Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1919, p. 20

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News from Neighboring Townships As Told by Our Correspondents MIDHURST 'Apr. 29.--Mina Lottie Cochrane has re- turned home after spending a week with friends in Orangeville, 'School re-opened bere on Monday with a number of new pupils and Miss Ida E. Houle as teacher. : "Some have started to plow and seeding hax commenced but it has been a very HAWKESTONE Apr. 29.--A number of our boys have re- turned from France. Pte. H. Allingham and Pte. W. J. Demoline and Sergt. L. Banner and W. Reid have returned this Week. All are glad to welcome them home. Miss F. Allingham is visiting in Toronto. H. Pugaley spent the holiday at home. Mrs. E. V. Kendall is under the doctor's . THE BARRIE EXAMINER ollar Day Bargains -- AT MILNE'S e buckward spring #0 far. care, "aa ewe |", iy deren Friday an Saturday, May 9 ter spending two weeks witb friends in] A number of Hawkestone people enjoyed 9 Toronto. themselves at a social hop in E. V. Ken- Mr, W. P, Gill and children are visit-|dall's Hall, All report a good time. ing in Toronto, (From another correspondent) - Mrs. Wm. Miller'is visiting her deugb- = Bessie scene rei fo bey hook T. k h b: . ter, Mrs. Walter Browning, at Aurora. tended visit to her brather, George 8, 1 . J gen allt Bret ee atta [tr eet Mettabol o make the bargains on these two days interesting to our customers,?we spending Easter hobdaye with friends in| "Private Wiliam Demoline reached bome h had kd . > Penet: jishene. ursday and was given a hearty wel- = rine mmig + fe tt ute Se Ra ba ave had to mark down a lot of our new Spring goods. days with friends in Barrie. lay. ® ' FS Mrs. J. E. Wallwin is on the sick list} Private Louis Banner arrived-on Satur- S 'aia (te 3 Waly agrirae Louis Boner ariva-om Sat ome of the reductions are given below---there will be many others. wise L. Roche of Toronto has retured |news, few were at the station, Since le 5 home after being the guest of Mrs, Win.|ving for the front, he has lost by deal MEN' pee ' home after beng tyme, the Inte Richard Metall, He i S SHIRTS MEN'S HOSIERY Mrs. R. R. Hermon is home after being |staying for a while with Mrs. Metcalf. with friends in Alliston for a short time. 'Robert Kendall attended the funeral at . $1.00 each FOR THE SOLDIER Heavy Grey Sock, 35c li 'There wee quite an exciting time in the | Uxbridge of hls brother, Edich, who | Stiff cuff, soft double cuff, y 4 Ce vill on Friday ut noon when it/on Friday Inst, in Orillia Hospital after : ~ TT pe rTIPANING TO CIVIF | ccrrrtee eRe e ir. . ciate ered that Wm, Androm' house |en operation. "He was brother-in-law to and stiff bosom, regular RETURNING TO CIVIE 2 dozen only Heavy ST was on fire, The neighbors all turned |¥frs, R, Metcalf. $1.50 to $2.00 lines at CLOTHES - only Heavy grey Sock, Y wie put there was such a strong wind that| Miss Goldie 'Thompson of Barrie spent : . . Reg. 50c line, .. 3 pr. $1.00 it was imposible to eave the house, though |the week-end with her sister, Doris, at $1.00 each we give 10 per cent. reduction Heavy Wool Khaki S they got most of the things downstairs | Mrs. Pugsley's. Splendid Patterns on all goods avy | aki Sock, reg. out: Everything upstain war burned, in| Several from the neighborhood, teed | P. 8 Pl 50c line ...... 3 pr. $1.00 ludi all the and ing ans the 25th anniv of Rev. Ny Campbell's * 7 3, seem scthes exept. what they bid. on.|ministry at Central Church on Sunday and | A new and up-to-the-minute All Wool English make hose, Much «ympatby is extended to the fam-|Monday, and report large crowds, s gvod | GLOVES stock to choose from. Teg. $1.50 pr. ... $1.00 pr. ily sermon and pleasant gatherings. | Silk Hose, Brown Tan and = gai sl | . i IVY ORO STATION Tan Cape Walking Gloves, Grey, regular 75c line, Apr, 20---Min Stlla Arnold ia visting) | Apr. 20.--There was, large, attendance 7 = =. tenes $1.50 pr. a Mein 3 pr. $1.75 het le, Dr. Davis of Shelburne. at St. Andrew's Church on Sundsy night i 5 erica! Coneretuletions to Mr, and Mrs. W. C./ to hear the Rev. Dr, Fletcher, Moderator of an Silk Gloves, Reg. $1.50 tee ose, Teg. 75¢ Banting on the arrival of twins, » girl the General 'Assembly, who gave @ very 'arcane W an pr. He" oo Pr 3 pr. $1.75 and boy. able address, | an Cape Walking Glove, reg. /orsted Wool Sock, Arthur McQ hes taken o position in| Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Fred) 3 if Kad J Barrie in Huxtoble's ere. Crawford on the arrival of 8 young dau: | $3.00 iro. sreiniers ws $2.50 pr. reg. 75c line .. .2 for $1.00 Notwithstanding w very stormy eve- ter, April 2! | i J. j ning s large crowd gathered in the Hall| Quite a number from here attended the oy War Buck . Walking to do honor to some of our young men concert in Central Church, Monday eve- love, reg. $3.50 $2.50 pr. CHILD! 7 back from the front. Seven of the returned ning, celebrating the 25th snniversary of Motoring Gloves, Black and REN'S JERSEYS men had seats of honor on the platform.|Rev. N. Campbell's pastorate. The three id $5 These were Sergt, P. Kennard, Ptes. R.Ross, churches presented Mr. and Mrs, Campbell Tan, reg. $4.00. . $3.00 pr. Sizes 20 to 34, Colors, Sk A. Miller, H. Bell, E, Reid, W. Hatton, C.;with a beautiful silver tea set. Quite o _ ' » SKY, Lennox. 'Rev, RH. Somerville took the number BY-inisters were present from a Se Navy, Cream, Cardinal, chair. The program consisted of instrumental | distance; | rown, Grey and M music, singing and sddresses from eome} P. W. McLean of Barrie was renewing old | l INEN Han and Maroon, of our able apeakers; After the reply trom | aqunintanee here on Sundiy.. COLLARS old quality. Prices $1.00 the returned men lunch was served. ¢| Mrs. Merson of Toronto and thi 'hil, i f 9 aoe rere enjoved a dunce tll an early dren are visting her mother, 'Mra. Poole Shapes we are putting out of to $3.00 each at hour, | A good number turned out for the grave- stock. +... 10 percent. reduction @ Mrs. W. Parr of Colwell spent few yard bee, and there is a great improvement Each 10c dye last week with Mr and Mrs. W. A. in the appearance, by the planting of trees. | dozen .....-... $1.00 ~ 7 Thompson. |The church shed Iso much ii ved RSa® Mit OR al Dr and Mix: Davis of Shelburne celled [ty the gravel. " a ee eee SWEATER CO. ATS on eo! here _ week. 1 eG i} Officers elected for Sunday School at = R. Beckerton of Barrie, and Mr. Cook! the Methodist Church were: D. Beasley, of Toronto' are siting the former's sister, Inuperintendent; Bert Crawford, secretary! KHAKI GOODS The popular V neck Sweater, Mrs. Reid. Bert Graham, treasurer; Miss Mabel Bag: | regular $6.00 .. $5.00 each Mies G.. Fleury. of Thornton spent A few (shaw, Greaniet 8. Bagston, Mm..B. Gre) Extra special reductions in all rhs days Tas' week 'with fiends ere {ham, Miss Ida Crawford, Miss Gladys vines of Khaki ' Pullover Sweaters, White, » ev. jilmore of Penetang, gave ®Kims, teachers. | aki. Hl det aarire eemcnvon the Fawid | re | Fawn Neckwear, knitted, reg- Brown and Grey, regular Movement" in the Presbyterian Church last | EDENVALE } a ar, » TER: $5.00 O85 6s 55 eso - $400 @ Sunday morning. ular $1.00 ...... 50c each B Vv i Pte Carol Lennox left for his home in| Apr. 28.--The weather man gave us an- Hdkfs. reg. 20c ea. . .2 for 25¢ rown Vest Sweater, reg. | Vancouver, Monday morning. other taste of winter Inst week, when a 3 OK IS. TER 20C Cais $5.00 ..... . . .$3.50 each Miss Marion Arnold is suffering with |few inches of snow fell and together with Silk Hdkfs. 75c and $1.00 Boys' S Sr oe , an attack of tonsilitis, fa strong wind made one look back to win. lines 50c each }oys =wealer Coats, size 34, es i seeees a3 regular $3.50 li KNOCK Mimes Agnes Reid and Myrtle Elrick of Hdkfs., reg. 25c ea. 6 for $1.00 gular 83.50 line $2.50 ea. Toronto spent a few days last week with | Fox's English No. 1, Superfine - oa ied Er peadiog e oeck ou Mice loro [ats 288, MART Aebio Gah ' Putti g a $2.00 1 '0; ip spending s week with Misses Florence ir. an . Archie Graham of Toronto UItle . 2.6... Bee rr. and Bessie Connell. spent Easter holidays under the parental Khaki Shirts, (2 Coll e OUR TAILORING Private John Alpin returned to bis home | rpof, i Shirts, (2 Collars) reg- at Vine from overseas Inst Saturday. | | 1 regret to report Miss Nellie Maw is on ular $5.00 .... $3.00 each DEPT. OFFERS 10 Last Friday a number from this neigh-|the sick list, but hope she may have 9 _ borbood atended the funeral of Me. Pad apeedy recovery Se SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN SUITS ONLY jam, Allandale, who died of pneumonia af-| Hurry Giffen left last week for the West. fer about a week's illnese Much sympathy is| 'The farmers have agela-started seeding, MEN'S BELTS MEN'S CLOTHING AND extended to Mm Padgham and family in having been stopped on accoutt of snow and RAINCOATS made to your measure, from ea eaten aa arown and éhilaren of Berio. spent All sizes, Black and Tan, reg. old stock tweeds and wors- t a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. | 75c and 50c lines .25¢ each teds, at...... $30.00 each Wash That / CHURCHILL | e Itch Away 'A very pleasant event took place at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pratt, Chureb- | We know of no sufferer from Eezema ill, on Saturday evening last, when the | * e who ever used the simple wash D.D.D.| brothers and sisters of Sapper Edwin E. \ e and did notefeel immediately that wonder. |Wonch gathered to welcome him home fully calm, cool sensation that comes when after a vente service be King aa ' i the itch is taken away. This soothi 'ountry . He enlisted in Haileybury in May, ¥ wash penetrates the pores, gives instant |1916, with the Algonquin Rangers, going Dunlop St. MEN S OUTFIT TERS Phone 39 relicf from the most distressing skin dis: |oversess the following October. He was : eases. later transferred to the 5th Army Troops - 'a . Go., of Winnipeg, with which he saw much| $996@o000000: _ |bhrd service, He was hit several times }* lout not aeriouly wounded, He was one ~ - a s . of those who helped to a large oo") ie' i a ; s Seon me Rin Banos, tha work of es all sizes, at Mie Be Dollar Days. che . Rion Dash Se [st vw ero NEWS OF COOKSTOWN |/----------__--_-- --== 'The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. | : News items for Cookstown antl adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Mr. DEP ARTMENT 'Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No, 39 finds hit. Sub- ||. scriptions, cither new or renewals may be forwarded through him. i 9 ¢ q fae it . . SOLDIERS CIVIL Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pugsley and daugh- |man Campbell, Geo. MacDonald, Will sal ; WwW € quote the following prices for Seed Corn: , as, Dorothy, spent the, week-god. ta Terr reer a oka aad na Ean |] Wisconsin No. 7 ..........++++++ $3.25 per Bus. RE-EST ABLISHMENT Gordon Patience of Saskatoon, Sask, |spent last week in Toronto. » Ruth, | Selected Red Cob .........,-..-...-$2.75 per Bus. ; ' (an old Cookstown boy), who has just rer| "Mise Hel Arnold, who was visitng in Mammoth Southern Sweet . . . $2.75 per Bus. ee A tae tee. (Serie, evra cas gf White Cap Dent .. -+ $3.25 per Bus. ' ' Mra, Herman of Midhurst visited, lst |BMine Arnold on her arival home was found Golden Glow .... é $3.25 per Bus. bees . 7 . week with her sister, Mrs. Archie McLean, |to be suffering from scerlet fever and is # Improved 7 It is notified for the information of men discharged from | Thos, Arnold is serioualy ill, with little /z0W in quarantine: | Nurse Northgraves of fy id eam els ++ $3.25 per Bus. (Atop of sore tok erviee at|, Mim, Maru Tronpion of tradtrd Y Compton's Early». 'os ne ae the the Maibclnt Church on Sunday last. [@pent Sunday at ber home, 1 mpton's Early ... $4.50 per Bus. "T A, Adama of Watford spent over Sun- |, M™ ,W: i. Coleman brother, ae North Dakota $4.00 per Bus. A f uD) Burns, di roronto on Wed., April 23. CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE © js nite-Soten to See Jism cee ors. "athe, Longfellow '$425 per Bus ' . Quality and price are hard to excel. iim (Rev) ACN Bt. Jobe of Thor- 'The above varieties all of good quality and germination. 7 } who require Medical Treatment, that An arpa regen, ye iced ary ittended the Women's Mieshoasey soe ae ae, g Town Hal vening, May 2, by|Meeting on Tuesday at the Methodist 7 Bi : 'the. pupils of Cookstown Continuation Marquis and Goose Spring Wheat, per bush fl ; ra DR. W. A. LEWIS Srey. Dunning inade 1 bus to ME Wome, who hus jr retard ro Irish Cobbl a Be Pa for ig 5 . Tobias Running made business tp */ overseas, is the guest of Elmer Feltis. Mr. DAG er, ware Potatoes for Seed. : . ; _ ; ' Wemyss is spending » short holiday with . Seed Barley and Oats, and Spri f will act as Medical Representative of the Department $},, Jo Robins was in town thin week. M-| Elmer, before going to his home out West. ey s, and Spring Rye. \ 'i _ as ae re Tonite at Strathroy.' | Mr. Graham of Orillin was in town on . : Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment in and for-the of the Military Hospital tt at Tormnto, |Tustday looking after the property of his i i pecreeneat Mee eters S| raen al oped cashed pf at ° 1 sy wi . 's ei on ipped a carlo cat ' | TOWN OF BARRIE David Thompson. {to Toronto on Saturd t 1 TO B "The Cookstown boys, who returned | _---- i : BARRIE. : week were Ewart Kidd, Dalton Slight, Nor-] Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff |

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