Brown quality into hosiery. We knitted good looks as well as durability into Buster Brown stockings. They are made to fit--to give a dressy, gentlemanly appearance. They are suitable for any occasion. . ° Because of all these features, Buster Brown stockings cost less--and they require less mending. Sold everywhere. Ask your dealer for Buster Brown durable hosiery. The Chipman-Holton Knitting Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont.--Mills also at Welland jing (V. = blessing. The first pair were COMMANDED P to be fruitful and multiply, This command hax never been abrogated (cf. chap. 9. 1, 7; 22:17, 18; 24: 60; 1 Chron. 26: 5; Job YZ 42: 12, 13; Ps. 127: 35). One of the wins that threstens our nutional life to-day ~ oi & ese is the xin of disobedience to this command iy &| f (F puns Hy ment. Manewas to subdue the earth. This N : = he is doing, but the earth often gets the . mastery over man, God originally appoint ed to mun @ vegetarian diet (v, 291, but nfter the flood permission was granted to Elaine De Sellem, Boston English Opera Co, Grand Opera House, Tuesday, May 6th. 'sl flesh (chan, 1-3). This pertuen | 1 Tim. 4. 141, The beasts, too, were to $400,000,000 a year is spent on things dery the old competitive system must give| Let everyone in the Dominio » .4 have 'n vegetable 'diet, aud the time is from the United Stetes slene which, with way to co-Oparstive 'methods. Busbess | slogan "Buy Canadia-made, Gooda'® to coming again when the beast shall be no & lnee extra effort, might be made in men must act together to get outside trade redeem Cansda's financial obligations, longer curniverous (Isa. 85: 25; 11:61. the Dominion, and then sub-divide it among their fac-|..... "for i ivi ' God saw that everything that He had made | 'The Canadian 'Trade Commimion points 'tories in the way which makes for the best |Of being tiger penie wax good. It has been murred since by the out plainly the danger of indifference to our interest of our own people, giving steady = incoming sin Man does not appear good financials position. It declares that the employment for fifty-two weeks in the} Barrie's Big Doll Di to God now because of what he hax made country must organize its peace trade on year to all who are willing to undertake 5 ie Soller Raye \ himself (Rom. 3: 10-18; Gen. 6:51, There » wartime scale. In occuring foreign or-|a full day's work for a full day's pay. | May 9 and 10. ix mince sin entered but one way in which man can be, pleasing to God, that is by jfaith und by the ucceptance of the Sin- 'Bearer God hax provided (Heb. 11:6, RV; Jno, 3: 36) | IL Adam in Eden before the Fall, 2:7-9. | | In Gen, 2° 425 the story of creation is retold with especial reference to the de- |tailed uccount of the creation of man and |formation of woman, Superficial students think the accounts conflict. They do not. They supplement one another. The des. luructive critics formerly made much of . 3 |this; any one who any longer does so |show not that he is scholarly but that he is not up to date, God formed man's body '"of the dust of the ground," but man's | a spiritual nature was directly imparted by cA: t . Site ain conint at mae | nnouncemen The "'soul" is the result of this union of | |the body and the spirit. Having rehabili- |tated the fallen and desolated earth to be- | jcome the abode of the Adamic race (ch, 1: | F ' * * 12.31 and having created man to. dwell El S L h ERMETICALLY upon and have dominion over the rebabili- | ectric tarting and 1g) ting ystem |tated earth, Jehovah, in wondrous grace, led i 'now prepared a garden to be his especial sea e In t s wax- jubode. Eden was a place of expecial at- | . . tractiveness ux man's peculiar abode (v.9). _ 5 wrapnedl wachadiy ali [tenn we we Ga wontro eae Consisting of Generator, Starting ' a | e n Eph. . ' ' ; do toast? Reetntina of Fallen Mss, Eph. | Motor and Storage Battery. : tight, impuris- proof-- |" Man though created in God's image fel, | . ~ "= / land became "corrunt after the lusts of --An electric system made for Ford cars 4 |cleceit,". He became a "child of the devil Y und like his father. (Jno. 8:44; Eph. 2:| by the Ford Motor Company of Canada 13), He must be "CREATED ANEW" i i * built i os 4 and after the same pattern in which he in their own factory ; built into the Ford : was originally oneated, "after God in ght. motor which has been re-designéd for eousness- smd holiness of truth." Until he is hygienic an | whole- is thus "created anew." or "born again," |' the purpose. ' {he can neither "sce" or "enter" the King: | Controlled f lete i ldom of God (Jno. 3: 3 This "new cre- _ mtr Tom a comple - some. The goody ation (ol. 2 Cor, Ti ie abt a mere| board pists! anetru that's good tor young Jehange in our outward conduet but in the ment board on the cowl. |"renewed"', made anew, re-created, man jet only "'is corrupt' but "twaxeth (be- comes more and more) corrupt' (v. 22, |R.V.), Unregenerate men grow worse and and old. Standard Equipment on Sedans and Coupes All closed models now have electric starting and lighting system as Standard Equipment. Ford Sedan $1175 Ford Coupe $975 (including Ford Starter and Lighting System) Prices are f.0, b. Ford, Ont., and are subject to War Tax. Ford Closed Models will, for a time, take the entire | production of Starting and Lighting Systems. y worse as the years go by. Each man must |choose between being "born gain' and thes growing in grace and in the likeness of God, and remaining "dead" and thus maérally putrefying more and more. Look for the ' The Flavour Lasts WRIGLEY'S "The Glorious Privilege" The next big task is to place Dominion trade full on its feet. Talk 'of making trade normal sgain will not do. To go back to what was normal before the war would be sheer national | $ bankruptey. By June Ist, however, Ford Touri | : ; Domini debts hav de y ] ver, i Touring Cars and Roadsters : ; iy 40 ons and Half biliow dolla, The will be supplied with Starting and Lighting as Optional ; per capita debt in Jou was $46; to-day Equipment at an extra charge. ; it i ). te dis h that we Have 'to tert to fnetign eeu' Samples of the Ford Starting and Lighting System are now 4 iScler-sonsiderabigover halls milton doll on ethibit at all Ford Branches. In the near future we aleo . 5 ars a day, 7 expect to be be 2 show a. complete sample outfit, You are 1038 a The correct way and the easiest way 'to dispose Larger exports chiefiy will bring tn sore F Sree i eail ane saepees f \ ¢ | of your property or sell some small article, find a tenant Mone dis etek en oe 2 4 ey | for your house, find the article you have lost, etc., is \ Hand in hand with this should -go less ° ealer. rrie ' 2 g eta] baying jebried of those fhings,we can pro: 7 £ ? ' 'to insert an advertisement in our Adlet Column. \duce in field and factory in'Cansda, Over } : ' . P . ' RRS 8 ns ee