Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1919, p. 16

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ial for Dollar Days, pair Doings at Vickers' OLLAR DAYS IS GOING TO BE, AND WE URGE EVERY MAN AND WOMAN WHO IS AT ALL ECONOMICALLY INCLINED NOT TO FAIL TO BE AMONG THE HUNDREDS OF SHOPPERS WHO WILL ASSEMBLE AROUND THE COUN. TERS TO GET THEIR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. BARGAINS IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD. THESE TWO DAYS--FRIDAY AND.SATURDAY, MAY 9TH AND 10TH--WILL BECOME MEMORABLE DAYS IN THE HISTORY OF THIS STORE'S ACTIVITIES, SOME OF THE SAVINGS--COME AND SEE ; SILKS THAT BEAR THEIR FIRST DOLLAR «| A SPECIAL LOT OF DRESS GOODS FOR PRICE MARK | A New Hat--A Bar gain A HALF DOLLAR Your hat may be artistic, it may be of highest qual- ity, but if it isn't becoming you will not be pleased with it. At this Store you will be given such a large assort- ment of lovely and distinctive Models to choose from at a price that there will be no difficulty about finding many Hats'that are individually becoming, and for these Hats of correct style and excellent quality we have priced, for Dollar Days only at ..........., - $7.00 These three lines of Silk are selected for Dollar Day Bargains because they are exceptionally good value and popular for Dressés in the most up-to-date styles. 31-inch Fine French Paillette Silk with lustrous finish and good wearing qualities in Copenhagen, Cinna- mon, African, Pink, Helio, Ivory and Black. Regular $1.25. For Dollar Days, Yard .............. $1.00 Best Quality Japan Habutai Silk, full 36 inches wide and a grand wearing Silk. It is our special $1.25 Silk and is offered for Dollar Days only, at yard. .$1.00 Pongee Silk in full 36-inch width, coin spot de- signs in Rose, Navy, Nile, Myrtle, Black and Ivory. stripe for Dresses, in self colors, Navy, Brown, an Splendid for Dress: Regular $1.25 for Dollar Days : "| Black, regular $1.75. Special for Dollar Days Sale, Special. Yard «cars ce coves op ges 03 eR Bae t Vad eee eeeeececeeeeveveneeecee, Lees, $1.00 This lot is made up of all Wool and Wool and several colorings, as Green, Navy, Grey, Rose, Brown, eta, etc. _ They range in price from 75c to $1.10 yard and offered to clear during Dollar Days at yard... .50 1 Piece Fine Dress Serge, in Black only, 42 inches wide, beautiful cloth for dresses, regular $1.25, is of- fered for Dollar Days at yard $1.00 42-inch All Wool Sicilian Cloth with Fine Hair line _GOOD CANADIAN PRINTS AT 1-5 OF A DOLLAR These are full 29 inches wide and come in many designs in light and medium colors. They are all "Mill Ends" of good Canadian make afd come in lengths of from 5 to 15 yds. and priced at Special -27c. For Dollar Days only we offer these at Yard ......... 20c DOLLY VARDEN CREPES AT 1-5 OF A DOLLAR 16 pieces, all different patterns, in Dolly Varden Crepe. The de- signs are all on light grounds and make up splendidly for Kimonas, Sacques, Waists, Dresses, etc. This is our regular .29c Cloth and a fav- orite among the numerous cotton dress fabrics. For Dollar Days at MAI: sana ya Was o8 ReER ce x 20c SCOTCH GINGHAMS These are all imported Ging- hams in pretty Plaids, and plain colors, and the colorings are absolu- tely dépendable, used largely in the making' of Dress es, Waists, Sac- ques, etc. Our regular .60c cloth. For Special Dollar Day Sale. .50¢ BARGAINS IN HOSIERY When you want Hosiery of any kind naturally you think of this Specialty Stocking Store. Here are some Values in Stockings that cannot be duplicated. A Quarter-Dollar Offering - These For a Half Dollar A Three-Quarter Dollar Snap A Dollar Will Buy These 9 dozen of Children's Hose in 2x1 A lot of about 12 dozen Hose in Wo- 10 dozen, (all we have in stock) Wo- Fine thread Silk Hose with-Lisle top, and 1x1 Rib. Some have double knee, men's and Chidren's in Cashmere and Cot- men's Black and White Silk Boot stocking, splendid fitting with reinforced soles, good wearing lines that will serve well fr "ton and some with Silk Boot--made up of _ with Maco Top, spliced heel and toe, doub- spliced heel and toe, in Light Blue, Pink, Children attending schooi. Sizes 6 to 9. Odd lines running from size 64 to 10, le sole. A good stocking to wear. Sizes White, Tan, Dark Brown and Black, in Worth regularly from .35¢ to .50c. Spec- and worth regularly at from .70c to .90¢ 84, 9, 9'4 and 10. Our Tegular $1.00 sizes 8¥%3, 9, and 9%, Regular $1.25 and . 2Be a pair. For Dollar Days only, pair.. 50¢ line. For Dollar Days Sale; pair, ... 75e $1.50. For Dollar Days only at . .$1.00 2. YARDS OF TOWELLING FOR A QUARTER 8 pieces Unbleached Hand Towelling, 18 inches wide, plain and with border, a good weight and selling regularly at .20c and -22c. Special Dollar Days.............0..00- 2 yds. for 25 CURTAIN NETS AND SCRIMS AT A SAVING For these two Dollar Days we have gathered together from our splendid stock some very pretty and useful effects in Bunga- low Nets, Marquisettes and Scrims, in Ecru, White and colors. They are all of good quality and worthy to adorn the windows of your best rooms. 'Worth regularly .50c to .75c. For Dollar AT A QUARTER DOLLAR '6 patterns British-made Art Sa- teens, designs all on light colored grounds, useful for Cushions, Cov- erings, Utility Boxes, Hat Boxes and Draperies. Taken from stock selling at .45c, .50c and .75c. Just for Dollar Days, at Yard ..... 25c A GREAT SNAP IN SILK PETTICOATS Does Advertising pay? We'll know by the rush there'll be for these Underskirt Bargains. ~ We have grouped our entire stock of Underskirts of froma $4.75 to $9.00 to start the day with arush, They are composed of Silks in Plain and Shot Colors, and Fine English Moireen and Moirette, in Black, Pink, Tan, Green, Purple, Blues, Browns, etc., etc., selling regularly at oN $4.75 to $9.00. For Dollar Day Special ............. $4. ° Cotton Mixed Dress Goods in a variety of weaves and ~ _HERE'S ANOTHER SKIRT OFFERING Underskirts of Moirette, in- cluding sofmé very fine sam- ples in Brown, Black, Tan, Grey, etc., all good wearing lines, being our entire stock of medium priced Skirts, priced regularly at $1.25, $1.75, $2.00,*$2.40 and $2.70. All * for Dollar Days at .... $1.00 OUR BOYS' BIRD HOUSE COMPETITION was very keenly contested and some very fine piéces of handi- work were shown. Results: Poole. 2nd -Prize, $3.50, won by Harold Vaughan. 8rd Prize, $2.50, won by Cecil Partridge. 4th Prize, $1.50, won by Arthur Howell. 5th Prize, $1.00, won by Robt. Lindsay. Ast Prize, $4.50, won by Cecil , Days only .......... eee a ee FLANNELETTE BARGAIN PRICED AT A QUARTER 30 pcs. 1st quality Canadian Flannelette, in light and dark stripes, Grey, Blue, Pink and White; soft finish, ready for the needle, full 30 and 31 in- ches wide. Our regular .35c Cloth. For Dollar-Days only, AE 6 ssiseites cawies wawes 25c a:aie ovarevere wie ree 5 yds. for $2.00 GLOVES DOLLAR DAY Women's Fine Chamoisette and Silk Gloves in the best grade in White, Black, Pongee, Grey, with self and Black Points, sizes 6 to 8. Regular $1.25. Priced for the Two Dollar Days, only .... $1.00 The value of a Dollar is not measured by what you get at the time you make your purchase--it's the service * of the article after buying, that determines the cost. During these Two Dollar Days the Men's Depart- ment will keep step with the Dry Goods end of this Double Store in the Dollar Day Parade. By reason of his page being too small a space to itemize all of the Dollar Days Specials we will give you -only a few hints of the advantages of coming to this store on Friday and Saturday. Men's Tweed Caps, reg. $1.25 and $1.50 for.... $1.00 Men's Merino Underwear, all sizes, reg. $1.00 for.. 75¢ Men's Neckwear, reg. 35c and 50c, ..... Four for $1.00 Men's Neckwear,.reg. 75c for ....... oe ses see 50c Men's Wool Socks, reg. 50c, ........ 3 prs for $1.00 And a discount off all your purchases, in Suits, Over- ils FOE CH Ae a |

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